All Chapters of Counterbalance: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
48 Chapters
Chapter 11
Peyton typed notes on her device as the magazine rep chattered through her phone earpiece. She'd put in several calls to GQ early in her time at the company, but they'd blown her off. Apparently, a couple years and building Xavier's image had done wonders. Not only were they interested, but the promotion they were proposing could kick-start a whole new rash of donations for his charity.She bit her lip. "When were you looking to do an interview?"Daniel made a whining sound like he was thinking too hard. He had a loud voice, and though she'd never met him face-to-face, he had aw-shucks written all over him. "The sooner the better. I was looking to have this done for next month's issue. Initially, we were seeking January, but with the big veterans benefit weekend coming up in October, I shifted things around. How's next week?""Let me check." She paged through Xavier's appointment itinerary. "Tuesday looks good. How much time do you want and are you in need of photos?""We'd do our
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Chapter 12
Her earpiece beeped twice, meaning an outside call not routed through reception. "Damn, I'm popular today." She tapped the headset. "Peyton Smoke.""Hi, Miss Smoke. It's Carson from downstairs. I've got something on that email you queried about. Should I come up to you?"She snapped her fingers to get Xavier's attention and stop him from leaving. "No, Mr. Gaines and I will meet you in your office. We'll be down in a few minutes." Disconnecting, she looked at him. "That was IT. They have info about the email." She chewed her lip. "He called me direct instead of through the front desk. The staff never do that."Mouth firm, he pulled his cell from his breast pocket and summoned Joseph to meet them downstairs. "Let's go."Her stomach was a tangled jumble of nerves in the elevator. She'd thought the email was just another line in nonsense, but her gut said something else now. Awareness crept up her neck, making her hair stand on end.Xavier set a reassuring hand low on her back to guid
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Chapter 13
Hands on his hips, Xavier rode the elevator to his floor with two officers, two security guards, Joseph, and Peyton in tow. What a clusterfuck. It was bad enough to learn she'd gotten a threatening email from within his company, but to learn that threat had come from his own secretary of four years was pure, unadulterated shit. No signs. No signals. Nothing to indicate the woman was a lunatic.He thought of all the times Peyton and Fern had been alone in the office, all the opportunities she'd had to hurt Peyton. Nauseous, he closed his eyes for a beat.Concern clenched his gut. The police would, no doubt, not be able to hold Fern on much. She had no criminal record and the email could be passed off as a joke. Which meant, if she really wanted to, Fern could have the freedom to go after Peyton. The fact she hadn't done anything so far but send an email was of little solace.The elevator stopped and the doors swished open. At seeing the entourage, Fern rose to her feet from behind her
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Chapter 14
She growled, which might've been more effective if she hadn't paled right afterward. "Off-the-clock babysitting isn't job-related. You can't pull the boss card.""I can and just did." Twice in a week, in fact. Exactly as many times as he'd used it over her two-year employment."Why is it necessary to" "Because you scared me to death!" Hell. He closed his eyes and drew a much-needed lungful of air. An email threatening to kill her.Stapler. Thrown. At. Her. Head. Blood."The incident happened in my building, doled out by one of my staff." He shook his head and looked at her. He'd obviously dropped another bomb by yelling at her because her pretty red mouth hung agape and those gorgeous blue eyes were huge. "I hired her. I hired you. This is my fault. I should've seen the signs and protected you better." He scrubbed a hand down his face. "I think you know you're more to me than just an employee, Peyton. You and Joseph"Unable to continue, he dropped his arms in defeat. "I was scared f
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Chapter 15
After that bone-melting kiss, Xavier walked her to the bookcase in his office, punched a code into the side panel, and a section of the wall opened inward to reveal his apartment. She stepped inside with him and the door closed behind them.She knew he didn't use the apartment often, just for late nights at the office, and she'd been inside maybe a handful of times. That she was aware, only a few people knew it existed. It had its own private elevator that went straight to the parking garage and a back staircase for emergencies.The space was an open floor plan, about fifteen hundred square feet, and clinically decorated. Bamboo hardwood, white walls, and gray leather furniture. Black tables accompanied the pieces. No art on the walls, but the living room had floor-to-ceiling windows that faced the Financial District.He walked into the kitchen, which was separated from the living room by an island. White cabinets and gray tile. He had an array of expensive machines she wondered if
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Chapter 16
They ate and bickered over sleeping arrangements. He insisted on her taking the bed and he the couch, and she finally conceded just to shut him up. He was usually pretty easygoing, so on the rare occasions when he became argumentative, she just caved.He rose and rinsed their bowls in the sink. "You have your choice of a movie or cards. There's nothing else to do.""I can kick your butt at poker."Grinning, he shook his head and went to a living room shelf. She walked to the windows and watched the pink and orange sunset behind the buildings. Stars were beginning to poke through the fading daylight and lights shone randomly in windows. To her left, part of the Bay could be spotted, shrouded in fog.He came up next to her and crossed his arms, staring out quietly beside her. "I love this view. Second only to the balcony at my folks place in Napa.""My guestroom faced the other direction. I'll take your word for it."Rubbing his jaw, he sent her a side-glance. "You can have mine
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Chapter 17
An hour before they were supposed to be at the breast cancer awareness fundraiser, Xavier glanced at the note taped to Peyton's apartment door and frowned. What the hell was she doing on the roof?Turning for the stairs, he checked his phone. Nothing. Shouldn't she be getting ready?They'd had a hellacious week, and even though his new receptionist was working out, orientating Jackie took time. And the press was still a nightmare. Plus, he and Peyton had been forced to fill out police reports and statements. He was still pissed she'd dropped the assault charge. She'd been convinced Fern would walk away and leave them alone. Xavier wasn't as confident. He kept a bodyguard on her when she went to and from work, but conceded to stopping overnights.Reaching the door to the roof, he shoved through and halted at the female grunt that raked his ears. Panicked, he walked around a ventilation unit and found Peyton pinned to the ground, Joseph on top of her with a Fuck him. A gun at her head
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Chapter 18
Every atom in his body wanted to argue her point. But she was right. He'd stood in his apartment not five days ago and told her their attraction couldn't be acted upon. Yet, his damn protective beast couldn't be caged, not with her, and for months, he'd been rattling the chains of restraint, roaring to get free. He was this close to saying screw common sense.She chewed her lip. "Mrs. Atherton is coming our way. Widow, chairman of the garden society, and just had her first grandchild. A girl. I'm going to run to the restroom. Ask her to see pictures of the baby. It'll keep her occupied while I'm gone." She went to step around him. "And remember to smile, Mr. Gaines."Her barb at addressing him formally hit its mark. Napalm right to the chest. To avoid a nervous tick or fidget, he fisted the coin in his left pocket and rubbed his thumb over the engraving as a woman approached.Shit. What was her name? He couldn't recall, but he held out his hand. "You're looking beautiful this evenin
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Chapter 19
Peyton shoved the dregs of unconsciousness aside and opened her eyes. Panic and confusion followed as her heartbeat tripped. Aside from Xavier kneeling in front of her, she didn't recognize a thing. Last she remembered, they were in the limo after the benefit."Where am I?"He rubbed his jaw as if suddenly nervous. "My house. I was going to let you sleep, but you have your contacts in and" He gestured toward her dress. Rising, he moved to a dresser.She glanced around. They weren't just at his house, but in his bedroom. Or a guestroom. Maroon and cream striped wallpaper. Four-poster king-size bed with an etched, inlaid design. Matching mahogany dressers. Thick beige carpet. Heavy burgundy drapes covered what looked to be a patio door. A stack of computer manuals and mysteries laid on the nightstand next to a lamp. The place was the size of her entire apartment."How did I get here?"His spine stiffened in the process of rooting through a drawer. "I carried you.""You" Of course,
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Chapter 20
Her heart cracked right in two and her eyes filled. Just like that. "Yes."Concern wrinkled his brow. "Don't do that. Please." He brushed his thumb across her cheek as if to check for wetness, then her lower lip. "You are exhausted, aren't you?"She nodded, her chest aching. In all her years, no one but her brother Brian had ever been so unerringly protective, gentle, or charismatically honest with her. "I've never been carried to bed before." She grinned to free the lines of worry from his face. "That was pretty badass, X."He grunted, but a smile followed, melting everything but contentment from his face. "Never done it before, either." With an arm around her back, he slid her across the sheets and flush against him. "Listen to me this time, would you? Go to sleep."After a second, he tugged the blankets around them and resettled. Burying her face in his neck, she breathed him in and the last of her tension dissolved. He rubbed soothing circles over her back and rested his cheek
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