All Chapters of Seasmoke Friends: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
76 Chapters
Chapter 61
MattJuly-Two Years AgoCara paced the beach under the pier in pouty strides, pure pissed off vibes shooting into the night.I watched her, determined not to give into her this time. Tomorrow, I'd be heading back home to Greensboro, and I wasn't leaving things like this between us. She was beginning to come down off her high, her hands shaking, and I braced myself for the sharp lash of her tongue.Slowly, I drew in salt-tinged air and struggled for patience. We'd been at this an hour already. "I'm willing to try if you meet me halfway."She rounded on me. "You're insane. This was a fucking hookup, nothing more.""Then why are you still here arguing with me?" My gaze wove over her too-thin frame, her short knotted black strands. "I'll tell you why. Because you want to try, too.""Bullshit," she muttered, but it was weak."Go to rehab. Get clean. Work this shit out of your body and I'll come back down to Myrtle. Or you can come up to Greensboro." I ran a hand down my face, not
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Chapter 62
MattPresentMy head was a riot of chaos. With my elbow on the table, I rubbed my fingers over my lips, pretending to listen to Amber. We were at a delightful little French bistro having dinner, and I couldn't recite back one word she'd said after hello. She wore a pair of black slacks and a pink sweater, makeup lightly applied, golden hair around her shoulders, and...nothing. She was perfect, exactly what I needed, but I felt nothing.Jenny's voice from last night drifted into my head again. Her sultry tone and the powerful punch of emotion as she'd sung. Just what, precisely, did that song mean? I'd been teetering back and forth for going on twenty-four hours, dissecting the lyrics. I could've sworn she'd meant it for Ian. It made sense, with the seven days focus and whatnot. Except...Hell. Except that one line kept tripping me up. I only exist in your eyes. Thing was, she'd never state that about Ian. From day one twelve years ago, she knew-everyone knew-that Ian belonged with
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Chapter 63
MattMy folks were with Ian's parents in Charlestown and would be driving straight home to Greensboro afterward, since there was some ugly weather headed our way starting tomorrow. For the moment, the news reports just had it listed as a storm system coming in from the Gulf, yet that could change quickly on the coast. We were out of hurricane season, but that didn't mean the risk wasn't there. Alas, my house would be my own again this weekend. My plan was to have this day with Amber, kiss her at the end, and if there was nothing, I'd call things off. Jenny had been right on that account. I was doing the same thing with Amber that I'd done with Summer. There had to be some medium between falling batshit in lust over a woman and feeling nothing at all. Attraction deep enough to satisfy and shoot toward a future without losing myself in the process. Somehow, I'd find that place and grow roots.But Jenny and I were going to clear the air. Battle it out. I couldn't keep going on like
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Chapter 64
JennyI stared at the text Matt had sent last night, and then the one from an hour ago.It didn't work out with Amber.Come over here and ride out the storm with me tonight.Sighing, I dropped my head to the back of the couch in my apartment. I hadn't answered either text yet, just like he hadn't responded to mine about the song not being about Ian. I still didn't know what to say. They'd bumped the weather forecast up to a tropical storm, and though it wasn't predicted to be serious, I'd called my employees to let them know we'd be closed. There was no sense in risking it with being this close to the beach. Storms could mutate pretty quickly. It was set to hit early this afternoon. I'd already pulled the storm shutters closed downstairs and up in my apartment. Living in Myrtle all my life had meant I was usually prepared for weather. I had two battery-powered lanterns, flashlights, candles, and bottled water. The bar had a backup generator.I wondered if Matt's place was ready.
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Chapter 65
JennyOh God. God, God, God. No wonder. No wonder he'd freaked out and had chosen to be celibate. To him, her death was his fault, and that was directly tied to sex in his mind. Matt had such a deep, ingrained respect for women and a white knight syndrome to the nth degree. Guilt. Blame. Loathing. That's the result of stepping outside the box, the kind of guy he was-selfless, kind, compassionate. He'd spent the past two years punishing himself."Matt, she was an addict long before you met. You tried. You called a taxi after she refused your help." Setting the wine aside, I crawled across the couch and cupped his jaw. "What happened to her wasn't your fault. You'd never do anything to hurt anyone."He swallowed, the look in his eyes begging for forgiveness. "I didn't just hurt her. I'm responsible for her death."Tears formed in my eyes before I could get a grip. "Am I responsible for my mom's overdose?""What?" His eyes rounded. "No, of course not.""Even though I went to schoo
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Chapter 66
MattI took her mouth in a kiss that bordered on savage. My hands slapped the wall by her head in a meager attempt not to touch. I was at my breaking point. Two years. Two years of celibacy, and one kiss was blasting that all to hell.Pressing closer, I pinned her in place, every inch of us colliding. She tasted like merlot and sin. Salvation. Her fingers fisted in my hair, tugging, and I groaned at the slight lick of pain. Teeth clashed. Tongues warred. Air was scarce. Her hips thrust forward, and scratch that. Air was nonexistent.She broke our kiss long enough to shove my shirt over my head and came right back at me, fingers working my jeans while her mouth sent me straight to my death. She had my pants over my hips before a semblance of oh-shit hit me."Jenny-" "Shut up."Good plan. My hands had a mind of their own. I pulled her shirt over her head and pinned her arms up with the material. Her chest heaved as I stared, dumbfounded. No bra. Small, pert breasts that wouldn't
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Chapter 67
JennyI awoke slowly to a man's hot skin flush against my back and arms banded around me. It took me a moment to orientate, but Matt's familiar scent sifted through my sleepy haze. One of his thighs was wedged between mine, his fingers splayed between my breasts. He snored lightly, face buried in my hair. Smiling, I was unable to fight the giddy bubble of happy. After years of wanting him, we'd finally connected. The first time had been quick and explosive, the second just as desperate, but with more finesse. Yet even through the passion, he'd taken measures to ensure I not only joined him, but that he was careful. Subtle moves I doubt he even realized, like putting his forearm between my back and the wall so I didn't bruise while he'd thrust, or keeping his hands on the headboard so I didn't drift too far and smack my head while he'd taken me in bed. Being with him had been better than I'd dreamed about, and I'd thought about having him this way a lot.Yawning, I glanced at the ni
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Chapter 68
JennyI had a toothbrush and shampoo at his house. And not in the guestroom. No, in Matt's bathroom. I also had, on his insistence, a couple changes of clothes and panties in an extra drawer. With the bar closed Sundays and Mondays, we'd agreed I'd sleep over on those nights and keep the Wednesday dinners since I went in late that day. Matt liked the routine of it. I liked being with him any chance I could.Filling a Miller tap order on Tuesday evening, I winced at the woman on stage doing karaoke. These Boots Were Made for Walking would never sound the same again. Alas, I cheered when she finished.Rock came up behind me. "I can't believe you're getting laid and I'm not."Laughing, I passed the frosted mug to the customer and collected change. "Maybe if you weren't so picky." With the orders caught up, I turned to face him. "What do you really think?" I kept my voice low enough to avoid stray ears. We'd briefly talked before opening, but he had been pretty mum on the subject. Mat
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Chapter 69
MattThe woman was killing me. Killing. Me. Dead.If it wasn't the strike-me-now bartender/musician side of her personality taking up all available retail space in my head, her sweater-wearing, endearing, generous side managed to complete the task. One minute she was my best friend, making me laugh until I required a respirator, the next she was taking me inside her body with reckless abandon and...making me require a respirator. For all intents and purposes, we were a normal couple. We shared meals, snuggled after mind-blowing sex, talked all the time. But none of this felt normal to me. I don't know if that was because it was Jenny or if the blame lay on the fact I hadn't truly had anything close to a real relationship before. There had been lovers, girlfriends, potentials, yet nothing in this kind of realm. Not like the balance Jenny and I had.And something was bothering her. She sat across my kitchen table from me, picking at her food. Despite her incredibly petite size, she
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Chapter 70
MattShe moaned. Kissed my mouth in a sweet, sorrowful brush. "I'll see you Friday at the bar?"I had to clear my throat to speak. "Yeah. Wouldn't miss it.""Laters, handsome."Watching her go left an empty ache inside me. And that ache didn't abate until I strolled into Winter's Den two nights later and saw her grinning at customers. What in the hell was this? These errant feelings swirling. The insane need to be near her all the time. Wanting her with every ragged breath between our time together. It was as if oxygen didn't exist if she was out of reach, out of sight.Pulling up a stool, I chatted with her grandfather's friends and Rock until she could break free to say hello. As she leaned over the bar, I caught her scent and closed my eyes to hold it to me. Drifting forward, I went in for a kiss, but she eased back."Are we still a secret?"I studied her expression, her tone, because I'd never heard that chill before. Keeping our relationship from friends and family had be
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