All Chapters of Atticus: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
Chapter 11: Lies And More Lies
I nod and try not to blurt out something stupid. The first time I met him, my anxiety was on high alert...or maybe I was too preoccupied to notice he was anything more than just a cute guy. But now, with him sitting so close, looking at me with those ridiculous brown eyes, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. So I do what any apprehensive, eighteen-year-old girl sitting in a car next a hot guy would do. Absolutely nothing. I just sit, waiting for him to start talking, hoping the awkward moment will pass."So, where do you live?" he asks, dropping his gaze down to my lips."We." I pause, trying to ignore the fact that he's looking at my mouth. "My mom and I just moved here. We haven't found a house yet, so we're staying at the Nantucket apartments." Which is my standard answer, the "looking for a house" part. It feels less pathetic than admitting we'll probably never live in a house again. I hadn't noticed until now that I look at my hands when I lie. I glance back up and he's still
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Chapter 12
** Brad **I practically gave myself whiplash when her blond hair caught my eye on the way to school this morning. I knew it was Candice before she even looked at me. The way she walked, the way she carried herself, I could spot her from a mile away. She seemed preoccupied and I hated the look on her face when she asked if I was giving her a ride out of pity. I couldn't help noticing there was something behind those blue eyes that was troubling her. Just thinking about it pulls at my gut. I had to set things right and let her know that was the last thing I thought. Hopefully I didn't push it too far. It's hard to hold back with a girl like her. I wanted to kiss her so badly but I could tell she's not ready for that. The intensity of the feelings I have for her are beyond crazy. It's like I'm under some kind of spell. I've never been so attracted so quickly to any girl like this before. I thought I needed a break from chicks all together after Sarah and I split up. I couldn't stand
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Chapter 13
** Candice **I'm about to walk into my third period class when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I see my counselor, Mrs. Stephens, staring at me with a concern in her eyes."Hi, Candice. Are you finding all your classes?" "Oh, yes, thanks." "Great!" she says with a troubled look on her face. I'm not sure that's what she really wanted to ask.What's going on with her?"That's good. I just..." She stops, dropping her eyes to my cheek, then back to me. Shit.She takes me by the arm, leading me toward the ladies' room like we're about to have a secret meeting, stopping once we're inside. "Is everything all right, honey?" she whispers with a new look of concern.My hand goes directly to my bruised cheek as if covering it up will make her forget what she saw. "Uh huh...everything's fine," I lie, watching her face contort, because I'm sure she knows I'm lying.As if dismissing my words, she says, "You know I'm here to help, right?" I nod, not meeting her eyes."
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Chapter 14: Lunch
The double doors to the cafeteria are almost completely blocked. I can't believe how many people are already in lines and sitting at tables. I'll likely have a panic attack before I get a chance to eat anything. Making matters worse, the noise in here is ear piercing. Amazingly, I'm able to make my way to the vending machines in the back without being elbowed in the ribs and spot an empty table in a corner.Placing my Diet Coke and Snickers on a napkin, I'm about to take a bite when I'm tapped on the shoulder. I'm a little startled but manage not to jump as I look up and see Brad grinning down at me."You don't have to sit alone, ya kow." He tilts his head, gesturing to the table across from mine. He must pick up on my uncomfortable vibe and says, "C'mon, I'll protect you," and winks, taking my hand like he does it every day.So of course, I cave. Again. The table is full of jocks in letter jackets and uniformed cheerleaders and for a spilt-second, I feel like I've walked onto t
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Chapter 15: You Can Run But You Can't Hide
"Candice, wait!" Brad's voice hits me like a knife. Shit.Seconds later, he catches up to me, gently gripping the top of my arm. I turn around to find him looking at me like I'm insane."What did I say?" he asks, already apologizing with his eyes.I shrug, trying like hell to look calm. This is too much. He is too much, so I blurt the first thing I can think of. "Why are you so interested in me?" He looks at me like he didn't hear me right, so I repeat the question. "Why are you so..." I take a deep breath because he's staring at me in the middle of the cafeteria. "So interested in me?"His eyebrows go up. "I-I just am." The look on his face tells me two things. He's being sincere, and without a doubt, I like him way more than I realized until this moment. But I'm not the girl for him. He should be with one of those giggly cheerleaders eyeballing me at the table. Not someone like me who can barely walk into a crowded room without getting hives. I'm constantly straddling a thi
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Chapter 16
** Candice **I'm about to open my locker when I hear someone call my name. I know the voice and when I look up, I see Brad walking straight toward me. It's been two whole class periods since I last saw him and somehow he's managed to look even better than before. How is that possible?"Hey, you," he says, already flashing me his signature grin."Hey." I smile back because I can't help it."Need a ride home?" he asks, looking at me with his incredible brown eyes. I'm too mentally drained to check out the house anyway. After dealing with crowded hallways, my weird conversation with Mrs. Stephens, and at least one mini-panic attack, a ride home sounds pretty good. Besides, it gets dark earlier every night and the thought of looking around a mysterious house when its pitch black makes me beyond nervous. "Sure." **We're several cars back, waiting our turn to exit the parking lot, when he reaches for my hand between shifting gears. Piece by piece, I can feel my walls start
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Chapter 17: What Am I Doing?
I glance over just before unlocking my front door and see that he's already back in his car, looking up at me. When our eyes catch he smiles and it's pretty clear he's waiting to make sure I'm safely inside before he leaves. I have to catch my breath. Nobody has cared enough about me to make sure I get into a building safely. He-this-scares the crap out of me. I have no idea where it's going. Hell, I'm not even sure this is a good idea, but spending time with him is starting to blur my own judgment. I smile and shoot him a quick wave and he nods as I pull the door behind me.I'm in trouble. The familiar stench of cigarette smoke yanks me back into reality. I can't stand it and jog over to the window, pulling the curtains aside as I push the frame all the way up. Instantly, a cool breeze flows in, hitting my face. I'm grateful for fresh air-part of me feels like I should sit right here until Mom gets home and complains that it's cold. I'm pretty sure she's never even considered crack
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Chapter 18: Mom - Forever 21
Fifteen minutes later, she flies down the stairs with a fresh coat of makeup and a heavy smell of Aqua Net. Her hair is teased, her lips are crimson, and her too short skirt is paired with a ridiculously skimpy crop top. Save for looking like a middle-aged hooker, she's not half bad. Yanking her car keys from the coffee table, she dashes to the door, not even looking back when she yells, "I'm meeting Tom for drinks. Don't wait up!" The front door slams and I'm alone again. I could get used to this.Before I jinx it, I feel like I should cross my fingers and kiss rosary beads, even though I'm not Catholic. Maybe she was too wasted last night to remember our fight. It's a huge relief, but I'm pretty sure I just used up the last chunk of luck I had left. I turn the lock behind her, knowing full well I'd better savor every drop of peace she just gave me tonight. Surprisingly, my heart beats with a little less hate for her.I flop onto the sofa, thinking about the house again, thou
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Chapter 19: A New Need
Within a matter of minutes I can see the house. I have to stop for a second and catch my breath, flushed with exertion and relief, but I barely get more than a few seconds. The extreme wrench in my gut is back with a vengeance and the need to keep going consumes me all over again. It's beyond strange, even a little frightening, but I don't have time to think about it-I have to get inside. Glancing in both directions, I dart across the street, hoping no one sees me. Thank God it's pretty much a ghost town this early in the morning, the light from the sun barely peaking over the horizon. I have no doubt I look like a lunatic, that crazy girl on her way to a house, rumored to be haunted.I run as fast as I can to the window, the same window that completely changed my life. I nearly trip when I sprint through, almost landing on the disgusting mattress. I couldn't see it until now because it's so dark but there's just enough light for my eyes to adjust. I scan the room and my first thoug
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Chapter 20: Lost Time
Where the hell am I?My eyes flash open and I'm about to scream when I realize it wasn't real. It was a full-on nightmare. I was standing on a banister with my neck in a noose. I was about to jump. I was dreaming. Dreaming. But it felt so real I think I might throw up.A beam of sunlight blinds me, making it impossible to see anything. No, no, no!My eyes dart around the room. I touch my watch, scooting over the second I see a dark spot, still groggy from sleep. I catch a glimpse of the time, but I must be reading it wrong. I probably need another second for my eyes to adjust. Checking it again, the air is sucked out of my body.Holy shit.There is no way it's 3:23 in the afternoon. A split second later, my stomach plunges in a downward spiral of nausea.What.Is.Going.On?I jump up, pulling my body off the floor, but have to catch my balance from the instant head rush. I can't give it a second thought as panic overrides everything. How can this have happened again?
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