All Chapters of Hayle Coven Novels: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
803 Chapters
Chapter 71: Calling The Coven
Sweat beaded and pooled under my clothes in the sauna of the kitchen. We'd gathered a crowd, the room tingling with an overcharge of hovering magic. Well over fifty witches packed themselves into the good-sized room with spill over into the hallway, a mix of emotions flickering past me and sometimes through me as even they, accomplished as the coven members were, lost threads of power. I flinched from the air magic, trying to keep my grounding in earth, but that just made the heat worse.These were not the witches of my birthday, the calm and black robed family prepared for Beltane night. No, these were terrified and furious witches, most still in robes and slippers, pajamas and nighties, with pale frightened faces and sleep deprivation to feed their panic.One of our own was taken. Now no one felt safe.James Crossman huddled near the perimeter, his five-month-old daughter Eliza clutched to his chest. It broke my heart when I realized it was his wife Sandra who was taken. Their lit
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Chapter 72: Seeking Truth
The house was quiet and empty at last. Some of the family lingered, most to offer Mom support, which was nice. I wondered about the rest of them but let it go, especially when several of them escorted the distraught James and his back-to-sleeping daughter home.You'd think they would have learned their lesson already and just freaking trust her judgment. It made me furious.Quaid was one of the last to go. He waited until Erica hugged Mom to approach us. Erica smiled first at him then at me and left.I hated the assumption in her eyes."I wanted to say I was sorry."He wasn't talking to me. That would have produced an instant aneurysm.Quaid was looking right at my mother.She didn't say anything, just leaned forward and hugged him. He hugged her back, no reservations. When she pushed him away again, she held onto the leather of his sleeves in both hands and smiled up at him."You're getting taller," she said. Leave it to Mom to break out a space of normal when the whole world
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Chapter 73: Undead Allies
Mom was home when I stomped in the kitchen door, but it didn't mean she was available. Every time I tried to talk to her she was hauled off by some conversation in her head or another so I finally gave up and retreated to my room to sulk.When she did reach out at last, I slapped her away, too wrapped up in my own pissiness to care if I hurt her feelings.We're meeting tonight, she sent. Be ready at dark.It shook me loose from my funk. Already? Well really, what did I think? That Mom would sit on her hands over this? I slid from the bed and rummaged in my closet for my robe, just in case.I did my best to stay out of her way, but help her at the same time. I know she forgave me for my bad humor because when I came back downstairs with my rumpled cloak in my arms she pulled herself free from a family argument long enough to kiss me on the cheek and shake her head.Whew. No robe. That was a blessing. I hated the damned thing.I made Meira and I grilled cheeses, sliding one to Mom.
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Chapter 74: Blood Clan DeWinter
It was turning into a battle. One where blood would be spilled and people died. I saw the panic in Uncle Frank and Sunny as they fought to pick sides. The vampires crouched, hissing and snarling. The family's collective fury rose into a column of blue fire, focused magic designed to bring down the undead.Mom did the only thing she could do.She stepped through the shield and saved us all.Sebastian appeared visibly shaken. And impressed. "You take a great risk.""Do I?" Mom's tone was so mild she might as well have been discussing the weather. "I thought we were fighting a common cause?""And your stolen power?" Anastasia came forward, her blonde hair shining in the light. As beautiful as she was, I hated her guts. She looked like a bitch.Not that it mattered. Mom spun on her, her magic suddenly wrapped around her like a weapon. The rainbow of power lit her up, washing over the vampire and making her flinch."Come and get it."Anastasia instantly backed down, though her grumb
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Chapter 75: Late Night Confessions
What was it about my sleep patterns these days? I woke with a start from a nightmare. This one at least was more natural in origin. It had something to do with Brad and a large cow and three zippers... I shook off the remaining fear, forgetting the details as quickly as the sweat dried on my face.Man, did I need a therapist.Which made me think of Pain. And brought everything back up again.Knowing I wouldn't get back to sleep after that, I swung myself out of bed and headed downstairs for a snack. Maybe a nighttime nom session would lull me into dreamland. At least it would give me something to do.I was bent over with my head stuck in the fridge when I felt someone watching me. I let out a little shriek when I spun around and caught Quaid looking in the kitchen door.Hand clutched to my oversized t-shirt, I went to let him in."What is your problem?" I hissed at him, my heart rate struggling to settle after the second stressor in less than five minutes."Sorry," he said. "I k
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Chapter 76: Missing Persons
Saturday morning. Really? I had three messages from Alison, two from Beth and a call from someone who wanted to give me a credit card with zero interest for the first year.They knew I was seventeen, right?I chickened out and emailed Alison an excuse about shopping that day, same for Beth. I just couldn't leave the family right now. Maybe having normal friends wasn't such a good idea. They had expectations, made plans, liked to be in my life.Problem was, my life wasn't such a good place to be in right now.I heard a knock at the door when I was almost down the stairs and found Mom standing in the kitchen talking to a tall, blond man in a policeman's uniform.He looked alarmingly familiar. Until it registered. Sheriff Peters.Brad's dad.And no, I'd never officially met him. Brad and I hadn't been going out for long after all. Of course I knew who he was, had seen him at a distance or had him pointed out to me, but I never came face to face with the father of the guy I was dati
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Chapter 77: Teamwork
I gulped fresh air in the back yard. I'd been so engrossed in my training I didn't even realize it was full dark until Erica was taken. I tried to get my head on straight while I struggled with my emotions.Erica was gone. Celeste possibly dead. As much as I disliked the latter, I never wished anything of the sort on her. And as for Erica... she was my mom's best friend, my second mother my whole life. Yes, she bugged me sometimes and treated me like a kid. But she tried and I knew she loved me.And she was gone.I felt him before I saw him, leftover residual power from the link, but I was very happy he was there. Uncle Frank hugged me and held me while I cried on his chest. He was still cold so he hadn't even taken time to eat before coming to see me."It'll be okay, kiddo," he said. "We'll find her, I promise."It wasn't just Erica, of course, but a mix of sleep deprivation and one emotional blow after another turning me into a weeping mess of Syd.When I finally pulled back, I
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Chapter 78: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Brad looked as bad as he sounded. His normally tanned and handsome face shone pale in the bright light of the overhead, eyes sunken with dark circles making it worse. He looked like he'd just come down off a drug binge and was detoxing.I immediately grabbed him and hugged him. When I did, I felt something at my throat warm and tingle as power passed between us. I heard him sigh and when I pulled away he looked instantly better."It's great to see you," he said.I reached up and touched the necklace, his birthday present to me, and finally understood what was going on.The jolt I felt, the one that ran through me when he put the heart on me, was the same as when I hugged him just now. Something about the necklace linked us together. And was keeping Quaid and I apart.Before I could explore the understanding any further, Brad put the truck in gear and drove off, leaving me scrambling for my seatbelt. I was so enraptured by my realization I didn't pay attention to the direction we w
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Chapter 79: Demetrius Strong
This was not happening. Was not. I did not just lose my ex-boyfriend to the very creature my family hunted in a place I wasn't supposed to be on threat of violent and probably amphibious punishment by my mother.Oh. My. Swearword.I couldn't think or breathe or move. I stood there on the path in the dark, my focus so shot my limited night vision magic was gone, my shields a puddled mess dissipating at my feet. Everything wavered and wobbled around me and my chest rose and fell faster and faster as I gulped air into me, my lungs squeezing together like a steel band tightened around them, squeezing my life away.My demon howled and I jerked out of my hysteria. I gulped a giant gasp of air and bent over in half, keeping my head down so I wouldn't pass out from my anxiety-fueled hyperventilation. I had to get it together. Had to. There was no one else to save him but me.I turned and ran back toward the car, reaching out for my mother and found nothing. No one. They were all shielding
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Chapter 80: Chosen Of The Light
Where was I? I vaguely recalled running. Brad. The necklace. But it was so dark and I was so very tired...I wasn't alone. Was it the family out there? I tried to go to them, but something held me back. I struggled with what little strength I had. My hands wouldn't move. Or my feet. Even my chest felt weighted down. And I was elevated, standing higher than everyone else. I looked down, my chin hitting my chest, the weight of my head too much. I blinked slowly once. What was with the firewood? Why was I standing on a pile of it? And why did I smell kerosene? Wow, it stank.I managed to lift my head again and noticed the people. Not the family. Wrong color. The coven wore black and these people were all dressed in-I was suddenly and terrifyingly awake. My hands ached from the ropes knotted around them and I whimpered as I pulled and yanked. I had to get away. There was only one reason I could be tied to a post on a pile of a cord of wood.Ohmygod. They were going to burn me alive.
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