All Chapters of THE FEMALE HEIR: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
110 Chapters
Twenty one
"Now that every one of you have been paired in a group,I want you all to get together and also........."The professor voice faded from Celine, she hardly payed any attention to what she was being taught, all through the class she was still thinking about Alicia and Nick.Just what is between them that Nick had to leave early just to see her.Now more than ever she wants to know what their relationship is and she regrets telling him not to tell the other day."Seems like destiny keeps on bringing us together"Mark voice broke into her thought and she looked up to find him starring at her with four other students behind him.Was he in the same class with her? She hadnt even notice him in class neither did she notice that the professor had left the class."What's going on?"She asked starring at the others behind him "The professor had put us in the group for the project, am Jessica and i look forward to working with you" A girl said and the others did the same by introducing themselves
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Twenty two
Celine stood in front of the college waiting for Nick."I have Nick now and I love him very much" what she said earlier came back to haunt her.Why did she say it? If any one else had been watching them,they would have thought that she was saying the truth.....or was she really saying the truth.She better not, this is not a time for her to fall in love., she had to study and then get back her father company from her step father and besides Nick isn't some one who will fall for her, he only sees her as some one he had to protect and there was Alicia in the picture.The way he looks at her isn't the way a man will look at his friend.Why did she have to fall for Nick, why did she always fall for the complicated guys? She thought as she stood at the entrance waiting for Nick to show up, where did he even go to?.She was contemplating where he could have gone to when a car stopped in front of her.A man who was in his mid thirties walked towards her,having a smile on his face.Did he fin
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Twenty three
Celine stood in front of the mansion waiting for the driver to bring the car so she can leave for the appointment she had with her doctor.They had told her that she forgot some things on the day of her accident, temporary amnesia, since it was temporary, she thought the amnesia would only last for some couple of months but then it turned out that it had lasted for a year well until yesterday.The car stopped in front of her and she was about getting in when Nick ran out of the house, calling her name.She stopped to stare at him putting on his shoe, he looked a bit disheveled, Stacey had caught him off guard, she thought as she smiled a bit."I heard you were going out? Why didn't you send for me?"He asked He had had a late sleep last night because he was watching over Celine and when there was certainly no danger lurking, he went back to his room to get some rest only to be woken by Stacey that Celine was leaving and she had no intention of taking him along."It's just a doctor app
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Twenty four
"I thought I told you to let her go!"Nick said to mark who still had his arms around Celine."I think your time is over Mr! Let's say I left her because I was stupid in the past but I won't lose her again, so why don't you just leave us alone"Mark said pulling Celine more closerNick stared at Celi tone and seeing mark arms wrapped around Celine made him more angry."Mark please stop this! Let me go"Celine said trying to pull out of his arms but his hold tighten."Don't act shy now that he is here, you loved being in my arms a while ago"Mark said Nick walked towards them and stared at Celine who was starring back at him."Forgive me Celine but this fool has to be taught a lesson"Nick said and before mark could say a thing, Nick gave him a punch that got him falling on the floor."Leave Celine! I plan on beating this fool to a pulp and i doubt if you would be able to watch this, so just leave"Nick said walking towards Mark who was still reeling from the punch Knowing what Mark is cap
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Twenty five
"Why do you think the lawyer came to see her?"Nick asked as he and Stacey hovered at the dining room waiting for Celine and the lawyer to come."He only comes to this house to talk about the company welfare and also to bring bad news, Celine3 father had left her his shares, Bruce tried buying it at that time but she wouldn't sell, the lawyer has been managing it for her for years now and If he is here, definitely its not because of some thing good"Stacey said "Miss Celine! Miss Celine!" The lawyer voice was the first thing they heard before seeing Celine limping towards the front door "What's going on?"Stacey asked as she ran towards the lawyer"She found out some thing her step father did and has decided to go and confront him"The lawyer said and on hearing that Nick ran after Celine.She was just getting into the car when he got there "What is it?"She asked looking all cold and distant.Is she the one that melted in his arms a while ago, the girl that had shown him her other sid
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Twenty six
Nick sat in the car starring at Celine who had gone all quiet.She had not been this quiet when she was talking to Thomas and Bruce.Thinking of Thomas made him angry, how dare the bastard buy a share of Celine company.He is up to some thing ,he wouldnt have buy a share in the company if he didn't have some thing planned,Nick thought.He knew his brother well enough, he had made him do a terrible thing a year ago and that is some thing he would forgive or forget, he still blames him self for it, so why he forgive Thomas, the one who made him do it, he thought as he kept on starring at Celine.The car stopped and she was about to get out of the car when he stopped her by holding onto her hand "Are you okay?"he asked "Yes I am and you should stop worrying about me"She said "But am your guard .....""And that is all you will ever be! Am angry that you chose to run to the safe side rather to accept what is going on"She said "What do you mean?""Forget it Nick,I doubt if you will ever
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Twenty seven
Nick walked around the mansion searching for Celine, ever since she got the invitation, she has gone to her bed room or he thought so.Stacey had gone in search of her only to come back telling him that Celine is not in her room, they began the search together and Nick was just coming back from the garden when he met Stacey."Have found her, she is in her father room, I should have thought of that before saying she is missing"she said and Nick walked past her with out saying a thing heading to the room of Celine father."Celine only goes there if she wants to think, you should leave her alone"Stacey said trying to stop him "I will deal with what ever she sends my way"Nick said as he walked the few paces to the room and then walked in with out knocking.She was standing by the window and didn't look back when he walked into the big room"Leave! I want to be alone"She said not looking back"You look awful"He said and she looked at him, she looked away quickly to wipe off the tears thou
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Twenty Eight
"I do not know him? Am some one who can read another and I can tell that he is no good"Thomas said "If you won't speak well about my guard, then I suggest that you stop because I won't tolerate it if you.....""If I what? Don't tell me that you like him ?"Thomas asked this feeling a bit strange He knew she liked Nick, after all he had caught her starring at the table where he was seated, she was all taking when he was by her side but when he left, she looked with drawn which leaves him to the conclusion that she liked Nick, some thing he found to be annoying, how does Nick attracts the most beautiful female,he thought as he stared at the angry beauty still in his arms "Of course I don't....stop making silly assumption"She denied She took so long to answer which certainly means that she likes him, what a lucky bastard Nick was."Then am glad that you don't or will seeing him in another lady arms make you feel different?" He asked and Celine found her self starring at Nick who was
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Twenty Nine
"You are taking long to answer Celine"Thomas said as he tried to coerce a response from her."I....I.....I""You don't need to give him an answer Celine"Nick said as he barged in.Just as he would have liked to hear her answer, he was also scared that he wouldn't like the answer and so to prevent her from answering, he went towards them to stop it.On seeing Nick, Celine felt relieved, saved from answering a question she didn't fancy at all" Why are you here? Your boss and I are having a conversation, I suggest you leave"Thomas said to Nick who stood still "Celine isn't going to marry you"Nick said feeling very angry "And who are you to say that?"Thomas asked "Some one who knows Celine well enough" and who knows you too, Nick thought and would have added it to his words if Celine hadn't been there."Look here, I......""Nick is right Thomas, I don't need to give you an answer because your question of marriage is out of the current situation, all I want is my father company to be b
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Nick got back to the house, looking for Celine only to find Stacey there starring at him."What happen?"he asked the angry Stacey "Celine has been through enough as it is, why would you make her cry?"Stacey asked "Look I ......""She came back home looking all sad and with out you..she wouldn't say a thing and when I went to her room,it was to see her all cuddled on the floor crying and calling your name, just what did you do to her?" Stacey asked not giving him a chance to speak "She was calling my name?"Nick asked finding that part hard to believe "Yes she was? The poor thing have been feeling a Reck because of the feelings she has for......." Stacey stopped to stare at him in shock "Feelings?"Nick asked "It's nothing....just stop making Celine feel bad, stick to that girl...Alicia and leave Celine alone"She said and hurriedly walked off.Nick had his doubt earlier when he was talking to Celine but with what Stacey said to him, he knew that she was about to say the same thing
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