All Chapters of The NewBreeder: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 Chapters
Chapter 10
Jasper I went to Amaya’s room hoping to feel better, hoping that I could explain to her why she was in pain last night but I came to find out that Elijah was with her last night. I knew I could feel someone with her but I thought it was Melina or a maid, the fact that it was a male made my wolf angry and me anxious. But I was left confused and stunned. I was confused about how she was able to move as nothing happened. When my father would be intimate with Marie my mother would not be able to move for the next week or so, but Amya looked as if nothing happened. And I was stunned at how angry she was with me, I thought the mate bond would have more control over her. Every time Jacob would apologize to Melina for sleeping with someone or my father would come to apologize to my mother for the pain she felt, they would say it's okay and continue as if nothing happened. Yet Amaya is holding a grudge against me as if the mate bond isn’t doing to her what it did to them. I try not t
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Chapter 11
Amaya “It’s difficult because I still want to be luna and I will be luna, newbreeder” the end of her sentence had so much hate in it, I was a newbreeder not by choice but I still was who I was. “I’m sorry to pop your bubble but that makes no logical sense. If you are made for someone why would you want someone else, someone who wasn’t made for you,” I stated clearly no one ever said no to miss diva “Because before you come I was meant to be with him and no one, not even you will take that from me. It's my birthright” every word that left her mouth had a cocky tone to it. “Okay, clearly this is a topic that will not be settled easily so how will we fix this?” I asked turning to alpha Micheal “Well, um, I’m open to all ideas,” he said, throwing up his hands in the air and leaning back into the chair. “So this is how you're going to deal with this. Let an idea fall onto your lap and go with it” the man said who stood near the sofa with a woman to his side. I had put two and two to
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Chapter 12
Jasper I could hear and feel but I couldn’t see and move, I guess it was true that when you can’t see your other senses get heightened. I could hear the cries of someone, I could feel the sparks that came off of her. She held me so close to her body moving my hair from my face and holding my face, the way she screamed for help and the blood cries she let out I never would have thought she cared enough about me to cry this much for me. “Please come back, I forgive you.” I heard her say to me, I know that my wolf spirit would heal me but it would take time and since my injuries are this bad it will take a long time. She continued to scream until I could feel someone else there. I felt them lift me and carry me somewhere, I began to lose the rest of my senses and fall into the darkness. **** I woke up to the same senses I could hear and I could feel. I felt that I was elevated on something soft and I could hear beeping and someone breathing, more than one person. A few minute
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Chapter 13
Amaya After the incident with Jasper, I wanted to know what happened and how was I able to throw him in the air without touching him? Jasper recovered after two nights in the hospital since then he has been touchy with me. It relaxes my wolf spirit and me because it shows that he is not mad at us and he cares for us, but he makes time to help me figure out what I did and how I did it so far we have nothing. We are in the library within the palace with Melina trying to see if there was anything that we could find that resembles what I did. “Why don’t we search it up on a laptop?” Melina asked, closing another book as she sat across from me. “Because they will give us myths and the books are from our realm so they are accurate,” Jasper said as he walked back looking down at a book. “Maybe that’s what we need. Myths. I’ve never heard of something like this happening, have you?” Melina asked Before Jasper could rebuttal a worker for the palace came through the big library double d
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Chapter 14
Jasper It was a wild guess. We wanted answers and I intended to get them, there was nothing that could have made sense here so the only thing you can do is throw a shot in the dark and hope it sticks. And this was my shot in the dark. As the doctor did tests and took blood as needed, I saw Amaya feeling increasingly uncomfortable. It got to the point where she would flinch at any movement, I put my hand on her thigh to try and give her comfort but the longer my hand was there the longer she stayed tense. “Can we take a break?” I asked before the doctor stuck a needle into her again on the opposite side of her. The doctor nodded, putting the needle on the tray next to her and leaving, as the door closed Amaya let out a huge sigh of relief. I rested my arm slightly above her head and started to play with her curls that were slicked up into a ponytail on the top of her head. She closed her eyes and slightly leaned into my hand. “Mmm. That’s something I never let people do” she sai
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Chapter 15
Amaya I would feel out of place and think I was going crazy or thinking too deeply. I don't have someone to lean on and say that to if I told my parents then they would feel that they did something wrong when it was just me or if I told my friends they would say ‘i’m sorry I didn't want them to be sorry I wanted to feel like it was okay to have these feelings. Once I woke up the next morning all I could think about were the books I had read about the kingdom. How the king and queen were rulers of their kind and when they found out they were mates they combined the shifters and the witches so they could work together not against each other, those were my parents. My parents brought them together as they left me with people who weren’t my birth parents. There was a knock on the door but just by the smell and aura coming from the person I knew who it was. I didn’t say anything and he walked through the door. I was swaddled up in my blanket. “Amaya?” he asked coming to stan
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Chapter 16
Jasper I was slowly but surely getting a plan going. It may be risky but what is life without a little risk? And I would always risk for AmayaWhen I called the royal palace I spoke to the royal governor whom I told to get the prince and princesses here because I have something they may want to see. He said that he would see what he can do. I got a phone call telling me that their plane would be landing in an hour. I plan to show them Amaya’s power. The alpha queen is a powerful witch, the prince is a shifter, and his sisters are witches. If they see Amaya there should be no doubt that she is their blood, then they can see the pack as Amaya and Chole try to win them over. When I got to the training grounds behind the palace, I did pack training earlier so I could train with Amaya alone. I dropped my duffle bag on the ground and took off my shirt and rolled my shoulders back to get a kink out, I turned to see Amaya walking towards me. She wore a black sports bra and a pair o
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Chapter 17
Amaya I didn’t want to see these people yet. It was too soon, I had just been told that my parents weren’t my parents and now I was standing in front of the kids that they chose to keep. “Pensez-vous que c'est vrai?” the princess asked the prince still looking at me. I had taken french from middle to high school, when I spoke it was bad but I could still understand. She had asked her brother if he thought this was true. “Je ne sais pas, mais elle ressemble à papa” the prince answered, looking at me closer. He responded saying I looked like their father. Did they not know about me? “Where are you from?” the prince asked walking toward me, I could feel his aura that was strong but not enough to make me feel scared. We looked each other in the eye, both unwilling to back down. “Greenfield, Nebraska,” I said, still looking him in his eyes. His eyes widened as he slowly backed away. “How old are you?” he asked in a hushed tone almost like a whisper. “I just turned eighteen” I answer
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Chapter 18
Jasper After Amaya left and then went back to the palace, I went to the room where I left the prince and the princess. I wanted to stay with Amaya. I didn't want her to be in her head, mainly because tomorrow will be the day she met the pack. I entered the room stopping them in the middle of a conversation, they turned to look at me. “Where is she? Is she okay?” Erica asked, stepping closer to me. “I can’t tell, she just wants to be alone,” I told them “You are welcome to stay here in the palace as long as you are here” As much as I knew they could help Amaya, it was more than clear she didn’t want to talk to anyone right now and I wanted her to be calm for tomorrow. “Thank you, we appreciate that” I nodded as I left the room and told a worker to show them to a room. I needed to find some way to put my mind to rest. I walked to the sanctuary where the statues of our goddess stood. As a kid, it would bring me comfort to know she was not only looking out for us but had set up our
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Chapter 19
Amaya The next morning when I woke up to my body feeling heavy, after last night my mind and body couldn’t operate the way I needed them to. The last thing I wanted to do today was meet the pack but I had to push through it if I wanted them to like me. I climbed out of bed with the biggest headache, I sat on the edge of my bed with my eyes closed waiting for my head to stop spinning. As I sat there I could hear someone walk through the door of my room. I didn’t want to open my eyes but their smell and aura were familiar. “Are you okay?” Amelia asked. I opened my eyes to see her standing at the foot of the bed. “Yeah, just tired,” I said slowly standing up. “Well come on, we have a lot to do in a little time. And I have a surprise for you!” she said swaying side to side and smiling, curious by this. “What is it?” I asked in the hope of getting a hint. “Get ready and you’ll see,” she said, turning around and leaving. I walked to the closet to see if there was something that I co
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