All Chapters of Fate Fighters: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
Chapter 11‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Finally!Alfred had perceived the smell of vampires nearby and assumed he must be close to fang city. Finally, he had reached. He cornered at a place and transformed back to his human self. Putting on his clothes he came out, without putting much thought into his safety, 'it's a marketplace, let's blend in and not raise suspicion' he thought He busted out into the clearing and was suddenly surrounded by vampires who were all in uniform glaring at him with drawn swords. 'Fang city was a center for merchandise so they should be used to receiving visitors right? So what's all the hostile glaring about' Alfred thought."Hi" Alfred waved cautiously "what are you doing here wolf man," one of the vampires asked. "Just came for some business" Alfred lied.The vampire who had just talked was about to say something when he was interrupted by Raymond who walked majestically into the circle where Alfred was surrounded by the guards. "Wolfman, if you are here for a bu
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Chapter 12‍Wisdom and ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍RidiculeAfter a while, they arrived at Wilson's house. It was a duplex, quite exotic yet simple in a sense. There were a lot of flowers crawling over the walls, a few skillful sculptures, and creative drawings on designated areas of the wall, with well-trimmed flowers at the entrance. The interior of the house was, wow! long coated walls, a long shelf towering to the roof, consisting of rows of books, encyclopedias, and whatever, and a long lather rested on the shelf.Wilson led him to a comfy chair with a tv screen in front of them. He picked up the telephone which was at the side table and placed it in front of them.Alfred and Wilson were the only ones inside the sitting room, Wilson had ordered the guards to stay outside as soon as they approached the front yard. "Have a seat" Wilson said to Alfred and gestured to a chair just behind Alfred. "Thanks," Alfred said sitting down without taking a look to see where the chair was placed. When he enter
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couple night
Chapter 13‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Couple Night"Escort him to the border and make sure he leaves" Wilson ordered them.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Alfred Returned home exhausted, it's been past four days, and lucky for him, his off duty was for a week. Diana ran out and hugged him immediately she sighted him from the window.He collapsed into her hug sniffing her hair and, he loved her scent, that mate smell that had attracted him to her the first time. "Welcome home my love" she muttered, he could tell she had been crying from the soft sound of her voice. "Am sorry" he muttered into her ear as he bent over her, his body towering over her smaller frame. She clung tighter to him, "don't be, it's not your fault" she mumbled while trying to hold back new tears, "maybe it's even my fault, maybe I did something I shouldn't have done while I was carrying her, or maybe I was careless or... Oh yes!" She exclaimed as if she had realized something, she pulled out from the hug and looked straight in his eyes,
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She left!
Chapter 14‍She left!‍The rest of the week ran by like it couldn't wait for Alexandria to leave Luna Land, Alexandria was gloomy throughout the week but she tried to put on a bold face in front of her parents, she knew this was hard for them too, 'after all, am daddy's warrior, I am a strong girl, I can do this she thought to her self trying to gather courage. Her parents were understanding, they stood by her, once, she cried herself to sleep in her mother's lap, while her mother patted her hair, and they both sang together a poem which they usually sang in their trying times.__when the sun rises to say hello, it won't find me blinded by anger and pain in the dark night, the sound of breaking hearts wouldn't make me deaf to the cries of others____I won't faint, and though I fall time without number, I would take a break, gather my strength, and won't forget to rise up again____when the sun finally says hello, it would catch me doing my business, the things that have to be done by
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Chapter 15Holandis‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Alexander, Ben, and his escort walked for quite a while till they reached a clearing where a bus was parked. The driver got in and turned on the car lamp so that the men could get settled in. Alex stood for a while staring at it like it was some magical chariot that descended right from the sky.She hadn't seen any cars at Luna land, though she had seen pictures of them in her school books, at the werewolf training academy, she had never actually seen any real one. The means of transportation at luna land were mostly horses, sometimes donkeys, and for very far journeys, camels. Only the super-rich got the privilege of getting very fancy chariots, which Alexander thought were extraordinarily beautiful each time she saw one.Alfred watched them get to the bus, he wanted to stay longer, perhaps wait and watch them leave, but he knew with the way he was hurting that he could ruin things, he might get out there and get his daughter back!It would be
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who are you? new uncle?
Chapter 16‍Who are you? New uncle?‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Alexandria watched herself in the mirror turn into a princess as Agnes dressed her. It was strange letting Agnes dress and comb her hair since only herself, her momma, and her dad was allowed to do that. Not like anyone else opted to do it. She didn't even know any of her relatives_uncles or even grandparents. She just assumed her grandparents were dead even before she was born and maybe her parents were the only child of their parents too just like her, she never really took time to think about it, so she never bothered to ask her parents and the topic just never came up.Agnes braided the sides of Alexandria's hair, she was wowed by the color of Alex's hair, she combed her hand through Alex's back hair to detangle it and tried starting a little chat with Alex. she found the child adorable. "So your name is Alexandria, right?" She asked. "Yes, miss" Alex simply replied, "nice name" Agnes affirmed, "thank you," Alex said as she smiled. "Y
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Misery! Messing with her.
Chapter 17misery! Messing with her.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Ben saw the confusion in Alex's eyes, he should have stopped talking, but he didn't, yes she was a fighter but then she was still a child, and even if she was trying so hard to keep cool till now, she was trying to be strong, but she was still flesh and blood and she could get broken and beaten down. But Ben didn't think of all this, all he knew was that all this was for her safety.He owed Alfred her father his life, the least he could do was protect this child he called his daughter. He was sure that if a human had been the one to catch a werewolf they wouldn't let it off the way Alfred had done to him. Ben turned and kept moving and Alex followed."Alex, no one is to know you came from the Lunaland, from now on, you don't know anything that happened before now, you have amnesia, hence, you don't remember even your parents. Your story is simple, you woke up in a hospital here at Holandis, you were told you had been transferred here f
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Chapter 18AmusedFinally Ben and Alex arrived at the building where Ben's office was located. "Good morning Mr. stone" some of the passers-by greeted "good morning sir" the others greeted, as he passed by. 'Mr. Stone, that should be his surname, and he feels quite popular here, like a boss or something I thought."Good morning" Ben replied cheerfully. "Hi pretty", Hello sweetheart", " what a cutie! Mr stone is this a relative" woh! a whole lot of compliments and questions flew past as Alex walked down the corridors with Ben. Probably this was why Ben had her or dressed up, whatever, am not sure, just finding it difficult trusting a man who is taking her to a lad. It was normal to have kids around the academy at this period due to the latest scheme so they didn't bother about why she was there. Ben walked into his office a pile of documents was waiting on his desk which he was supposed to give attention to, they were the new intake of students of which Alex is supposed to be part, a
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Chapter 19‍‍Hope‍‍‍‍‍Alex walked closer to the TV, she looked closely at the screen, and pressed her finger on it to see if it would pass through, of course, it didn't! She looked closely at all edges of the screen to see if there was an opening, but no reasonable one, she moved to the wall and tried peeping at the back of the Tv still no success on her very serious investigation mission.She returned r seat after her fruitless search with a thoughtful expression, Ben had returned s desk, working on the remaining papers he was putting on his busy mode expressed."Sir, or rather Ben, I would have loved to ask you how the humans get into the television or Tv but I see you are busy so I would just ask later," Alexandria asked hoping Ben would also give her s little of his time as she had indirectly asked what was bothering her. But then, Ben was really busy, "Well, then Alex, thank you. That was thoughtful of you" Ben said without lifting his eyes away from the document as he scribbled
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Bigger than this?
Chapter 20‍Unfair? Bigger than this?"Am sorry Mr. Stone we aren't taking any more applications, if you noticed I only sent you files for fifteen students of which you are to select only ten, the scheme wasn't really successful, the other boards approved of it but the medical board aren't really in support, they say the influence of the Academy might be detrimental to the childhood of young ones, and they managed to convince the other board members.""When we insisted that this scheme was necessary they only allowed us to take in ten students as a tryout, if it is proven successful then we can take in more students in the next one or two years depending," Mr. Xian said. "Is there nothing we can do?" Ben asked desperately, he had promised Alfred to put Alex in the school, he believed the scheme was going to be successful, 'why all this?' He thought"There is nothing we can do now Mr.Stone, those names of children you see there had been thoroughly selected, they are considered to have p
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