All Chapters of Yours Royally: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
Chapter Eleven: Marco
MarcoWhen Marco woke up the following morning, he was surprised by the mess in his hotel room. It looked like a clothes bomb had gone off. In his drunken state the night before, he had carelessly kicked off his shirt, pants and socks. His pants were hanging off of the TV stand, with one of the legs dropping over the edge. A black sock had landed over the lamp shade on the corner desk. His favorite white dress shirt was crumpled up and stuffed into the top drawer of the dresser.Clearly, Sabrina hadn't been the only one to enjoy a few too many drinks the previous night.Wow, he thought, as he sat up in his bed. What in the hell happened?The change of position caused blood to rush to his brain and a thumping headache filled his skull.“I probably shouldn't have had that last drink,” he whispered to himself. “Or even the last three drinks.”Wearing only his underwear, he walked over to the mini-fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. The cool liquid soothed his dry throat and made him fe
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Chapter Twelve: Sabrina
SabrinaThe morning sun pierced Sabrina's eyelids, sending an electric shock of pain all the way to the back of her skull. Her mouth was as dry as a cotton ball and her throat felt scratchy. She ran her tongue against the roof of her mouth, but even that didn't help to ease the dryness.Oh, my God. What happened last night? She thought, as she hesitantly opened her eyes.The sun, though it was barely coming in between the drapes of her hotel room, felt so bright that she had to look away. Slowly, she sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, making sure her back was toward the window. When she glanced down, she noticed that she was still wearing the same outfit that she had had on during the baseball game the night before.“The game,” she whispered, her words sounding hoarse. “What happened?”She hardly remembered anything after the third cocktail. The last thing she remembered was being at the game, watching Marco attempt to sing the national anthem. After that, the evening
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Chapter Thirteen: Sabrina
SabrinaWithin seconds, the woman had joined him. They were blatantly taking pictures of Sabrina and Marco. They seemed to have no shame at all.“We need to get out of here,” Marco said, grabbing Sabrina's hand. “Come on, let's hurry.”Marco pulled Sabrina away from the patio before she fully realized what was happening. Her hip hit the table, causing the to-go boxes to spill onto the concrete. The extra powdered sugar on their beignets exploded into a dust cloud.Good thing I'm wearing tennis shoes, she thought, as she squeezed Marco's hand and quickened her pace, leaving the beignets behind.The two ran as fast as they could down the sidewalk, away from the cameras. Sabrina had no clue where the people had come from or how they had found out that Marco was at the coffee shop. He'd been wearing his hat and sunglasses, but apparently it hadn't been enough to disguise him from the invasive eyes of the paparazzi. She wondered yet again who he was that other people knew who he was. She w
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Chapter Fourteen: Marco
MarcoMarco and Sabrina sat in the back of the car as their driver chauffeured them across the city. After the fiasco that morning with the paparazzi, Marco was ready to do something fun and relaxing. So while Sabrina cleaned up the hotel room and folded his laundry, he sifted through New York traveling pamphlets and researched online.Finding his own itinerary wasn't something he usually did. Valetta took care of these sort of things. She usually got him the best of everything, but today, he wanted to do it. He wanted to choose something for him and Sabrina to do without Valetta's help.It took the better part of an hour, but he finally found something that he thought would be enjoyable, not only for him, but also for Sabrina. Even though he was excited about it, though, he didn't tell her what he had in mind. He considered surprises to be much more fun than a boring schedule of events.“Sir, we're here,” the driver said, as he pulled out of traffic and parked next to the curb. “Just
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Chapter Fifteen: Sabrina
SabrinaSabrina smiled the entire ride back to the hotel. The ghost tour had been amazing and she couldn't stop thinking about it. But her joy was caused by more than just the tour. Her happiness was mostly due to the man sitting next to her in the backseat of the car. Marco, the wealthy foreigner who could have been an underwear model in a different life, had just taken Sabrina on something that very closely resembled a date.She knew that probably wasn't really his intention, and in all actuality, Marco had likely just wanted to check out a ghost tour for his own entertainment. But the thought of it being something more than that made her happy. The idea that a simple, penniless girl like herself could be taken out on an actual date with a man like Marco had her smiling from ear to ear, and kept her heart thumping loudly behind her rib cage.“That was so much fun,” Sabrina said, as the two of them stepped off of the elevator and walked down the hallway toward their hotel rooms. “I s
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Chapter Sixteen: Sabrina
SabrinaSomewhere, in the very back of her mind, Sabrina knew that she was falling for this guy. And she realized that it put her at risk of getting hurt. She'd had her heart broken before, and she understood that it could likely happen again. But Marco was different. She wanted to believe that he would never hurt her.She felt his hands slide down her sides, gliding easily along the smooth fabric of her shirt to the band of her pants. His touch turned her on, and a surge of excitement pumped through her. She breathed in, letting the soft scent of Marco's cologne fill her nose. She placed her hands onto his face. His beard stubble scratched at her fingertips as she drew her hands downward, all the way to his neck and then to his chest.Marco slowly broke their kiss and looked into her eyes. Sabrina saw that his pupils had dilated and he was breathing harder now. Her hands were still on his chest and she noticed the rise and fall of each breath.He wrapped one arm around her waist and
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Chapter Seventeen: Marco
MarcoMarco found himself in a dream. In it, he was standing on a beach, his bare feet digging into the hot sand. He looked out across the ocean as the warm breeze blew the smell of saltwater toward him. He knew where he was, and didn't even have to look around to find out. Orsino Island, his home. It was obvious, because even though he was dreaming, he could feel the nostalgia of that point on the beach. He'd spent countless summers there as a child and many days there as an adult. It was a place that only he knew about. A place where he could go to get away from all of the stresses of life.But in this dream, something felt noticeably different. There was a hand gripping his own. It pulled his attention away from the ocean view and when he looked over to his side, he saw a beautiful and fair-skinned girl standing next to him. She was wearing an elegant white dress, which fell almost all the way to the sand. She glanced toward him and smiled, taking Marco's breath away.Sabrina, he t
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Chapter Eighteen: Sabrina
SabrinaSabrina felt the warmth of the morning sun on her face, but didn't want to open her eyes quite yet. She was so cozy and comfortable underneath the blanket. Even the honking horns and revving engines from the traffic outside didn't disturb her.In the living room, she could hear Marco walking around and humming quietly to himself. Her lips curled up into a smile as she listened.I guess it wasn't just a dream, she thought.His footsteps got closer and she felt his hand touch her shoulder.“Wake up, sleepy,” he whispered. “We have a lot do to today.”She rolled over to face him and opened her eyes. Marco stood next to the bed, wearing nothing but a black robe.“Good morning, beautiful,” Marco said, smiling. “I ordered room service and it should be here in a few minutes.”“What time is it?” Sabrina asked, as she sat up in bed and stretched her arms above her head.When she did, the blanket fell off of her front and exposed her naked chest. She squealed in embarrassment and did he
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Chapter Nineteen: Sabrina
Sabrina“Well, what do you think?” Sabrina asked Marco, as the cab driver dropped them off at the end of a paved driveway.They gazed up the hill to where a beautiful little cabin stood, its backdrop the lush jungle. Huge windows overlooked the both the greenery and the ocean on the other side.“I think this is absolutely perfect,” he said, throwing his duffel bag over his shoulder and then grabbing Sabrina's hand.“Valetta suggested a hotel, but I thought this would be better,” Sabrina explained. “Here, we don't have to worry about anyone else.”“I think that this will be so much better than a boring hotel,” he said, squeezing her hand. “Besides, this place is only a few minutes from the beach. What more could we ask for?”Marco's private plane had landed them on the big island of Hawaii a half an hour prior and they had taken a private car to their place. Sabrina was tired from the long journey, but had a renewed energy now that the reality of the situation had finally settled in.I
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Chapter Twenty: Sabrina
Sabrina“Picnic again?” Marco offered, holding up the basket.Sabrina laughed. “We've had a picnic every night for the past eight days,” she informed him. “And I still say yes every time. So, yes. I'd love a picnic on the beach.”Marco grinned at her and his dark eyes sparkled as he helped her gather a simple meal with a bottle of wine to enjoy on the beach. It had become something of a tradition for the two of them now, and the fact that there were only a few days left before Marco needed to return home to be with his father broke Sabrina's heart.She never wanted this to end. She wanted their happy days to continue on forever, even though she knew they couldn't. There were signs of change coming. The pantry was running low on supplies and they only had two more bottles of wine left. Restocking was as simple as making a phone call, but it still meant that time was passing.Hand in hand, the two of them walked along the sandy path to the beach to watch the sunset over the ocean. These
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