All Chapters of Taken By The Demon Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
135 Chapters
~Keep Kara Shut ~
Asher was furious within himself as he continued to head towards his room. Kara really has some nerve going against him like that. He clearly gave her an order and she did the exact opposite.A smile tugged at the corner of his lip when he recalled Kara’s words some more. Elizabeth had really hit her on the face? Whoa, looks like his little miss wasn’t exactly as helpless after all.Hitting Kara that way is risky and at the same time brave but he still got to hand it to her. She didn’t allow herself get intimidated by the fact that Kara could hurt her really bad.Asher has always seen the fire in her eyes and know she is a fierce one. Being through a lot yet still tough on the inside like little crackless nut.The Alpha caught himself smiling even though as he thought about the hunter's daughter now under his care. He really can’t believe he was thinking in that direction but Elizabeth was starting to affect him too much. So much so that he can’t help but protect her at every second
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~Feeling Guilty ~
Elizabeth woke up the next morning with a start. She lay still, trying to slow her erratic breathing to a halt while memories from last night flood into her mind just as slowly. She blinked once then twice. If she was breathing right at that moment then it means, She wasn’t death yet. Elizabeth continued to blink, now trying to adjust her eyes to the ray of sunlight filtering into the room. When she did, she was quite surprised to see Eva, the pack doctor beside her. She smiled down at Elizabeth whose face was masked in confusion. Asher stood beside her with a deep frown on his face, he avoided her eyes and Elizabeth could tell that he was feeling somewhat guilty. He should be, that was the reaction she expected from him. She gulped, looking away from him. There was a numb feeling within her and it stemmed from the fact that she was still having a slight pain in her stomach. “Hello, Elizabeth, how do you feel?” Eva asked. She gave Elizabeth’s hands a gentle squeeze, smiling ligh
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~Baby Bump ~
“I’m worried about Elizabeth’s health” Asher muttered. He was seated by the high rocks, overseeing their lands with his Beta by his side who only turned to stare back at him, wishing he could elaborate further. “I don’t know if the medication Eva have her is working but the attack keeps getting worst” “Maybe you should take her to the city for a proper check up” Alex suggested and Asher’s head snapped at his direction. “No will do. It’s not like she is sick but the baby is trying to get used to her, hence the pain” Alex shrug, “Well then, I guess it’s no big a deal. Eva will make sure she doesn’t have anymore complications” Asher sighed, before speaking again. “I think too much stress is adding to her issue as well” Alex gave him a knowing look, “Whose fault is that?” “I had sex with Kara and Elizabeth got jealous and hit her on the face” Asher blurted. “Wait, what now?” Alex shirked and Asher simply shrug. “Yes she did and boy, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I was kin
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~Hold On ~
Morning came quicker than expected with Beth waking up to find Asher still holding on to her just as tightly. She tried to untangle from him but he only snuggled even closer with incoherent words erupting his parted mouth. She let out a deep sigh and tried again but he held on even tighter. “Come on, Asher. I need to pee right now” She grumbled and heard him groan but still did not let go. “Let me go right now or I’m going to freaking pee on the bed” She threatened before letting go and even jumped off the bed she quickly struggled back on her feet. “You really have no chills” He murmured. Beth snorted at him and kept looking for her slippers. She sighed in relief when she finally found it and slipped her feet into it. “Hold on” Asher called at her, halting her as well. Asher stride over to where she stood with furrowed brow before sweeping her into his arms and began matching towards the bathroom. Instead of protesting, she clung onto his chest with another sigh. Her bladder
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~Leagues Of Doom ~
Her shoulders looked visibly tense with eyes completely casted to the floor as she stood before the council of elders. Asher wasn’t far off either as he stood with a rather bored expression. No one has said a word since they both walked in, even though they were talking among themselves before they arrived. Her eyes darted towards the elders and immediately locked eyes with elder Marcus, his eyes were as cold and dark just like she remembered as he sat watching her as though he could smell fear dripping off her. She couldn’t place it but she had a feeling that Elder Marcus knew more than he was showing. It showed in the way his eyes moved between her and Asher before his jaw clenched even more. She shifted her weight from one foot to the next and Asher seem to notice her discomfort before he reached over and pulled out a chair and asked her to seat on it. “Thank you” She told him with a small smile and elder Marcus cleared his throat loudly, getting everyone else attention as wel
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~Crulest Of Moment ~
Livid at what they had said, Asher went running into the woods in his wolf form.His mind was in great turmoil as he thought about what the council of elders had said. Did they really think that he would kill Elizabeth as soon as she delivers?Elizabeth didn’t deserve death and he was going to make sure she didn’t die. Despite his initial stand in the matter, now he knows how wrong he has been trying to make her pay for her father’s sin.For someone who has been through the cruelest of moment, She still held him close when he was at his lowest. He would never forget how she took care of him when he was at the point of death.Her strength and care for him was second to none and he would never forget everything she had done for him. He let out a howl into the forest, long and hard. So much so that it was enough to scare off birds perching at tree topsAsher was beyond confused. On one hand, he knew that disobeying the council of elders' instructions would be a very terrible thing to do
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~Gone Missing ~
Asher, upon returning to the room, was quite surprised when he couldn’t find Elizabeth in bed. It was odd that she wasn’t in because he didn’t quite expect that she would be out, especially after hearing what the council of elders had to say about her.He shut the door quietly before walking further into the room. His eyes looking around as he tried to find out where she might be. There was no indication that anything was amiss which just left him feeling confused on her where about.“Elizabeth?” Asher called but got no response.He was met with a stiff silence that filled him with a sense of foreboding. Something was definitely wrong but for the life of him, he couldn’t quite place a finger on what it was.He made his way towards the bathroom, knocking lightly at the closed door to see if she was in there taking a shower but he was met with more silence. He pushed it open and found it empty.“Could she have ran away?’’ Asher muttered with a frown.He walked back into the room, confu
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~Pull Through ~
“ I want to see Elizabeth” Asher pressed even more. “Calm down man” Alex murmured from where he stood beside him. He knew Asher had a violent temper but this was getting out of hand. He had a feeling that it was due to the fact that the elders already had him in a bad state and a little bit of push can just push him over the edge and so far, Eva seem to be doing just that. “Tell him already, Eva” Alex couldn’t help but snapped. Asher arched a brow, his eyes narrowing even more at Eva. “Is she dead?” “What? No, of course not. She is not but she’s in a very critical condition” Eva sighed. That stopped Asher in his tracks. He stared at Eva as if seeing her for the first time as she tried to understand what she had just said. “How do you mean?” “When Elizabeth collapsed, she fell on the wrong side of her stomach which might have affected the baby in her womb” Eva said, solemnly and Asher eyes widen. He never knew it was this bad. All he was thinking was that, it was probably her
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~The Woman He cherished ~
Asher grabbed whatever clothes he could lay his hands on and quickly returned to the clinic and not once did he moved away as he stood by the door all through the night, monitoring Elizabeth's health. He knew deep down in his heart that she would pull through but still, he couldn’t help but worry about her. If only he could do as his Beta has suggested, Asher thought with a sigh. He truly wish he could get her out but he knew it was too late and it’s not because he couldn’t do it. A part of him wanted to do it. Another part of him knew, he'd be letting go of everything he was starting to feel and he doesn’t know if he can do that.This isn’t about him or Elizabeth anymore. It was more than that. A little life was on the way and he would be damn if he threw the possibility of seeing a child of his born outside that camp.Not even in his wildest dream did he imagined he'd come to care for a Lincoln bloodline and hell, he really tried not to feel an ounce of guilt whenever she is invo
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~Top Priority ~
Asher was startled awake by a tap on his shoulder. He had fallen asleep the previous night on the chair. His muscles ached and his shoulders were stiff due to the fact that he had literally sat all through the night before dozing at some point.Eva sighed, staring at his stressed man who sat before her eyes. She could vividly remembered when he was only a little boy. How much he loved to play by the lake and Now, he was shouldering a lot of responsibility that was seemingly too much for him.“Sorry I woke you up” Eva apologized with a smile.“Its okay. I didn’t want to doze off, I guess I just did” Asher replied, rubbing off the aches at the back of his neck. Eva replied with a nod.“How is she?’’ Asher asked.His eyes held a hopeful glint as he stared back at her, one that Eva hadn’t seen for a very long time now which also made her realized just how much he cared for her.“She woke up in the early hours of this morning but is sleeping right now’’ she said.“Really?, that’s uhm, gr
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