Semua Bab Icy twins and hot actors: Bab 61 - Bab 70
104 Bab
61: Wookie love
*Luca* "Are you sure Luca ? You can go to the after party if you want to". Lumi says smiling at me, her hand resting on my arm. I shake my head, taking her hand and lifting it to my lips. "No darling, it's our last night together, I want to be with you. I don't need a party, I need you". "Thank you". She smiles softly at me. The premiere is over and I am happy that so many people have come up slapping my back and telling me how much they liked it. There is an after party, but Lumi still tires out fast, especially among many people, and she can't take more being social today. I put my arm around her, walking over to Tom and Meri, who are standing to the side, lost in each other for a moment. "Hey you two, if you could stop with the face sucking for a moment. Lumi and I are heading home". "You want me to come, siskoni ? It's okay if you do". Meri says softly, letting go of Tom. Lumi giggles and glances up at me. "No Meri, go enjoy the party. I am gonna be ... busy anyway". Tom
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62: How Gods do it
*Lumi* Sex had been, heated, passionate and fast. We had both needed that after all this time. All the pent up frustration needed an outlet. After we have showered, and that had been one long foreplay, kisses and gentle caresses, washing each other. Now he is kneeling in front of me, gently drying me off. He looks up at me through dark lashes. "You are so exquisitely beautiful my love ... My ice queen with the warmest heart". I grab a small towel, rubbing his hair, rufling it into a mess of damp curls. "And you are so damn sexy it should be illegal". "I can deal with sexy". A smirk spread on his lips. "But right now I'd rather deal with you". As he gets up he lifts me with him, making me squeal. He carries me into the bedroom, laying me gently down on the bed. Then he starts kissing slowly up my leg and I close my eyes, breathing out slowly. He nipples on the inside of my thigh, making me gasp slightly and grab onto the sheets. "Hmr hmr ... ohhh". He chuckles lightly a
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63: A true hero
3 weeks later *Luca* It hasn't even been a month, but it feels like forever since I left London and Lumi. She held me so tight in the airport that I changed my mind several times, and seriously contemplated staying. I miss her like crazy, but I channel it through work-outs and I talk to her as much as possible. I have just arrived home from three days in New York and honestly I am hungry and tired. It is rather late and I decide to go by the small supermarked that is the closest to my house on the way. They have 24 hours open and they have some ready made usable food. I park outside, seeing that there is just one car parked there. Nice, it will be much faster and easier to shop if there is no one else there. It is almost morning in London and I would love to give Lumi a call before hitting the bed. Walking inside I get a weird feeling. There is no-one to be seen, no staff and no customers. I mean the store isn't that big, so it is weird I can't see anyone there. I grab a basket
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64: To shave to not to shave
*Lumi* I had wondered why Luca had not called before going to bed. But when I see the news I realize why. I impatiently wait till he should be up and make a video call to him. It takes a little longer than usual for him to pick up, then his sleepy face appears on the screen. "Morning Babes ... or well it's not morning for you ... hi". "Morning mussu. Sorry to wake you, I thought you would be up now". I can't help smiling at how adorable he is with his hair sticking out in every direction. "Well New York, travel and I got to bed later than expected ... sorry I didn't call darling, but I barely managed to crawl into bed". He sends me a tired smile, rubbing his eyes. I bite my lip, damn I wish I could be there with him. "Yeah I saw that ... so now I am not only dating a movie superhero, but a bonafide real life hero. I am so proud of you". "Oh stop it, I had more than enough people praising me last night. I only did what any decent person would do". He sits up, stretching slowly.
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65: A big colourful family
*Luca* I walk up to the small house, feeling rather nervous for some reason as I knock. I just hope this is going to go well and not be too stiff and uncomfortable. I mean they seem like nice people, I just feel awkward being treated like some kinda hero. The door is opened by a kid that seems to be 9 or 10, he just stares at me then he turns on his heels. "Mom, it is really him". Seconds later a small and still very pretty Mexican woman in her late 40's shows up, smiling brightly at me. "Welcome, welcome ... Come on in, Luca. Thank you for saving my daughter". "It was nothing really ma'am, anyone would have done the same". I send her a friendly smile. I mean to me it was the only thing to do, so I don't feel I should be treated like something special for it. "Please call me Paloma". She says waving me inside. "And according to both Sofia and my husband you were a real hero". I follow her inside, the house is cozy and filled with bright colors. And apparently they have prepared
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66: Flirting
*Meri* I walk down one of the hallways in school, my sister said she would be at one of the atrium tables studying. As she has been away a lot, she has to study extra hard for the first year tests that are coming up soon. "You are so silly". I recognize the voice and giggle as Lumi and I instantly know she is studying with him again. Him being Jasper, a rather handsome guy from her class who is way too interested in her. I slowly walk over to them, watching my sister laugh, her hand on his arm, he obviously said something funny. "Hi Jasper ... Lumi time to go, Tom is here in five minutes to pick us up". "Hi Meri". Jasper says with a friendly smile, but his eyes stay on Lumi. "Sure Meri, we were done here anyway, thanks for helping me Jasper". She starts collecting her books. He smiles at her, one of those lopsided grins guys use. "No problem princess, see you tomorrow". "Yeah see you Jasper". She gives him a quick hug, before following me down the hallway. "Seriously Lumi, wh
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67: He flirts too
1 week later *Luca* I find myself walking into the small supermarked yet again. I have been coming here quite often, and definately more often than needed. I am not really sure why, but I like talking to Sofia ... and Maybe I am a bit lonely. I guess you can say that we have become friends. And her family seems to have accepted me fully ... almost like a part of them. Three days ago I was actually invited with her entire family to a huge picnic in a local park, a Mexican tradition. It had been loads of fun honestly. Her family is a little strange at times, but they are just so lovable and giving, so were all the friends and neighbors at the party. But for some reason, people kept thinking me and Sofia were a couple and in the end we gave up explaining the truth, as it ended up sounding very complicated when we explained and well it didn't really matter. "Hola guapo". Sofia gives me a small wave and a smile from behind the cash register, before servicing the two people in line.
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68: A big surprise
*Lumi* I have been out for dinner with Meri as Tom is at the theater and now we walk through the door. "Seriously we should have gone out or something". Suddenly I see Meri stop and gasp and I turn, seeing a dark form standing in the hallway. Before I can call out, Meri turns on the light and I realize it is Luca. Meri sounds shocked. "Luca !" "Hi !" He lifts his hand, a sheepish look on his face. "Luca, what are you doing here, you were not supposed to come over before late next week". I stare at him, unable to understand he is here. I can instantly see that something is ... wrong. He steps closer, almost tripping over his own feet. "I … I can't do this Lumi ... the long distance, the being apart, it's not working for me ...". "Oh ...". My heart feels like it is going to literally break apart. Is he ... is he breaking up with me ? He walks closer and grabs my hands, as he goes down on one knee. "Lumi, I can't function without you being close. The pain and loneliness without
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69: Birthday girl 1
9 days later*Lumi*"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my most glorious fiance, happy birthday to you". I wake up to the sound of Luca's voice, which is never ever a bad thing.I slowly open my eyes and see him standing there wearing nothing but tightly fitted boxers and a tray of delicious smelling breakfast. "Hmm, are you my birthday present ?"He chuckles and walks closer. "Damn, so I could just have wrapped myself in a bow ? I did not need to buy that extremely expensive present at all ?""Well you never need to get me anything, you are a gift enough all by yourself ... but present ? Where is it ?" I look around for a box or something."Shouldn't we have breakfast first ?" He lifts up the tray, like he wants me to notice.I pout, but my stomach is growling. "Okay then, breakfast first"."Voila". He puts the tray on my thighs and crawls up beside me. There is coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon, roasted tomatoes, toasted bread, cheese and fresh fruit."I can't
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70: Birthday Girl 2
*Meri* "Wake up my most beautiful birthday girl". I am awakened by several soft kisses from Tom, making me smile. "Happy birthday darling". I let my eyes flutter open, seeing his face close to mine. "Thank you love". He smiles softly at me. "I made us some breakfast. Every birthday girl deserves breakfast in bed". "Are you telling me Luca is poisoning my sister as we speak ? Because I have tasted his cooking ... and ... no, just no". I make a pained face, as sweet as Luca is, he couldn't cook to save his life. Tom lets out that cute little ehehehe laugh. "Don't worry Meri, I helped him ... well I made it for him ... so if you care to sit up". "For you I'll do almost anything". I sit up slowly, stretching my body. Then I spot the tray of delicious breakfast he has brought me. "Oh and for that breakfast I'll do even more". "Well nice to know that I rank just below bacon on your list of important things in your life". He says, chuckling, as he takes the tray and places it on my l
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