Semua Bab The Alpha King's Rejected Mate: Bab 71 - Bab 80
102 Bab
Nyx's pov"First of." She said with a stern look on her face as she watched me take my stance. She took steps circling me, "You need to be smart and Vigilant." Immediately the words rolled off her tongue I felt a blow to my back which sent me to the ground, I fell face down tasting dust in my mouth."What the fuck?!" I groaned spitting out the sandy particles, "That should have come with a warning." I tried dusting off the dirt from my shorts."No enemy strikes with a warning!" This time around it was a kick, aimed directly at my stomach and I tumbled to the ground on my back, "Get up!" Helena barked and I jumped to my feet immediately.This wasn't what I was expecting when Lycus said she was harsh and thorough with her training."You need to be prepared for anything!" I was taken aback as she brought forth leaps of fire and I immediately directed my hands to use my powers too, "Fighting fire with fire?" She snorted as flames came from my finger tips instead of water and ice, "You nee
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Nyx's pov I stared at the dead flower next to the full bloomed one, completely dazed at what just happened, I reached out my hand tentatively and touched the dead petals only for them to come back to life which baffled me more than the first time it happened."Discovering new powers I see." A voice sounded breaking me off my reverie, it was Andros. I turned to look at him with a smile, "What even is that called?""The resurrection power, I guess." I answered with a chuckle as I got on my feet, "I recently just discovered it." I sighed, "I have water, fire, telekinesis, healing and now this.""Must be cool having those I guess." He said rubbing his hand over his face and my attention was caught."What happened to you?" I asked him as I looked at the purple bruises."Well, your mate happened." He said before quickly adding, "I deserved it. That day you were rescued and in heat." I blushed in embarrassment at his words, "I advanced towards you when my self control snap
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Lycus's pov Soft music flowed throughout the castle awakening me from my state of slumber. It was expected. It was how I had woken up every morning on my birthdays, it was how other kings before me had awoken and how the ones after me will be roused. But this time, it was different. This time I had the pleasure of waking up to the most beautiful person I had ever laid my eyes on.My hand was wrapped around her slender waist as I peered down at her, blonde locs framed her delicate facial features, her long lashes casting light shadows beneath her eyes and she looked very peaceful and vulnerable. The longing to draw her closer to me and protect her from any evil roused through me and my hand tightened around her. At least today, most of her worries shall be gone. After my party in the evening, we shall proceed to the hearing of that dolt Titan and the treacherous Laya.And with the influence of my mother and I, they shall be sentenced to death. I would make sure of it. I
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Nyx's pov Perturbation travelled through me no matter how hard I tried not to fret. Everything around me seemed too silent, I could here noises distinctively.The clicking of the maid's shoe against the tiled floors as she got my accessories, the un-clipping of the jewelries, the smoothing of the fabric of my dress and her very calm breathing as well as my own labored breathing.I tightened my shut eyes while wringing my fingers which I knew might be all red now from the force exerted on them. I was nervous, anxious and disturbed and it was not the good type, it was the bad type. I could practically feel Hera prancing around in worry as she relayed how she felt which was exactly how I felt.Are you okay love? Lycus's deep voice sounded in my head which instantly washed a feeling of calm over me, I can feel that you are worried, what is the matter?It's nothing, I replied, I just feel nervous for the party that's all.Why do I have a feeling that you do not feel like th
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Lycus's pov I'd always thought that I was the hard-hearted unbreakable king. That the fortress I had built around my heart after my fake mate to prevent myself from getting hurt again was strong enough. I never thought myself capable of pitiable emotions more than what Nyx had made me feel ever since she stepped into my life but now, I felt different. I knew better.With Nyx, I had felt everything, the hate knowing whom she was, the acceptance and anger knowing that I couldn't easily get rid of her, the lust when I tried fighting the mate bond, the likeness seeing that there was more than just lust, the pain each time I was on the verge of losing her, the jealousy seeing her with Andros or any other male, the love when I got to know more of my beautiful mate and then the fear knowing that her life was In danger and she could be snatched from me at any moment, it was the fear that kept me from telling her the state of things and letting her know that she was facing hazard.
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Lycus's pov I could feel my anger pulsing through my veins, through every part of my body and I feared that I wouldn't be able to hold myself any longer, even when my mother had placed her hand on mine, it did nothing to help. I was battling with myself and trying to restrain spyro from breaking free to claw at the faces of the dolts before me."How the fuck?!" I started off trying my best to stay calm as my fists gripped the sides of the board room table harshly, I could hear the wood creak, "Did it happen?!" I finished off with an angry yell and the warriors standing at the edge of the table flinched and so did the ones seated around it. I had assembled all high rankers and the top warriors for the meeting, they all looked tired but I didn't give a flying fuck.Their luna was missing and so was our child and now the two devils after her life were gone too. When I had secretly asked if today could get any worse, I didn't mean for it to come to reality."We are sorry yo
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Nyx's pov. Everywhere was dark, hollow and empty just like how I felt inward, my surroundings being alike to the being situated in them, only the trickling of low running water dropping in a metal bowl invaded the eerie silence, just like my heart beat invaded the emptiness inside of me.I tried using my senses, my eyes closed as trying to see through the black dirt back was useless, I couldn't sense any smell and my ears only picked the irritating sound of dropping water. I moved my bound wrists trying to free them but the ropes tightened more. I tried reaching out to Hera for help but all I got was weak grunts, I couldn't feel her too well and of course I couldn't feel Lycus, it was definitely not my rejection causing it, it would be what I was injected with and the spot on my neck bearing Lycus's mark hurt badly.I felt weak all over, my powers were doused, I couldn't use them and Hera couldn't give me strength so I was basically useless. I tried sitting up, the
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Lycus's pov I have had to fight demons all my life to get better but I never knew a day would come when I would have to fight them physically. I groaned as I fisted the sheets, my insides tightened in sheer pain as I struggled against their hold to set myself free, but all was to no avail as usual.Trapped.That was how I felt being held down by what seemed like a thousand clamps. I felt caged inwardly, my emotions, my memories, both good and bad crashing down on me making my head hazy and my heart swoon in a bad way.I tried lifting myself which I knew wouldn't work but either way, I tried. I tried hard but it didn't budge. Seems their hold got stronger. The worse part was that I couldn't see them. I was clamped to the bed by invisible hands unable to move with perspiration running through my entire being. The sweat drops ran down my skin making it clammy, the salty liquid fell to the sheets wetting them and in return, they stuck to my bare skin making it all the mo
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Nyx's pov Uncanny quietude pervaded the atmosphere, only the incessant dropping of the water from the tap could be heard, making the scenario more creepy and frightening. The tension was thick, thick enough for a knife to cut through. Cold angry blue orbs clashed gazes with equally angry but yet frightened and betrayed green orbs of mine.I stared straight at her , meeting her unwavering gaze. She stood at the doorway, leaning against it. Her face calm but eyes enflamed with anger, red fiery hair spilled over her shoulders as she leaned her head against the wood work. She still held the knife in her hand, holding it against the wall twisting it. She looked like a psychopath. We stared at each other for sometime and then she erupted into hysterical fits of mocking laughter.Now, she was actually a psychopath."You should see yourself Nyx." She tsked taking in my appearance and stance. I stood with my hands fisted by my side and my face morphed into a joke of trying to d
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Lycus's pov Spyro never listens to me, except in few cases but this was not one of them. After more than ten minutes of pleading with him not to do anything rash, I pleaded with him as we watched fay stand few feet away from us with her arms at akimbo carrying herself with the same pride and regalia like she always did which irritated me but not as much as it irritated Spyro. He hated her, never liked her, and with past occurrences, he had more reasons to hate the witch.His hatred had grown like a young plant being watered daily. Her face was blank, I couldn't read any expression and I was too tired to try harder. I pleaded with Spyro and he replied with an 'okay' and almost immediately lurched into the air tackling Fay to the snowy ground as a yell tore through her."You cursed wretched witch!" He growled as he trapped her beneath him baring his fangs and drawing his claws dangerously close to her face, "I could claw your eyes out for what you have done!" He snappe
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