Semua Bab Frozen Heart (the Heart Series, book 2): Bab 121 - Bab 130
170 Bab
Chapter 121
She grabbed his face between her palms and kissed him. “I am sorry,” she said against his lips. His chest rumbled. “You have been kind to me when I haven’t. I will never doubt your character again, ever.” She kissed him again, wanting to show him how much she loved him. How much she needed him. It wasn’t just a physical need. She needed to feel his love for her. Cheeks red as tomatoes, blood roaring in her ears…. She had never taken the initiative before… She broke the kiss. “Take off your tunic,” she said hoarsely. He obeyed her. She ran her hands over his chest, over the tattooed runes on his skin—his oath to her—over his hard pectorals, then lower, over his abdomen, and lower… He sucked in a breath, and she slid down to the floor. She unfastened his trousers, her gaze on his face. His eyes were full of lust. “Whatever is to happen, whatever hardship we will face, I want you to know that I love you. That you make me so very happy. That everything I do, I do it for us. For
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Chapter 122
He applied the oil to her hair and carefully brushed it before braiding it in an intricate style. After adding a few beads and other hair jewelry, he took her back to the room. “Where did you learn how to take care of women’s hair?” Ayla asked while getting dressed. Rhobart rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled something, his cheeks turning— Her brows drew closer. He looked flustered. “Are you blushing?” He swore in Old Nordmarian before saying, “Droyn.” “What about him?” “He is the eldest of ten children. The only male. His parents worked hard to feed them, while Droyn remained home to take care of his younger sisters. He taught me how to do all types of braids, and I practiced on my hair and… his.” She could almost imagine a younger Rhobart braiding Droyn’s hair. “Droyn will make his wife very happy.” “Droyn could make any woman happy, but he is into men.” Ayla’s lips made an ‘o’ shape, her thoughts going to the sketchbook Eude gave her. “Let’s get you into bed,” said Rh
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Chapter 123
After a quick breakfast, dressed in new clothes—clothes used by knights during their training—and, together with Kerra and Godefray, Ayla stepped outside the Fire Clan for her first day of training with Godefray. While Godefray hadn’t been happy with Kerra trotting after him and Ayla, he gave in when Rhobart told him it was best if Kerra accompanied them, since Godefray wanted Ayla to train in the forest. The forest was silent as Godefray, Ayla, and Kerra followed the tracks of a rabbit. Ever since they entered the forest, Godefray kept teaching Ayla different things—how to recognize which tracks belonged to a carnivore and which ones to a herbivore, how to know how fresh they were, how to move quietly, the basic symbols carved in the trees and so on. Ayla was trying to memorize everything Godefray was telling her, and he seemed unhappy with her when she asked him to repeat himself. A small bow made from cedar and maple and a quiver was on her back, while, on her right hip, she had
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Chapter 124
While Godefray stood and went to make a target on one of the trees, Ayla washed, dried, and put away the kettle and the mugs. When she was done, she went to where Godefray was, her bow in her hands. “Before we start, you have to remember some basic rules. We are wearing long sleeves now, but if you ever have to use the bow while your arms are exposed, you would want to wear an arm guard. It will protect you from getting hurt by the string. For the fingers, you can use a tab or a glove.” He took out his bow and put an arrow in it. “You want to put three fingers under the arrow or you can put two under and one above. I prefer three fingers under, but you can use whichever method is easier for you. Try before we proceed with the shooting.” Ayla tried first with two fingers under and one above, but she didn’t like it. She felt more comfortable with three under. “For the beginning, we will stand close to the target. Your feet should be perpendicular to where you want to shoot. Also, wha
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Chapter 125
Something dark flashed in Godefray’s eyes. “All the things you said about that prophecy—I don’t believe a word! I hope that Rhobart will open his eyes in time and start preparing for war—war that will come once more from Myrthana. You and your family only brought death and destruction to Nordmar.” “Rhobart is my family.” Godefray folded his arms over his chest. “Just because you are his n’alxa doesn’t mean you are his family. I pray he won’t marry you and make you the Queen of Nordmar, because if that happens, I refuse to serve you.” He thought his words could hurt her? “Good. I don’t want to be your Queen either,” she said before turning her back on him and walking towards the Monastery. “Come, Kerra.” Ayla held her head high as she walked. She was not ashamed of who she was, and if Godefray insisted on not liking her, well, that was his problem. Of all of Rhobart’s Paladins, Godefray was the only one who refused to let her talk, lashing out at her each time he had the chance.
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Chapter 126
“I told you to go to the tunnels! Don’t you understand you could die?” he asked angrily as he urged Ayla down the stairs. Ayla tried to free herself from Rhobart’s grasp. “The Arch-Mage. We have to help him!” “He is dead. Where is Rania?” Tears pricked her eyes, but Ayla blinked them away. The time to mourn the dead will come later when the Orcs are defeated. “At the stable with Kerra.” Rhobart took Ayla to where Rania was. Zell and Eydyia came out of the stables. Eydyia jumped in the air, wings spread wide, and circled the stables once before diving straight at Rhobart and Ayla. “Get down!” Zell yelled from the top of the griffin. Ayla and Rhobart crouched down while Rania glued her back to a stone wall just as Eydyia flew so close to them, her wings almost touched them. Eydyia grabbed an Orc—that was about to attack Rhobart from behind—in her powerful talons and rose up in the sky, taking the Orc away from the monastery. “I can’t concentrate on this damn battle if I know
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Chapter 127
She started running fast, like the wind was pushing her from behind. Eude might have called after her, asking her to slow down, but she wanted to know, no, she needed to know what was at the end of the tunnel. When the tunnel turned to the left, Ayla used her hands to avoid slamming into the wall. She turned left and kept running. And running. The tunnel seemed endless. “Ayla! Stop running! There could be more undead things in the tunnel,” Eude yelled. She knew he was right, but for some reason, she needed to get to the end. There was something there, waiting for her. But what? How? A few minutes later, they reached a cavern that was at the end of the tunnel. Stalactites hung from the ceiling. The wall to the right cast a faint glow, Ayla was drawn to it the moment she laid eyes on it. Rania and the twins caught up with her. “Where’s the fire?” Eude mumbled. “I see that training with Godefray has been very effective,” Hudde complained. Ayla gave them an apologetic smile bef
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Chapter 128
Eude scratched the back of his head. “Where else to put it then?” Ayla grinned. “Up your ass!” The twins thought for a moment. “Nah!” “Should we tell anyone about this place?” Rania asked. Ayla was about to reply when she felt as if someone had stabbed her in the stomach. It hurt so badly she could barely breathe. She braced herself against the statue. “Ayla! What’s wrong?” Hudde asked, concerned. The pain was so real, so strong, Ayla couldn’t talk. She felt a second stabbing. It felt like she was cut in half. Her left wrist felt like it was on fire. “Rhobart,” Ayla croaked. “He is badly hurt.” Silence fell around the room. No one said anything, probably too shocked by what Ayla said. Ayla had never felt so much pain in her life. Not even when Galian broke her fingers or whipped her. Feeling Rhobart getting hurt was so painful… tears ran down her cheeks. Her entire being screamed in agony. Rhobart could not die, not after everything he had endured. Ayla started running. If
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Chapter 129
On the night the Kingdom of Nordmar held its most important celebration, the Fire Clan was mourning all those that had lost their lives the previous night. The dead were placed on pyres in the courtyard. The biggest one was in the middle, the Arch-Mage Semias on top of it. His hair and beard had been combed and braided, and he had been dressed in a new robe. Those who had come to pay their final respects to the dead had put on grey clothes, ash in their hair, and painted their faces white—as was the custom in Nordmar. Ayla did the same. She and Rhobart had a few hours of sleep before the Mages set the pyres on fire. Rhobart, Ayla, the Paladins, and Milton stood next to the new Arch-Mage—a woman called Syndra. The Arch-Mage Semias had appointed her as his successor months ago. Rhobart held a torch in his right hand, and the new Arch-Mage Syndra lit it. “Tonight, we should have laughed and celebrated O’neltxero, but instead, we have gathered here to mourn our dead,” Rhobart said, loo
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Chapter 130
“By saving Cyan, you save Eydyia and her gryphling. I am in your debt!” Zell said to Rhobart. “I killed the shadow! What about me?” Hudde complained. Zell looked at the Paladin. “How about a dance tonight, after Rania and Sylvar’s ceremony?” Rania and Sylvar were to have their alxa-lotx ceremony after sunset. Hudde seemed satisfied. “Deal.” He turned his attention to Eude. “Come, brother, there is much to do before the ceremony, and time is short!” The twins left, heading to the Fire Monastery. Ayla grabbed Rania by her arm. “You need to get ready for the ceremony. Zell, are you coming with us?” Zell shrugged. “I don’t have anything better to do.” Ayla kissed Rhobart’s cheek. “I am taking Rania and Zell to our room. If you need anything, knock before you enter.” The three women stepped outside the stable and went to Ayla’s room. Rania and Zell looked around, amazed. After a few ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhs,’ they sat, Rania on the bed and Zell on a chair. “You sleep on this bed every
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