All Chapters of Slave to the Alpha King : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
No turning back
Eli made short work of my panties with one hand, as his other hand worked at my center, stimulating me until my hips were rocking back and forth, up and down along his length, my slick juices drenching him until he couldn't take it anymore. Rolling us both to the edge of the bed, he threw his legs over, moving into a sitting position, he jerked me to the side, so I was kneeling next to him, leaning over his lap. Jerking my hips to his face, I yelped as he swung me upside down, crushing his face to my core, sucking my bundle of nerves into his mouth. Some kind of gutteral animal noise escaped me as Athena purred with pleasure, and I grasped his thighs to steady myself, already shaking as my body wound tighter, ready to explode for him. His arms tightened around my waist and I let go of his thighs, grabbing his hard length with both hands. Even two hands wouldn't cover it, it throbbed and pulsed in my hands as I sucked the tip into my mouth, tasting the precum at the tip, snarling
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Pack Hunt
Eli was nowhere to be found when I woke up, I could see a note on the desk he'd had prepared for me, but my anger, while not as raw, was still fresh. I didn't want to know where he was, I didn't want to be in his room, in his suffocating scent, bending to his suffocating will. I had slept for almost an entire twenty four hours it seemed, and the sun was maybe an hour away from setting. I could hear rythmic drumming and howling, and it reminded me of the summit mist pack runs, where the whole pack would gather to run and hunt together. Athena pushed to the surface, and I let her take over as I opened the bay window and allowed her to shift just as she had the last time we left this room. Throwing a little extra magic at the mental steel walls I used to block out Eli and his mind link, I sent a tentative question out towards the direction of the pack. I felt surprise, and a little anger, but mostly curiosity from the wolves who now reigned over their humans. In our purest form, our wo
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I had been sending out summons all day, organizing all of the documents I wanted to review with Willow. I had told her we would review them this morning to get her up to speed, but I left before she woke up, choosing cowardice over ...I'm not sure what other choice there was. I was afraid to face her. For her to attempt to break the bond. It would never work without a powerful spell, or my acceptance of the rejection, but the pain it would cause would be very real, and it could weaken me, and the entire pack at a perilous time. I could feel stronger already, and I hated that I took the choice from her, having given too much control to my wolf and my anger, but what's done is done, we were made for each other, so maybe she is the piece that I have been missing to unite the packs against our common enemy. I've been mulling over how to talk to her about this in the back of my mind all day. It hurt to feel her anger and her tears last night, and I didn't want to take anymore from her,
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Summit Mist
Pheobe had summoned all the tomes containing any scrap of information about breaking a mate bond once a mark was in place, but first the wanted to do a cleansing, and help repair some of my wards. I was so tired, down to my soul, I was depleted. As I sat with my feet in the stream, the massive pine above me groaned, its branches bowing and descending slowly. Vines snaked out of the brush and intertwined with the pine branches, and branches from nearby tree that reached out. Just like out last night in the holding sanctuary, the forest responded to my magic, offering me shelter. It started about two feet into the stream, allowing the water to still flow, keeping my connection with pheobe intact, and formed a sort of tall dome abound me. When it was finished I finally felt relaxed enough to lay back and close my eyes, listening to pheobe chant in my mind, feeling the sweet, soft caress of her healing magic. It reminded me of my mothers cool hands, and my fathers warm hugs. Pheobe sens
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What's best for all
Eli didn't knock, but he did hesitate once inside, before shutting the door and moving towards my spot by the fire. He crouched down beside me, taking in my appearance. My hair was tangled and contained a few pine needles and leaves that I'd need to work out with conditioner, dried mud streaked my feet and calves, and I'm sure the bags under my eyes were big enough to fit all of the luggage we would need when we left to visit Summit Mist. If Eli agreed to it, that is, and if Ransom agreed to a truce for the time being. Eli reached out to me, hesitating when his hand was inches away from my jaw, but I refused to flinch away, refused to give him power over me. When he finally traced his thumb over my cheek, down the line of may jaw, hushed sparks trailed along with him. I closed my eyes and focused on using my magic to cage the mate bond, the feelings it made me feel, and lock it away within myself. After a few minutes of trying, Eli had already taken a seat a few feet away from me, o
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prelude to dinner with the counsil
The bond didn't feel the way I thought it would. It didn't force me to fall in love with Eli, but it did strengthen the longing I had for him. The sparks intensified, and I allowed Eli to pull me into his arms, standing under the steaming shower stream, we just held onto each other, neither of us wanting to pull away. I had expected him to want to mate, for Ridley to come forward, for Athena to go wild in my mind, but all was quiet and peaceful, I didn't even feel evidence of arousal from Eli, even though our naked bodies were pressed together. I only felt peace, and relief. I was still tired, but the bone deep exhaustion I had been dragging around with me seemed to have lifted. Eli's touch was like a balm to my wounded soul, even if I didn't want to admit it. He finally let me go, stepping out to retrieve towels for both of us. Once we had both dressed and finished getting ready for bed, Eli scooped me up and slipped under the covers, positioning me so that I was facing him, wit
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Eat your heart out
My heart thundered in my chest, filling my head with it's rapid fire beat. I gripped Eli's arm so hard that I nearly broke my fingers, until he growled at me, interrupting the buzzing sound filling my ears. "Sorry," I hissed under my breath, trembling before the double doors of the great hall, "I'm just a little scared." Eli moved his hand to the small of my back, pressing a kiss into my temple, and just like that, the doors are open, and we're moving forward. The low hum of chatter comes to a complete halt, even the clink of silverware stops, and everyone watches as we make our way to the kings table, the roaring of my heartbeat filling my ears again, our echoing footsteps a distant echo at the back of my mind. As we reach the kings table, I realize that only one seat is available, and counsil members are seated on the kings right, and left. Scanning the table, my stomach dips, anxiety rushing through me like electricity. No place has been prepared for me next to Eli, but one sea
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Heebie jeebies
I fought my attacker at first, finally managing to catch a glimpse of Otto. He twisted around me, his rage blinding, and before I realized why he was twisting around me, pain exploded in my temple, dropping me to my knees for a moment, which sent the knife pressed into my neck, deeper into my flesh. Allowing my claws to extend, I slashed into Otto's leg, the pain making him drop the knife and grab my hair again. This time I saw the fist coming as it slammed into my jaw, and the taste of blood filled my mouth. Magic was long forgotten and I allowed my canines to extend, slamming my head into Otto's, forcing his neck back. Just as his neck was exposed, I moved to rip his throat out with my teeth. Otto had managed to recover his knife, and right as my teeth sank into his skin, his knife slid between my ribs. "STOP!" Eli roared, his command rolling over the room, affecting everyone but me. I could feel the blood filling my lungs, and I stumbled back, teeth still lodged in Otto's throat.
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Journey, interrupted
A long line of black SUV's and vans filled the courtyard and the gravel drive leading up to the Castle, servants bustled about packing suitcases and trunks into some, cases of wine, honey, medical supplies, and who knows what else into others. Giselle and Diana readied our SUV, carrying out soft blankets, pillows, snacks, bottles of water, and glass bottles of iced coffee for the journey. This would be a long working trip, and Eli and I had agreed that strategy was something we needed to focus on. I was surprised, when we loaded up into the van, to find that the back was designed in the same fashion as a limo, with seats lining the walls of the vehicle, fold away lap desks and arm rests sat ready for our documents. "You know, I almost thought we would be traveling by horse and carriage, or some other bizarre method. What with you living in a castle and all." I teased. "I didn't expect to travel like modern humans.""Oh the carriages are in for repair right now, and the horses told
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I trusted her.My mate, she should have been my queen, my partner in all things. Instead she used me. Abandoned me before we could even begin setting our plans in motion. For what? She made me believe she could set the past aside and put an end to this bloodshed, she worked so hard to earn my trust, hiding her true intentions. She went so far as to mark me, mate me, make me believe she could love me. I screamed, tearing apart the room, ripping sheetrock from the walls, smashing anything that could be smashed. I finished trashing the house and made my way to the forest. I could feel that she was gone, even with her shutting me out through the bond, I could tell when she was near. Following her trail to the river, I raged at the guards, how easy it was for her to escape, it could just as easily have been a rogue or mercenaries sent to kill us, and they still wouldn't have had time to stop them. Ordering everyone to meet me back at the caravan, I dressed and did what I could to regain
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