All Chapters of Mrs. Martinelli The Perfect Mafia Wife: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
79|Lucky Day
~Rylee~Davide cocked his head, silently commanding me to follow him.Fist clenched tightly, I flanked them. One man led the line. Davide kept a steady two steps behind me and the rest of his men trailed behind him.Ten meters from the creek. That’s the only distance we could cover before the guy leading our pile dropped to the ground, a knife buried in his temple.I dove to the ground, finding cover in the nearest tree trunk. Davide followed me like a magnet to an opposite pole, leaving his men kneeling in the open.“Did you call it in?” Davide growled, voice waving with fear. He cocked his handgun, releasing the safety.“Of course, I called it in.” I rolled my eyes, huffing as I peeked at Davide’s men who were still sitting ducks in the open. ‘Don’t they know the basics of an ambush?’ I thought, looking for any sign of the culprit. “But my husband won’t come with just a knife to save me.”Davide pondered on my statement, huffing as he mimicked my position, peeking into his men.“Tak
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80|A Happy Birthday
~Rylee~Davide slumped onto the ground, eyes still wide open. As fast as the fading light of the day, life left his green eyes.I dropped to the ground, my knees hitting the dirt. Blood loss made my head reel. Warm and firm hands gripped my arms, steadying me.“I got you, mija,” Vicente said, guiding me on a boulder under the shadow of a tree. He kneeled in front of me as I leaned on the trunk. Producing a scarf from his pocket, he expertly rolled it into an improvised bandage.“I’m fine,” I groaned, yanking my arm from his hold. He chuckled, reaching for me again, gripping my arm tight, not allowing me to pull away. “I don’t want you here,” I grumbled, pouting, giving up the fight.He hummed. “I know, mija,” he poked my nose with his bloodied fingers. My face crumpled, annoyed with that permanent smile stretching his lips.‘Can’t he feel my hostility towards him?’“Then why are you smiling?!” I voiced, snatching my arm from him when finally locked the ends of the bandage. Red stained
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81|My Words
~Klaus~Ash was in Huntersville, and Ghost was in New York. Although they were working in different places, they managed to trace Zio Davide’s phone call to Kara and gave me a location. It’s not that far, but it won’t remain in that place for long.Dominguez is smart. I must give him that. He is using a cargo ship as his current hideout. He could easily get in and out of countries and move places with his connections. Even if he’s technically a fugitive now, it still surprises me how he manages to pull these stunts.With the help of the pain meds, Rylee fell asleep instantly. Cinnamon hair spread like fire flames against the white pillows. Her lips slightly parted, her chest heaving calmly. She had bruises again when the once she gained from Spain had just faded.I leaned forward, the couch hissing beneath my weight as I set my elbow above my knees, eyes trained on her closed eyelids, hiding my favorite shade of hazel eyes.She had been called many names by people who didn’t know her
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82|The Trap
~Klaus~I had a clear shot on my target. The X mark of my scope followed Dominguez as he walked languidly in his choice of a hideout. He is not being subtle in his tactics. Luxurious yacht after luxurious yacht lined the dock. His cargo ship stood out from miles away, lit up by spotlights from the vessel and the bay.Gazing through the scope, I scanned our target’s lair, comparing the actual location with the map I have in my hand.“In position,” the tenth man in my team announced.I wanted this attack to be as quiet as possible. We’ll go in, grab Kara, kill Dominguez, and go out. It was easier said than done, but it is better if we keep the noise on this one at a minimum.“Wait for my signal and keep your eyes open,” I commanded on the comms.Piu, sitting alert beside me, tensed up as I folded the map and shoved it inside the jacket pocket of my bulletproof vest.“You don’t have to do this, Piu,” I said, breathing in. Everyone with me tonight knew the danger and risks of this mission
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~Klaus~ I am a wicked man. In every situation, my mind works in ways where everything would end in my favor. There were only a handful of people I put before myself. My family, my close friends, and of course, my wife. But this… having a frail woman raped and using her as a trap to kill one or two foes and implanting a bomb inside her body, that’s… I don’t even have the right words to describe how vile this is. After everything she did to Rylee, I still don’t understand why my wife wanted to save her. And it is my duty to get her to safety. “Tell her that yourself,” I growled, pissed off. To whom? I’m not particularly sure. Dominguez for having such an evil mind, at Rylee for caring too much about this woman, at me for even giving a shit about Kara’s life. I stared at Kara’s trembling figure before lifting my gaze to Piu. “Change of plans. We can’t take her back to the estate without knowing what kind of explosives they’ve put inside her.” “Where will we take her?” Piu mirrored m
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84|Those Eyes
~Klaus~“This is a surprise,” he murmured, lips stretching to a sinister smile. “A very pleasant surprise.”Mindful of the sniper on the captain’s deck, I faced Dominguez, wondering at his choice of weapon in a gunfight.“We planned on using your wife as bait so you’d walk into this trap,” he motioned with both hands on the entirety of the ship. “I was in the middle of scheming a new plan since Davide had been ‘compromised,’ only to find out that my target gave me a gift of showing his pretty face on my turf.”Disgusted, I spat, “I know I’m pretty, but I never thought you had a thing for men.”His eyebrows twitch, but he masked his annoyance by smirking. “Always the comedian.”I tilted my head to the side, eyeing the two daggers he was twirling in his hands. “Aren’t you the punchline of this episode? Daggers in a gunfight?” I raised my M16, and pointed it at his forehead, ready to take the shot and I am lucky to have a very very clear shot this time around.Unphased, Dominguez planted
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~Rylee~There was a heavy feeling in my chest when I opened my eyes the next day. I knew in my gut that something was not right.I was alone in our bed, and an eerie sense floated in the air.Getting up from the bed, I pushed aside the throbbing sensation in my head and body. I grabbed the bottle of pain reliever on the bedside table, downing two, hoping to find some relief for this pain. A knock on the door echoed as I reached for my phone, expecting to know where Klaus was.“It’s open,” I announced. Markus opened the door, a somber look on his face.“Dad…” I stood, wincing at the sudden pinch of pain in my left side.Vicente appeared behind him, a tender smile on his face.“You…”“Why does he get ‘Dad’ and I get a stone cold ‘you?’” he asked, skirting past Markus, inviting himself inside our bedroom.“Is something wrong?” I ignored Vicente’s comment or his snooping on pictures of Klaus and me that hang on the wall.Markus was supposed to be in New York, polishing up the family busin
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~Rylee~‘Stable.’ I’m starting to hate that word. It was all Dr Marino had for me when she checked Klaus for his vitals this morning. It had been two days since the port yet still no development in Klaus’ status.Waiting, that’s all I could do. Wait for Klaus’ body to recover. Wait for the Velocity’s effect to wane. Wait for him to open his eyes and come back to me.Two days and I’m already going crazy. I don’t know if I could go for another two days like this.Sighing, I stepped out of the recovery room, dragging my feet. I need to take care of myself. I’d be no good if I don’t eat or take a shower in the least.Closing the door behind me, a woman in a nurse’s uniform stepped out next door. She gave me a curt smile, passing in front of me, greeting me ‘good evening.’“Hey,” I called, eyeing the door where she had been. “It’s Laura, right?”She faced me, a gentle smile on her lips. “Yes, Signora Martinelli. Can I help you with anything?”I pressed my tongue to the insides of my cheeks
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87|Break The Rules
~Rylee~Warm water pelted my skin. I sighed, pressing my palms against the wall as I closed my eyes.A mother who didn’t want me and willingly handed me to a stranger the moment I was born, a self-centered sister, and a drug lord for a father… I huffed, shaking my head. The irony of my life. We truly cannot choose which family we are born to.Lucky for me, that stranger treated me like his own blood, cared for me like I was his own daughter. I met people who loved me like a family and now I have a husband who gave light to my entire world.I took in a sharp breath, reached for the soap, and lathered my body. Negative thinking will do me no good. The need to be on Klaus’ side compelled me to finish my shower and head back to his room. I want to be there when he wakes up.Every second that passes by, this hollow in my chest grows exponentially. He’s within my reach, yet I’m missing him so much. His touch, his smile, his sexy smirk.An army of goosebumps rose on the back of my neck. I di
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88|For Rylee
~Klaus~“Are you out of your mind?” Claudia fired as soon as Rylee parked the bike in the mansion’s roundabout.Claudia and I have known each other for ten years. She was still studying when she stumbled into our business, which made me wonder why me sneaking out of the infirmary still came as a surprise for her. She knew I hated being confined in that disinfectant-scented room, where everything was white and bright all the time.Much like Cali, I hate hospitals or any room that resembled and smelled like one. It makes me think of death, of how close I was to take my last breath.Hopping off Harley, I removed my helmet, and I lifted Rylee by the waist.‘God, I missed holding her.’Rylee squealed, surprised. She removed her helmet and smiled at me.‘Fuck. I want to make love to her… now.’ But I have to deal with Claudia and Dad first.“I’m out of danger,” I said, throwing an arm over Rylee’s shoulder.Claudia replied with a groan. The grim look on her face says she wasn’t happy with my
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