All Chapters of THE REJECTED HUMAN MATE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
119 Chapters
Chapter 61
Chapter 61***********DAWN**DANE_When I finally got to the Red Moon Park Mansion it was already late. I spent the rest of the night surveying the surroundings and to be honest the security is really tightNevertheless, I won't let that discourage me from getting back my mateOnce I was done surveying, I had to climb up a tree and camp there. I spent quite a lot of my time staring at the mansion just to notice any slight movementIt was already late at night when the mansion began erupting different noises"Something is definitely going on" I whispered as I got down from the tree. I couldn't move beyond the stream that encircled the mansion But my ears did me good by the detecting every noise made "Find that Omega!....find him!" I heard different noises"Omega? Might it be Adam?" I whispered while stroking my chin thoughtfully I went back into the forest near the Mansion and thought of a way of getting inMy thoughts were distracted when I heard the rustling of the bushes behin
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Chapter 62
CHAPTER 62RED_"Please come back safely beta" Lady Macbeth said affectionately as I went into my carIt's almost dawn and I need to start my journey to the mansion. I nodded my head simply and got inThe drive was very fast and easy since I had to be quick. Only the moon goddess knows what is actually going on. I just hope Dane has done anything stupid yet And Adam same with Erica are still out of dangerI pressed the pedal some more and accelerated my speed. There isn't much time, I need to get there as soon as possibleMy drive to the mansion didn't think much of my time. I had to park my car next to a construction siteI will have to continue the journey with my feet. I got down from my car and began walking toward the mansion discreetly. *******ADAM_I was woken up by the sound of thudding footsteps. I snapped my eyes open immediately and had a quick look around them to cell.. a wave of relief run down my spine as I felt Ericka in my armsShe is still asleep but her breath
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Chapter 63
CHAPTER. 63DANE_As I rush down to where Ericka laid, I felt the moon goddess was strongly behind me. I mean to say she is in support of our UnionIf she wasn't ,she wouldn't have blessed me with the knowledge of knowing where Ericka was at her time of deathThe growls or the roars didn't attract me to the place but my quick and sensitive nose. I guess our mate bond's slowly fading away since she's yet to accept me back. If our bond was stronger, then I would have been able to find out where she was immediatelyWhen a mate marks his mate, he is able to know her whereabouts despite how far away you too might be . A mark is like a possessive thing...I badly want to mark her but I guess am gonna have to wait A marked mate also gets to know what she's feeling, thinking about, her body temperature and can even listen to her thoughtsThat would have been the case of I and Ericka if I didn't act so foolishly back thenGetting to her,my eyes turned teary as it feasted on her bloody bo
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Chapter 64
CHAPTER 64DANE_Time really does fly really. I've always thought it was a damned lie but now I know it's not. It's been a whole week since Ericka got captured and got rescued by me. Oh okay I won't say by me but... me and Adam especially. Gosh.... speaking about the dead ain't really my thing here!I really do miss the guy. We never got along but still,we were still...kinda close. We both had the same goal,that is keeping Ericka safe. Yeah...he lived up to his own side of the bargain while i didn't. such a scumbag sometimes. Anyways, enough bout Adam. A recap bout what happened over the last week was quite... interesting. After the doctor told us the situation of Ericka,I left town for a couple of days. I'd love for Red to tag along but seriously...that dude's fûckin' depressed right now. Sighs...poor guy,he really did have a thing for Adam didn't he?They were both close so I can't really blame him. Believe I've tried my best to make him snap out from his dang n
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Chapter 65
CHAPTER 65DANE_Immediately the doctor told me that I strongly believed my ears stop working for a second. No... in fact I am definitely sure it's malfunctioning. Like what the fūck!?I actually came here few moments ago and now they're telling me that my mate is missing???Is it that the doctor desires a death wish or what?From the looks of things, the doctor seem pretty panicking. His face was filled with anxiety and nervousness as he gaped at me awaiting my response . Due to how angry I was, I immediately grabbed the doctor by the collar. I slammed his back hard on the wall and the doctor cried out in pain. "Sir please calm down !"some of the nurses around began pleading with me as I kept tightening my grip around the doctors neck . "Calm down? Are you all f****** stupid or what !?"I roared with bloodthirstiness evident in my eyes."I barely left his hospital, came back and now y'all are telling me my mate is missing?? What kind of incompetent shithole are you!?" I questio
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Chapter 66
CHAPTER 66RED_I woke up feeling like the best man alive. Well you really can't blame me ...when you just had a splendid night with the love of your life. Turning over on the bed, I used my other hand to search for Lissa on the other part of the bed. My hand landed on an empty space and I stood up from my bed immediately. What the f***!?Where on Earth is Lissa??We did have sex yesterday didn't we? Did she leave me again?I became a extremely confused as I ruffled my hair . I moved over from the bed to my window and stared outside. Isn't the moon goddess simply amazing? She knew about how depressed I was, so she sent back my first and only love!Then again, she is the best thing that ever happened to me. I and Lissa we were more than friends starting from way back. Her dad was good friends with mine. It was love at first sight to be serious. But when we clocked 18 and she found her mate first,she totally deserted me. I completely understand her point of view but she should hav
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Chapter 67
CHAPTER 67MAYNA_I have done a lot of terrible things in the past but I have never felt any guilt or remorse. It's not my first time plotting for someone to be killed but it's my first time feeling as guilty as this!Maybe it is because my own rejected mate Adam got kîlled?Or maybe am just overthinking the situation?I mean... to begin with I never did like Adam did I now? Then why am I so worked up about his deãth!?I can clearly remember how I almost ended his life back at our pack. Then again...when i wanted to kill him, something within me stopped my plan. Sighs....It's really not easy living with this kinda guilt. I've tried several means to get him off my head but his image and the memories that weren't pleasant keeps creeping back into my head. Presently,I was seated on the couch next to the window while gazing outside the field. My uncooperative mind soon pictured Adam practicing with Red on the field. Another wave of guilt almost drowned me. Gosh....what am I gonna do
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Chapter 68
Chapter 68***"Reina?" I called walking closer towards her. She stopped stomping on the round basin filled with grapes and stared at me. "Why are you fuvking here?" Reina scrowled at me. She looked exhausted and pretty busy. Her feet were dyed in blueberries as she stood in the basin. At the base of the wooden basin was a little tap above a large jar. Am guessing she's collecting some juices. "Don't be cold Reina" I said and she only rolled her eyes at me againShe does tend to act cold and nonchalant but she's really a sweetheart. Lady Macbeth did tell me how worried she was about my state of health so few days back. "Whatever. What do you want !!?"she snapped at me and I took some steps closer. "Well I really want to make some blueberry pie but they weren't any blueberry in the refrigerator. I guess it's waybetter to pluck out the fresh ones than the ones that already been refrigerated" I replied and she paid less attention to me"That's your problem anyway, just go to the
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Chapter 69
CHAPTER 69WRITER_She had to drag the zip of her coat upwards as a cold winter breeze blew over her. She has been standing while anticipating the arrival of her for a very long time now. The cold winter breeze didn't spare her the luxury of being warm as it blew over her harshly. "Where the f*** is she ?"she had to complain since her legs were already asleep. She has already began to doubt whether she has been forgotten or not. It's almost being an hour since she came standing here. Her hand we're already feeling sore from holding the handle of the luggage for a long time now. The night was already settling in slowly as the darkness Increased. Since she was supposed to get picked up unnoticeably,she had to meet her newly found friend In a more secluded spot. Ericka has already begun doubting her supposed friend is going to show up.. Adam is yet to speak to her since he wasn't in agreement with leaving the mansion. He did try his absolute best to convince her into staying but Eri
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Chapter 70
CHAPTER 70DANE_Seated next to me in the dining room was Red. He was also eating a plate of pie that Ericka made before she left. Honestly I do feel like s*** right now. She has finally left me due to my own foolishness. Sighs... guess I deserve it all. My only regret is not getting to apologise to her. I never got the chance to tell her how much she means to me. "I pray she comes back Red, there's so much I gotta tell her" I said lowly as I ate sadly. Red glanced at me pathetically."It'll be fine okay. She'll come back,I know...she will. I might just be kidding myself but an positive she'll come back. Ericka doesn't seem like someone who abandons her friends. Now that Adam is also a living entity in her, I'm sure you will do everything within his power to persuade her to come back. Just have faith,okay lover boy?" he advised with a smile. I nodded sullenly and allowed slience descended. It does seem boring without her,huh?We'll just have to live with it, it might be heartbreak
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