All Chapters of MATED TO THE ENEMY: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
74 Chapters
Taking poison from a stranger
AMBER’S POV I realized that it was now time for me to come clean with Chad, I couldn’t bear seeing him running around and trying to get a solution to a problem that I had cerated myself. The truth was that I was no longer in heat and I recognized the pain that was feeling as withdrawal symptopms. The doctor had been giving me some pain medication and that was what I had been living on. The pain killers did help me but only for a short while, what I needed was blood but I didn't know who would help me with that. I knew that if I told Chad that I was craving blood he would flip and lose his temper with me and then isolate me in an attempt to make sure that I got no access to blood. Worst of all, he was probably going to make sure that I never went back to the vampire coven because that was where I had gotten the blood that I had drunk.I waited for Chad to come to bed that evening as I was set to tell him the truth about what was happening to me. I knew that he was going to be very ups
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Keeping Secrets
CHAD’S POV I couldn’t believe Amber and after what she had just told me I couldn’t even stand to be around her. How could she be so reckless? She was the one who said to me that drinking blood was not a risk that she was willing to take, she said that drining blood would be a wrong decision and asured me that she wouldn’t do it. She convinced me that I had nothing to worry about as far as her vampire cravings were concerned and now I didn’t even know what to do to help her. The worst part about this situation was that she had watched me as I fecthed the doctor and let me do it despite knowing that there was nothing that the doctor could do to help her, and now the damn doctor couldn’t let tgis thing go. He knew that she wasn’t feeling well and he wouldn’t stop asking me about how she was doing. I couldn't just blow him off and I aslo couldn’t tell him what was wrong with her. I didn’t want anyone gossiping about my mate and me.“So how is Amber doing?” Jeff asked me and I almost roll
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Like a fairy god-mother
AMBER’S POV Things had gotten so bad for me and my condition had worsened in the past twenty-four hours, I couldn’t even speak anymore. Whenever I opened my mouth and tried to speak, I failed. It was as f I had no voice and I knew that the fact that I hadn’t been able to eat was contributing to my current condition. My worry was no longer myself but the baby I was carrying, I was weak and I knew that the baby wasn’t getting the nutrients that he or she needed to get in order to grow.I also couldn’t stop blaming myself for the fact that I was now endangering the life of my child and all because of the dumb decisions that I had been making. I know that Chad probably felt the same about this situation, even if he didn’t say it to me I knew that he blamed me for everything that was happening and I couldn’t blame him for thinking that. I was the only one to blame for this.“You look terrible,” Chad said as he walked into the room carrying a metal glass, I didn’t even have the strength or
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Seeking Help
CHAD’S POV I honestly didn’t know what was wrong with Amber anymore, I had given her the blood that she had been craving for and yet it seemed that her condition only worsened after a few hours. I had even spent a few hours with her in bed thinking that she would now be fine but we were now back to square one and she was now unconscious. It seemed to me that I stead of the blood making her feel better it had instead made her condition worse and I was kind of mad at myself. I had gone hunting for an animal so that I could get blood for her because my worry was that she would starve the baby that was supposed to be growing in her belly. I was now lost and confused I didn’t know what else to do to help her, I had gotten her the blood that I thought she needed but it seemed that the blood never helped her in any way. I knew that it was time for me to seek help from someone else, someone that I knew would tell me what to do and someone I knew I could rely on. The only person I knew that c
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Refusing medicine
AMBER’S POV When Chad walked into the room with the doctor I had high hopes that maybe he would have something that would help me. I just couldn't take this pain anymore and I was thinking that maybe it was best if someone was brave enough to just put me out of my misery. I couldn't imagine myself waking up and facing another day with this pain, maybe I was better off dead. my mother had always told me that I should never give up on anything, especially life but this was just too much for me now. I couldn't help going back to all the things that I had been through, I had survived my father and even survived the vampires and yet I was about to be brought to my knees by blood cravings.I was at a point where I had lost all hope because no matter how many times I screamed Iyana’s name In my head Chad never seemed to catch it. It was as if he couldn’t even hear my thoughts anymore and I couldn’t understand why. He had been so eager to know everything that I was thinking before and now t
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A witch in our midst
CHAD’S POV “Look man, I know that you are very stressed out and worried about your mate but you can't just make impulsive decisions,” Jeff said”Didn’t you hear what the doctor said?” I asked him pointing at the doctor who was now sitting on the bed in silence “he said she won't make it” ”No I didn’t say that, I simply said that her body was shutting down,” he said as if there was any difference between him saying that Amber’s body was shutting down and him saying that she was going to die. The inevitable thing that would follow her body shutting down was the fact that she would soon die. I didn’t see the point of him trying to give me false hope when he knew very well that there was a huge chance that my mate wasn’t going to live through this. “Well is there anything else that you can do?” I asked him even though I already knew the answer to my question “There isn't much that I can do because she refuses to take any form of medication,” he said “That is why I am saying that you
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Getting helped
AMBER’S POV I had been in excruciating pain ever since I woke up from what felt like a coma. I woke up with a pounding headache that was probably caused by whatever the doctor had given me. When I woke up, Chad wasn’t by my side, so I just stared at the ceiling and contemplated what my life had become. I had been through so much in the past weeks and I had even forgotten what it felt like to be feeling gone, it was as if I was now used to being in pain. My body was used to relying on medicine to cope and I wondered if I would ever be normal again. It seemed that everything that Chad and Jeff had tried to help me had failed and I was really at the point of giving up. At this point, I was just overwhelmed with feelings of negativity and, as much as I knew that being negative wasn’t going to help me in any way, I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t even see myself getting out of this situation, no matter how positive I tried to be. When I woke up, I wasn’t in as much pain as I had been in
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CHAD’S POV I couldn't believe what I was hearing from the witch that had come to help us. I knew that the blood that had been given t Amber was the cause of all of this but I could never have guessed that the blood was poisoned. I mean, we all thought that it was obvious that she was suffering from withdrawal symptoms, but I could see that it seemed like there was something more to it. Something that even my own doctor couldn’t see, not that I could blame him for not seeing it, but he had been as puzzled about this as I had been and now everything was starting to make sense. There was no way that I was going to just take this lying down, someone had to pay for this and I was about to make sure that I found whoever did this. They all had to pay for what they had done to my mate and I was going to make sure that I made them all pay. I was going to ignore the fact that my mate had ties to them in the same way that they had forgotten that the vampire that they had been trying to poison an
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Jeff and his mate
AMBER’S POVIyana had left me with some more portions that I was supposed to drink for the next couple of days, I honestly didn’t see any reason for me to drink them because I was already feeling fine but I knew that it was in my best interest to go with what she told me rather than what I was feeling. I was feeling so much better not to the extent that I could even take walked to the garden. I had grown so tired of staying in the house and a part of me witches I could just stay in the garden for a little while so that I could make up for all the time that I had lost while I was sick.While Chad was gone I decided to g to the garden and watch the sun as it set, this had grown to be my favorite activity since I settled here but I had lost it because I was sick. I was now trying to go back to my usual activities and I was trying to adjust to the new life that I now had. The fact that I was pregnant meant that I had to change a lot of things about my life. There were some things that I c
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A party in my honor
CHAD’S POV Now that all the loose ends had been tied I could breathe a little easier, the girl who had tried to end my mate was dead and I could rest better knowing that she was safe. Amber was now back to herself and everything was finally going well for us. For a minute there I had started thinking that maybe it was best if I let her go, I knew that letting her go wouldn’t give me any more peace than staying with her would. I had been miserable for such a long time I had forgotten what it felt like to be happy I had even forgotten what it felt like to make love to my mate. I couldn’t wait for us to get back to our usual routine. I really hoped that Amber had learned something from this thing that we had just dealt with. I hoped that she learned that she couldn’t just trust anyone so easily, especially vampires. They had proven to her and to me that they couldn’t be trusted countless times and I really didn’t want to be dealing with something like this ever again. I actually just wa
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