All Chapters of The Beta's Prize: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
112 Chapters
71. Ivan
A week in and the men are getting restless. Every village we arrive at on our motorcycles the village elders assure us they have no such problems. “You need to tell them you are Ivan the Inferno. We look just like the gangs,” Cherish suggested after a few fruitless days. “I’m not Ivan the Inferno,” I snapped back at her. “Do the Battalion even know the full details?” she asked as I shook my head. I won’t live my life by that label any more. However late last night even the calculatingly cool Anders suggested we perhaps did not have too big a problem to take care of after all. Cherish had snapped at him, “The person who rats out a gang is the first to be harmed if we fail. They have no reason to trust us yet.” Staring at me afterwards I know she is referring to the Cage. She wants me to beat my chest like an Ape and declare I am the Inferno who brought down the Axelon family. It’s not happening. Jackson and I consulted the maps and decided to head south. He keeps quiet on matter
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72. Cherish
We are finally getting somewhere, four brothels run by what appears to be a larger gang destroyed in two weeks. Followed by two slave labour cartels. However the same problems are still arising. The nearby villages are reluctant to talk to us. I am certain that if Ivan just admitted his identity, told them he was a product of the Shadowlands just like them he would find more information. Yet my leader has ordered silence, so Halo and I sulkily obey. However, when we return to the villages, dropping off the victims back into the arms of weeping mothers, and shell-shocked brothers there is suspicion. “Now do you believe we are out to improve the Shadowlands?” Ivan addressed one town square in frustration. The several dozen adults gathered around looked us up and down hesitantly. Our green uniform still screamed White Forest with the cloaks and V-shape shirts, what made us trustworthy and not an invasion? “This is the fourth village we have come to, the fourth one where all the pimp
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73. Cherish
“Ivan,” I groaned as his hands dove inside my black leggings, growling and nuzzling into my neck at finding me already wet and ready for teasing. “Ivan, we’ve got to head back.” “What if it’s an order,” he growled huskily. My nerves were on a knife edge as he kept his hand inside my underwear, rubbing my soaked clit. His arm wrapped around my waist pushing my ass into his torso. His other hand snaked under my green shirt, immediately teasing my nipples over my bra. Everything was so quick, so ragged and desperate. I knew I had to stay quiet yet I was jerking in pleasure as his coarse, rough fingers quickly plunged inside me. I forced myself to stand up straight, leaning against him with my hand wrapping around his neck. He kept on searching inside me, those thick, rugged fingers knowing exactly which areas left me clamouring to scream. “Ivan,” I whispered shakily as he nipped at my neck. “I’m gonna…ohhhhh,” and he twisted around me to plant his lips on mine. It helped swallow some
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74. Cherish
Ivan promised to tell them the truth, I hardly expected him to tell the guys when we scampered back up that ravine. Their smug faces said enough. Even with being as quiet as possible you cannot erase the scent of arousal from a shifter no matter how much you try to quickly wash in the water. “Did you get lost?” Jackson asked with an eyebrow raised as the rest of the crew smirked around the campfire. “Dead deer in the water, had to trek upstream…” said Ivan before he looked at me and we broke into stupid grins causing Jackson to throw his apple peel at Ivan. “Bloody knew it!” Lyon and Navin said, having apparently bet on what we were up to. I sidled away to my sleeping bag leaving Ivan to deal with the banter. Although we were the butt of the joke, perhaps it was the breakthrough we needed to be closer as a team. The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Jackson's cry and rowdy laughter as a bucket of water apparently tipped over his head. The next morning during breakfast wh
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75. Ivan
Cherish currently has an almost annoying ability to be right about everything. She wasn’t smug about it at least, she just seemed so proud of me. Except handing over those reins, giving her more of a say just gives me flashes of Azalea. All she wanted was to run my life for me, make my decisions without consulting me. I hate myself for pre-judging her but it’s like reopening an old scar. Fuck it, I’ve got to listen to her more. I really do. /Absolutely you do/ Kohl agreed, preening and posing at all the praise they were receiving from the Battalion. As much as I appreciated the men’s support, I wasn’t so keen on their devouring gory details of the fights. I could see how easily people got sucked into watching and gambling on the Showcases. Anders' eyes had a strange glint to them as I tried to describe how we were picked in the draws and then pitted against one another as blandly as possible. Despite his cool, unflappable temperament, I suspected he might prove to be the loose can
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76. Ivan
Two weeks from revealing my identity and word is spreading. Villages are actively seeking us out. Every time we turn over a battered, miserable town and free it from its local thugs we are greeted like heroes. Some brothels are actually empty, the women abandoned as the men have already fled in fear of the Inferno arriving. The men are buoyant, positive, with new recruits joining after every attack. There appears to be some kind of local prestige involved now. Being part of the crew that took back the Shadowlands. We have a team, a method and it’s working. There is only one Cherish though. Nobody has come close to her speed or scouting skills. Now I have infantry, cooks, stock managers who go into the villages with the gold we were given by Alexander to buy supplies, we are practically a functioning army. Each night we all eat together. There is no distinction between the Battalion originals, still clad in green and the recruits. I address them all the same, they call me Beta Iv
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77. Cherish
As Ivan tried to help, sending hot calming waves of adoration I tried to shake off the creepy feeling under my skin. Jackson took the lead and addressed the group. “We knew some of you wouldn’t be cut out for this. But the rules we kill by are the rules we live by. This is your exit, you can walk away. If like Anders it’s not what you signed up for then I’ll give you your gold and you can leave head held high. Otherwise…you keep in line,” kicking the dense, unmoving body of Anders as his blood stained the gravel and met the rivers flow. “I’m here for the Battalion,” Kharkov said flatly, a chorus which echoed around the men. “Here for the Battalion became a chant, a chorus that soon had every man beating his chest, looking at Ivan with steadfast commitment. He gave a nod, raised his hand and said, “Cherish are you still happy to scout or do you need time to recover?” “We can wait a day,” Jackson offered, followed by grunts of agreement from the rest. Kharkov’s dark brown eyes trained
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78. Ivan
Why does it feel as though everything has been leading up to this? As though all the other skirmishes and battles with lesser gangs have been driving me towards confronting the man I despised the most in the Cage. I had no idea what kind of stunt he must have pulled to get out of there alive. He definitely didn’t stay to protect his father. That's for certain having seen him swinging like a gory red flag as we left the Cage. This briefing was serious. All the men, Battalion and new recruits sat together as I explained what we were likely to head into. Traps, poisons, sneaking ambushes. There was every chance he knew we were coming for him. “I know we haven’t had too much resistance so far, but this is why we came. It is gangs like the Axelon family that are ruining the Shadowlands.” “Alpha Ivan,” Marius said before correcting himself, “Sorry, Ivan, Beta Ivan, Sir…erm the village we just passed said they bought an awful lot of long pole lengths. I don’t know if that’s relevant?” “
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79. Ivan
Kharkovs howls more than did the trick. He even remained on all fours, somehow. Though the very act was twisting an already broken leg he tried to look intimidating. He was an all brown wolf, muscular and chunky in build. As soon as the first wolves out of the compound saw him they would mind-link for back-up. Injured or not he was still formidable. Just two doors of the compound opened as the first batch of men appeared. Confirming he was shifted I saw a rapid succession of clothes ripping and shredding. At least ten bald, hulking guards shifting into various colours of wolf. Like a distorted ballet, a collection of twisting, crunching limbs all came together. All with their jaws snapping, claws scratching at the ground ready to hunt and kill Kharkov. Aided by the darkness of night my Battalion remained unseen. Following their orders to not attack until the third door opened I took deep bracing breaths. However much I prided myself on being a Warrior, this was either going to rea
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80. Cherish
I spend the night trying to get organised and be productive. Halo won't stop whirring away in my mind, she is so edgy it’s making it impossible to focus. Wave after wave of fear and dread washes over me as darkness descends for I know the Battalion is walking into their hardest battle yet. The camp is soon fully packed and ready to vacate. It’s done so quickly because I am itching to get away and can’t sit still. The instant I hear Ivan’s voice I will be sprinting back into his arms. I know he's doing it for a higher purpose, to help the Shadowlands but surely for a couple so newly mated there shouldn't be this much time apart. It's physically hurting me, the gaps that are growing between our existence. /Cherish/ came the voice of Lyon, why was he linking me? Dropping a final batch of blankets to the ground I sprinted into the woods on foot to meet him. It was well after midnight and he was exhausted. He must have sprinted the whole way. "Get him food and water!" I shouted at my h
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