All Chapters of Mated to Another: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
125 Chapters
Reckoning - Part I
In the sanctuary of my cosy living room, I sought solace in the corner table, a silent witness to the thoughts swirling within me. The piece of paper lay before me, bearing Erdem’s contact information. Its presence alone seemed to carry a weight that mirrored the complexity of my emotions. As I traced my thumb delicately over the inked words, a bittersweet sigh escaped my lips. The memories of our encounter, the subtle glances, and the fleeting connection, replayed in my mind like a tender melody. But amidst the gentle longing, there lay a sea of uncertainty and unanswered questions.While lost in my contemplation, my attention shifted to my son, Ezio, engrossed in his artistic endeavour on the soft expanse of the living room carpet. His tiny hands glided across the pages of a colouring book, infusing life into the blank canvases. I watched him with a mixture of awe and a maternal ache, marvelling at the innocence that enveloped him. With each stroke of colour, a sense of anticipation
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Reckoning - Part II
From the kitchen that overlooked the living room, I observed the heart warming scene unfolding before me. A gentle smile played upon my lips as I witnessed Erdem and Ezio engrossed in a serious conversation about the intricacies of a floor puzzle. It had taken some deliberation, but I finally mustered the courage to extend an invitation to Erdem, and his eager acceptance had brought him to us even before the break of dawn. He arrived bearing bags filled with toys and gifts, most of which I had politely sent back, convincing him to introduce them to Ezio gradually, with time. Now, as I busied myself with preparing breakfast, a twinge of guilt settled within me, knowing that I had unintentionally kept my son away from such boundless happiness. Yet, the joy radiating from Ezio's eyes filled my heart with a profound contentment. As for the barren desert within me that was slowly attempting to quench its thirst just in the presence of him, it frightened me. As Erdem’s gaze briefly fell upo
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Reckoning - Part III
Erdem quietly sat at the dining table; his gaze fixated on the empty chair beside him. The weight of his presence seemed to hang in the air, his silent contemplation palpable. I continued with my task, mixing the chopped vegetables and meat, creating a fragrant stew that filled the room with its comforting aroma.Suddenly, his voice broke the silence, his words tinged with a mix of curiosity and longing. “What are you making?” His breath brushed against my ear as he appeared behind me, sending a shiver down my spine. The proximity between us, after all these years, awakened dormant memories and emotions. But just as quickly as he had drawn close, he stepped back, maintaining a respectful distance.Erdem closed his eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply to take in the mouth-watering scent of the stew. “Smells absolutely delicious,” he murmured, his voice filled with appreciation. I nodded in response, keeping my silence, allowing the tension to settle between us.He remained rooted in his
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Reckoning - Part IV
Every passing moment after Erdem left that day, served as a stark reminder that no one could ever replace him, that his place in our lives remained untouched and unoccupied. The thought of seeking a replacement, of imagining someone else in his stead, was an inconceivable notion. And I realised that after three years, in that defining moment, as our gazes intertwined, a bittersweet realization washed over me, stirring a longing I had tried to suppress—the undeniable truth that my child had been missing a vital connection, a father's love, Erdem's love. Even if I could never accept him in my life, my child needed him in his.It was a pang of longing mixed with a cocktail of emotions that cascaded through my heart. The wounds of our separation, the untold stories, and the unspoken words resurfaced, demanding to be acknowledged. At that moment, I understood that the void within our lives could only be filled by the presence of him, by the love Erdem brings with him. In that moment, I mad
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Unveiled - Part I
Ezio pressed his little hands against the car window, his wide eyes filled with anticipation. This was his first visit to the pack where his father had spent his formative years, and where my own heart had been shattered and mended. As we approached the familiar entrance gate, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The gate swung open with a creak, allowing us passage into the pack's territory.The narrow road stretched out before us, flanked by towering trees that whispered secrets to the night breeze. The moon hung high in the sky, casting its ethereal glow over the landscape. Fireflies danced and twinkled, adding their magical light to the scene. The familiar path led us deeper into the heart of the pack, each passing milestone triggering memories of the past.As we neared the packhouse, a sense of nostalgia washed over me. The pack had grown and flourished in the years I had been away. The once-sparse surroundings now teemed with life, with new houses d
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Unveiled - Part II
As we walked towards Vesna's house, the weight of Ezio in my arms reminded me of the precious bond we shared. His drowsy eyes fought to stay open, his small body surrendering to the embrace of sleep. Beside me, Erdem walked in sync, our proximity filling the air with tangible energy. Though Ezio longed to be held by both of us, his little fingers tightly clung to the fabric of Erdem's sleeves, drawing him closer.With each fleeting touch, a surge of electricity coursed through me, igniting a familiar sensation that had lain dormant for far too long. I had truly forgotten how electrifying even the simplest of his touches were. As we neared Vesna's house, my heart quickened, anticipation mingling with a tinge of apprehension. Ezio’s eyelids grew heavy, and his head nestled against my shoulder, his soft breaths warming my neck. Sensing his fatigue, Erdem paused and smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of tenderness and understanding. “Let me carry him now,” he whispered, his voic
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Unveiled - Part III
"What are all these?" I asked, my eyes wide with amazement as I surveyed the lavish spread laid out before me Vesna, with her characteristic warmth and grace, smiled at my reaction before rushing back into the kitchen. Curiosity propelled me to follow her, wanting to understand the effort and love that went into preparing such a feast.“When did you make all this?” I inquired, my voice filled with awe and a touch of concern. The sheer quantity of food seemed almost overwhelming.“A feast for my grandchild,” Vesna replied, her eyes sparkling with joy. She deftly attended to the pot simmering on the stove, a master of her culinary domain.“But isn't this a little too much?” I voiced my worry, my gaze lingering on the array of delicacies that awaited our indulgence.“Nonsense,” Vesna dismissed my concern with a casual wave of her hand, her attention never wavering from her culinary creation. As the simmering pot filled the air with tantalizing aromas, Vesna turned her focus to me, her ey
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Heartstrings and Heirlooms - Part I
"Mama! Mama! Look," I heard Ezio's voice filled with excitement, drawing my attention away from the book in my hand. I looked up, my eyes lighting up as I saw him rushing towards me, his small hands clutching a vibrant bouquet of wildflowers. With his messy hair and radiant smile, he was a vision of pure joy.Setting the book aside, I extended my hands to receive his precious gift. "Are they for me?" I cooed; my voice filled with tenderness. Ezio nodded vigorously, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "They are very beautiful. Thank you, my world," I whispered, overwhelmed by the love that radiated from his innocent gesture. His smile grew wider, illuminating the already sunny day even more.“Papa helped me for you.” I noticed Erdem approaching from behind Ezio, a proud and gentle expression on his face. Our eyes met briefly."He did?" I murmured, my gaze shifting between Erdem and Ezio. A sense of gratitude filled me as I realized the depth of their connection. Ezio nodded, his admi
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Heartstrings and Heirlooms - Part II
In an attempt to distract myself from the weight of sinful thoughts that consumed my mind, I sought solace in the company of a select few wolves. Corvina, a trusted confidante, was one of them. On this particular day, we found ourselves nestled beneath the shade of a towering tree, our eyes fixed on the delightful spectacle unfolding before us. Ezio and Cia, the daughter of Nikola and Corvina, frolicked together in carefree abandon, their laughter echoing through the air like sweet music. As if drawn together by an invisible thread, their bond had blossomed rapidly, prompting us to arrange playdates that became a regular occurrence. Watching our children play, their innocent joy a balm for weary souls, brought a smile to our faces.Corvina and I had initially exchanged stories, shared our experiences and found solace in each other's presence. Over time, our connection deepened, forging a bond that transcended mere acquaintanceship. Other wolves within our circle began to warm up to me
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Destiny - Part I
I stepped back, my eyes tracing every detail of Ezio's attire. The waistcoat fit snugly against his growing frame, accentuating his youthful stature. I adjusted it, ensuring it sat perfectly, symbolizing his place within our lineage. As my fingers brushed against the intricate buttons, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. The ceremonial sash, adorned with vibrant colours, rested gracefully on his shoulder. Its presence spoke of the responsibility that would one day rest upon his young shoulders. I straightened it with care, making sure it hung just right, a visual representation of the weight he would bear as he stepped into his role as the future leader of our pack. With reverence, I placed the traditional Serbian cap, the šajkača, upon his head. Its iconic shape framed his face, adding an air of dignity and determination to his countenance. It was a symbol of our heritage, a tangible connection to our ancestors and the legacy they had passed down to us."You look so handsome,"
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