All Chapters of Ruling the Mafia World: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
260 Chapters
Chapter 101 Training
“Is there anything I need to do before going into battle?” I asked after Israfel showed me everything about the last war he had been to. “Seeing how you weren’t so shocked with everything you saw, I am impressed,” Cassiel said with a thumb up, nodding at me. “Thanks,” I smiled shyly. I still feel awkward to be praised for something considered as awful doings in the human world, considering it was some kind of violence. “You just have to give it a try out at the training ground. We have different categories of combat training. I suggest you try the ones you might need in the battlefield right away,” Israfel said while leading me to another wooden double door. “Whoa….” I could not help a wound of astonishment slip off my lips when Israfel opened the door and the view inside it appeared before my eyes. “This is the gear chamber,” Israfel said, then he pointed at another wooden double door by the end of the hall. “That door will lead you to the weapon chamber. And the next door to t
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Chapter 102 Creations
Third Person’s POVWhile Marco was in the abyss to assist Skye in the battle of spiritual warfare, Gabriel on the other hand assisted Skye in everything she wished to do. Skye and Gab found out Cody was not on the same side with the group of men that they captured and subjected for questioning. Cody confessed everything that he did when he was given the options if he wanted to remain in agony until he gives up or if he wanted to get help by medics in return of telling everything he knew about the incident and everyone involved. Cody said that he thought he got all the intruders with Frank as his accomplice, not knowing about the few men Loid and Gerson fought with, defeated to surrender, and bound. Whom later went through hellish torture under Skye’s commands until they exposed every information they could tell. It took a while, though, because the intruders were professionals. They lend their services for a large sum of money depending on the tasks they would be doing for their clie
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Chapter 103 Labyrinth
By the time Cassiel showed up Marco was able to experience every form of battle using every weapon available. From distance to close combat, Marco was able to experience how to respond to any form of attack, offense and defense.“Marco, time’s up!” Cassiel said as soon as she arrived next to Marco and Israfel’s side. Marco was feeling all warmed up so fear was nowhere in his thoughts, consciously and not. But he wondered what this situation would mean regarding Skye. “Is she alright?” Marco’s thoughts did not remain kept to himself. Cassiel gracefully turned around to face Marco properly. She made sure she was looking directly into the man’s eyes when he answered. “This battle is not the worst you might get into the abyss, but just the same, your failure and victory will affect her greatly,” Cassiel answered with an unreadable expression on her face. Well, to be precise, Marco could not read Cassiel’s mien, but Israfel understood every thing he saw on Cassiel’s aura. It was sadne
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Chapter 104 Wanderer
Gab and Skye got in with a slight struggle being so that they were new faces entering their target premises. But since Gab’s face is not known by many, especially by the enemies, while Skye was looking so different from her usual, they were asked a few questions. Gab, of course, had anticipated such things, so he prepared everything they would need for cover. And since his role was the lady’s manager, Gab did all the talking, and Skye just acted as naturally as she wished to. Whether Skye acted as hesitant to enter the club or willing, it did not bother Gab. If she appeared to look hesitant, Gab will make their story sound like Skye was a fresh beauty in the industry to make her facial expression and demeanor. And if Skye appeared to be willing to be in the place despite knowing what it really was, Gab will play his game freely. But of course, Gab and Skye did not reveal their knowledge about the information they have gathered regarding the place being a drug lab. The moment Skye a
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Chapter 105 Disguised
Skye’s POVWe got into the brothel after only a few questions from the bouncers. It seemed to be a protocol for anyone that wishes to get in to be questioned when the guest does not appear familiar to the guards. I saw some people who came and just nodded their expressed gratitude when the bouncers would let them in without any hassle. But I also saw some guests who were blocked and prohibited to get in. Some were even making a scene, while some youngsters were trying to bribe their way in. Some worked, but some also failed.I was a bit relieved that Gab and I had no difficulties getting in, although I was a bit tempted to barge our way in if they succeeded in annoying me. But, considering the many pros and cons of the situation, I tried to calm down. I silently wished things wouldn’t be as messy as how I interrogated the intruders that we were able to capture alive.I might have gone overboard, I must admit guilty to that, but I was furious! I felt like my blood was boiling out of c
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Chapter 106 Rules
I saw how Gab resigned and admitted defeat with how I was sailing our boat around. But I could tell he was also worried more because he was not familiar with the place and their crazy rules here. Gab groaned when we reached the table and before we even got properly seated, a waitress came with a tray. “This is a protocol. But don’t worry, this is on the house,” the waitress said with a salacious smile as she placed a glass tray with white crystal powder and rolled one dollar bill. “I will be back in a while to get your orders, but only if you finish this. We have eyes all around so we would know if you took it according to the boss’ liking,” the added before she left. “Fuck!” Gab groaned again. But his face did not show the negative reactions he was actually feeling at the moment. I giggled pretentiously while asking. “What is this?” “Coke!” Gab answered shortly. I saw Gab wet his left index finger and dipped it into the powder then brought the same index finger into his mouth,
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Chapter 107 Tickled
We walked behind the waitress as she led us to a door behind the stage. Gab was even more extra protective of me as I was a bit clumsy on my movements. Not much like a drunk person, but I was feeling light and like a leaf being blown by the soft wind of fall season. I was also blabbering, but Gab would constantly hush me. But when we get into another door after walking a narrow and dimly lit hallway. I was not surprised to be led to a different area if the owner of this place really asked for us to meet him, but I was not quite prepared to see what atmosphere was in the next room we arrived into. “Five hundred thousand!” “Six hundred!”“Eight hundred thousand!” A rising number of hundreds of thousands being yelled by different people, men and women, in the room was heard. The waitress told us to sit at a table far from the center of the room but with clear view of the stage where a woman and a man almost naked, only a thin fabric was artistically winding around their body to cove
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Chapter 108 More than Willing
Gab’s POVI was a bit mentally prepared that there would definitely be rules to abide by in such places like where Skye and I were going tonight, but I have never felt as nervous as I was right now. It was because I was doing this mission with Skye, who happened to know nothing about such a dark corner of society. A brothel with the building itself having a drug lab. The possibilities of people in the surroundings, inside and outside the building structure itself was too high to ignore. As per experience, dealing with people high with drugs is wild and ugly. Some of them are daredevils and paranoids that they tend to go beyond extreme.I was worried for Skye. Worried is an understatement, actually, because I was afraid for her!I might have been in similar situations before. Some were all by myself, while some of them were done side by side with Marco, and I have never felt the way I do now that I was doing this mission with Skye. It was because I knew Marco could take care of himsel
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Chapter 109 Going out of Control
As we walked behind the waitress in that dark hallway, I felt how Skye was also a bit scared, like she was worried something or someone would suddenly pop out of nowhere and startle her. I could feel her hold on my arm tighten every once in a while, so I also held her hands, atop my palm on the back of her hands, with my free hand to comfort her that I will never let anything happen to her. “What if he looks like an awfully ugly, stinky old man?” Skye asked all of a sudden. Her voice was not so loud but I was still worried the waitress leading our way would hear Skye’s voice and get a clear grasp on her words. “You don’t have to do anything you aren’t feeling like doing, okay?” I answered. “Do you think he will really want to do it with me?” Skye asked again. I hushed and whispered to her to stop. I couldn’t say the honest answer I had in mind to the last question she had asked me. ‘Do I think the owner of this place would want to bed her?! I don’t even want to think about it! I
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Chapter 110 Rebuked
I was not sure I heard her correctly, but analyzing our situation, she must have meant I should shut her up with my mouth when she blabbers fully out of control. I shook my head, scolding myself that I would even take her words at this state. I feel so much of a pervert!But Skye must have taken my action as if it was my reactions to her stated words. She thought I was shaking my head in disbelief, also chuckling at the same time.“I am actually serious, you know? Just in case my stupid mouth blabbers and I fail to take heed of your warnings, just shut me up with a kiss or something like that,” she argued. How can I tell her that her offer was insane and I am equally crazy to comply if the situation presents itself for me to indulge? But my wandering stupid imagination made me return to my senses when I heard Skye expressing her annoyance at the waitress again by asking if the waitress really knew where we were going or if she herself was already lost in the dark hallway we had bee
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