All Chapters of Ruling the Mafia World: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
260 Chapters
Chapter 141 The Back Up
George’s POVI had been thinking how to make sure our savior girl, Skye, would be safe under our guard. Yes, she is a savior to us. Almira and I are still in awe at how everything has turned out ever since we met this girl. We had been hoping and earnestly yearning for a chance to live our remaining days in life anew before we bid goodbye to this life. But it had been years since we started planning on how to execute our ideas. To be honest, I have lost hope already. I admit, we don’t deserve such wishes to be granted judging from how we had foolishly lived our life during our youthful and prime years in life. But as Almira and I felt tired in our daily live’s routine, we woke up one day with different eyes that saw the beauty of the nature that surrounded us. We tried to change ways on how we do things, from the dirty old ones, we wanted to clean up and implement more humane rules for everyone under our wings, but many of our associates expressed resistance. Some were even blatant
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Chapter 142 Awake
Marco’s POV“Hi, there, sleepy head,” I heard a woman’s chirpy voice. I was sure it was a woman’s voice but I couldn’t clearly tell whom that voice belonged to. The sound I heard was echoing in my ears. I also tried to open my eyes and look around, but no matter how hard I did, I just get to blink them and my eyelids would shut down again. I still felt like I was in a whirlpool as it twirls around and made me float in the air. I tried to regain consciousness and step out of this vertiginous spinning sensation that I was having at the moment. “This is a sedative. You have to calm down, buddy,” this time a manly voice spoke instead of a female one that I heard earlier. I felt like a soft hand held me down and gently tapped me to calm down. The next thing I knew, I was drifting off to a serene sleep like my body was desperate to have that rest. I don’t know how long I have been asleep. But when it felt like I have had enough, my head was clear. I opened my eyes and I had no difficult
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Chapter 143 Meeting
Skye’s POV“Did you see the video Doctor Shannon had sent?” I asked Gab in a whispering tone. We were in the privacy of the room after I ignored everyone in the area where a temporary altar was made with Uncle Goerge’s portrait next to Aunt Almira’s in the center. The altar was surrounded with white flowers of chrysanthemum. Starting from outside the entrance of the building, there were rows of funeral bouquets of different flowers from people who expressed their mournings by sending flowers with their names on it.Aside from those that sincerely grieved, some of those flower senders were expressing more of necessity to do such moves due to show off. And since I was there as the successor, many of the guests around were there to shake hands and make friends with me, rather than mourn the death of Uncle Goerge and Aunt Almira. But I looked at all of them with a stern face. I was grieving, there was no need for me to smile. Even if I didn’t really have to mourn because I knew the Nahar
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Chapter 144 Supremo
Gab’s POV“He did?” I asked while fishing my phone out of my pocket when Skye mentioned that Matt sent us a video clip. It only meant one thing, and I was excited to see how Marco had regained his consciousness. I did not have time to mind anything other than focus on Skye’s safety until now that we were seated in a private room prepared for the immediate family of the deceased. The meeting earlier was quite intense, but I was not against anything Skye had decided to do in that meeting. As always, and as I always will, I supported her choices. When she asked for her pistol, I discreetly whispered to one of the hired security to prepare a dark colored cloth, pointing my chin at a curtain in the distance to cover any blood that would spill where Skye would have to look at. With how the said meeting was going through, I wouldn’t and I shouldn’t be too surprised if Skye flipped off and went on a killing spree. I saw how she was checking the identity of anyone that would speak with an u
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Chapter 145 Dark Tunnel
Winston’s POVThe moment Mister Nahart told me his thoughts about stepping out of the dark world that he was swamped into, my respect for him intensified. The very thought that he was willing to step out of a world where his position was immensely envied and utterly challenging to conquer, made me admire him even more. I was greatly thankful to the person, who was unknown unto me of whom he was until I was able to investigate and found out everything there was to find about this man, Luis Michael. But as I got to dig deeper, I found out, mind you it wasn’t easy either, that this name which I went through hell to discover, turned out to be a dummy. I almost gave up digging. It seemed to me my savior did not want to be found out and I ought to respect his wishes. But I was so bothered and even from the shadow, I wished to be of help in any way for this kind person who, in my understanding, did not want to announce his good deeds to the world, when I am one of those results. A patriot
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Chapter 146 Blatantly Annoying
Winston’s POVAnd with all my heart and soul poured into one goal– seeking justice for my family, I did not fear facing any challenge in the field of training, as well as when I was sent to execute orders. I believe I have walked in and out of the valley of death, and I no longer fear anything. This mindset made me a successful man in my line of career. I attained a lot of achievements but I did not stop from there. I was aiming for a certain spot where I would get the power to request for something. A squad of fighters of my own operations focusing on tracking and bringing down every illegal business involving narcotics. And after a decade in the army, I was able to achieve the rank of Sergeant in the Air Force. With all my achievements and good records, I formally requested my superiors to grant me a group of my own. It took a while before my request was granted, but it did not matter to me. While waiting, I was doing work under the radar hand in hand with Mister George Nahart. Th
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Chapter 147 Video Call
Marco’s POV“Hey….” I was about to ask how everything was from their side knowing she was somewhere I could not even get to understand fully. But after a soft mention of my name, I couldn’t hear anything other than faint sobs. It was so faint that I wasn’t even sure I heard it right. I lifted my eyes to look at Matt and asked to change the call. “Can we turn this into a video call?” I was wary. Aside from that, it felt like it’s been so long since the last time I saw her face.“If it’s only for us to decide, you can just press the video call button. But we don’t know their situation at the moment, so you have to ask them instead of me.”Matt had his face to me as he spoke but he also made a sign with his hand if I wanted him to leave and give me privacy. I nodded. Skye and Gab must have heard my words to Matt because only a seconds after, I heard a few beep sounds on the phone and when I looked to check its screen, I saw an incoming video call request. I did not waste a breath and
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Chapter 148 The Photos in the Albums
Matt’s POV“Naomi, have you seen where our fascinating patient went?” I asked the nurse with humor although my face was not showing any of it. “Well, at least he was a patient before he woke up….” I added. “Before he woke up? What about now?” Naomi asked with a hint of disbelief and soft chuckle. “Yeah, before he woke up. Because now, I am no longer sure he needs any of our attention. He isn’t even seeking our assistance. He is nowhere to be found, and he isn’t looking anything close to a patient. See, he isn’t where a patient should be lying down and resting…?”I was not worried about his health, seeing how he was doing fine. I even checked his vitals, and I just finished running tests on his blood sample because I brought everything I could mobilize in order to have a full observation on the immediate tasks concerning Marco’s condition, I also checked his medical files from Naomi’s reports from the top to bottom, but I did not find anything that threatens his life. Maybe, and hop
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Chapter 149 Excitement or Dread
Marco’s POV“Calvin, do you think we can move swiftly and discreetly?” I asked my head of security, Calvin Brook. Apparently, according to Calvin, Skye and Gab did not bring anyone from my security team to secure my safety while they are not by my side. But when I spoke to Gab about it, he also explained that they needed to move with people that won’t have any connection with me. Gab assured me that the people he had with him to assist him and Skye were more than reliable and efficient to easily shake hands with after the job was done. To assure me of his words, Gab even gave me every detail that concerned their mission on the go, so that I could have a trace of their situation. I would also get to send rescue when the time comes that they ever need one. “You won’t believe how big time the people we get to bump into in this place are,” Gab mentioned during our video call conversation earlier. “I, myself, had only heard of their legendary names, although I can see the manifestations
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Chapter 150 Hanging
Skye’s POVWhile speaking with Marco, an idea popped into my mind. I got excited and put our call to an end. Anyway, it wasn't safe to stay on the phone for long. And talking to Marco in person was more captivating for me. “I want to expedite the wake,” I told Gab as soon as the conversation with Marco ended. I was thinking about wrapping things up here, and going home to see Marco. I wanted to check his condition with my own eyes and I was convinced that only by then would I feel peace. “What do you want me to do?” Gab asked in return. This man is making me smile at how easy it is to talk with him. I never expect him to be this obedient based on my first impression of him, but as soon as I gave the chance of accepting his presence with Marco and I, and investing my trust that this man will not hesitate to put his life in line just to keep me safe, I have noticed he wasn’t was I thought he was. Gab is a reliable and dependable companion. He is almost a step ahead in making sure o
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