All Chapters of Mr. Mafia Bodyguard: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
86 Chapters
Whe Mathew went back to his home, he searched for his mother. Mrs. Ordon was leisurely resting on the sofa while eating sunflower seeds when her son screamed at her. She was shocked and startled. She finally got time to rest as her grandchild had been taken care of by Ally."What's wrong with you? Why are you shouting at me, very disrespectful to your mother?” She is furious.“What's wrong with me? Respect? Do you deserve it at all?” Mathew yelled."Watch your mouth! I'm your mother! What happened to you, son?” She didn't understand Mathew's sudden temper."You!” Mathew points his index finger towards his mother, face showing disgust.“You don't deserve to be my mother nor are you qualified to stay as father wife! You are so filthy!” Mathew said harshly.What Mathew said broke the older woman's heart. How can her beloved son say those horrible things to her?"Mathew! What had you said? I a-am f-filthy? How dare you?” She burst into tears right away."Yes, you are! No wonder I was attr
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Alessia was finally prepped and ready for surgery. It was a very scary situation, because at any minute something could go wrong, Damon was beside Alessia trying his best to keep calm while calming the other, always praising the female one. Their friends were outside in the waiting room,When Alessia was pushed inside the operation room, Damon had to wait outside at the waiting hall. His legs keep tapping on the floor, biting his nails, and the heart fills with anxiety. Because it is a surgery, the doctor prohibits him from entering the operation room.Before Alessia entered the operation room, both of them already cheered each other, with thousands of comforting words and encouragement. In front of Alessia, Damon never shows his panic and anxiousness but now He can't control his nervousness.“Calm down, Damon! Alessia will be fine! The doctor already told us that she will safely give birth.” Seb said."I know! I just...can't help it! My legs are shaking on their own! Anything can hap
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Some months later:-Damon Williams is a man of many talents.He could create wonders of pictures with barely a flex of his fingers that would make you wonder what was real and what was fantasy. He could put together a dashing outfit that would look like it had just appeared on a catwalk in Milan. He could mix a delicious cocktail or two that could make you drunker than a sailor after just one glass all whilst serving as host at one of his unforgettableFashion parties. And let's just say he wasn't too shabby when it comes to industry.But dealing with screeching babes having a tantrum? Well, he was still working on that. Whichever idiot who claimed parenting was a breeze deserved to go to the Fashion show in a matchbox."Alessia, Max and Sam is still crying. I've changed them, fed them, burped them, played with them and they still won't stop crying!" Damon whined, trying to balance his mobile against his ear whilst bouncing a wailing Max in his arms. "I've tried everything. Please com
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Two months later, things were finally getting back to normal. There were no more troubles of Max and Sam sleeping, and Alessia and Damon were able to get a full night's sleep again. Things were looking up.Alessia felt good to be finally home as she pulled out her keys and unlocked the front door."Damon, I'm back," she called out with a yawn as she deposited her bag and paper in its place. Since they had moved their things out of their places because of children she found her things mixed in with Damon. Sometimes she'd find one of her files folded up on a table next to one of Damon files or she'd find Damon himself fixing one of Alessia work."In here, love," Damon called from his study area where he often kept his work, out of reach of children's. Alessia smiled."I thought we agreed on a different name." Alessia chuckled as she plodded towards the kitchen and opened the fridge to get out some milk."Not whilst we have company, Alessia." Alessia felt Damon arms wrap around her wais
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"Come on let's go. We can take childrens to toy shop they likes. That'll cheer them up." Damon suggested, smiling at Max and Sam as he held their little hand. "Would you like that babies? Do you want Mum and Daddy to take you to the toy shop?" "Shush, Damon, I'm trying to listen. Here, take them for a moment, will you?" Alessia handed children into Damon waiting arms before she call the guards. Damon fell silent as he watched Alessia in alarm, cradling Max and Sam protectively to his chest.Alessia slipped her phone out of his pocket. She cautiously made her way around the edge of the alley, following the sound of the scuttling noise. Alessia ended up by a fire exit by one of the dumpsters, his attention fixed on a rustling rubbish bag."Damon, take them out of here." Alessia called over her shoulder as she pulled out small knife."I'm not leaving you, Alessia.""I'll be fine, just go. Take them somewhere safe."Damon bit his bottom lip before he reluctantly backed out of the alleyw
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"Are you okay there?" Alessia asks Jordon."Yeah, couldn't be happier. Paige got the boys now.""Again? Honestly, she's acting as if they're her own." Alessia rolled her eyes fondly as she sat down next to him. "I suppose it won't be long until she does have her own though. Paige always wanted kids."Jordon nodded. "She'll be a great mother.""Hopefully not for a while though. It's a lot of work raising kids as well as doing a job like ours. Then there's the wedding..."Jordon glanced at Damon out of the corner of his eye suspiciously to find his brother-in-law-to-be sitting on a chair with his hands together in a tense gesture. He wasn't looking at him directly, but Jordon felt like Damon was watching his every move closely."Alessia.." Jordon asked slowly."Look," Alessia sat up straight and turned to Jordon with a hard stare. "I don't want to pry in your business, and you and I both know she can handle herself pretty well. But if there's some other reason why Paige wants to get mar
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"W-wait, I need to talk to you." Jordon groaned, breaking off their kiss and letting his head fall back against the bed covers."Oh, Lord, you do make a girl blush." Paige giggled, slowly kissing her way down his chest. "Go on, milord, tell me how big your estate is.""Paige, stop." Jordon reached for her hands and softly held them still against his chest.Paige slowly straightened up and stared down at him with a frown. Jordon felt like his heart was being crushed inside his chest at the sight. "Oh, sorry Jordon. I thought this would get you going. You were so into it last time.""And I am, truly. You have no idea." Jordon said as he sat up and pressed his lips to her knuckles, never letting go as he went. "I just wanted to ask you something first.""Oh, okay. What do you want to talk about?"Jordon took a deep breath and reluctantly turned to gently push Paige onto the bed beside him. A look appeared in Paige eyes that Jordon didn't want to believe was hurt, and hastily pressed anot
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“Oh come on! How could they change that bit from the book? It was a key event in their relationship!” Chia exclaimed at the television screen from her spot next to Damon on the couch. Alessia looked up from her book and smiled as she caught Damon raising his eyebrow at her over Chia head. She sighed and grabbed the remote, switching the screen off with a flash. “I can’t watch this adaptation. Are they trying to ruin A Tale of Two Cities?”“I think the American educational system already beat them to it, my dear.” Damon said idly, clearing up the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in a flash of blue flames. Chia huffed as she leaned into his side, resting her head against his shoulder. Strands of her long brown hair fell out of the bun at the back of her head and fell into her eyes.“Will would hate this film if he was here watching it. He absolutely loved this book and they completely missed the point of their whole relationship! Dickens would be turning in his grave.” Damon wrapped
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Damon kissing her way sporadically across her chest as he undid the buttons of Alessia shirt. He would never rip any of Alessia's clothes - not unless she asked him to - because he knew that Alessia would get annoyed about it. Buttons undone she yanked her shirt down over her arms, his fingers eager to gain access to her skin. "Now, what was that about it?"Damon let out a low rumbling laugh as he gripped Alessia's hips and ground against his, making Alessia breath hitch in her throat. Damon leaned up and kissed the Alessia collarbone. "Do you remember that time in Paris? The candlelit dinner, the romantic walk along the Seine...""That god-awful violinist," Alessia chuckled, remembering the screech of the violinist's bow tear against the strings as he played outside their hotel room window. Alessia moaned as Damon tugged on her hair, pulling her up as he nipped at her collarbone. "How could I forget?""We could have that again..." Damon gasped, his hands feverishly trying to drag the
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After the last time Alessia and Damon left the boys with their friends, they had come home to find their home in chaos. So it was understandable that they were nervous about going out again for a night and leaving the boys to the mercy of their babysitters. This time, to avoid coming home to find their home in a mess and billy suffering with PTSD in a corner, they decided to take the boys to the office for the day to be looked after by Rich and Rayan.Damon watched on patiently as he waited in the kitchen for Alessia to finish talking to Rich about Max and Ray bedtime routine. He had been waiting for the past hour. “Now, you will call us if anything goes wrong won’t you? Seriously, anything at all and you ring us straight away, no matter what time it is.” Alessia said anxiously.“I promise that if anything bad happens – not that anything could after last time from what I’ve heard from Seb – we will call you. Won’t we Rayan?” Seb replied just as Rayan walked into the room, carrying a
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