All Chapters of The set up: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
Other side of the story
In the quiet corner of the coffee shop, as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped us, Ann and I sat with our cups, the steam rising and curling upwards. The time had come for Ann to share the story she had held close for so long, and there was a profound sense of gravity in the air.She began in a hushed tone, her words heavy with emotion. "Molly, you deserve to know the truth. Two years ago, my brother Mark was set up in a web of deception and betrayal." Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she recounted the painful events.Ann continued, "It all started with Mark's girlfriend, Jane. She suspected him of infidelity and, in her desperation, she turned to a television show called 'Charlie Brown's Cheaters.' She believed the show could reveal the truth."As Ann spoke, the weight of the story became evident. Mark, a victim of circumstances beyond his control, had been unwittingly thrust into a televised spectacle of betrayal. My heart ached for him and the injustices he had endur
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A course of Action
I sat in my apartment, my mind buzzing with determination. The idea had been growing inside me like a storm, and I knew it was time to share it with the world, starting with Mark.With a resolute tone, I practised how i would tell patrick my plans "Patrick, I want to make an exposé about Mark and how Charlie Brown's Cheaters messed up his life by setting him up as a cheater. I believe it's time the truth came out."I discussed the plan in detail, how i would gather evidence, interview those involved, and meticulously piece together the story. The determination in our voices was palpable, as i knew this was a mission that needed to be accomplished.As i embarked on our mission to expose the truth, I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. The story was a poirful reminder of the impact of manipulation, and the emotion that drove us was unwavering. I ire on a journey to set the record straight, to unmask Charlie Brown, and to ensure that Mark's side of the story was finally hear
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As I returned to my apartment, the familiar solitude embraced me, and a sense of loneliness washed over my heart. The space I called home was quiet, the silence a constant companion. I couldn't help but reflect on the fact that, apart from Patrick and Kelvin, I didn't have any real friends in my life.The realization weighed on me as I moved through my apartment, a gentle sigh escaping my lips. Loneliness had become a steady presence, a reminder that while I was dedicated to my work and passions, I yearned for meaningful connections and companionship.I settled into my cozy living room, the soft ambiance offering some comfort. With a cup of tea in hand, I thought about the love that had been missing from my life, the warmth of a close friend or a partner who could share in the ups and downs of life. The need for love and connection was a longing that stirred within me, and it was a sentiment that had grown stronger over time.As I gazed out of my window, the city's lights twinkling in
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Kevin gets Stood up
As I stepped into the restaurant Sereni, my mind was filled with a whirlwind of emotions. The warm, inviting ambiance of the place did little to distract me from the thoughts that had been occupying my mind since I had seen those pictures of Charlie's wife, Samantha.I was eager to meet Kevin, but the image of Samantha, her smile appearing forced and her eyes conveying a sense of being trapped, weighed on my heart. I couldn't help but feel compassion for her, a woman whose life seemed to be veiled in unhappiness.Samantha's plight, as gleaned from those few images, had stirred within me a sense of empathy. It was a stark reminder that behind the polished facades, there were often untold stories of suffering and struggle. Her situation, married to a man like Charlie, appeared to be one of deep discontent, and it left me with a profound sense of compassion for her.I walked through the glass doors of the restaurant, my thoughts preoccupied with the upcoming meeting with Kevin. The soft
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broken hearted
I trudged up the familiar path to my front door, my heart heavy with regret. I knew I had let Kevin down, and the guilt gnawed at me with every step. It had been our special night, and I'd promised to be there. But an unexpected work emergency had forced me to cancel, leaving Kevin hanging. I knew he'd be hurt, but I had no choice.As I reached the front porch, I noticed something was terribly wrong. The door, ajar and splintered, hung crookedly on its hinges. Panic surged through me, my footsteps quickening as I stumbled into the disarray within.My home, my sanctuary, had been transformed into a nightmare. The living room was a sea of shattered glass, its shards glittering malevolently in the dim light. My favorite vintage records lay in ruins, their grooves now mangled. The scent of spilled wine and the acrid stench of broken memories lingered in the air.Tears welled up as I surveyed the wreckage. My cherished collection of books, collected over years of hunting through dusty old
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I sunk deeper into the cold water of my bathtub, shivering as I clutched the phone to my ear. The sound of water sloshing and echoing in my small bathroom was a stark contrast to the scene that had unfolded in my apartment earlier that day. I sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the chaos around me."Hey, Kevin," I said, trying to sound casual, though my voice quivered. "I didn't expect to hear from you right now.""Hey, Molly," Kevin replied, his voice filled with concern. "I tried calling you earlier, and you didn't pick up. Are you okay?"His words hung in the air, heavy with the unspoken question. I knew I had to explain what had happened, but I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. The truth was too painful to voice."Yeah, I'm okay," I replied, struggling to keep my voice steady. "I was just... busy with some stuff."I could almost picture the worried furrow of his brow on the other end of the line. Kevin was my best friend, the one person who had always been there for me, a
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Still Confused...
Few days laterI sat in my dimly lit apartment, the weight of my earlier actions pressing down on me. I had lied to kevin about my feelings and felt I led him on after standing him up. It had been a rough few days since my apartment was trashed, and the emotional turmoil left me feeling vulnerable and fragile. The silence of the room was deafening, and I needed to reach out to the one person who had always been there for me: Kevin.As I stared at my phone, I hesitated for a moment. My heart ached, and my throat tightened. I had to make things right, to apologize to Kevin for standing him up that night. I knew I'd been in a terrible place emotionally, but it was no excuse for hurting him. I dialed his number, my finger hovering over the call button for a moment before I finally pressed it.The phone rang, each tone echoing through the empty room. My nerves got the best of me as the seconds dragged on, and I rehearsed what I would say to him over and over in my head. I needed to make h
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picking up the pieces
The sun's feeble rays crept through the curtains, casting a faint glow on the aftermath of the chaos that had engulfed my apartment. Broken glass, shattered frames, and the remnants of my once cherished belongings lay strewn across the floor, a stark reminder of the nightmarish events of the past few days. I couldn't keep dwelling on the pain and the betrayal, it was time to start picking up the pieces and move on.I took a deep breath, the air in my apartment feeling heavy with the burden of my past. This was the moment to begin the process of healing. Determination filled my heart as I forced myself to step forward and take action. I couldn't change what had happened, but I could control how I responded.The first step was to gather the broken items, the symbols of my shattered trust and stolen security. It was difficult to confront the remnants of a life that had been torn apart, but I knew it was a necessary catharsis. I grabbed a trash bag and began carefully picking up the shard
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patrick offers help
I had spent the morning with Kevin, sorting through the aftermath of the apartment trashing, trying to salvage what we could and clean up the mess that Sarah had left behind. The room still bore the scars of that terrible night, but we had made progress. The once-grimy walls were starting to shine again, and the shattered fragments of my life were slowly finding their place.As we worked, my phone rang, and I saw Patrick's name on the caller ID. Patrick had been a friend from college, and we had reconnected recently when he offered me some financial help. It was his money that was helping me to pay off some of my mounting debts, and I had been grateful for his assistance.I excused myself from Kevin and stepped into the kitchen to take the call. My heart was heavy, and the stress of the past few days had taken a toll on me. I needed all the support I could get."Hey, Patrick," I greeted him with a weary smile, trying to keep my voice steady."Molly, how's everything going?" Patrick's
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knowing each other
Kevin and I sat on the worn-out couch in my dimly lit living room. The events of the past few days had taken a toll on us, and it felt like the world had lost all its color. I needed a distraction, something to pull me out of the abyss of my own thoughts. As I nestled into Kevin's comforting embrace, I decided to ask him about his family, something we'd never really delved into before."Kevin," I began, my voice hushed. "I realized I don't know much about your family. Can you tell me more about them?"He looked at me, his gaze softening, and for a moment, he seemed lost in his own memories. Then, with a sigh, he began to speak, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and pain."I grew up with just my mom," Kevin said, his fingers idly tracing circles on my shoulder. "I never really knew my dad."I leaned my head against his chest, feeling a mixture of curiosity and sympathy. "Never knew your dad? What happened?"Kevin sighed, as if the weight of his untold story bore down on him. "We
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