All Chapters of Rebirth: The Dark Sorceress : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
92 Chapters
Dark Moon’s Hag
When realization dawned on me, slowly, I raised my head to look at Damon and what I saw in his eyes made my blood run cold.Disgust.His shock was dying down giving room to express the disgust he felt. I should have been prepared for it, all this while I had thought I’d be able to stomach the hatred he would feel when he gets to know but now that it was here, I realized nothing would have prepared me for this pain.It punched me in the guts, sucking out all of the air in me.It drained everything in me, just that look was enough to weaken my bones, still my heart, and break my existence over and over again.“Sorcery,” Maxwell whispered through his throaty voice. His already sunken eyes looked even more sunken as they went to Micheal’s lifeless body.Chaos broke out. Noise filled the air all of a sudden, slicing through the silence as people spoke rapidly, all at once and I caught nothing of it.My mom was watching me with a horrified expression, the tears that had welled up in her eye
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Let The Luna Burn
He thought I’d killed the real Alena. He thought I’d killed her and taken her form.That was the only reasoning that made sense, it would never occur to anyone that I had been reborn again as her. It was either that or my mom had cheated on her mate with a sorceress and had me. I tried to stop more tears from falling as I stared back into his eyes hoping to see any of the affection he had in them but they were dark and void of emotion.“I didn't kill her.” I managed to say and just at once his hold tightened.“Don’t lie to me!” He barked.I could feel my chest tightening at the lack of air but I couldn't care less, my heart pumped faster, my pulse quickened, his hold remained until my head swooned and I began to feel dizzy until he let me go, leaving me to clutch the table beside me.I coughed, one hand holding my neck he'd just released as the cough shook me.Damon walked away from me, pacing at the other end with his hand running through his face in frustration.“This can't be happe
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Burning Desires
My narration was calm, unhurried, and said with an ease I didn't at all feel. All through it, I held my hands in front of me, pinching hard and hard into the inside of my palm.I could almost hear the sound of my heart as it beat faster almost deafening me.Silence filled the air when I was done, and slowly I opened my eyes to see Damon was still standing in his exact position during the time I had taken to speak, the only thing that had changed was how stiffly he stood, his fists clenched tight by his side.We stared at each other wordlessly, I held my breath and waited for him to say something, anything but the silence remained and it hurt more than I could ever imagine silence would.His face was void of any emotion, the mask was on and I recall the last time I’d seen him like this was right before the execution.“I hated you,” I said eventually. “I wished you horrible things and I wanted you to pay for what you had done.”“What changed?” His voice was rough.I didn't say anything,
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A Love Like Ours
Damon pulled away from her as though he'd been burnt. What was wrong with him? Had he somehow gone crazy?He was sure he had, that was the only explanation for this because all of this was sheer madness. He had almost kissed her, the same person who had ruined his life and destroyed his love.The pain he felt in his chest was unexplainable, the feeling of betrayal was worse. He had loved her, he had loved her so much and had put complete faith and trust into her and this was the result?Damon felt like a fool, the biggest one to have ever lived. How could he have trusted her so blindly even though there had been hints of her deception that he should have picked on but no, like a lovesick fool he had overlooked it all, defended her in the face of all the accusations.The embarrassment he felt was terrible, he was so close to smacking his head for being so foolish, so stupid enough to have trusted her - Eliana.The woman in front of him didn't in any way look like the sorcerer's daught
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Mate Bond
I could feel my heart pounding loudly all the way in my ears, with every step we took, I wanted to take less.“We have to keep going, Luna,” Aaron said, guiding me towards where I had no idea and I allowed him to lead me off. I was too unstable to think of anything else - he was going to suffer for this, I knew he was. I just had no idea what to do to help.The same way the tears ran down my eyes blurring my vision, I felt my pain blur out my ability to think coherently so I simply let him lead me, blindly stumbling after him as he pulled me deeper and deeper past a thick mass of greenery.“You are bleeding.” I heard Aaron say but his voice sounded like it was coming from far away, his words barely registering in my head until I noticed we’d stopped. I looked down and saw I was bleeding, my foot must have stepped on something sharp, blood oozed from it.Aaron looked at my injured leg and then backward as though we were being chased, a pained look on his face, his indecisiveness glarin
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The Vampires
My mind was in turmoil and I couldn’t tell how long I lay there, unmoving and simply focusing on the pain and emptiness. Tears rolled down my eyes, never stopping until I felt like I had lost all the moisture left in me.It didn’t make sense, he couldn’t do this. I turned it over and over in my head trying to make sense of it until I felt a growing ache in my head.Finally, I got up and began to make my way back towards the Dark Moon pack. It didn’t matter to me the repercussions, I could still feel the lingering feelings of pain I had felt from Damon.Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong and I dreaded what I was going back to find.The walk back to town was longer, probably because it was a painful feat to put one leg in front of the other, not with the way my whole body was burning with pain from when I had fallen. I was aware of my injured foot but it had stopped bleeding, it was still sore and it made walking difficult.I was sure the sight of me was terrible but that
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His Betrayal
The pain I felt when my eyes fluttered open was enough to leave me gasping for air. It aches everywhere, my head, body, eyes - every single inch of me was burning with pain.At first darkness met me when my eyes came open, it took a few seconds for me to realize I was in an extremely dark room. Slowly, I became conscious of my environment and my own self.I struggled with my hands only to realize when chains changed that it had been pulled behind me and was chained.“Hello!” My voice rang out, echoing all around me as it bounced back to the walls of the room I was held in.It took a few seconds until I heard someone say. “Finally awake, Luna, took you long enough.”And the lights came on, a light bulb hanging down the ceiling shone filtering the room with its glow and it was then I realized where I was - a cell.It was as tiny as a shoebox, the walls were peeling off and it smelt worse. It smelled strongly of a mix urine and sweat.“Who are you and where is Damon?” I yelled out again,
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The next time the lights came on, the sudden glow almost blinded me and I had to squint for a few more minutes until my eyes got used to it and when I could finally open them, Helena was the one visiting.“Helena,” I called in a relieved tone. It felt good to see someone else, I couldn't tell how many hours or days I’d spent in this dingy room but all I knew was that a lot of time had passed and I had grown weak from hunger and thirst but I’d rather die from starvation than eat anything offered to me, not that anything actually had been.I had been left to myself in complete silence and darkness, exhaustion made every one of my bones numb.“Luna,” She said, smiling at me in that friendly way of hers. “I brought you something to eat,” She indicated the tray she held and dropped it on the floor beside me while she stood. On the tray was a food warmer and a flask, my throat ached from thirst at the sight of it.“I will not eat anything, Helena.” I deadpanned. I wasn't surprised to see sh
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Half The Truth
The old witch,Valinne,Helena.It couldn't be possible, there's no way in hell and back that Helena could be her but the proof was standing before me. She had taken another’s form and had been living in the pack for so long.I had no idea she was so powerful and I wondered where she got her powers from but a small voice reminded me that she was a sorcerer who had been abandoned by her own people for using forbidden magic. Valinne - Helena - would be able to do anything for power.She chuckled at my expression, her face a display of sheer joy at my locked-up state.“You are pathetic, child. An embarrassment to your mother.” She said, shaking her head disapprovingly.“And you are a sad woman whose hunger for power will never be satiated.” I retorted.Her grin grew larger. “And who says I want it to ever be? With the lack of craving comes living a mundane life and thus ending up just like…” Her eyes ran me over with extra disgust for impact. “You,”“And it'll be better for me to be here
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Sunlight Streams
Long after Valline had left, I was still reeling from her words.She hadn't told me the whole truth.There was still so much I didn't know and that thought scared me. Why exactly had Mother caused Aria? What did the previous Luna do to provoke her so much, or?...I shook my head refusing to let any thought of it come to mind but it did and it refused to leave.What if Aria hadn't been the one who’d done something? What if the attack had been targeted at Damon and Mother had simply used Aria as a pawn?“No, it couldn't be,” I whispered to myself. Damon had no business with Mother, if anything Aria must have offended her during the time she had been visiting Mother.“... But then you would have no reason to love him as stupidly as you do now.”She had said that - Valinne, and I wanted to believe she was lying but if there was anything I had been quick to learn about the witch, it was that she was no liar which meant that true to her words, there was something I didn't know about Damon,
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