Semua Bab The Alpha Bully's Obsession: Bab 51 - Bab 60
119 Bab
In deep trouble
Rina Cracking my knuckles, I paced around the room. Piccolo Maestro. That guy would be the death of me. He'd bring about my end. I soon got weary of walking; I perched on the bed, my mind wreathed with anxiety. It didn't take long before I stood again. Nerves wouldn't let me be. Two hours ago, I got the shock of my life. Piccolo Maestro had yelled at Liliana and touched me in front of her! He didn’t care that I'd be in trouble. He didn’t care she'd notice and go tell the Luna or worse—The Alpha. And now, I stood on tenterhooks, not knowing what would happen should his parents come back. It was almost dark. Any minute from now, the Luna would be here. What was she going to do? What would she say? My eyes darted back and forth as I pondered. The drumming in my chest distracted me. I couldn't make a mental picture with all the noise. My bum perched on the bed again. It was pretty obvious. The Luna would be flaming mad, and I didn't think the bulk of her anger would be directed to
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Happy now?
RinaShe bowed to the Luna before getting seated. "Rina, take your seat too." Just like her son, her face was blank which worsened my fright. It'd have been better if I'd spotted a frown. At least, I'd be ready for the worst. I threw Mammà a glance. Her eyes flicked from me to the Luna. The poor woman was confused, all thanks to my dumb self. I drew out the chair next to her and was about sitting when the Luna spoke up. "No, stay beside Vincenzo. You two are a pair." I didn't know what to make out of that statement. Holding my breath, I dropped next to my nemesis. His eyes flicked to me and I had the furious urge to gorge them out. The fool. He'd make it obvious that we—he…that something odd existed between us.I glanced at Mammà again. I could tell from how tense her brows were that she itched to know what was going on. The Luna rang the table bell and a maid appeared. Each one of us was served. It was surprising because Mammà and I weren't left out from the desert and sparkli
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prove it
RINASwallowing, I knocked on the door. An answer didn't come, so I was forced to knock again. This time around, an exhale followed. I got this. Nervousness grilled me, and brought my lids down. I was determined to enter that lounge. All this had to end here and now. With still no response, I raised my knuckles again, but didn't get to rap them on the door. Piccolo Maestro's chest was the next thing I saw. Or rather, the phoenix tattoo on his left pec. The design was done with precision. I could tell, from how red the edges were, it was new. Did it hurt? Could it be why he was shirtless now? And why the hell had I thought that? I snatched my gaze away, landing it on his sparkling eyes. Kill me. He'd been watching as I stared. I bit my cheek both as a way of chiding myself and gathering courage. Silently clearing my throat, I said: "I'm here to re—" He hurled me in and slapped my back against the door. An arm above me, he leaned. Uncomfortable with the proximity —as always—I pre
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Ciao, Sandro
UNKNOWN POVI found myself in a—what's the opposite of a shoebox? This was my first time here—away from home. My mother's expression had been priceless and so were the five seconds she'd to digest my statement: I'd like to visit Suite di Agosto, with special interest in the cellar and kitchen. However, my anticipation was a waste of energy. Partly. While the cellar was like the milky way in intrigue, this place reeked of death. As a result, saliva filled my mouth. I didn't turn back though. Curiosity was my second nature, so I ambled in and stopped right at the center of the room. A partition separated it into two. According to the signs on each, they were poultry and red meat sections.My mother always liked to be precise even when it wasn't necessary. I saw no reason why there'd be a sign to tell one section from the other when you could easily see with your eyes the stuff that went on there. Protocols, my mind chipped in. Workers bowed at me. Oddly, I didn't gloat. I'd gotten u
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hot mess
VINCENZOI came down to the chair and placed my text on the table. Staring back at me was the worst of the worst: Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Some days—like now—I wondered why I'd settled for a major in Finance. There wasn't any reason other than my parents' approval. Quite an irony, considering that I disagreed with them on everything. It turned out that I'd been a lost sheep. I hadn't a clear vision of what I wanted to do. So, rather than giving Madre more reasons to doubt me, I settled for what had been on the table. I finally got a choice a month after first year, but couldn't imagine deferring my admission to start all over. Instead, I'd endure this hell of a major and wait till after graduation. Again, I looked to be at an advantage, as my degree in Finance would come in handy when I started Law school.Exams were in full swing now. Started of last Thursday, and I haven't had any breathing space ever since. My department was notorious for being on the f
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how cute
RINA"Alright, time's up.”"Sh—" I jammed my mouth, blocking the rest of the cuss from spilling. I couldn't believe I'd almost said that out loud. Murmurs broke out, giving me a sense of hope: I wasn't the only one yet to finish."Your papers now," the professor came again. His tone much sterner. I set my fingers in motion and hurried through the question. The very last. Occasionally, I'd glance at the balding man to know if he'd left the theater like he threatened. Luckily, I made it to the end before he decided to follow through with his threat. Joining the line to make a submission, I caught people’s chatter about how easy the paper was. Easy but bulky. That was Storia Dell’arte Contemporanea for ya. A lot of my course mates wore a look of satisfaction, coupled with those that talked about the answers. All in all, everyone was confident in their ability. Everyone minus me. I agreed with the part about the questions being easy, but the problem laid with my approach in answering
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for how long?
RinaThe worst decision I'd made, apart from accepting to follow Mammà to the pack house, was to give Sophia my number. It'd been calls after calls after calls. Everywhere, every freaking time. Right now was no different. It was still the same old stuff. The tickets, party preparations and Piccolo Maestro. Nothing annoyed me as much as her fixation on Piccolo Maestro did. She wanted to know everything about him. What he was doing and what clothes he had on. What he had for lunch and whether the o'clock shadow appeared? His routine, his this, his that. Would I be rude if I said Sophia behaved like him?" It was pure…what's the word? Pure obsession. I sighed as the phone rang again. Drying my palms on my blouse, I reached for it. Her voice shot through before I could speak, "Do you think you're being fair? You think I don't have anything better to do than waste my time and battery calling you?""I'm sorry.""The hell you are! You always say that. What's going on? Am I a disturbance
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come on now
Unknown pov- I threw my backpack into the backseat before engaging the muscles of my arm into yet another wrestling contest with the door to the driver side. "Come on now."I gave one more tug before the door came open. Climbing inside, I slammed the door shut. It wouldn't come close. I tried again, harder this time, and then collapsed against my chair as exhaustion fell on me. On a normal day, I'd have found this funny. But my mood had been so badly ruined that I found nothing amusing anymore. It seemed like this part of town was intertwined with stinginess and greed. Imagine paying £ 55 per day for a piece of crap. And I wasn't even sure this thing would carry me to the villa.A young man walked across, dragging a full garbage bag to a dumpster. The name on his uniform painted a grimace on my face.CLC: Casa Lontano da Casa. [Home away from home]What a fancy name for a shithole inn. This place had done to me something that Karma hadn't done to anyone before. Where the fuck do I
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pound of flesh
VINCENZOThe pack house pulsed with two distinct sounds. The upbeat music shooting from the living room, and my grunts. A bitch had her butt clasped on my dick; my head was thrown back as spams upon spasms of pleasure coursed through me. This was the first I was getting laid since the semester ended. And it had only been yesterday that I realised how sex starved I was. Coughing out a groan, I freed myself from her and started getting dressed. I didn't give a second look before leaving and returning to the partying room. All signs pointed at the fact that my parents were away. Colours—red, blue and green—shot from the disco ball, painting up the room. People were chattering, laughing, grinding and generally, living their lives. Given how loud the music was, my chest drummed. I was a happy-go-lucky guy which explained why I threw a party to mark the end of a semester. There was no sense in being a workaholic. I sat with Michele and Luigi, my arms spread wide on the head of the couch.
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RINA"Next up. Rina." Mia looked up from the sheet of paper and sneered. Unenthusiastically, she read out my day's work. "Will be taking the garden, collecting the garbage and doing dishes."That said, I returned to what I'd been doing since I came to the assembly ground. Wandering mentally. We had three days till the end of the year, and as such, were preparing for the Festival of the Sun—my favorite holiday until lately. To prove how wrecked I was, Mammà and I would be visiting some relatives in Bologna; but I was anything but excited. It seemed like my mood would never be revived. Not even by the prospect of babysitting Uncle Enrico's cute daughter. . Everyone dispersed, going to their respective posts. Fortunately for me, it was airy outside. The sun was perfectly tucked under the clouds, and a cool breeze brushed across. I'd have been a sweltering mess if that hadn't been the case. I worked through the afternoon and had lunch with Mammà. It wasn't the usual kind as we barely
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