All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
277 Chapters
After a while in his room, he decided to continue the tour. Ruby was fascinated by Nate’s collection, just like her, he loved the likes of Shakespeare and Jane Austen. She was excited to discuss their books with him when they got home. She felt they would have made such good friends in highschool because they had so much in common but fate didn’t bring them together back then. “When I was six, I had my dad and some other friends from school play hide and seek with me. It was my turn to hide while everyone else would look for me, I hid here”He pointed to an empty space between two flower vases. The space was quite small and she wondered how he was able to fit in. “They look for me for hours, I had to come out myself when I was getting hungry and tired”Ruby laughed a little, she had wished it was the same for her. She loved and appreciated how much her parents tried to play with her but it wasn’t the same as having a friend her age. Before she met Esme, she had only her pare
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Ruby heated up the leftover pizza for dinner. After a long boring day of watching tv, she was exhausted and had to get something to eat. Nate was working late and was going to be home later on.Maria was around but wasn’t speaking to her because she had scared her.She sighed as she waited for the microwave to get done. An awkward silence followed as Maria walked into the kitchen. “Maria, I’m sorry about everything” she apologized She had apologized over and over again but it fell on deaf ears. She didn’t understand why Maria held such a grudge when Nate had forgiven her. Maria ignored her and began cleaning the counter top of the kitchen. “Would you please talk to me? I’m really sorry for scaring you” Maria sighed and slapped the rag against the countertop. “Do you think this just about that night?” Maria demanded, hands on her hipsRuby had never seen her angry, she was always sweet and loving. “Then what is it about?”Ruby was frustrated as it was and didn’
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She bit back a moan as she savored the taste of the chicken burger. After crying herself to sleep at night, she had woken up with a headache and a rumbling tummy. Nate had come back home late and she was sleeping already. “Girl, you need to slow down. You eat like you haven’t eaten in days”Ruby ignored Cassie and went on. She had hit Cassie up and asked if she had any free time. She figured if she spent time with her friends, she wouldn't be consumed with guilt. “I didn’t have dinner last night and I’m so hungry” Ruby relied with her mouthfulShe had missed how good the food was at the restaurant down the street. Sometimes, she asked herself if resigning was really the right choice. She was itching to get work done and be in her office once more. She wasn’t bored at the office and she always had company. Cassie as usual looked magnificent. Even when things were falling apart or there was a war, Cassie would never be caught without her signature red lip gloss and perfec
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Nate watched as Katie placed a camera on Hunter. Bentley had set up a meeting with Wyatt. It was easier than expected. Somehow, Hunter had convinced Bentley to set up a meeting with him and Wyatt. He promised that he would carry out the second contamination in Nate’s company if everything went according to plan. “I hope he’s not going to notice anything is wrong”Hunter was nervous and it was obvious. He made Nate promise to bring his sisters and mother to the USA within one week.He was hopeless and was ready to take an opportunity that came his way. “I don’t think he is going to notice anything but if you keep fidgeting, he would become suspicious” Katie stated firmly“All I need you to do is ask him all we’ve talk about and do not make it seem like you’ve rehearsed for it” Hunter nodded and wiped the sweat off his forehead. The meeting was set up in Wyatt’s car which scared him. The first time he saw Wyatt, he was guarded by fierce looking guards who were ready to shoo
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Nate, Katie and other crew members watched as Bentley parked at an unfamiliar street. “Pull up the location immediately” Katie ordered one of the men dressed in black. Throughout the ride with Bentley, all Bentley had talked about was how to launder money and make other people suffer. Everything was recorded into the flash drive. He had also mentioned the names of some of the people he had stolen from.Katie had instructed the driver to drive the van ten minutes away from Bentley’s car to avoid suspicions. “It’s on Cornell road” the man answered Katie sighed, she wasn’t familiar with Cornell road. “Park the car on Canyon road, it’s eight minutes away from Cornell road” Katie instructed the driver “Ensure you wash and filter the videos and audios to be as clear as possible. This is very important” she instructed another man who typed away on a computer Nate watched as everything happened so quickly. The minivan was too small to contain all of them but somehow they’d fit th
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Ruby found herself squished in the back seat with Cassie. The cab driver reminded her of the burly man who drove her to the airport. At least he was nice enough to turn on the air conditioning but her current driver was mean and acted like he was in a need for speed game. “I wish I had driven my car” Cassie frowned as she rolled the windows of the car down. The heat was unreasonable and irritated her so much.After her lunch date with Ruby, they decided to go to Ethan’s house immediately. Ethan lived at the fourth avenue which was the farthest place from work. Cassie wondered how Ethan was able to keep up with the gas bill and still come to the office on time. “I’d appreciate it if you drive reasonably and not endanger my life!” Cassie fired the driverRuby had found their bickering and took delight in it. She was already used to having rude Spanish drivers and she knew better to complain.Cassie was rude and knew how to insult people mercilessly but so did the man too. He
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Hunter pulled the microphone and cameras off his body immediately he entered the minivan. He could now breathe properly. “You didn’t do bad out there” Katie commended him. “I think I want to hire you, your acting skills are wonderful” “I thought I was going to pee my pants” Hunter laughedAfter he had convinced Wyatt to release Jake, Bentley had spent a good twenty minutes devising some sort of stupid plan to get more money. Wyatt stated he was thinking of going into politics after everything was over. “Your mother and sisters are going to be on the next flight to America” Nate told himHe had been quiet all these while, he thought of all the things he could do to pay Wyatt in his own coin. It was appalling that Wyatt was trying to bring down the dead. It had been eighteen years since his father’s death and Wyatt still had an unhealthy competition and obsession with him. “Thank you so much”Hunter fell to knees, tears in his eyes. “I promise I would do anything I can to h
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Ruby sighed as she got into the cab. The old man at Ethan’s house had called on other neighbors to testify to his claims. None of the neighbors had good things to say about Ethan.What shocked her more was that they claimed he was the exact opposite of who he was at the office. He was rude and didn’t hesitate to pick fights at every instant. “Do you believe them?” Cassie askedShe had been awkwardly quiet for someone who always ran her mouth at every chance. Most people had always asked how Ethan managed to be friends with her but the truth was that he always kept her in check. When Ethan didn’t show up to work, her attitude got worse. “I don’t know,” Ruby groaned.She could have sworn they were talking about the wrong Ethan and had pulled out a picture of him for confirmation. “The thing is neither of us really had the chance to visit him at home and know what he was really like. If his neighbors claimed he was pretending, do you think he would have kept up with his actin
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“Are you alright?” Katie asked as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. The woman had had a long day of tailing Bentley and collecting evidence against Wyatt.She noticed Nate had barely said a word for the past thirty minutes and he hadn’t touched the fast food that was ordered. She sighed and she moved closer to him.“If something is bothering you, you can talk to me. I know you’ve had a very long day but the fact that we’ve been able to collect concrete against him should put a smile on your face” The van had emptied out as most of the workers had returned home. “I received a text from Wyatt” he replied quietly He had struggled to find a way to channel the anger he felt. He couldn’t go around punching things, especially since the day he saw how Ruby was scared because of him. “What did the text say?” He passed the phone to her. Wyatt was asking too much of him.He asked that Nate meet with him at a hidden corner of the park. The park held too much memories for Na
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Ruby smiled as she nestled in his chest. There was no other feeling than cuddling with the man she loved after a long day. She had contemplated going to Anderson’s office but changed her mind. She was tired already and decided to go the next day. “I know you missed me” Nate smiled cockily but tiredly Katie had driven him home and fixed a meeting with some other guys for the next day. “No I didn’t” she fake frowned before breaking into a wide smile.She loved how safe and secure she felt in his arms. After a crazy day, he was what she needed to rest. It almost felt like he was the balance in her life. Before, she would rather curl up on her couch eating popcorn but she had never experienced a calming feeling as good as Nate’s. “So tell me, how did your day go?” He asked and placed a quick kiss on her foreheadHe smiled as he spotted one of his old shirts on her. It had become more like a casual habit for her to wear his clothes. “Did you know Ethan hasn’t been at work fo
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