All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
277 Chapters
She dialed her mother's number several times on her way to the house. She began to panic as no one was taking the call. Her mother always picked up at the second ring.She received a text from Ruby, asking her if she was still going to make it for the party. She tried to calm herself down but it wasn't working. She took her Zoloft pills. One thing she had in common with Ruby was anxiety. Doris had once joked that if they checked the meal that had the most, it had to be their Zoloft pills.Mark had gotten her and Ruby invited for Taylor’s all white yacht party. As the celebrity chef, he was allowed to bring a few guests. Roberta had thought of how dramatic it was going to be, having Ruby and Taylor and the same boat. She imagined one of them was going to end up being pushed into the pool. "Dear God" she began. She was taught to pray and attended mass as a child but she wasn't deeply rooted, she saw the whole church thing as an opportunity for the rich to oppress the poor.
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Roberta decided to pass the night at the hospital. She texted Mark and Ruby, apologizing for not attending the party. She sat beside Lorenzo's bed, watching him. He looked very peaceful in sleep just like his father. She spoke with the doctor in charge earlier, he said Lorenzo's injury was a casualty and it was going to heal nicely in no time. She checked her phone for any texts from Carl, the father of her baby. She wished he could send her a text, saying literally anything. She sighed, was this what love was? She asked herself. Being so insecure and indecisive, also being cold and confused. "Honey, have some soup," Giorgia offered, handing her a bowl of soup. "Thanks Mom," she smiled. Her tummy rumbled, she hadn't eaten anything and was taking her Zoloft pills. "I have a conference to attend tomorrow,"Giorgia said, stirring her soup.Roberta’s ear became more attentive as she heard the word conference."And what is this conference about?"she asked "Well, it's a bre
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Roberta took her time in the bathroom,she had a feeling Abbie was waiting for her to be done. After some minutes, she came out, she scanned her surroundings for any sign of Abbie, she wasn't there.She was quite familiar with the surroundings of the hospital and could find her way easily. She walked to the grumpy receptionist, hoping she'll get an answer. "Excuse me,I'm looking for nurse Kira" she saidThe receptionist's scowl deepened. She typed away on her computer, ignoring Roberta. She wondered why she was always a victim of grumpy receptionists."Excuse me!" Roberta said, putting her hand firmly. "I'll have to report you to the directors if you keep on with this trashy attitude" "No, that won't be necessary, I apologize" the receptionist pleaded, bowing her head, Roberta wondered what kind of staff they employed at the hospital. "Nurse Kira is in room 101, she's on night duty"the woman answered impeccably "And how about nurse Abbie?""She left a while ago, her shift
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Ruby got dressed for the party. Her hair was put in a usual ponytail, she felt so confident and excited for what was going to happen at the yacht. She applied another coat of lip gloss and stared at herself in the mirror. Mark invited her to spite Taylor. She had given him invites for a few people and she didn’t think it through that he would invite her archenemy, Ruby. Ruby smiled, she had been extra bored lately and was in the mood to cause a little drama online. It was true what people said about hurt, it only made you stronger and less afraid. Ruby could care less about how much money Taylor had or how strong she was.People always told her she was a female version of her father. She reminisced on the days she worked at the shelter, how she had to juggle working different jobs, being a daughter and a student. She had to support her parents in little ways even though they kicked against it. There was barely any money to eat, not even to talk about paying her college tui
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Roberta locked her room. She peeled off her dress and hopped into the bathtub. The water was boiling hot but she didn't mind, she was mad at Carl.She was worried about so many things, she hadn’t received an update about the party from either Mark or Ruby, it was so unlike them. She helped Lorenzo to get into bed, he slept immediately, she imagined he meant everything he said and he was going to remember when he woke up. She decided to be more careful, she couldn't have thought that someone had followed her to see her son.After some minutes, she stepped out of the shower.She was dressed in a biker short and an old tank top. She watched her father pull out of the driveway, she hoped he didn't hear her and Carl argue over the phone.She was glad he was gone, the man made her uncomfortable. She walked to his room, now was the perfect time to search for his journal, she ensured he was deep in his sleep, the alcohol had knocked him out. She pulled out the drawer where Doris s
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Nate woke up the next morning with a start, Ruby wasn't home yet. He had spent the night at his mothers house, she had told him that she invited Ruby over. It was an opportunity for them to sort out their differences and get back together but that didn’t work out as Ruby had developed a new attitude and she wanted nothing to do with him. He yawned tiredly, he spent the night tossing around on the bed. He feared Ruby was hurt especially after he found out that she went to party with Adam and Taylor. Adam helped him check the car monitor and he confirmed everything was fine. Nate sighed, it was a lazy Saturday morning, normally he would have played golf with some of his business partners but he decided to stay indoors, after the recent murder investigation and the supposed visit from the mafia, he decided to keep to himself, his lawyer advised him not to trust anyone, he believed the person who bought the land in his name was against the redevelopment plan he had proposed.
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She got dressed, she had an urgent meeting with Doris. She had her own things to deal with but she could judge from her tone that it was an emergency.She had not gotten the chance to search her father’s room for the journal. She had so many questions for her aunty, if she wanted her help, she had to come clean and be truthful. One thing she learned from living on the streets was that there was no rumor with a little bit of truth in it. "I'll be back by evening" she said to her mother"I'll wait for you then" she smiled "It's a pleasure to have you again this week” Doris smiled as she let her into the house. "Doris ,I have so many questions," Roberta said immediately.She didn't have it all day. "What could that be?""You sent me this picture" she said and pushed the envelope to her. It was a picture of a man dressed in black. "Who is this?" She demanded"This is Marco, Wyatt’s personal assistant, you should know that by now"Roberta suspected it was Wyatt but she cou
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"No further evidence has been found" officer Malcolm said sadly.It was difficult finding a culprit or even a suspect at least. It made him feel incapable of his duties."No fingerprints? What do you mean?" Nate asked He was having a tough time."We were able to identify the bullets that were shot at his lungs as mk 15. The bullet is only available in America" "Mk 15?""Yes sir but I promise you,we are doing our best""Your best is not enough!" He yelledIt has been weeks and still no solid lead had been found, no suspects, his money was still missing and the guards murderer wasn't found. How he has gotten through the past week without running mad was a miracle to him. "How about the land? You still haven't found who bought the land?" "Well sir, we carried out an investigation on our suspect Taylor Wyatt. There was nothing found. No bank transaction whatsoever" officer Malcolm saidNate placed his hands on his chin. It scares him that someone was out there, trying to frame
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Victoria and Roger were let into Mrs Wyatt’s office by her secretary. Roger contained his excitement as he was fascinated by how huge her office was. "Welcome" she through gritted teeth.She had not forgotten the shame the couple brought her but she was willing to invest with them. "Thank you for having us. I apologize again for my behavior the other day" Victoria said, bobbing her head slightly. "Please take your seats" she ignored her apology."Without further ado, I'll suggest we carry on with this meeting immediately because I have other meetings to attend to" "Okay ma'am, here is the real estate we have,I bought this stock but I'm willing to sell it to you" Roger smiled. Mrs Wyatt took the file from the table and went through it carefully.The land was situated in the heart of Beverly hills. It was surrounded by many commercial businesses which meant more income for her. She knew the competition there was going to be strong but she was a business woman and always had
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Roberta had the best sleep in the longest time. Her son was beside her throughout the night,she had no nightmares, everything was perfect. She slept in the comfort of her former bedroom. Posters she got as a teen were still on the wall,her mother refused to clean it out even when she moved out. She wished she could stay with them a little longer.She helped Lorenzo get ready for school and even made him breakfast. She wanted to drop him off at school but couldn't risk it. "You're such an amazing mom," her mother told her."Well,I got it from you"she smiled, placing a peck on her cheek. "So,you're leaving today, right?""Sadly, yes" "Roberta" her mother started, holding her hands"When will all these be over? We need you here I beg you, your son needs you,I've never seen him this happy in a long while" "Mother, I promise you, I'm doing everything possible to get done with my work and come to you guys. I love being here" she said sadly.Her emotions were in check, she had
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