All Chapters of Wolf Six’s Salvation: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
JacksonJackson turned away from her captivating green eyes to see four men in dark clothing emerge from the alley. Their faces were covered with ski masks, but he could smell the violence building on them. He had smelled that same scent, heard that same heartbeat in Afghanistan. It was from a suicide bomber walking into a town square with the detonation trigger in his hand.Jackson's eyes flashed golden. There was no way these thugs were going to hurt a hair on Chloe. He would rip them to shreds before they could ever even lay a finger on her perfect skin. He turned back to Chloe, putting his hands on her shoulders."I'm going to need you to do exactly as I say, do you understand?"She nodded quickly, fear starting shimmer in her eyes as she glanced over his shoulder at the approaching me."Good," he said, taking her chin in his fingers and drawing her attention back to him. "I need to you stay behind us. See that dumpster over there? I want you to go to it. Protect yourself at all c
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Chapter Twelve
ChloeThe three of them hurried quickly and quietly to Dr. Turner’s car. Jackson opened the passenger door to let Chloe ride shotgun and she gave him a small smile. She wasn’t sure how she felt about him yet, but the act of chivalry was still charming.Once the car started, Chloe cranked the heat, letting it blast to try and make herself feel warm again. She was looking forward to a hot shower at the motel. Even if she didn't have any of her things, she would still enjoy the water and getting the cold ache out of her toes.They rode in easy silence for the short trip to Third Street. Dr. Turner hadn't been kidding when he said it was a cheap motel. Chloe had never seen anything so rundown and sad looking. Suddenly, she was a little bit more hesitant about the shower. The place didn't even look like it had consistent running water.Dr. Turner parked the car and hurried into the main office, returning after only a moment with a key for a room. Together, the three of them entered a very
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Chapter Thirteen
ChloeNow that they were alone, Chloe couldn’t distract herself from him. There was a tightness in the pit of her stomach that she knew only he could satisfy. Fragments from the dream kept popping into her head. The way he tasted. The heat of his skin. It made it hard to concentrate with him sitting within arms’ reach."So, you're a werewolf. How long have you known?" the words sounded even stupider than they did in her head as soon as they were out. She blushed slightly, hoping to get him talking to distract her from the memory of the dream."Not long. I had my first, what did Quent call it? My first change last year in Afghanistan. It wasn't exactly a pleasant experience." Jackson tightened slightly, keeping his eyes on the papers scattered across the floor."Oh. I'm sorry." Chloe suddenly felt incredibly foolish. She knew she should have started the conversation with something safer, like religion or national politics."Actually, until today, I didn't know there were any others lik
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Chapter Fourteen
JacksonJackson hurried back to Fort Baskerville, flashing his ID at the gate guard and then again at the newly placed guard on his building. He barely felt the cold January night settling around him like a heavy winter blanket. Little snow flurries danced in fits across the sky, but there wasn't enough snow to do more than frost the trees and make them sparkle. The poor private had flinched when Jackson growled at him, but held firm to needing to see ID.He slammed the door to his small office and flung himself into the desk chair, half hoping it would dump him on the ground and give him something to break. The chair creaked, but it held. Jackson ran his fingers through his hair, wishing he had something stashed in the desk to take the edge of his emotions.He couldn't believe what he had just done. He whined softly into his hands at the mess he had just created. Not only was the beautiful Chloe in danger, he had gone and kissed her. Throwing his uncontrollable emotions into her life
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Chapter Fifteen
ChloeChloe found herself back in the red velvet room. Her lover wasn't there yet, so she sat and waited on the bed, playing with the buttons on her shirt. It was only a matter of moments before Jackson strode through the door. He wore a tan t-shirt and his military camouflage pants that accentuated his perfect ass. Elation went through her as she flew into his arms, savoring the feeling of his muscles wrapping her up.He kissed her as though he hadn't seen her in months. It started slow and sensual with deliberated softness. His tongue searched deliberately for hers, finding her mouth and filling it with exquisite sweetness.His hands were warm on her skin as he pulled her into him, deepening the kiss. Her body pressed into his, feeling his strength. He was hot to the touch and she knew it was because he wanted her. He needed her. She pushed her hips against his, feeling him harden against her. She wanted him so badly it was making her shake.With a delicate hand, she slid her finger
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Chapter Sixteen
ChloeChloe lay in bed, her eyes still closed and her cheeks flushed. She didn’t know it was possible to have such vivid dreams. She could have sworn that Jackson had been in her bed, their lovemaking the real thing and not just a nighttime fantasy. Her body even felt sore in all the right places. She didn’t want to open her eyes, afraid to spoil the illusion. Maybe if she kept them shut, he would walk out of the shower and tell her it wasn’t a dream.A heavy pounding on the door made her groan."Chloe? It's me," called a masculine voice through the wood. Jackson.Her eyes shot open and she bounded out of bed, grabbing the gun he had given off the nightstand and peeking out a hole in the curtains and then the peephole before unlocking the door and letting him in. She flung open the door, and she almost launched herself into his arms before remembering that he hadn't actually been there for her dreams. He drew back as she stepped forward and she thought of how he had left suddenly afte
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Chapter Seventeen
Chloe"I have news!" Quent burst through the door as soon as Jackson had it open. He shook his head and carefully glanced about outside before closing it again. Chloe hoped the blush on her face and the thumping of her heart wasn't too noticeable to the older Were."I spoke with the council," Quent began as he shrugged out of his light fleece jacket, tossing it onto the single chair. Chloe still couldn't get over the fact that neither Jackson nor Quent ever seemed cold. In this weather, she was wearing a ski parka, not some flimsy little fuzzy thing. "Jackson, you are to present yourself at the next full moon.""What's going to happen?" Trepidation made his voice quaver at the end of his question."Nothing bad," Quent assured him. "The alpha of our pack is interested in meeting you. You will need to take a lesson with one of the older Weres to learn the ins and outs of being a full wolf, but since you seem to be able to control yourself currently, it shouldn't be bad.""And if I don't
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Chapter Eighteen
JacksonThe late afternoon sun filtered down, making the leftover snow sparkle and shimmer. The trees were tipped with white and the gate guard’s breath frosted the air. Jackson barely felt the cold; not that he didn’t usually feel warm, it was just with the taste of Chloe still on his lips, he didn’t even need a coat.He had slept a beautiful, dreamless sleep for the rest of the morning. When he had woken up, Quent was gone, but Chloe was sitting at the small table working on her laptop with three books open beside her. She hadn't heard him as he slid out of bed and behind her, feeling her jump when he put his hands on her shoulders."Researching your brother's condition?" he asked. She laughed."No. Homework." She grinned up at him and his heart soared. Even in the horrible motel lighting, her hair shone and her eyes sparkled. He was still afraid he was going to hurt her, but it was impossible to feel anything but happiness when he was this close to her. He would worry about the wol
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Chapter Nineteen
ChloeChloe stared at Jackson, her ears hearing the words but her brain struggling to comprehend. The man had found her brother and something bad was going to happen to him if she didn't rescue him that night."We're going to save him, right?" she asked, her voice much squeakier than she wanted it to be. Quent glanced over at Jackson and then back at her."Of course we are." Quent gave her a reassuring smile. She still felt like a tornado had ripped through her world. Ten minutes ago she had been trying to convince herself that Blake really was just in Afghanistan and that he didn't have a connection to the Weres. She knew it wasn't true, but it was better than the alternative of her brother being used as a guinea pig in some werewolf lab experiment.Jackson put a hand on her shoulder. Just having him touch her made her feel calmer. She was still trembling though. "Are you okay?" Jackson asked.She nodded, though his frown told her he didn't believe her. That was okay; she didn't beli
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Chapter Twenty
ChloeJackson knocked gently on the motel door and Chloe hurried over to open it. The wind blew into the small room as she opened the door and old snow skittered around Jackson's feet. He stomped his feet on the cement outside the door before stepping in. It was a futile effort to keep the already disgustingly dirty carpet from getting dirty, but Chloe appreciated the gesture."Well, the manager says the room is yours until seven, so you can take a shower and relax until it's time to go," Jackson said. Chloe nodded. Seven o'clock and the plan to break into the base felt a long ways away and she was starting to feel nervous.Jackson turned as though he was going to leave and Chloe caught his arm. "Will you stay with me? I mean, unless you have somewhere important to go or something," she added lamely. His smile lit up the small room."I've got nowhere to be but here. What would you like to do?" he asked. His eyes were cinnamon warm and when they focused on her she felt a heat growing i
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