Semua Bab His Beanie Girl: Bab 21 - Bab 30
50 Bab
~All of everything I understand, I only do because I love you.~//Chapter Nineteen\\Noel's POV.Hi love, hope you had a goodnight sleep. I woke up early and didn't want to wake you up since you look so cute while sleeping. See you in school and don't be late.PS: I ate the pie in the fridge. Hehe.I smiled reading the note that was left on my bedside. I woke up alone on the bed a bit disappointed but this makes up for it. Wait what? "He ate the last pie?!!!""Good morning Mum," I say entering the kitchen where coffee was brewing."Noel, I got a job!" My mum screamed threatening the safety of my ear drums."Really?" I asked putting my finger into my ear and shaking off the little scream effect.She nodded really hard I was scared her head would roll off. "Yesterday I got a job, I came home to celebrate with you last night but you weren't at home."I gasped surprised, "I'm sorry mum I went out. We can celebrate this night. We should celebrate! I can't believe you got the job at last!
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~We are shaped and fashioned by those we love.~//Chapter Twenty\\Noel's POVNadine never seemed to surprise me, well I didn't really know the girl so I guess I'm gonna get a lot of surprises before she finally stops surprising me. To anybody who knows her like you've seen her before, talked to her a little or even seat next to her in class you'd think/get the idea that she's just a cheerful hyper nerdy girl but to people who 'know her' she somewhat different. Hyper, yes. Cheerful, yes. Nerdy, not really.That's if we're going by Merriam Webster's definition of nerdy. Nerdy; a person who behaves awkwardly around other people, usually has unstylish hair, clothes, etc.Yes, yes I just defined something from the dictionary like an actual student. Every since Aaron found out I was failing he's stuck to me like glue. Tutoring me, asking me random educational question, helping me do my assignments over the phone and pasting sticker notes all other the house before a test. Its been really
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~In a room full of art, I'll still look at you.~//Chapter Twenty-one\\Noel's POVSo I entered into the class and I see students, many unfamiliar face and a few familiar ones aka Nadine and the Quinn bitch.Nadine's in front of the class saying something, her head turns to me immediately I enter. "Oh hi Noel.""Hi I'm joining you guys. Principal's orders." I say feeling a bit-- a lot out of place.I see Nadine bite down a squeal as she rushes to me, I chuckle lightly at her childish behavior. "Hello everyone, this is Noel Atkins and she is part of us now.""Ugh even the trash is joining us now," Quinn spat out glaring at me.I smiled at her, "I'm surprised you're talking since you're the only trash here among humans.""Ok," Nadine clapped her hands together ending whatever it was that would have started between Quinn and I. "We were talking about what everyone would be doing for the event.""I know what she can do, since she's such a slut she should do the kissing booth. Oh opps no
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~The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.~//Chapter Twenty-two\\Noel's POV"Beast!" I exclaimed."Belle!" Aaron also exclaims and then we start to walk to each other, dramatically ofcourse. "Belle? You came back?"We both hold each other gazes trying to look as passionate as ever. Aaron's acting pretty well because his 'passionate' gaze was making my heart flutter and I was struggling so hard not to lose myself in his beautiful eyes. We're distracted as Ma-fe comes running from behind the chair, making weird sounds. I'm not sure that's in the script but whatever. She dramatically hit Aaron and Aaron over dramatically roars before falling to the ground. I try to laugh as I rush to him."You came back," he says again this time slowly and sounding like a dying person."Ofcourse I came, I couldn't let them... Oh this is all my fault. If only I had gotten here sooner," I wail looking at him with eyes filled with sadness."Maybe its better this way," Aaron
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The best and most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or heard but must be felt with the heart.~//Chapter Twenty-three\\Noel's POVThe play room was packed. Everywhere was already filled before we reached. I separated from Aaron as soon as we got here. He had go kit up."Noel!" I turned to the sound and saw Peyton running to me, in a really long gown that she had to hold up in order for her not to trip. I chuckled as she ran to me. "You're here.""Yes I'm here and... You look good." I complimented, her hair was packed up and she had makeup on with the smoky eye thing."I'm not really acting but I'm so nervous. Nadine is no where to be found. She is usually everywhere now she's nowhere!" Peyton cried out her eyes darting everywhere."Hey hey," I placed my hand on her shoulder, "calm down its just a school play."She released a breath turning to look, "yeah a school play that's gonna crush my heart." She looked away and my eyes followed hers to see Aaron and Quinn talking. Aa
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~The brain is the most outstanding organ in the body. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from birth until you fall in love.~//Chapter Twenty-four\\Noel's POVSo, I'm seventeen that's no news. I've dated and I've kissed guys before, three to be exact. My first kiss was in 4th grade, some guy thought it'll be funny to give 'princess Noel' a kiss and become popular. Yuck, sloppiness first kiss ever. First kiss are supposed to be Awesome, out of this world, wonderful, magical everything fairytales and romance novels said it would be but unfortunately that didn't happen with me.The second guy I kissed was my first boyfriend in 7th grade, hmm. That's all I can say about our first kiss that I can't remember, hmm. The third guy I kissed was in sophomore year, to prove a point to Caren; that although my dad is dead and I'm mourning, I'm still the hottest girl alive. Yea that didn't go well for me, I was acting out. Got Caren to hate me more and cried myself to sleep every night for
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~Love does not make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.~//Chapter Twenty-five\\Aaron's POV"Bella!" I shouted running down the stairs with anger surging through my veins. I'm going to kill her, so help me God I'm going to kill my Barbie sister and my dad is going to put me in an indestructible chest and throw me into fire.I see her braiding Ma-fe's hair, I increase my steps taking two at a time, curse spiral stairs. She looks up and I don't know what she sees in my face, but her eyes widens and she get up from the sofa, backing away. "What?""What? What?" I jump down and start walking towards her."What is it Aaron?" She ask backing away from me in increasing steps, she might just tumble down and make my job a whole lot easy."What did you do with my phone?" I asked showing her my battery dead phone."Mummy seized mine." She whined."So? How does that explain the fact that I switched on my phone and after going through it, it died on me.""You weren't usin
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~All of me loves all of you.~//Chapter Twenty-Six\\Noel's POVThe loud banging of metals jolts me awake, I was so startled by the noise I nearly started screaming."Jesus Doris, we're awake already." Nadine said standing up from the ground. Peyton's already yawning back to earth from dreamland or wherever she was.Its takes me a minute to remember that I'm at Nadine's house having a girls night sleepover. "Is that how you are woken up every morning," I ask rolling off the incredibly long comfortable sofa. "Pot and frying pan clashing?""Yea Doris is a LUNATIC," Nadine say shouting the word so said Doris can hear her, "so she takes things overboard.""Doris is a mute elderly- I think she's in her late sixties- woman, so have respect Nadine." Peyton says getting up and stretching, I hear bones crack back to place and I stare at her eye wide. "What? that was a rough night."I start laughing as I pack up the blanket we were using to cover ourselves while we watched The Vampire Dairies
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~You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car. You love them because they sing a song only you can hear.~//Chapter Twenty-seven\\Noel's POVHi love, I had to leave this morning- sadly though. I made omelets, go grab it while its hot assuming you wake up early. See you later.PS: dress warmly.I added the note to the other notes inside my shoe box in the last drawer. The shoe box was getting full, it was filled with all the notes Aaron sent me during English class and the ones he left in morning. I don't know why I'm keeping them or maybe I do.Whatever it is that's going on between me and Aaron I don't know if it would last, it might just be still the end of this year or till the end of school year. Whatever it is when and if it does come to an end, I would want to look back at those notes and remember Aaron, remember all the times he made me smile, remember everything that happened between us and on a bad day those notes, those notes that look so tin
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~When there is love, there is life.~//Chapter Twenty-Eight\\Noel's POV"Noel come out.""No!'"You been in there for 30 minutes, how long does it take to change in shorts and loafers?" Aaron asked clearly tired of this."Two days." I answered back looking around the changing to see if I have supplies to last me two days, definitely no."What?""Yea and go bring some food and a pillow." I say, that would do, I can even do without the pillow."Come out now Noel or I'll break the door," Aaron threatened.I scoffed, "you're bluffing.""Am I? Am I Dolphin?" He asked in calm scary voice. "One!"My heart skipped at loud way he said that, I wasn't expecting it. I smiled he wouldn't break it, he doesn't own this place and you can't just break door...right?"Two!"Or maybe you can and I'm don't know if he owns this place or not, even he doesn't he can still break it because let's face it, he's Aaron Altamira."Thre—""Wait! I'm opening up," I cried defeated, this door is too beautiful to ju
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