All Chapters of Wolves & Magic (Ambersky Pack Series Book 1-3): Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
159 Chapters
Book 3 -13-
[The Perfect Luna]JASPER>Blood trickled from my broken knuckles as I glared at the man dangling from a chain on the ceiling. His eyes were swollen shut and his nose looked like a rotten tomato. A metal collar was clasped around his neck. His skin was raw and his blood had soaked the rags covering his body. Despite being tortured for over twenty-four hours, he refused to give me the answers I needed, and my patience was running thin.I tugged on his hair to raise his face to meet mine and my other hand connected with the man’s jaw in a backhanded slap, causing him to bite his tongue.“All this can end here and now. Just tell me what I need to know,” I snarled, my voice dripping with venom.The man spat at me and laughed; a maniacal cackle tinged with desperation.Fueled by rage, I tightened the chain around his neck until he was forced to struggle for air. He gasped for breath in between painful whimpers as I increased the pressure on his throat. Soon, blood tric
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Book 3 -14-
[No Escape] ARIELLA Alpha Jasper climbed onto the bed between my legs and clasped his hand around my neck, pressing my head into the pillow. “You weren’t planning on escaping, were you, little wolf?” His lips curled upward, mocking me. The room felt suffocating. My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled against Alpha Jasper’s firm grasp. His hold was unbreakable. He was far stronger than me. And no matter how hard I thrashed or kicked, he refused to let me go. Panic stirred inside me. Realization knocked at my mind. There was no escape from his tyranny. His eyes glittered with desire as he stared down at me. A shiver ran through my body at the intensity of his gaze. Looking into Alpha Jasper’s dark eyes, I could see the determination burning within him. He was driven by a need for power and control. It terrified me of what he would do next. Would he hurt me? Or worse… kill me. Despite my fear and panic, I fought, writhing beneath him. My efforts to break free from his grip wer
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Book 3 -15-
[Strange Pains II] MALIK The receptionist, a leggy, raven-haired woman with a pixie cut, pulled a card from her drawer, and jotted down the words as she spoke. “Monday at eight a.m., you have a CT scan with Dr. Sykora.” She slid the card across the desk. “Just in case you can’t make it, call us and we’ll reschedule.” She smiled and turned her attention to the couple waiting behind me. I cleared my throat and ran a nervous hand through my hair as I leaned in to thank the receptionist. “Thank you so much,” I said with a shaky smile, trying to keep my nerves at bay. The receptionist nodded and returned her attention to the next awaiting patient, barely sparing me another glance. I took a deep breath and headed for the door, feeling more than just a little relieved that this first hurdle was over. As I stepped outside into the warm afternoon sun, I took a deep breath of fresh air. My heart raced as thoughts swirled through my mind: Would Monday be the day they figured out what was wro
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Book 3 -16-
[Not Your Luna] ARIELLA He peeled his hand away from my neck and pushed me down on the bed. “What I’m offering you is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The chance to become the most feared Luna among our kind. For the life of me, I can’t understand why you’re so opposed to my offer.” “As I said before, I. Am. Not. Your. Luna,” I enunciated each word through gritted teeth. “I can offer you anything your heart desires. Wealth. Power. A position of respect and admiration.” He paused as if gauging my reaction. “And, of course, love.” “Love?” I scoffed. “You think you can just buy me with material possessions and an empty promise of love? I’m not some cheap whore that you can just throw money at.” Alpha Jasper’s face darkened at my words. “You would do well to remember who it is you’re talking to,” he warned. “I could have your throat ripped out before sunrise if I so desired.” “I get it, you’re scared. I would be too if I were in your position. But think about it this way—what othe
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Book 3 -17-
[Battle Plans] ARIELLA “I said go away!” I snapped. “Tell Alpha Jasper I’m not hungry, so he can dine without me.” “Miss, please,” she begged. “You won’t want to make the Alpha angry, do you?” The woman’s voice was soft and pleading, but I wasn’t in the mood to listen. All I wanted was to be left alone. “I don’t care if he’s angry,” I said. “I’m not going.” “Miss, the Alpha said this is no longer a request,” she added. I stalked to the door and yanked it open, glaring at the petite omega. “Listen to me and listen carefully. I do not care if your Alpha gets angry or not. Nor do I care if he kills me. Matter-of-fact, tell your Alpha I say to go to hell.” The words came out venomous, surprising even to me. It wasn’t until the door slammed shut that I realized how they must have sounded. There was a sudden commotion outside my room and I knew Alpha Jasper had been informed of my defiance. A moment later, he barged into my room without so much as a knock on the door, his face dark
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Book 3 -18-
[Hunters Revealed] SEBASTIAN “Over my dead body,” I snarled, gritting my teeth. “My daughter will never be a Luna, much less a monster like Jasper.” “I agree with Sebastian,” Sierra said. “My daughter is an alpha in her own right. Not a Luna to a man old enough to be her father. Men like Jasper prey on the weak, and I’d be damned if I let this happen.” My hands fisted so tight; my knuckles turned white. I could feel the anger bubbling inside me, ready to explode. How dare he kidnap my daughter and force her to become his Luna? He would have to go through me first. “Don’t shoot the messenger,” Zaiden remarked. “You asked me to find out what the Alpha was planning. There’s your answer. Whatever you’re planning, you better do it quickly.” “I’m going to kill him,” I growled. “No one takes my daughter from me and gets away with it.” My phone started ringing. Picking it up off my desk, I noticed a familiar number. This was a call I hadn’t expected so soon. I asked. “What’s the matte
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Book 3 -19-
Book 3 -19-[Jasper’s Downfall]ARIELLANervous, I paced back and forth at the foot of the bed, gnawing at my fingernails, trying to calm my frazzled nerves. Was it effective? I’d have to say no. No matter how many times I sit or tell myself to relax, my nerves tense up and I break out in a cold sweat.“Ariella, I understand you’re nervous. We all are, but you’ve got to take a breath. You’re making me nervous just looking at you,” Declan said, running a hand through his unkempt hair.That made me laugh. I stopped pacing and faced him. Leaning against the wall, I released a deep breath and plastered on a smile. “I’m sorry,” I apologized with a downcast glance.He stared at me with those kind brown eyes of his, waiting for my nerves to subside. But they never did—not fully, anyway. “Please try not to worry,” he whispered.I nodded, and gripped my hands tightly together, trying but failing to relax. “Trying,” I whispered back. “Talk to me, then. Tell me why doing this is so important to
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Book 3 -20-
[Jasper’s Downfall II] ARIELLA I knew where Declan was taking me the minute we left the packhouse and headed toward the tree line. We didn’t have to sneak past the guards this time, though not everyone seemed pleased with what we did. While a handful of pack members sneered at us when we walked by, others wandered and chatted openly about the pack. “Everyone doesn’t seem too pleased with what we did,” I admitted as I picked my way through the foliage like I had done it a million times before. “I could understand why,” he responded in a gruff tone. I asked, “What do you mean?” Declan exhaled and inhaled a deep breath and stopped. He turned and faced me, a pained expression on his face. “Not every member of the pack thought what Jasper was doing was wrong. But I had to act. I sat idly by for so long as Jasper did awful things, hurt innocent people, and benefited from their misery. My parents must be rolling in their graves, knowing I stood by and did nothing while Jasper ruined o
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Book 3 -21-
[Saving Her] SIERRA I awoke in a daze, dressed in Sebastian’s shirt and lying in our bed. I sat up, disoriented, and emptied of feeling, the hollow pang of loss resonating deep within me. The room was dark and quiet, the only sound coming from the rustle of the sheets I moved on. Instinct made me reach out to my left, which was my mate’s side, and I felt an ache deep in my chest I knew only too well. “Angel?” Sebastian’s voice echoed through the mind-link. I smiled, feeling giddy inside. “We’re ready to set out for the Whitewater pack.” I replied, “Just woke up.” My heart stuttered a beat. The time was finally here. “‘Kay, I’ll grab a quick shower and be down in ten.” “Okay, Angel. Katherine left you a plate in the microwave for breakfast. See you soon.” I leaped from the bed onto the wooden floor and slowly stood. I shuffled quickly into the ensuite master bathroom. The warm mist filled the room with steam, and I stepped into the glass-walled stall. My mind wandered to my d
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Book 3 -22-
[Homecoming] ARIELLA My mother ran to my side and nuzzled me as I stared at Jasper’s lifeless body in shock. I threw my arms around her as tears streamed down my face. “I’m so sorry I ran away,” I cried, tightening my hold on her. “Did that bastard hurt you? Are you okay?” She soothed me as she rocked me back and forth. “No,” I babbled, as more tears fell, blurring my eyes. “You’re safe now,” she whispered, wiping away my tears. My mom kissed the top of my head, and pulled me even closer as I sobbed against her chest. I cried out all my pain and sorrow, letting the tears wash away my fear and sadness. As the sun set over the horizon, casting a soft glow across her face, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Jasper’s death hung in the air, silencing the remaining Whitewater wolves, who surrendered. I glanced up at my father. His eyes met mine and softened. “I love you, princess,” he told me before turning to give orders to his pack. My mother and I walked away from that bl
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