All Chapters of MONSTER'S TATTOO: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
98 Chapters
"I said stop right there otherwise I will be compelled to hurt you."he warned but since I wasn't in my normal self I didn't listen. I wasn't scared of anything at the moment. All I wanted was my Mani.Grabbing the color of his shirt I slapped him so hard on the face. "Ouch! What have you done Artie? What are you doing. You're hurting me, am your Mike remember."he said which made me more annoyed."You fool, who told you that am in love with you. Why can't you find a way to get rid of this obsession. I don't love you and I never will, do you hear me?"I said pushing him away."You're making a big mistake Artie. How can you just forget that I still have your baby with me. Hurting me won't bring him back to you but instead it will create more problems for him."he pointed.Something was forcing me to attack him as my heart told me a different story. My heart wanted to give up for Mike. "Who knows what he would do to him hereafter."my heart thought, it was a heart of a mother but my demonic
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After thinking it through I refused deliberately. I didn't want to put my baby's life in danger. "I can't do this Anu. Please forgive me if you can."I said and cried."What.. a.. are you saying? Why can't you do something? Don't you care about our son? Aren't you worried about him?"Anu asked with intense anger."You're right. I don't care about our sons at all. I hated them since day one when I turned blue because of their pregnancy. I hate them because of the pain they caused me for nine months. I think now you've understood my point, right? So stop bothering me anymore."I said. I wasn't saying all that because I meant them, I was already feeling guilty about the situation and Anu was irritating me too."I can't believe this. You must be joking Artie."father said with a disappointed expression."No father, this is the truth."I lied.I know it was so heartbreaking but I didn't have any other options. For my son's safety I was determined to hurt everyone's feelings."There's no point
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With the snap of my fingers all my reflections came to the ground just like raindrops. "What's happening?"Mike looked amazed."I have created my own witnesses too. But unfortunately for you, they're against this wedding so it won't happen no matter what happens."I said confidently."You must be joking Artie. I swear I will kill you if you try to call off this wedding. You can't play with my feelings like this."he threatened."Are you threatening me?""I am."he simply replied."Am sorry to say but am not scared of your threats. Try me if you want to but be prepared to face your defeat. You said you would kill me if I stop this wedding so why am I still alive? What are you waiting for? Come and stab me to death please but only if you don't value your life anymore."I threatened at the end."I swear I won't spare you today."he said summoning his dagger."Sir, let my men kill her for you."the commander said."Then why are they still staring at me?"he shouted. And then the commander ordere
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"You said Artie won the battle right, so where's she? She hasn't returned home yet."father asked with a worried expression on his face after the men had had their tea."Your highness Sir, actually the thing is she asked us to give her some space. She said she wanted to be alone for some time. Maybe that's why she hasn't returned home but everything is just fine, don't worry Sir."one of the men hurried to lie."She wanted some space? I don't think my daughter would use something like that. She might be in danger. Maybe she sent you away because she didn't want to involve you in her personal battles. Something is really fishy here. I need to find out."he said thoughtfully."But sir..."one of the men started."Yes.. tell me please."father paid attention."Your daughter asked us not to tell anyone about the battle. She didn't want to make you worried about anything because she knows she will handle it by herself. You should have some faith in her and let her first her own battles alone. I
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"Don't lie to me because I can clearly see it has crossed your mind."I said."If you insist then I will tell you. You see I had become familiar with your presence. Am wondering how will I manage without you but it's okay. As they say that whoever comes must go, your time to leave me has arrived and I can't stop you even when I want to. You have to go."she said as tears rolled down her face."What have you done to yourself. You're crying just like a little baby. Who told you that I would leave you alone, huh? I won't leave you."I was still talking when she cut me off."What do you mean by that? Won't you go back home? Are you staying?"her face was occupied with excitement and confusion at the same time."Of course am not staying but still I won't leave you alone.""You're getting me worried. Tell me directly."she was getting curious."Am taking you along with me. I can't leave you here. You're an old woman what if something happens to you when you're all alone in here?"I pointed."I ha
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"Interesting one! Don't let it follow us still in that form. Instead take it as a dagger not a house. What if someone sees us with the house following us, don't you think it would look weird?"I pointed."Alright then, let me make it a dagger. Can we leave now?"she taunted. It was approaching midnight and according to my calendar we would be safe if we traveled at that time and so we did.There was silence in the castle. Everyone was asleep which was unusual before two years ago. "Things really changed in the last two years."I breathed."What's wrong dear. You seem to be observing something, what is it?"granny asked when she noticed a certain change on my face."You're right grandma, surely am observing something. People used to sleep very late when I was pregnant with my twins. They could dance, drink wine and celebrate the whole night without thinking about sleep but see what's happening now, everybody has slept already."I said with my voice full of mixed emotions."Your absence af
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"Mother. Why are you crying? You don't have to cry. I know that your son doesn't want to talk to you but we're here. We're so grateful to you for your help. You really helped us a lot. Am proud to have you as my mother."my mom said."Jess. You better watch your tongue because as far as I know you're no longer my wife but Smith's. You don't have a right to interfere in our family matters do you hear me? Better focus on your human husband instead of wasting your time in things that don't concern you. This is our family matter so we'll handle it by ourselves and am sure no one needs your help in this."father was becoming impossible."Father. This is not the right time and place to discuss all this. I mean this is the hospital, we aren't at home please. And let me remind you that this woman here is my mother and you're my father. No matter what happened between the two of you, you still have something in common and that's me. Am your daughter and I refuse to lose either of you so please
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Feeling restless I sat on my bed and started to think about my husband and Manu. Morning came with beautiful spectacular clouds that brought an amazing prospect to the ambient.As usual I set myself ready for the day. I had a lot in mind that I wanted to do. I also needed to go back to Anu's castle since I didn't see my son last night. I thought that maybe it's because I was in a hurry to return to Mani whom I had left alone in the room at night.Reaching the ground floor I found someone seated quietly with his face covered up that I couldn't see it. "Hello sir. Who are you and what brings you here this early morning?"I asked as my heart pounded with a strong and fast rhythm. "What's happening with me. Why am I feeling this way all of a sudden?"I asked myself."I am..."he was about to say something when everyone came in the room. "Who's that gentleman and why's his face covered up? How can we help you sir?"father interrupted. Of course he had to since he was a concerned king who val
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"What are you doing mother? Why are you doing this?"Mani asked."What can't you see that am just trying to kill myself.""But why. I used to think that you always wanted me to get all the answers to my questions and here you're stopping dad from answering them. I can't seem to understand what's going on."he said."You won't understand anything please. You're still young to question your father like how you're doing."I scolded him."Am sorry mother, please forgive me.""Alright then I forgive you my child."I placed a kiss on his forehead and he smiled."Alright alright. Why did you teleport direct from London to this place? Are there any problems?"father broke the silence."No father, there isn't any problem. Actually I came here to give you something in person.""And what's that?""Here you go."he said handing over something that looked like a card to father."What's this?"father asked before turning it around."Well... My family and I are planning a wedding for me and my fiance. I th
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"What are you even saying. I don't understand you.""Stop fooling yourself because I know everything. I know how you went to my house and stole my son and now you're calling him Mani instead of Manu."he said coldly."T-this means my Manu got missing."I breathed. "But who could have done so, Mike was the only one who was after their lives but he isn't alive anymore. I killed him with my own hands in cold blood, could it be possible that he came back to life and he's now taking his revenge? But no, he can't come back since I killed him with the sword that was dipped in the serpent's venom first."I breathed in realization. "What if Miss Cucu got him kidnapped and maybe harmed him out of anger that she couldn't be with Anu? No, she isn't capable of doing such a thing. Then who could take him away and why."I was losing it that I didn't even realize that I had grabbed Anu's shirt's collar as I threatened " if I fail to find my son, you'll face the other side of me which is the motherly sid
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