All Chapters of CRAVE : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
86 Chapters
S I X T Y - O N E
ARABELLA.A frown makes its way to my face as I spread my hands across the bed. The print of Alexander’s body is still slightly visible, so he must have left not long ago. Why did he leave without waking me, though? And so early?I rub my eyes as I pull the covers to my chest, sitting against the headboard as my eyes move across the room. Alex’s clothes are scattered across the floor. Then I hear the creak of the bathroom door. I turn my head, and Alex walks out of the room. My chest drops in relief, and I smile as I watch him shut the door, but I furrow my brows when he flinches a bit seeing me. He’s clad in only his boxers, and his hair is disheveled over his head. If he didn’t seem suspicious with those sneaky movements and that flinch, I probably would be thinking about how hot he looks rather than what he’s up to."Oh, you’re up." He speaks after he locks the door completely, and I notice the phone in his hand when he steps further into the light. "Yeah. What were you doing in the
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S I X T Y - T W O
VERONICA.I grind my teeth as I stare at the picture, anger burning through my veins."Are you okay?" Dex’s voice takes my attention back to him, and I turn. Worry clouds his features, and a frown accompanies his soft gaze. "Veronica?""Yeah. It’s just–" I pause and stare back at the phone I have in hand, my eyes going over the picture again. What the hell is she doing with him? "It’s my sister." I finally confess as I lift my head back to Dex, and he stands from the stool. "Is she okay? Something happened?"I turn my phone to him, and he just stares at it with a puzzled expression. "I don’t understand?"I bring down the phone. "It’s Sam’s room. She’s with him.""You can tell that when you barely see the room?" Dex asks, and I nod. "I’ve been in there multiple times."Something crosses his face, but it fades as soon as it comes, and he shakes his head. "Right. Um, so your sister. You think he took her forcefully?""Will you take this kind of picture and upload it to your social if you’
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S I X T Y - T H R E E
ARABELLA. My heart drops, and I slowly remove my hand from his. "What?" There’s a sad look on his face as he speaks. "I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner, but I was hoping it wouldn’t have to come to that." "Why? Why do you have to leave?" His mother and brother were just here, and it didn’t go well, so why’d he want to go back home? Alex licks his lips, the wheels in his eyes turning as he explains. "It’s um… it’s my mom." My interest piques at the mention of her, and I lift a brow as I listen to the rest of his words. "She’s sick. And I want to be there for her and Kaleb." "Why didn’t she tell you when she was here?" I ask, and he lets out a sad chuckle as he removes his gaze. "It’s my mother. I haven’t known what’s going on in her life for the past four years. I wouldn’t know about this either if Kaleb didn’t tell me." My heart breaks for him at the pain that’s unmistakable in his voice, and knowing how much he must be hurting, I push my need aside and shift closer to him
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S I X T Y - F O U R
ARABELLA. A soft sigh leaves my lips, my eyes fluttering when I feel a hand on my face. I open them, the morning light hitting my eyes at first, and I resist the urge to groan as I squint, then the blurry image before me slowly becomes clear. Alexander is staring at me. With a smile on his face and my heart starts beating faster in my chest. "Good morning." He chuckles as he looks down at me. My head is out of his chest, and there’s a small space between us. I’m almost rolled to the end of my side, but he has one hand secured around my waist, holding me still while the other is stroking my cheek. I shift forward. "How long have you been awake?" "Long enough to watch you grumble in your sleep." He responds, and heat creeps up my neck as I shyly giggle. "Sorry." "It’s alright. It’s adorable, and that’s not the first time. What or who were you dreaming about?" He asks as he slowly drops his hand to my chin, tipping the skin so he’s staring directly into my eyes, giving me no chance t
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S I X T Y - F I V E
ARABELLA. I wish I could say Alexander came back sooner, as he promised. Or the weeks he’s been absent go so smoothly. At first, it was effortless. He texted when he got to Florida. He sent pictures, and we video-called almost every single day throughout the first week. Then the second week is when things started to change. He’d text once every two days, reply late, and there were no pictures or videos. And the third week, the current one, we’re on the fourth day, and there’s still no text from Alexander. A sigh slips through my lips as I stare at the last message I sent him. ME: Is everything okay? When he got there at first, he told me her condition wasn’t all bad, but now, I know nothing because he’s kept me out of the loop. I don’t know if he’s not responding because something else happened or he just simply doesn’t want to. I secretly pray it isn’t the latter as I drop my phone, trying to ignore the sharp sting in my chest at the realization that there’s still no response fr
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S I X T Y - S I X
ALEXANDER. It clicks when she appears in my view, her jet-black hair bouncing with each step she takes, her heels clicking against the floor and almost making an annoying noise over the jazz music that’s playing. Her lips are pressed into a thin line as she rounds the table and drops her bag gently to the floor before she shifts the chair back and settles on it. She throws her hair over her shoulder with a finger and meets my eyes. “Alexander.” She calls the name like she’s quite fond of it, letting it roll off her tongue casually, and I finally remove my gaze from her to stare at Zack, who’s still standing next to me. "Excuse me." He clears his throat before he takes several steps back and crosses over to the next empty table. I drop my eyes back on her, and they unintentionally roll down her form, taking in the dark blue formal dress she’s in. "Are we going to spend the time with you analyzing me?" She chuckles with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, and I frown when I meet her eyes
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S I X T Y - S E V E N
ALEXANDER. "Thank you," I mumble to the man in front of the car before I slam the door shut, with one hand holding my jacket over my shoulder and the other gripping my phone. I drag in several breaths as I make my way toward the front door, and I’m digging my keys out of my pants pocket when the door suddenly opens. I lift my head, my hand slipping out of my pocket, and I scowl when I see Kaleb with a huge grin spattered on his face. "I thought I told you not to wait up," I utter, and his grin drops as he steps to the side for me to walk inside. "I believe the words you’re looking for are thank and you." I hear him shut the door, then the sound of his footsteps following me as I weakly make my way to the sofa in the living room. I drop my jacket by my side and throw my head against the cushion, my eyes screwing shut as a low groan escapes my mouth. "You okay?" Comes Kaleb’s voice, and I open one eye when I feel his presence near. He’s standing right in front of me with his hands ins
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S I X T Y - E I G H T
ARABELLA.It takes everything in me not to sigh repeatedly as I drag my feet down the stairs with my bag hanging off the hook of my fingers. Going to school is the last thing I want to do, but I also refuse to stay in that bed and continually cry like my heart is telling me to do. I can’t keep crying every single day anytime I think of him. It’s pathetic. It’s not like he went away completely– we’re just miles apart, and it’s hardly been a month. I can’t keep acting like I am. Though, I’d have had an easier time accepting that if I knew what he was doing still. Being away but being in touch is what kept me together for the first two weeks, but being away and out of touch is getting to me. It’s draining me bit by bit, and all I want to do is sit on my bed all day and stare at the screen of my phone, hoping it’d lit up within seconds. But that isn’t an option either. Not a healthy one, at least. I still have a future and a dream to pursue– wasting my time away over waiting for Alexander
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S I X T Y - N I N E
ALEXANDER. "Oh, you look handsome." I remove my hand from the collar of my shirt, my eyes sliding across the room to the doorway, and Kaleb is perched against it with his arms crossed over his chest and a small smile masking his lips. "I’m not dressing to look good." I tear my eyes away from him to grab the dark blue suit jacket that sits on my bed, and I hear him chuckle as I throw the jacket over my shoulder. "So, when are you getting back tonight?" He asks as I fix the two buttons, and I let out an exasperated sigh. "I don’t know. And I’d rather prefer not to leave at all." "It’s not a good business deal?" He queries from his side, and I don’t respond as I pull out the bedside drawer and grab my phone. Another one of her pictures sits on it; she isn’t smiling in this one, which is perfect for the situation I’ve gotten myself into. I reluctantly close the drawer and throw my phone into my front pocket before I head toward the door. "You might want to lose a few steams if it’s an
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ARABELLA. My heart pounds in my chest, and my hands won’t stop shaking, tears filling the corners of my eyes as I continue to gape at the name across my screen. "Stop," I whisper to Dex before he drives out of his place without removing my eyes from the phone. "Did you say something?" I hear him mutter beside me, and I give a small bob of my head, a tear dropping to my screen and rolling across the first two letters of his name. He’s calling me. He’s actually reaching out after weeks of no contact from him, and why am I just glaring at my phone, watching it buzz without hurriedly picking up the way I’ve always practiced? "Arabella?" Dex calls at the same time the ringing ends, and I let out a shaky breath, swiping my hand across my cheek before I drop my phone in my hand and turn my head sideways to him. "I can’t leave with you," I state simply, my heart still racing so fast even after the call ended, and Dex raises his brow. "I thought we—" I push my phone in his face without let
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