All Chapters of The Vampire King’s slave mate : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
68 Chapters
“First and foremost, the most important part of taking care of others in your village is seeing what the other villagers need and making sure those needs are met. We had weekly meetings in my village and during those meetings we would list everything we had an abundance of, if someone needed something we would either give them the item free of charge or trade it for something they need. As of right now, it seems like the most important thing for these young lads is getting food to their family. Do we have anyone who is able to supply food for another family?” I asked not expecting to get a response. As I predicted no one answered. It didn’t surprise me, because from the look of things, it didn’t seem like the other villagers were better off. “Okay, that’s alright. What we will do today, is gather some ingredients from each house, and make a soup large enough to supply everyone with a least one meal tonight. For those with younger children, if there is any extra we will package it an
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My head is pounding, it feels like someone is banging against my skull continuously with a hammer. All I can hear is “*thump, *thump, *thump*” the sound of my brain pounding. I am terrified to open my eyes with how swollen they feel. What the hell happened to me, why was I feeling this way? The last thing I can remember is reliving Nikolai’s past with Draq, Dru, and Nevaeh. Had my trip to the past really taken such a toll on my body? I knew I needed to get up and talk to Nikolai. I needed to tell him that I would be alright during today’s summit, and that he had nothing to worried about. As long as I was by his side. I would be safe. It took every ounce of willpower I had left to open my eyes. Once I was finally able to open them I took in my surroundings, where I was it was pitch black. I could tell that I was in a room of some sort, as I was lying in a bed. The bed I was lying in was lumpy and was nothing like the mattress I shared with Nikolai. The blankets that were covering my
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An explosion sounds, and everyone in the conference room is thrown from their feet. The walls surrounding the room we’re in start to crumble. Ash, Raya and Hectate managed to escape the palace before the bomb went off, teleporting at the exact same time the explosion occurred. *’Nikolai, Mary’s been taken.’ Draq signals me through the mindlink, his voice weakened and in pain. My vampiric side engulfs me, taking control of my body as a loud cry of anger rips through me, my aura now surrounding the entire kingdom. They do not call me the king for no reason. I am not weak, I am the strongest being to walk this earth, and I will show them all, what happens when you fuck with my mate and my kingdom. The devastation from the explosion, is nothing compared to the devastation my aura is wrecking on the palace. I can see Ambrose through my mind’s eye trying to calm me down, but I’m too far gone now. The beast has taken over. The only way I’ll be able to regain control is by the touch of my
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“Don’t fucking touch me!” I yell at Asher as he reaches his hand out towards me, the magical fire in his hand leaping beside me, igniting the candle that was on the bedside table. “I don’t think you understand what’s going on here.” Asher sneers, “You aren’t in control here. You’re my captive. Mine to do what I want, when I want with.” “Touch me and Nikolai will shred you to pieces.” I yell spitting at his feet in disgust. “Your mate isn’t coming for you, your highness. He’s lost control of his vampire. Soon he will be a ghoul without any care in the world.” I feel a shiver run through my body at the thought of Nikolai turning into a ghoul. Goosebumps cover my entire body. No, I wouldn’t begin to stray down that path. Nikolai was strong, both physically and mentally. He had watched his mother go down the path of destruction. Nikolai wouldn’t allow himself to wander down the same path. “If you think that, then you truly don’t know my mate.” I hiss out leering at the Alpha. Asher
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Marques was starting to irritate me, my blood boiling with rage as he looks at me with discontentment in his eyes. Every once in a while he’ll steal glances towards Mary as we walk towards my study. Whenever he looks at her his eyes are full of pity, plus something else. I want to say guilt, but what does he have to be guilty for. He didn’t put Mary in this predicament, the only thing he did was hold her until I could catch up. That is the only reason I was allowing Marques into my study. I already had a feeling on what he wanted to discuss, but I loved watching people grovel. Especially merpeople. They were the weakest of the shifters, having to return to the water every night as their body forces them to shift into their mermaid form. I already knew what Marques wanted. A small girl had been picked up by my scouts about a week ago. She hadn’t shifted yet, so her mermaid wasn’t fully present, meaning she could stay out of water. A mermaid born on land would be human until they first
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Walking through your own mind can take a toll on a person, both mentally and physically. It can either strengthen you or weaken you, putting you in an almost vegetation type state. I don’t know how long I had been trapped in my mind, but I felt like i was no closer to uncovering my truth, than I was when I first started. My vampire stayed hidden in the shadows, lurking in the inner most part of my mind, waiting for a chance to pounce, killing my soul and taking over my body. I could feel his anger, his hatred, rolling in waves, throughout the vast expanse of my inner thoughts. His need and want to kill every wolf for kidnapping his mate, outweighed all his other desires. He wanted to take Mary back and drain her blood, before completing the transition and turning her into a vampire. He wanted to take away her choice in the decision, if she was a vampire, no one would be able to hurt her again. It was the only answer. No other answers mattered. Except for me, the only opinion that ma
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Prince Ambrose
“ I don’t have time to wait!” Nikolai booms, shaking my nerves when I realize the King was listening to my private conversation with his second in command, “Asher has marked Mary. She will die within the week if I don’t tend to her wound immediately.” Ah, now that made more sense. Nikolai has always been a fair and just leader. Every decision he’s made, every law he’s created has always been for the good of his people. I made no sense to me why Nikolai would suddenly give that up. Now knowing that Mary’s life was a stake, it made putting two and two together easy. If it was my mate, I would do anything to save her, even if it meant killing off the rest of the fae race. “I could dream walk to her.” I whisper quietly, cringing at my own suggestion. Dream walking could be dangerous. My soul would leave my body and I would enter into the Nether, the land of dreams, and navigate my way through the land until I found Mary’s dream. I would then rip my soul in half, leaving half in the net
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Mary and Alpha Ash
MARYMy head is pounding again, and my mouth feels as dry as the Sahara desert. I can see the sun rising once more, and I wonder how long I've slept this time; how long has it been since I last felt Nikolai's touch on my skin. It felt like someone had been tugging at me the night before, trying to communicate with me while I was sleeping, but their magical aura, while familiar, wasn't one I could place. The aura felt peaceful, but I wasn't going to risk getting myself into more trouble. Instead, I remained in the shadows during my sleep-like state, waiting for the person to whom the aura belonged to make their presence known by reaching out to me. If they were my friend, they would reveal themself, and if they were a foe, they'd continue to creep along on the outskirts waiting for me to slip up. The aura didn't last long; it continued to creep forward, staying as far away from the shadows as possible. I continued to rest in the shadows, letting the darkness take over until my body na
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"So Mary is safe?" I ask Ambrose one more time, wanting confirmation that my mate will be fine if we wait another week before waging war against the werewolf kind. "uhh...yeah," Ambrose replied hesitantly. "If anything happens to my mate, I'll personally see to your execution," I growl out at Ambrose as I walk past him and into my office. I scratched at my neck, where I would've been marked had the pain I felt from Ash biting Mary been mine. The phantom mark itched like a healing scab, which made me believe that Ambrose was telling the truth and that he was able to spell Mary. I pulled for my mate bond, wanting a sign from my bond or from my mate herself indicating that she was okay, anything to help me feel okay with abandoning her for the week, but the response was the as the one I was met with last night; nothingness, which was better than the heartwrenching effects of a mate who died but not as wonderful as the feeling of my mate's heart beating alongside my own. "You look lik
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I etch out another notch into the side of the bedpost. According to the notches, it's been five days since Ash marked me as his and four days since I felt my bond with Nikolai slip away. In my heart, I knew that Nikolai was okay, but I could wash away the sense of dread I was feeling.During the day, Ash lets me wander the halls of the mansion. The house is always empty; the only residents here are Ash, myself, and a couple of servants. I've tried to win the servants over to my side, but they ignore me; they continue with their chores and act like nothing is amiss. But perhaps to them, nothing has changed. When I first came here, there was another younger female who'd been taken. She was long gone now, but what if Ash made a habit of kidnapping women, and the servants were desensitized from the matter. On the first day, Ash let me wander the halls; I tried to make a break for it. The moment my foot crossed the front door threshold, I was met with unbearable pain as an electrical curr
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