All Chapters of Her Tempting Nemesis : Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
327 Chapters
Chapter Two Hundred Sixty-Eight
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT*I never wanted to be here....*A grey Mercedez Benz pulled over in Janice's car park, and from the porch, Janice could see Matthew's face. She had a lot to deal with right now, and Matthew Castle was far from her list. She wore a grimace on her face, clearly irritated by the mere sight of him. She had been avoiding him for the past few days like a plague - he just had to show up unannounced in her house. She examined his frame as he trudged away from the park. His long brown hair fell over his shoulders, and his amber eyes, she couldn't make out what they looked like beneath his sunglasses, and his tall muscular frame showed his intentional with his workouts, she took in all his features and despite this dazzling frame in his expensive clothes, he looked nothing like him. Her mind briefly drifted to Drake, her housekeeper. Matthew would probably find it ridiculous that she was madly in love with a simpleton like Drake. As he was coming closer, Jan
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Chapter Two Hundred Sixty-Nine
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE *What the hell did he ever do to her to make her despise him so much?*Matt chuckled wryly and took a sip from the glass of chilled wine and set the glass down on the table. "Don't hide it, Janice. You have a man, don't you? That should be the obvious reason you have been avoiding me. spill the beans. If you have a man, introduce me to him. C'mon now, don't be just a tease!" It would definitely not go well if he was ever introduced to her new lover. He would strangle him to death if he has the chance! No one comes close to Janice! He deserves her more than anything! He won't give in so lightly. Janice puffed out an exasperated groan and rolled her eyes in frustration. "For crying out loud, Matt! I don't have a lover! Even if I did, it's none of your fucking business! Please!" She squealed in rage, drawing attention from onlookers to their table. She bit her bottom lip aggressively as embarrassment tinted crimson on her cheeks. She lowered her
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Chapter Two Hundred Seventy
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY*Remember, play along*She laughed nervously, waving him off. "I wouldn't be here if your presence disgusted me that much. I would have turned your offer down without a second thought!" she countered his claims, hoping he buys it and not delve further otherwise she might be screwed before she finds out the truth. His dubious amber eyes skimmed her features closely and then he puffed out a deep sigh in resignation. "Okay, you got a point. I'm still surprised that you finally accepted to see me. I thought I disgust you so much. Anyway, I'm so glad you are here and I hope that we can at least have a fruitful conversation. Right?" He urged, with a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. She nodded and forced a smile at him. Just play along, Janice. She chided herself internally. "Sure." She said gently, all the while masking a face of delight. Let's get things straight, She never wanted to be here. At all! But she had to. Something seemed off lat
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Chapter two Hundred Seventy-One
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY- ONE *She may never know or she may find out when it's already too late...*How did he know about Drake?! Oh right... Dad would have told him about him and her travels. What more could he possibly know about Drake? She bit her bottom lip nervously and quickly reached for the fresh milkshake already placed on the table by the waiter. She took a long deep sip, hoping it calms her fluttering heartbeats. Just mentioning his name sent shivers jolting through her body. She didn't want him to know anything about Drake at all and now that he mentioned it, how the hell is she going to dodge it? She had barely asked any of the questions she had planned to ask and now he is already asking about Drake. Oh, fuck! Things aren't exactly going as she had planned. Now, take a deep breath Janice and answer smartly. You can't afford to let out any indication whatsoever that you have a thing going on with Drake. If Matt finds out, then she is so screwed. Things wi
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Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Two
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO *"If You keep doubting, you may never have the chance to live the life that you want, Janice."*"Did my father tell you anything concerning me?" She asked pointedly, her hazel eyes piercing through his amber eyes unwaveringly. There's no use beating around the bush. He chuckled and shook his head, dismissing her with a wave of his hand as if she had completely gone nuts. Resolved, she asked again. "Well, did he or did he not?" His jaw moved a fraction and then he smiled at her. "Well, we discuss so many things to catch up. And if I say we didn't talk about you, then I must be gravely mistaken. Of course, you will definitely be the focal point of the two men that loves you so much." Janice frowned at his latter statement. Most certainly father would never cease to talk about her but she wants to know what. "I know that for a fact. My father loves me so deeply and wants the best for me. But you know what I'm asking about, Matt. "He shrugged,
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Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Three
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE*Paris!*"Welcome to Paris Miss Janice Jordan! We hope you have an amazing stay!" The note tag read. She chuckled and then set the tag on the golden table and took in a deep breath. She scanned a luxurious hotel room with its exquisite decor made majorly of sparkling gold. This is one of the most reputable luxurious hotels in the whole of Paris. It is said that it is mostly occupied by top fashion gurus and celebrities who came for the big fashion runway happening in Paris every Winter. She eased herself into the comfy golden seat and puffed out a deep breath. What an exhausting day it has been! The following days passed like a blur. D-day arrived: the big fashion runway in Paris. Janice and her work team had made the necessary arrangements for the trip in conjunction with the fashion guru, Mr Lorenzo. She arrived in Paris with a resolve to get the best out of this experience and get the best network to grow her business even further. she had
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Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Four
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-FOUR*"I have no other choice do I?" *"You haven't told her yet? What are you waiting for old friend? Time is not on your side you know." George wailed through the phone pinned to Mr Jordan's ear as he faced the window of his bedroom. He puffed out a deep breath and twirled the glass of whisky in his other hand. His hazel eyes were gleaming with sadness. "It's not that easy, George. How do you expect me to just casually tell her everything like that? I don't know if she would take it and I can say for a fact that she wouldn't take it likely. Plus, she got her big fashion runway show to prepare for. I don't want to ruin that for her. I know how much she had laboured for that day.""I understand old friend. I do sincerely but you have to consider the gravity of the situation at hand. There's no use to keep on delaying it. Sooner or later, the truth will escape and by then, she would not be very happy at all with you. You should tell the situation of t
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Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Five
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE *She is ready!!!!*"You look... Absolutely gorgeous!!!! That's my girl! I'm literally crying over here!" Janice chuckled and swirled around and swayed in her sparkling wine dress while ensuring she didn't stray off the line of vision of her phone propped up on the tripod at the centre of her hotel room. She was on a video call with her best friend who was ogling at her with a hand clamped over her mouth. "Awwww you look so... What's the word now... Is indescribable a good word though?" Hannah cooed. Janice giggled. "Well, it can be both ways depending on the context." "You look stunning darling. And the smoky makeup sits so perfectly with her skin and matches the dress. And oh my! I love how your hair is arranged in a tight bun and the silver pearls dangling on your ears are just perfect. You are the Queen of the show my love. Go get 'em!" Hannah gushed, her chirpy voice ringing across the hotel room. Sandra smiled triumphantly to hersel
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Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Six
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX *It's now or never!*It was as if luck was on her side. Maybe her Mother's spirit is fighting for her after all... Everything went so smoothly; Her models were cat walked through the stage with an air of confidence that earned hearty cheers from the audience. She was intrigued at how everything played out. Her vision was actualized on this very day. the dress came out exactly how she envisioned it in her head and she couldn't thank her designer enough. She did the job very well! Other models from other companies also showcase their own clothing. At the end of the show, all the owners came on the stage including Janice. "We are going to call on all the designers and owners of the companies who showcase their designers today. Please kindly come to the stage as we are about to announce the winner of this fashion runaway 2019 edition!!!" The enthusiastic MC lady announced through the microphone. Mr. Lorenzo was sitting beside her and gave her hand a
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Chapter Two Hundred Seventy -Seven
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN*I did it!!! *"The Winner of this year's Paris Fashion Show is none other than... Miss Janice Jorda, CEO of the Glam Fashion Company in London!!!!" Mr Andre declared. Momentarily, the audience sprang up in jubilation. Flowers rained down on stage. Janice stared in utter shock unable to believe her ears. What she won?! She froze for a couple of seconds as the audience did a standing ovation. Mr Andre beckoned her to come to get the microphone as they presented her with the golden award shaped like a miniature heel. She inhaled deeply and tethered towards him. Mr Andre reached out to clamp a gentle hand over her arm to steady her. He offered her a triumphant smile but Janice returned it with a nervous smile of her own. She is still in awe. But she did it!!!! She won the award and she is going to bring it home!!! She can't believe her ears!!! "Here is your Award, Miss Janice. Congratulations!" Mr Andre said, presenting the award to her. Wi
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