Semua Bab The Demon Alpha's Revenge: Bab 21 - Bab 30
80 Bab
Chapter 21
I felt it's pride that runs in the vein of their alpha that escalated to them. Where I come from, the first thing we ask of is what people bear."Yes I'm fine" I replied.I was perfectly fine now but they won't move me back to my room since the alpha wants to see me. The mixture the physician gave to me was very potent. I asked him of what mixture they are because I know little about herbs but he wouldn't tell me. He wouldn't even let me touch them so as to know what they are. I tried persuading him but he won't budge.I know once I get the heart of their leader, I'll surely get all their heart. I'm sure not going back to that godforsaken room."I heard the alpha is coming. So when is he due to come?" I asked.It was almost evening and I haven't gotten any news about him coming already. I've rehearsed how I would behave when he is here over a hundred times. I was going to behave like a spoilt brat and also like a scared mouse."Bad news ma'am, the alpha got and emergency and he won't
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Chapter 22
This girl is of no use to me but I didn't want her to go by escaping. I want to be the one to send her off with lot of warnings to her people.* * * * * * *Jessy My plan to run was nothing but futile. Damion didn't show up and the beta caught me. I was so sad. I got Damion's message that told me that he wouldn't rush coming again. He said he didn't want to be disgraced like before. That got me pained because it's not as if I didn't warn him not to come before he decided to be disobedient. When they dragged me back to the clinic, I was shouting at the top of my voice. I wept bitterly. At least I was glad that I wasn't returned back into that fearful room.It's been another three weeks now that I've tried to escape. I begged the beta so bitterly that he shouldn't put me in that room. I almost cried blood but he wouldn't bulge not untill he told his alpha and he told him to put me in a real room not a prison. I was so grateful. Fillia wasn't happy with me. She has been moody since my f
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Chapter 23
"Who is in that room?" I asked Mitchell.Mitchell looked at where I pointed my finger."That I don't know Alpha" he said.Gabriel quickly moved forward. "It's that female alpha from ranger pack" he replied.I raised a brow to hear more."The physician told me that it won't be advisable we return her to the restriction room so I got your permission to put her closer to the pack's hall so we can monitor her" he explained quickly.I was still with a frown. "I remember giving you the permission but what I couldn't remember is if I gave you permission to put her next to my room".I wasn't happy because I wouldn't want someone that would be disturbing my little time of peace. "I kept her there because I was thinking if she's between you and Sir Mitchell, she would be better tamed" he replied." That's nonsense" I snapped. "That girl is an embodiment of trouble. Don't you want me to have peace? Were you even thinking at all? What do you think she would do if she finds out that the alpha's
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Chapter 24
" You are lying. But they all seem to be afraid of you. Is it because you are lycan or because you are more powerful than they are?" She asked me.I was almost smiling at the way she talked with enthusiasm. Now this is a real female. Not mine that are just like the men. No one would blame me for that. I didn't grow up to know how a real female acts. It was even when I was in the pine village that I get to know what the female wants. My females are very different when they are around me. I don't know if they act differently else where.I shook my head.She frowned at the way I shook my head."Well if you decided not to talk I'll say what I want" she said with a childish pout.I was just fascinated at the way she was behaving. She's an alpha but a childish female alpha. No wonder she didn't stop throwing tantrum. I know she's surely a spoilt one."I want to leave this pack" she said blankly." Why? Don't they have hospitality?" I asked.She shook her head. " Come sit" she said as she sa
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Chapter 25
"I might not know you but I know you are far better than that demon alpha. I really do want to smash his head but I'm in this place" she said between gritted teeth." How do you know I'm better?" I asked." You might be saying few words but you are. Don't you see how handsome you are looking? A wicked one won't have the time to look good. They are always one that shows wickedness all through and wickedness is as ugly as anything. I've not seen the demon Alpha but I know he's sure ugly as hell. He might have good looking men with him but with the way he is hiding himself, he is so ugly" she said bringing out her tongue as if she nauseated.I kept wondering what picture of me does she has in her head. This almost made me smile. "You are going to shock her" Derek snorted." Looks doesn't tell attitude" I said to her." To me it does" she said hurriedly. " It's a ugly being that will do ugly things" she argued.I then shrugs. I wanted to start going. I didn't even plan to stay this long.
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Chapter 26
"But I'm not my father" she said. "Just let me go" she said with a pleading voice.She changed from anger to pleading. I wondered how she could switch immediately. She's surely a drama Queen." I don't feel like" I said.I then start to walk away. I didn't even mind telling her what I wanted to tell her. I've heard enough of her words today. I want to go retire to my room. Not that I wasn't ready for her attack though. My plan was to scare her pretty bad if she tries to attack me."Ask anything and I'll give you in exchange for my freedom" she shouted at my back.I turned to look at her. I then fold my arms standing tall. She didn't even leave where she was standing. This made me know that she was afraid, just that she didn't show it. She knew her attacking me might cause her death, so she decided to barging. She's surely a smart girl."Are you sure about that?" I asked with a thick voice.She nodded severally."Give me yourself for two months and I will free you the third month" I sa
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Chapter 27
"Does the alpha post change a man that he wouldn't have feelings for his family?" I asked myself." Don't be sad. You might not know what he is going through. Be happy you are here safe" Storm said softly.Not even Alec sent me a message. I didn't want to blame them as Storm said because I don't know what they are passing through at home. I knew the demon alpha has blocked the main source of our pack's income but I know we would survive. I missed my family so much and I'll do anything to make sure it is not destroyed. I was ready to do anything Damion tells me. I'm ready to safe my pack. I know once I'm free and everything is back to normal, my brother will return to himself.A flash of the demon alpha's eyes came to my mind and it scared me. It looked like he was seeing me. I knew if the demon Alpha knows about this, he's going to kill me straight way. I was feeling so guilty in my heart like I've did something so wrong. "Helping my family isn't bad" I said to solace myself but my c
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Chapter 28
"I don't tell anyone what I'm planning to do except when it's time to carry it out" I said firmly. "Just wait for my order." Get me my message bird" I said to gemma.I know Jessy must be very angry with me. She sent me a message weeks ago with her bird but I didn't honor it. I wasn't going there unprepared to humilate myself again. I just sent her a message that I won't come. I know she won't because of that not help her pack. She loves her people than to get angry and I know Jessy she would so her job very well. She's done this before.I write the message and sent the bird out."Send a message to the blackwolf alpha, that I need a meeting with him" I said to Stiles."Yes alpha" he said.Just to conquer that demon I can do anything. The blackwolf alpha is a very dangerous one that even my father would tread careful with but I'm so power driven right now. My father has always tell me if an alpha wants to be powerful and wealthy, he shouldn't play by the rules. Some might think it's a
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Chapter 29
Normally if he is my alpha, I would have bowed and greet him but I seem too stunned to even do that."You don't want to talk to me?" He asked.BounceIt was my usual time to relax since I didn't have much work to be done. I then decided to spend it on my favorite spot which is the garden. That's were I go if I don't want disturbance. It's the garden in the pack house. No one goes there except by my order. I know you would be wondering why the garden is my favorite spot. I don't know either, they just give me this sense of calmness and a reminder of my mama. She loves garden so much and would take papa and I along to go play.I have a lot on my mind. Now what I needed for my revenge plan is all ready. I'm so powerful and wealthy. I would have had my revenge long time ago but I was warned against it. I was told that it wasn't time for me to do the revenge. This time, my revenge plan has changed. I'll make them all pay with everything they have. I'll make sure to make them weep. I'll giv
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Chapter 30
I was always afraid to see the mirror been that I live a very tough life and haven't seen myself since I was eight.My hair was so unkempt when I got to hiddenville pack. At first they thought me to be a rouge but I wouldn't attack them. The alpha been a nice person, he took me in and questioned me. I didn't tell him much aside my family has been killed. It was then he made them clean me up because he wanted to see my face clear. By the time I was brought back, I saw the look on his face and I thought he was making fun of me. I was so reluctant to see the mirror untill he forced me to. I was wowed. As bad as I didn't keep my hair, it was as if I do take care of it every second. If anyone was told that I've been walking from pack to pack in years, he would have disagreed and call whoever said it a big liar. I was looking so much like a pampered prince. Ever since, I had taken it upon myself to take care of myself even in my homelessness. I think the moon goddess gifted me this look an
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