All Chapters of The Consortium's Heir : Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
1161 Chapters
Chapter 211
“Besides, I genuinely love your father. I didn’t get together with him for his wealth,” Elizabeth added.Whispers about the two women’s argument broke out in the cabin.“I trust the one restrained by the security personnel.”“That flight attendant clearly isn’t a good person. While she’s pretty, her sharp gaze makes it seem like she’s constantly plotting something vile.”“Indeed. Plus, I don’t get it. Why would that lady work as a flight attendant if she’s that rich?”Kate’s fists balled by her sides when she heard the discussions from her surroundings. She wanted to rebuke their claims but did not know what to say. Her breathing sped up alongside her heartbeat.That was when Darius interfered, declaring, “I think, as a woman under security personnel’s restraint, she shouldn’t have the right to speak with anyone.”Only then did the two security personnel get up from their seats, no longer as lazy as they were before. They scowled at Darius but did not say anything. All they did was stand, the
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Chapter 212
“—although that seems like a lot of money, it’s simply a speck of sand in the eyes of real tycoons. In particular, enlightened martial artists, sometimes called awakened martial artists, are a more precious resource than money. Thus, they get acquired by many wealthy people—Shelvin is an exception, though. His case is very much abnormal.” While Darius was deep in thought, the entire cabin fell into chaos.After all, someone got shot to death in a plane many miles above the ground. That was enough to drive any passenger out of their mind.Even the two security personnel jolted awake from their rest at that point. Their heads turned rapidly, scanning every corner of the plane. Yet, they did not find out much, nor were the circumstances they were facing any better. Everyone was in hysterics.Some were screaming and rushing back to the end of the plane, wanting to distance themselves from the first-class seats. At the same time, others wanted to know what had happened, so they rushed forward
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Chapter 213
The security personnel did not expect anyone to refute his statements. It felt like his authority was being questioned, which he refused to accept. Thus, he bellowed at Kate, “You’re not that great either! You knew Darius had bad blood with your father’s girlfriend, yet you chose to side with Darius! You even wanted Darius to be your boyfriend!” Kate’s heart raced upon hearing that. She felt her earlier actions were foolish and worried that Darius would get angry upon recalling how she behaved. She could tell Darius’ attitude toward her had improved since then, so she cautiously eyed him at that moment. It was then that her eyes widened. She had not given it much thought when she turned to look at Darius. Thus, she never expected him to be looking at her. On top of that, he showed no hatred or annoyance—he was gazing at her with admiration and pride. “His eyes are stunning,” she thought, “Darius is truly a handsome man.” Getting stared at by him caused Kate’s cheeks to turn p
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Chapter 214
The screen showed what happened after Erin dragged the older woman out of the airport earlier.Darius’ eyes darkened like a hailstorm had broken out in his eyes. Not a word came from him. He looked at Shelvin and stated, “I don’t know who you are, and I can’t do anything if you decide to publicize that video. However, I believe you’re aware that doing so makes you my enemy.”Shelvin’s lips curved upward. “I know, but I’d still like to see you pay dearly. After all, I don’t like people who own vast riches.”Darius’ eyes narrowed. He never anticipated Shelvin to say such things. Even so, he remained stoic. He only nodded before returning to his seat and shutting his eyes.“Then I wish you luck,” Bridget, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said. She then took out her laptop and got comfortable in her seat.That set off a sudden anxiety in Shelvin.He quickly shut off his phone, approached Bridget’s side, and looked at her laptop.Bridget ignored him all the while, her eyes glued onto
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Chapter 215
Darius sat back in his, he could tell the man on the ground no longer planned to attack. Thus, Darius returned his attention to the contents of his laptop screen.Shelvin did not expect that from the former. He knelt on the ground and dared not move while letting out lengthy sighs. With time, he eventually felt he could not stay in that position any longer, so he cautiously looked up and glanced sideways at Darius.That was when Darius’ voice rang out. “Everything you’ve done till now remains a mistake until I allow you to get up. I’m being generous by only making you kneel now. If you can’t even fulfil this condition of mine, I suggest you try to kill me instead. Otherwise, you’ll suffer a more miserable end.”Every muscle in Shelvin’s body tremored as he knelt and bowed his upper body against the ground. He succumbed because he knew Darius was serious about that threat. Thus, he gulped and looked up at the latter. “Then, what must I do for you to allow me to stand?”Darius’ eyes narrowed
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Chapter 216
“Darius isn’t asking about our level of expertise for his personal benefit,” Bridget thought, touched that Darius had bothered to learn more about her abilities. It meant he was genuinely listening and learning about his bodyguards. “I once won first place in a hacking competition,” she elaborated, “And Edward can do many things with his skills. Only he, among the other bodyguards, is able to perform challenging surgical operations.”Darius leaned against the seat’s backrest, falling into deep thought. It took a while before he spoke. “Both of your levels of expertise seem superior to other experts in those respective fields. One can even say you’re both top in the world at what you do.”Still groveling on the ground, Shelvin’s eyes shot open once he heard Darius’ words. “I didn’t find out about that information beforehand. If I had known, I wouldn’t have shown up today.” With that thought, Shelvin did not hesitate to tear up and plead, “Mr. Reid, please forgive me! I didn’t know your ba
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Chapter 217
Edward stayed rooted to the ground wordlessly as he did nothing wrong. He believed Darius was a justice person who would never let him suffer for anything he did not do.Everyone on board had conflicted thoughts, but none spoke except for Shelvin.He squawked with a pitchy tone, “Of course, Edward didn’t agree. However, he was very young and not a professional bodyguard at the time, so he had no idea that we put a tracking device on him once he entered the room. From that, we managed to track Darius’ every action accurately. The person then got Edward’s ex-fiancé’s mother to start trouble at the airport, delaying things so we could tamper with the plane and ensure Darius died aboard. Alas, things turned out to be different from what we expected—we never expected Elizabeth to get involved. She somehow got on this plane too. We never planned to kill her.”Darius’ lips curled into a frosty smirk. Shelvin knew Darius believed him when he saw the latter smirking. He calmly continued, “So when
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Chapter 218
Besides, I don’t want to, nor will I, allow them to live. After all, their recent schemes involve recruiting children to scam other families, which I can’t tolerate.” While saying that, Shevin boldly looked into Darius’ eyes. “I believe you’re also aware of these things. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have acted against them.”Darius’ gaze bore into him as he nodded. “I’ve said many things to you today, and it’s significantly more than my usual conversations with my secretary. Among everything we discussed, your last assumption is the most accurate. It’s what I like to hear. Thus, from this point on until the plane lands, I want you to shut up unless you’re uttering facts. That way, I might stay in a good mood and allow you to leave this plane alive.”Meanwhile, the captain had been on the ground in the row ahead, his fingers roaming over Kate’s head. After Shelvin and Darius’ conversation dwindled, the captain meekly reported to Darius, “Kate’s not doing so good. She has suffered trauma to her
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Chapter 219
Kate had neverimagined Darius smiling at her before, especially after she’d come onto him soforcefully.Darius shook hishead, then said, “I think you can stand up now that you’re feeling better.”She was stilldazed by his smile, so she stood up without a second thought. Then, she heardthe despair in the captain’s voice. “No, wait! You shouldn’t do that! It’s muchtoo dangerous now!”Unfortunately, itwas too late, and his despair grew as he looked at Darius. Now, he had twooptions—to go along with what Darius wanted or to go against him. No matterwhich one he picked, he wouldn’t be able to live a peaceful life. So, he choseto leave a good impression on the people who would make it out of this aliveand win himself a stellar reputation. He would show them that he was willing todie to protect his master no matter how dangerous it was, which meant that hewould stop Darius.He hurried overto stand between Kate and Darius, his expression mixed with fear and anger.“How can you a
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Chapter 220
“Therefore, canyou pretend nothing happened on this plane and continue doing what you’resupposed to?”The captainnodded without hesitation. He held a trembling hand out and said, “There’s noway I’ll turn down your request. May I shake your hand?”Edward shruggedand nodded. He relaxed a little and said, “If you’re willing, I can take aphoto with you.”The captain’sface glowed with excitement. His lips were trembling so badly that he couldn’tsay a word, and he’d even teared up. He shuffled over to Edward, then pulledout his phone with trembling hands and snapped a blurry photo.Darius saw thatthere was no way to tell who was in the photo, so he smiled helplessly and tookthe phone from the captain. Then, he aimed the camera at them and said, “Let’stake another photo. The other one was blurred.”Bridget walkedover to Erin with her hands behind her back as she gaped at the scene beforethem. It felt so surreal. When Erin heard how uneven her breathing was, sheknew Bridget was
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