All Chapters of Love I've Always Looking For: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
310 Chapters
Where is she?
"Cathy, have I answered you completely? Now can we go and eat something?""... Let's have a few beers instead." Saying that Cathy happily pulled Kiara out of the room. Taking a few bottles from the refrigerator whe took a seat on the couch with Kiara. "Can I wear some clothes now?" Kiara asked tiredly.Cathy scowled in response. "Ohh please you will be so hot, so soon." "...well you gotta point." Taking the bottle from Cathy's hand, she right away drinks from it. "... It's nice to have a drink after such a long time."After a couple of hours..."Kiara?""Hmm.""Why do I believe that you still have something to tell ..." Cathy asked.Taking few more sips from her beer Kiara tilted her head innocently. "How am i supposed to answer you that? I already told you what I know."Shaking her body desperately she shook her head in denial. "I don't know! I just feel that way. So just do something about it!" "Ammm... How about some dancing?""Hehehe what dance? A strip dance or a pole dance."
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Not now
“So now will you tell me what happened to your neck?” Noah coldly looked at her. “Huh?” Kiara instinctively touched her neck sides. Feeling something sticked to her neck, she tried to get rid of it, when Noah spoke. “That’s a bandage. Don’t pull it off.” Noah informed. Kiara confusedly looked at him, while her hands were still touching the bandage on her neck. “Bandage? What for?” “I should be asking that question, Kiara. Where did you get hurt? What actually happened today?” He sternly asked. “...” Kiara got silent. Realizing where she must have got hurt, her eyes almost widened. Earlier when Ria threw that vase on her face, Leo did save her. However when the vase was smashed to the desk, it threw a few of its remnants to her side too. But in front of the whole vase, no one actually bothered to check those few small scratches on her or on Leo. Grasping all her answers, Kiara gulped hard. ‘She is caught, What she feared the most is happened’. “Kiara?” Noah called her again.
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"Grandfather what is going on? I thought you would support me no matter what. Why are you suddenly so against to me?" Kiara asked as soon as she walked inside the drawing hall when James was leisurely drinking his evening tea."Against you? Kiara? What have I done to hear this from you?" James unhurriedly placed his cup down on the table and asked with no surprise in his tone."Sam Gill. Dylan Wright. All this constant preparation for my engagement. What do you think? How should I be feeling? Are you straightforwardly slapping my face." Kiara desperately asked back. For a few days Sam was constantly asking her out. And every single day he would propose to her for engagement. Even last night.---Last night--"Kiara i genuinely believe that our relationship would support each other fairly. I really don't see why you are not accepting this proposal. I know what is going on in the company. I can't bear to see you suffering all day."Kiara moved away her hand which Sam was holding onto w
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"Noah, you don't have to pity me, I got Cathy's cards too. You already know that she has a lot of money and she can easily pay for my bills. So don't worry." Saying that Kiara gave a faint smile for his relaxation."Kiara…" Noah apathetically looked at her. "I am not worried about your expenses here. I am bothered because someone else is paying for your bills when it should be… No one else is paying for your bills.""Cathy is not someone else, Noah. She is my friend. More like a sister." Kiara right away corrected his choice of words.Seeing how hurriedly Kiara was ready to protect her friend, Noah envied that feeling. With a pause he solemnly asked his question. "Then what am i to you Kiara?""..." Kiara's lips got shut in a millisecond.Getting no reply, Noah asked again. "Nothing at all?""What do you want, Noah?" Kiara strictly questioned him. With time she knows him very well. Asking her such questions which she can't answer definitely shows that Noah wants something from her.It
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"Amm... Except Cathy might be some other guy friend of mine."Noah's hand stopped right around her nape. Grabbing her nape he gently pulled her closer to him. Resting his forehead to hers, he coldly looked at her. "What other guys?"Kiara's eyes widened in surprise. For a second she wanted to get away, but the moment she was touched by his forehead she herself stopped moving. Resting her palm on his chest, Kiara softly asked back. "Noah. Is this how we talk to each other now?""Who are the guys?""Noah-""Kiara.""No one.""Hmm?"Kiara's lower lips plucked out with disappointment. She was expecting him to say something nice and cute, but here she is being forced to say it out the truth instead. "No one except my parents and Cathy."Noah rolled his tongue with his squinted eyes. "Were you playing with me just now?""Kinda… I just wanted to hear something from you."Noah pulled himself a little away from Kiara, which instantly made her feel empty. But before she could react, she felt h
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Telling her everything
"By the way, I got something for you to do."While stuffing herself with soup, Kiara mumbled. "What?""I want you to set up a meeting. Me, you and Noah.""!pfffffff!" Kiara spurt out the whole content in her mouth. "Ewww Kiara! When did you become this disgusting?" Cathy made a face."Uhoo uhoo uhoo!" Kiara's cough didn't let her answer. After few seconds she made the call and asked for a maid to come and clean. "You surprised me very well idiot." Kiara retorted as she cleaned her mouth area. "What is there to be surprised about? I already told you about this last night." Cathy said as she poured another bowl of soup for Kiara. "Why do you wanna meet him?""I need to meet this guy. Without my approval I can't let you be in this relationship."Kiara frowned. Placing the bowl on the table, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen while answering Cathy. "First of all, no. You don't need to meet this guy. And second of all, I am not in a relationship with him. So there's nothing to
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I'll be able to leave
"Annah! Annah! Wake up, baby. Dinner is about to be served. Wake up or you won't be able to sleep at all tonight." A sound resounded in the hall. Unhurriedly a man in his mid-twenties walked inside the drawing hall. Not seeing his sister on the floor, he looked around the whole area."Dad!" After half minute he loudly called."Yes?" Another voice responded to the call."Is Annah with you?" He asked from the drawing hall."No. Why? Isn't she sleeping in the drawing room, on the floor?""No! I don't see her here!" The man said as he walked back to the dining room towards his dad. Taking his seat beside him, Oliver commented. "Looks like she ran away."Jack looked at his son first before looking back to the entrance gate. Seeing no sign of Annah he said. "Don't worry she will be back by the time dinner is served.""I think, even before that." Oliver challenged."Bet?" Jack said back."Be-" "What you guys are talking about?" Before Oliver could say last syllable, the girl in black clot
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Birthday night..."Is everything okay at the venue?" Oliver asked"Yes sir." "What about the catering side?""All good sir.""Bar arena?""Good sir.""Do not let me hear anything going wrong today or you will see the worst you could imagine." "Don't worry sir, everything will be alright."The Golden Jubilee of his father's birthday is very important to them. It wasn't just about his father's birthday but also about Annah's special day. This is the first time they are organizing an occasion since their mother died. He wanted his sis to see the perfect world after 12 years.All these years Annah saw the world through the internet. Now only she got the chance to see people outside the gate. Although they are still organizing a party at their palace, guests will be new for Annah. Not to forget it's the first time for the outside world to see Annah Jones, the sole heiress of the Jones group too. Everyone has heard about Jack and Oliver hiding their girl from everyone's eyes. For them, A
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"Select your Fiance," Jack repeated."You are kidding me right?" Annah aggressively looked at her father."Of course not. I always told you that you are destined to be married off to another family. Why are you suddenly behaving like this?" Jack asked casually."Because that was just nothing but a joke to me when you said that! Why are you suddenly saying all this to me?" Annah was stunned to her core. How could this happen to her all of the sudden? In fact why? Nothing makes sense to her."It's not a sudden thing baby. It was always decided that you would select your fiance from those four leaders' families. You are already 21. I think it's a good age for your engagement.""Good age my foot!" Annah shouted at the top of her lungs."Baby it's only right for you to get married to one of these families only. After me and your brother, only your fiance will have the right to protect you. He will always stay beside you like us." Jack added with a face full of smiles. And that smile irked
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Amm excuse me
While she was still thinking about it, she heard someone talking on his phone walking toward her side of the wall.Because the street light was in front of Annah's feet, it was very hard for anyone to spot her in that dark alley. Moreover, Annah has learned how to hide her presence in dark. Only if one puts their guards on all the time, and Annah makes a mistake, then only one would be able to spot her."I am still here. I don't know for how long." The man talked on the phone."I wouldn't be here if it wasn't about your Master's order. So do not let me hear another word from you." He said after a pause.Initially, when Anna saw him, she doubted his identity as her security guard and that's why she decided to hide. However, seeing his attire she knew at once that he was some guest who came here with some master. Realizing that he is not a part of some big family she decided to take some help.The man was still in the middle of his talk. "Where I should be handling my office matters, I
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