All Chapters of Love I've Always Looking For: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
310 Chapters
They are dead meat
"Let's talk about this in tomorrow's dinner. First tell me how shocked you were with this outcome of dinner?" Aditi expectantly looked at Serene.Ashwin and Soham who were still waiting for Serene's reply got a little distracted but the doubt in Serene's eyes weren't hidden by their eyes either.With a light shake of her head Serene said. "Shock? It's still unbelievable for me. I am only calm right now because Soham didn't call anyone of you as mom and dad. How can you hide this mom?""Well i didn't meant to. It just happened naturally." Aditi said pretending nothing happened.Serene cuddled to Soham. Soham also caressed her side shoulder. Looking up to him Serene said. "Never thought that i would meet your parents this way.""Why were you scared of them in the first place?" Soham asked."You were scared of us?" Both Aditi and Ashwin asked in once.Serene nodded profusely. Looking once to Aditi and Ashwin and then to Soham she said. "Well I was told that you guys only like sophisticat
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Cozy time 2
While making food for her, Soham many times looks behind to see Serene's casualness.While taking some spices from the side shelf by Serene, Soham didn't lose the chance to give her a quick kiss. Like this, he number of times gave her peck or some deep kisses between his cooking too. Everytime he left her lips, Serene would be in daze. It was not just a kiss that shocked Serene. But also his touch. Whenever Soham kisses her, he would cup or many times grope her boobs. And if she is standing then her asses would also be the part of that intimacy.By the time Soham ended his cooking, Serene actually got used to his touches or to her attire. Even when Soham pulled her to make her sit on his lap to have their food, Serene enjoyed it the whole time.The only time she squirmed was when Soham stroked her naked back. She almost spilled her water glass with that sensation. She wasn't against but instead she was enjoying it.Her hands weren't honest either. While Soham was feeding her, her bo
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Cozy time 3
"Today was the most surprising day in a while." Serene said while feeling his chest with her back."Beat me. But actually I am kind of used to it by now. The surprises you had brought me in the past were no less. How can I judge you any less." He replied.By now they had already crossed all limits Serene had set. His hands were doing whatever it wanted. His mouth was kissing and sucking wherever he liked. And Serene didn't mind it either, she enjoyed every treatment she was getting. Both care less about the movie any more."Well it happened. I won't take the full blame." Serene said as she tilted her head to the other side to let him do whatever he is desiring. "I never dare to blame my girl. Whatever she does is precious to me. And I accept them with my open arms." He said in a deep husky voice."You call my brother. I am not talking to him." Serene said grumpily.She was very much frustrated by his brother getting all the fun while she and Soham were getting all shocked. Not just
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Family meeting
"Did you call him?" Serene asked as she came out of her bedroom, still in her night shorts and just bra.Soham nodded his head. Taking his seat on the dining chair, he beckoned her to come to him.Serene without hesitation went to him before taking her seat on his lap, straddling his waist. Right now unlike her, Soham had already washed up and was preparing their breakfast at the moment when he called Harry."Yes he will be there by 6 or something." He said. Hugging her back, he caressed her waist as he asked again."You didn't wash up yet?" She raised her one brow. "No does it bother you?"Without replying to her, he right away kissed her mouth. Using his tongue to play with hers, he didn't leave any corner of her mouth.After a couple of minutes he pulled himself as he asked. "What do you think?"Serene pouted by the emptiness. Pouting her lips, she dived for another one, but Soham stopped her right away."What?" She grumpily looked at him."First wash up.""Why?""Because breakfas
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Number of rooms
"Count again my love." He said. The mansion was big, and it took a while for them to get inside. On their way all kinds of flower beauties were present like scenery view.Hearing that, Serene pondered for a second. To her side looking at Soham, she answered. "Well. One is for you and one for me then-"Cutting her words off in between Soham spoke. "Who said we are having two different rooms at our new home?" His lips already twitched not with just disagreement but also to his girl's stupid thought.Giving his words another thought, she realised what he meant and want. Serene's mouth gaped. Nodding her head in understanding she looked at the front again before continuing with her plan. "Okay. Let's start again. One big room for us-""-One floor" Soham right away corrected their mansion plan.When he said that he wants to give the best to Serene, he meant it. He isn't good with planning but he is adamant of giving her all what he got. He doesn't even know what is all, but, whatever a co
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Family meeting
Even after half an hour, Aditi and Henry were still playing and Harry with Ashwin showed no sign of coming out of the study room. While Soham was busy in his play with Serene's finger and Serene was busy with her phoneSeeing no hope from anyone stopping with their act, Serene with her sullen face said. "Are you guys done playing? I am bored here.""Why are you bored? Don't you have your boyfriend to entertain?" Aditi replied."Yeah. That's very disgraceful towards me Serene." Soham affirmed Aditi's comment."Whatever. Get me something to do then!" She frustratedly said. "Play with me." Soham replied."You came." Harry's voice resounded as he came down through stairs with Ashwin.Serene stood up, placing her hands on her waist, her eyes squinted in displeasure. "First I am not talking to you brother. And second Dad you guys finally thought about coming down? Huh!"Raising his hands up, Ashwin said. "It wasn't my fault. Harry had something to talk to me.""Huh?" Harry looked to his r
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Are you ready?
"Serene? What do you want? What is your decision?" Harry without restraint asked."Amm... I am not ready yet brother." Serene replied with hesitation. She can see what everyone wants to hear and what everyone desires, but she doesn't know if she is ready for this."May i know how you can be ready for this?" Harry asked. He doesn't know what was going inside her head. But he knows one thing that, Serene has a very low EQ.Soham didn't say anything to her decision. It would be a lie if he said that it doesn't matter at all. He felt bad but he wouldn't ask her to change her decision. He wants to be with her as an official fiance but if she isn't ready... again he can wait for her forever.On the other hand Aditi and Ashwin showed no disappointment. As Ashwin didn't want Aditi to force Serene's feelings even unintentionally he had already told Aditi about Serene's mindset.Serene blinked confusedly. Tilting her head lightly, she bit her lower lips. After a few seconds she shook her head.
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"What are you doing?" Serene asked and took her seat beside Soham on bed.Taking the towel from her hand, he started rubbing her hair. While drying her hair, he spoke. "Serene in less than two months we will be engaged. We will be bound to get married, no matter what." His voice wasn't loud or normal but low and intense.Serene turned her body. Facing him face to face, she bent and put her chin on his shoulder. "Why are you scared?" She asked playfully.""Serene do not joke. I am serious." Soham sternly said. The posture they had was making it more comfortable for him to rub her hair.Serene made a face. Scratching his shirt, she asked. "Okay but what do you want me to do then?" "Are you getting what kind of decision you are making? Don't just think about jealousy or possessiveness. It's way more than that my love."Right away looking up from his shoulder, Serene glared at him. "And my love is more than that. Yeah i was scared earlier but because i didn't have any reason to jump our
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An inseparable bond
"What are you guys doing leaving me alone?" Henry grumpily sounded. Things are way too different for him once he is outside his home. He can stay independent and handle his things, but also only when he has no one, to be dependent on. If he has his family who can make him feel less uncomfortable, he would lean on them completely. At the moment in the Shetty mansion, he was uncomfortable with the new thought of having another new family. He might have shut his mouth all this time, but he well know what was going on. His family and his brother Soham's family are getting together in a bond that will be inseparable. And he is very happy about it, but somewhere it also scares him a little.And being alone in that guest room, Henry's mind messed up more. He didn't want to stay alone and let his mind run wild."Who said that I would leave my little brother alone. I was just about to call you to come and sleep with me." Serene said and extended her hand for Henry. Henry pouted little but
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Disclose identities
"Serene, how about I send you to your class tomorrow?" Harry asked while taking his seat with Henry.Serene confusedly looked at Harry. Glancing sideways to Soham, she raised her one brow for an answer. Soham smoothly shook his head and denied her every question as having no answer.With a sigh she took her seat with Soham. "What do you mean?""I want to send you to your class tomorrow." Harry repeated his words."I got that brother. But why?" It's not a big deal for him to escort her to her class. But particularly asking about this makes her suspicious."Well I'll just do that from now on." Harry said with not much expression.Soham's eyes squinted at Harry. Getting what he was trying to do, Soham nodded with agreement and explained to Serene. "He wants to introduce you as his sister." Serene's face right away straightened. Narrowing her eyes at Harry, Serene waited for him to deny, but he didn't. "Why would you wanna do that?" Serene asked with a frown."You don't need to know tha
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