All Chapters of Love I've Always Looking For: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
310 Chapters
How to forget
Coming out of the door Serene straight walked towards Roy's car. Sitting on the shotgun seat she spoke. "I want to be alone somewhere for a while. Do you know any such place."Serene's eyes and her behaviour right away told Roy that something was wrong. Understandably he didn't try to disturb her with questions, he just nodded and drove off.Roy worriedly kept checking on her from time to time. But even after half an hour Serene spoke nothing.Roy kept on driving and she kept on looking outside the window. After another ten minutes her phone rang.The ring instantly broke her stupor. Her body shook with the sudden sound. By this action Roy instantly knew that something major had happened. He never saw Serene this way. She looked very weak as if she was dying. He wanted to call Soham or Harry, but in front of her he couldn't. He drove to the lake side but Serene didn't get off. Roy had to call others but he didn't want to leave Serene alone.When her phone rang again she disconnected
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Serene hurriedly walked towards the building elevator. Following her, Victor was also coming.Inside her mind lot's of things were running. Earlier she denied Soham just to make him feel guilty while he attended the dinner with HSH. And once he was in the middle of him feeling guilty she would come in front of him as his surprise. But again, nothing worked out.In a minute their elevator finally reached the 7th floor. Victor swiftly took the lead and showed Serene the way towards the meeting hall. Once Serene actually reached the hall gate, she stopped and took a deep breath before opening the door.'Slam!' Serene opened the door with full force....a minute ago"Sir do you really think we should do this?" One of the directors from Orion company spoke hesitantly.When other directors saw their finance department head coming forefront to give his advice, they also got courage to speak up too. "Sir no matter what but i don't think this solution is good for Orion." Though Soham is way
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Turn the table
"Last time I had to jump out of a window to save my ass. And today you almost sued me for asking you on a date!" Serene frustratedly said."Ahh my life. I planned all this for a month and this is what I got in return. Hmph! My fortune definitely sucks! Why does it never go with my plan!" Looking at Soham's eyes so close she didn't mind before dramatically saying it loud."So you are saying that it's all my fault?" Soham speechlessly looked at her. Where everything was done by her, should he be blamed for that?But hearing her words he finally realised from when Serene knew about his identity. At his one year anniversary party, Victor had told him that his CEO is attending this party with a disguise. And then Serene was adamant that she didn't drink and drive particularly because she actually never did. Finally he got what actually happened."Not everything but 99% yeah..." Serene said without batting her eyes. Soham drily laughed and rolled his eyes. Seeing no ounce of her realising
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"I... Whatever..." Serene shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly. And left his embrace before taking her seat back to the table.People around them were dumbstruck by their relationship revelation. Fiance? Aren't they too young for that? But then again comparing it to the maturity level they are way level ahead than their age kids. However the thought of HSH and Orion having a martial bond is something which not just excites them but also makes them feel relieved. Combining both shares from Serene and Soham it already gets around 85. Soham is known for taking risks in just a year, having a shareholder as his fiance and how HSH trusted Orion once, people from Orion were relieved that in their company, the clash of opinion will be least."Come we should go back." Soham said. He stood in front of her and beckoned her to hug his waist by her legs. Serene was about to do that when Harry from the other side of the table stood up and said. "Why is she going with you? She will come back with m
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Her family
"That i have a secret boyfriend. And I am eloping with him the next day. Wanna join us? It will be fun..." Serene replied."Do you want me to kiss you right in front of everyone? Believe me I badly want to." Soham said. He meant it when he said that he wanted to. When he entered the restaurant he noticed every man's attention on his girl. Even after he took his seat in front of Serene those men were still eyeing his girl as a predator and this made his blood boil in anger. Everyone loves the beauty outside but when it's come to accept the beauty from inside no one wants to do it wholeheartedly. And this kind of person is worse in character and Soham didn't want these people to even like his Serene or it would be an insult to her. He wanted to kiss Serene to tell everyone his relation with Serene. He always wanted to show off his relation with Serene to everyone to let them know their place and won't dare to court his woman.Serene instantly backed off by Soham's warning. His eyes we
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Are you not serious?
That day Serene, just how Soham wanted, she stayed at their apartment. That night they talked a lot before sleeping. Soham also tells her about his experience in business and how everything started at first and also about his loan which he took from his father.When Serene heard about his parents, she again had some doubts in her hands. Though after all this time in her heart the fear she carried for Soham's parents got a lot less, but still somewhere somehow she was still scared of being rejected by them.But after hearing so many nice things about them from Soham, Serene felt good that Soham was brought up by his parents with love and care. Soham isn't a person who speaks a lot or shows his care and respect to just anyone. However all the night when Soham talked or even if he said anything about his parents, there was a visible respect and love, the number of words from him might be less but those few words or his little gesture easily showed his feelings to Serene.But even after
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We need to talk
"Did you tell Serene that Mr. and Mrs. Shetty are very scary and won't accept Serene in their family?""..." "..." Neither Bhumit said anything nor Varun did. They both stayed silent to that question."Speak." Harry said with a threatening tone. Bhumit was still a little firm on not speaking anything but, Varun got scared in milliseconds. Wasting no time Varun answered. "Yes we did. We told Serene that Mr. and Mrs. Shetty won't like her indirectly.""Why?" Harry asked right away confusedly. If it was someone else it would look like that they are seeding a feud between Soham and Serene, but clearly neither Bhumit is that kind of person nor Varun at all... Then why?"Just for fun.""Sorry?" "I started it at first and then made Bhumit to follow. Well we did at first for fun and thought that we can clear out things later. But then we forgot. However I guess she hasn't forgotten about that yet." Varun said the last sentence meekly."You bet. She will never forget that. In fact she is ve
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Blind date
Serene looked down to her ring finger and caressed the couple ring she has with Soham. The thought of Soham calmed a lot of her exciting hormones. With a peace inside her heart she finally affirmed. "Okay brother. I understand what you mean."Harry nodded satisfactorily and said. "Then I am telling Soham that you will come this weekend.""..." Serene didn't say anything to reply. "Amm brother can it be another weekend." She meekly asked.Harry sighed and said again. "Serene what did we just talk?" "Brother, I am not running away. It's just... I need time for now. I am not ready yet. Once I will... I will definitely go for this too." Serene said solemnly'Sigh' "Okay. I'll talk to him." Harry said and bid her goodbye.***After hanging Harry's call, Serene groaned loudly. She was in the park when she got a call from Harry. She didn't lie when she said that she would consider. But now it's all back to horror again.While she was laying down on the ground and messing with those grasses
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Blind date 2
Soham looked at those dishes with a deep frown. It makes him scrunched because none of the dishes belonged to his taste nor it belonged to his parents' taste. Even if it was ordered by someone else or got the wrong table, after asking the waiter he got to know that it was actually ordered by Aditi. Soham couldn't tell what was going on however he didn't try to find it either. His mother always has some fetish about unusual things, it's not something new for him to get these kinds of surprises.As Soham went back to his phone play, Aditi finally planned to let Serene get into her plan too. Turning her head back to Serene, Aditi placed her hand on Serene's as she said but in a little loud voice. "Okay now we are good to go. The boy is here, let's check him out." Serene who was busy with her shake, almost spewed little of her drink because of the sudden loud voice. Gulping down the content she forcefully smiled at Aditi and said. "Mom, for next time can you give me some heed up befo
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Blind date 3
Aditi's mouth subconsciously gaped a little by Serene's confession. Followed by a gaped mouth, a satisfactory smile came to her face. How can no one see the trust Serene has for Soham. Aditi was highly proud of her daughter."Okay I won't say anything. But let's not forget what is going on right now. Isn't it wrong for that girl to be there?" Aditi asked."But mom She did nothing wrong. She doesn't know about me." Serene said. At the moment, she was only angry at Soham for lying to him. She couldn't be angry at that girl, who know nothing about her existence. That girl has no fault in that.Serene didn't talk more and looked at Soham's direction again. There Jenny was already at his front. She couldn't see Jenny's expression but she could see Soham's reaction at the least. For once Serene thought that Soham was actually going to deny Jenny from taking that seat, but after a few seconds Soham stood up and told Jenny to take seat. Serene again felt disappointed. She followed Soham's r
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