All Chapters of Foxy And Her Guardian : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
161 Chapters
61: Join Forces
The sound of water dripping in a bucket echoed in the empty, dingy, and moldy room. Mateo sits on one of the rusty chairs while Faith was still knocked out – laying on the dirty floor. Mateo didn’t even bother to put her down on something comfortable or slightly clean. She was laying there – on a dirty and smelly floor without any care.While Faith was still out cold, Mateo had a gun in his hand, the same gun he used to knock her out. He was apathetically staring her down. He hasn’t moved his gaze since he got her here. His eyes were still filled with tears, but they were leashed in his eyes. No one knows where Mateo brought her, except for him. He didn’t even tell Levi about it – just a couple of his best men, the men whose loyalty would never budge. Levi is loyal to him as well, but he knows that the minute Levi will know about his plans – his friend would not waste a minute before he would jump in to save Aldo’s girl.That’s what Mateo has decided to call her from now onwards, Aldo
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62: Loyalty Test
“What you are doing is extremely stupid,” Faith commented again as she felt being driven to an unknown destination. She couldn’t see where they were going because she was blindfolded. Her hands were tied behind her and her ankles were also tied with a rope. She squeak and fell on her face in the backseat when Mateo took a sharp turn. “Jerk,” she muttered under her breath. Whenever she passes a snarky comment at him, Mateo always takes a sharp turn to make her fall, but he never answers him verbally.Faith’s head was still throbbing. She asked for a painkiller, but Mateo didn’t provide her with one. He is acting chillingly cold towards her. He has been dragging her, pulling her, tossing her around – without any care. With each passing minute, Faith feels like she is losing the old Mateo. With each passing minute, her heart sinks into her chest as she thinks about what he told her earlier. She has been searching for her family’s killer along with the killer himself. Maybe Mateo had noth
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63: It Hurts
~Flashback~A Few Days Ago“Dante, where the fuck are you?” Mateo muttered under his breath as he entered his office after once again trying to reach his elder brother, who he last talked to a couple of days ago. The last the brothers talked, they had a huge disagreement. Dante accused Mateo of being a traitor to the family, while Mateo told Dante doesn’t care for the family. He only cares about his revenge. Before Mateo stormed out of Dante’s room, he told his brother that he will be taking a few days away from him. He asked his brother to think everything through, and that’s when he last heard from Dante.Mateo was about to leave his brother a text when Levi walked into his office, “Dawson is missing. He was the one that would give Ethan food and water. I think he is the mole. He was not in his apartment, and his roommate said that he hasn’t come home since the day before yesterday. Either he ran from the fear of getting caught, or someone got to him before we did. Either way, he i
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64: Mad Dog
“I might get a little late tonight. Will you be okay all by yourself?” Piper spoke softly to Benji on the phone while she and Blaire waits outside the ICU. “Yes, I am going to read the new comic book Kai gifted me,” Benji replied. Piper frowned, “What new comic book?” She asked. She clearly remembers that when Kai asked her to give Benji the new comic book he got for him, she refused to accept it. She asked Kai to stop giving him any more gifts. “When did he give it to you?” She asked next. There was a small pause before Benji replied, “Umm, six days, fourteen hours, and fifty-two minutes ago.”Piper heaved a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. Kai didn’t listen to her. He gave Benji the comic book even when she asked him not to. Piper was feeling irritated towards Kai. She already explained why she doesn’t want him to spoil Benji with gifts, but there he was – not listening to her. After everything settles down, she needs to have a conversation with her boss again. “Fine, yo
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65: The Seductress
Jeremy was transferred to a private room, even though he didn’t wake up yet. The doctors told Blaire that he was out of danger, and should be resting more to heal his wounds. She was finally allowed to be in the same room as him. Since he has been shifted to the room, she has been on his side.She sat on a chair by his bed and clutched his hand in hers. “Hey, I think you have rested enough. Please, wake up. I miss you. I love you,” Blaire softly spoke with tears in her eyes. She leaned in and placed a kiss on Jeremy’s pale forehead. “I promise, I will not forgive whoever did this to you, babe. They shot you twice, I am going to shoot them a thousand times.” She promised him as she brushed the hair off his forehead.Blaire checked her phone once again. She has been doing it a lot for the past few hours. After Piper left, she texted Levi – asking him if everything was alright to which he replied with a simple “yes” – when she asked him where they were, he didn’t answer her back and sinc
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66: Sly Father
Kai’s phone cannot be tracked. Since he has been hiding from the world – pretending to be dead, everything that could track his location – Kai doesn’t have. Piper rushed back to Kai’s penthouse from the hospital and immediately called Carla. Although, Carla is the one that commands around when Kai is not around, this time Piper switched the roles. After trying everything, from trying to call Kai, and the men he went along, with to trying to reach Mateo and Levi – they decided that it was time to find Kai and Faith on their own. Piper along with Carla and a few of their men have been on the road to look for their boss who has gone missing. Piper does not doubt that Mateo and Levi have kidnapped him. She feels stupid for letting Kai go along with Levi. She was also disappointed in Levi, but then again – they never worked for two different people before. Now that she thinks, he has always been very loyal to Mateo. It is Piper who feels like a fool for not thinking this through.“Can Lev
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67: Commander Piper
“Why are we waiting here? What happened?” Carla asked Piper, who was leaning against the hood of her parked car. When Piper stopped the car in the middle of the nowhere a little ahead of the exit they took from the Highway, Carla thought there was something wrong with the car – but instead of checking on it – Piper stood against the hood of the car while doing something on her phone. This made Carla curious, so she stepped out of the car as well. Piper squinted her eyes under the sun as she glanced at Carla. Her eyes fell on the other car parked just behind them – ut none of the men exited that car. She heaved a sigh, “We can’t go further than this,” Piper informed. Carla knitted her eyebrows, “What do you mean we can’t go further than here? Why did we even get here? And why can’t we go further, again?” Carla frustratedly asked with her eyebrows screwed together. “If we drove ahead of this point, we are definitely going to get killed by Mateo’s men. No one can pass this point excep
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68: The War Begins
Ethan was given something. He knows that he was given a drug to fall asleep, but he didn’t know if Levi knew about it. He slipped into a deep slumber with a fear of never being able to open his eyes ever again until, he woke up – once again tied to a bed – but this was a different bed. He let out a low groan as he tried to adjust his eyesight. The room was cold, but it smelled better than the last two rooms he was captured in. His eyes went to a shut window before he dragged his gaze in front of him and almost had his heart stop beating when he saw Faith, in the middle of the room – on a chair she was tied to, glaring at him. “Jesus, what?” Ethan squinted his eyes and tried to lift his head, but since he was feeling dizzy – he lay it back on the pillow. “What the fuck is happening? I thought Mateo killed you,” He muttered. He wished his hands were untied so he could rub his temples because they were aching. Faith huffed. She has been watching this man unconscious on the bed for the
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69: Kai Cares
“I missed talking to you,” Faith softly spoke to Ethan, who only hummed but didn’t answer her back. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling as he thought about what must be happening in the outside world. Dante’s face came to his mind, what he must be up to? Did he even try to find Ethan? Or is Levi right, he was the one who tried to silence him? Ethan heaved a sigh and slowly blinked, “I wish we met in different circumstances,” Faith added. Ethan sniggered, “Where I am not a screwed-up bastard? Or where you are not a secret daughter of a mafia shitload?” He asked. Faith couldn’t help but smile softly, “Where I was really Faith, and you were just a regular guy I met. You know, in the beginning – I was getting very dependent on you. After losing my family, you were the first person I felt like I gained as a friend. I wish you weren’t in my life to kill me. Urgh, I hate this world.” Faith groaned and looked up at the ceiling in frustration. “Everything is so far from normal here.” Ethan s
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70: The One That Was Lost
Mateo has never felt more useless and onerous for others than he did that day. He felt like sinking into the pits. He was disappointed in himself that day. At that moment he was giving up. He suddenly felt tired – exhausted. Never in his life did he ever want to give in – but at that moment, he wanted to give up. He wanted to yell out to Aldo that he won – that Mateo was surrendering. That, Mateo Nixon failed. He failed his family. He failed his people. He failed his friends. He failed his friends. But most of all, he failed himself. ~A Few Hours Ago~ Jeremy had to be sedated. He was hurting himself. The minute he learned that his wife has been captured by his blood-thirst father – he couldn’t help himself. He forgot about his injuries. He forgot that he is supposed to be healing. All he could think about was his wife – the love of his life. When Jeremy first came back to the country, his motive was to help Aldo’s enemies get to him, for killing his mother, but when he found Blaire –
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