All Chapters of Bratva Wolves Collection: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
212 Chapters
9. Five Months
Konstantin Every now and then, I feel a sharp pain in my chest; it started when Lily left and has continued to grow exponentially. I know that it’s because my wolf is yearning for its mate, but something feels wrong - terribly wrong. Lily is my mate; I know this now. But why did she lie about leaving? Did she not feel the pull as I did? Did she not feel the same way about me because she’s not a pure werewolf? These constant questions keep me awake at night, and I know that I will need to pay a visit to Vegas soon. Fenriz mentioned that he sent Lily here to keep her from her supposed ‘destiny’, but he never fucking elaborated on what this could mean. He kept his distance and took off to Vegas before I could ask him. Things have been escalating over the last few months since she left. Kai found and claimed his mate, I died and was brought back to life by a Goddess, we lost two of our younger brothers and so many other tragedies. Some pe
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10. Tell All
Konstantin “It started at Russo’s mansion that night you sent me there. I could tell he wanted her; he had that same look in his eyes that most men have when they see her. But his look was more… slimy. I can’t explain it.” I started when we were all seated in Kai’s office. I had called for Zephyr to be present as this concerns him too. “But why didn’t you check Russo’s place in your search of her?” Dimitri asks, leaning forward in his chair and resting his arms on his knees. I shrug. “She hated the guy and his advances; I didn’t think she would head straight into his arms after leaving here.” “It’s true; Lily didn’t like that the Alpha’s attention was trained on her,” Zephyr says with a nod and screws up his face. “Especially with that odd scent on him at the time.” Kai frowns and looks at us both. “Odd scent? Describe it,” he urges. I look up at Caterina, then back at Zephyr. “Tell Kai your description, same as you did that n
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11. Double Trouble
LilyHis face is all I see, even as Stefan fucks me hard, even as I am trussed up in a sex swing and chains… the pain in his eyes will always haunt me. I didn’t know he was here, and I didn’t fucking expect him to walk him while Stefan had me over his desk.Konstantin is my mate, it’s always been him, but I found out too late. Stefan loves rubbing it in my face because he knows I can’t do anything about it. I can’t call out to him, and I can’t alert him to my whereabouts as I live out my days as Stefan’s glorified and willing sex slave.Of course, he punished me for hugging Konstantin when I saw him, but I had to ask for his help somehow. Even if he looked disgusted at what was happening to me, even if the disappointment and hurt in his eyes would haunt me forever.“Open your mouth,” Stefan orders as he pulls out of me and empties his disgusting seed into my mouth. I’ve co
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12. Alpha Fenriz
Konstantin“Fuck,” I mutter when I see Fenriz’ Beta, Andreas, step forward. His eyes flash double gold irises, and he looks extremely pissed off - actually, they all looked pissed off right now.These are Norwegian Lycans who settled in Vegas when their first Alpha came to the states a few hundred years ago. They don’t worship the same Wolf God we do or used to, but the mate bond link seems to be pretty much the same.“Konstantin,” he drawls, holding his outstretched hand to me as his irises meld into one. Scare tactic, I see.“Andreas, I didn’t expect a welcoming committee,” I say, to which he chuckles.“Fenriz asked me to collect you. I believe this is your first time in Vegas, no?” He asks as we’re led to a line of black motorcycles and one SUV.“Yes, it's my first time here meeting with your pack,” I say, feeling really uneasy at the enti
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13. More Revelations
Konstantin Well, there goes that fucking idea. “You killed the sister of a Horsemen Alpha? What the fuck is wrong with you?” I ask incredulously, but Fenriz only shrugs. “Step-sister, but whatever.” “That’s not the point, Fenriz. There’s no fucking way they’ll help me if they know I’m trying to save the sister of the man who murdered one of their own,” I say, sitting down on the leather couch with my head in my hands. Fenriz chuckles and sits opposite me. “Then don’t mention me unless you absolutely have to.” He says as if telling me the weather. Fuck, are all Alphas so self-involved?! “Why didn’t you just tell me outright that Lily was my mate? Don’t you think it would have prevented all of this shit?” I say. He growls. “Well, excuse the fuck out of me. How was I supposed to know that even her own fucking mate couldn’t tell the difference between a mate bond Sighting and butterflies? Surely you must have felt
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14. Small Hope
LilyIt’s been days since Stefan violated me in the worst possible way, days since I’ve felt his slimy touch or smelled his disgusting scent.The lust-filled fog is slowly lifting from my mind, and as it does, shame settles deep in my bones. Why am I allowing myself to be violated like this? I was Konstantin’s most trusted second-in-command! How…Stefan’s words make their way into my head… what I truly am and why I am powerless to resist him when he uses me. The reason I have no scent and why the Vega pack rejected me.I curl up into a ball, and a sob wrecks through my body. This is all my fault, my child, Konstantin’s first born, the both of us will die as soon as I give birth to Stefan’s monstrosity inside me. I can feel it clawing its way in my belly and sucking the energy right out of my soul.Just like it’s snake of a father.Suddenly I jerk awake and feel a famili
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15. Vega/Volkov
Konstantin “So, what made you decide to come back in here?” I finally ask Kai when we walk the path to the mansion. I know how the guilt ate at him after what happened, so seeing him here is a shock in itself. He shrugs and exhales. “It was time, wouldn’t you say?” He says, looking up at the place we used to call home. “Caterina is about to have my child; we need a base of support from the entire pack instead of living right in the middle of New York away from everyone.” I understand this; as amazing as our penthouses are, it's not exactly a perfect place to raise children. At least here, they’ll be able to shift and run around as they please. “But how the fuck did you flip that switch so easily? You hated the place,” I say. Kai shakes his head and chuckles. “I never hated our home, Kon, just what I did in it. Speaking to mother after Xamnir killed me helped a lot more than I thought.” I nod; he did mention seeing my dead brother and mother after the werewolf god killed him a few
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16. She-Wolf
KonstantinFenriz shakes his head. “I don’t know if it’s such a good idea. Your mate will be here alone, and she is so close to her due date already.” He says, looking at Kai with a raised eyebrow.“Dimitri and Konstantin will be here-”“Excuse the fuck out of me? Do you really think I’ll stay here when we might have a step up in this?” I exclaim as soon as Kai says this bullshit.Kai’s chest rumbles as he tries to contain a growl and sighs. “Fine. For fuck sake. Let me speak with Caterina about this.” He then takes off towards the mansion, and I can hear him cursing all the way.Fenriz chuckles as he watches Kai with an amused look on his face. “I should mention that since Caterina is his mate, he will not lash out at her or do anything to harm the child.” He says, and I can see Kai turn his head slightly.“Those wives were just that;
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17. Ex Alpha
Konstantin“Lilith’s wolf spoke with you? How is that possible?” Fenriz asks after I tell them what happened.I shrug. “I don’t know how it’s possible. Maybe it has something to do with our Mate Bond? She hasn’t rejected it or been forced to reject it.” I say while leaning against the door in Kai’s study.It's only Kai, Fenriz and Zephyr present. Dimitri is holding down the fort in Billionaire’s Row, and Caterina’s feeling too tired to be here with us. It is understandable since she’s carrying the child of an Alpha God and nearing her due date.“But she disappeared in a cloud of green smoke just as she was about to tell me what Stefan is,” I say, and I can still hear my wolf’s sad whine.I see a frown forming on Zephyr’s face when I say this. “Got something to add, Z?” I ask.He looks up at me. “He stinks of sulp
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Alpha Fenriz Prologue (July 2022 Release)
Another woman will suffer at my hand because of my father; another bride will be dead before she can birth a child for the beast inside of me. I can feel him stir as I approach my estate; he knows she’s waiting inside, and it angers me. After the senseless death of my third bride, I vowed never to take another woman, and if that meant the end of the Vega bloodline, then so be it. Another woman cannot die because of this beast; I won’t allow it. My father says this union will do the Vega pack good since we can extend our reach, but I know he’s only interested in the power it will bring. The decrepit mansion he was in is just for show; my father is greedy and wants to make money at all costs. “Fenrisúlfr,” Andreas calls me by the birthname I hate. My father named me after a monstrous wolf-god of Norse mythology aided in my self-hate. This beast only knows how to kill, maim and murder young women, and the self-deprecation grows each day. “They’re waiting inside, but know this; she
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