All Chapters of SINCITY. (MxM): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
Chapter: 18******Lover shut the bathroom door and turned the faucet on, watching as the spray jetted out and began to steam the room. He needed it as hot as possible. Maybe it would burn out all the sinful thoughts that haven't left his mind even for a second from the moment Jason had teased him. He ran his hands into his hair and stepped under the water, moaning as the burning temperature welcomed his skin. He shut his eyes and allowed the water to cover his body.The image of the man came to his mind once again and he whimpered at the memory of him from that evening, the way his fingers slowly slithered on his stomach, trailing down those beautiful tight abs all the way to his bulging crotch, teasing him. He whimpered as his cock hardened between his legs, pressing his hands against the shower wall so that he wouldn't dare do what he wanted to do.It isn't right.He couldn't do that.It doesn't matter whether he was alone in his bathroom or not, he was still in this city and he ha
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Chapter: 19******Loud chatter, as well as music, could be heard coming from the house the duo was headed for. Sage gripped onto her hero's hand, walking side by side, eyes searching her surrounding, brain taking notes of all she saw around her. She didn't want to miss a thing and she was ready to leave even though they had only just gotten to their destination. Beach sensed the tension in the way her grip tighten and her breath quickened and he wanted to ascertain her that all is well by giving a little squeeze to her already sweaty palm. She noticed this and peered up at him, Beach gave her a warm smile, she smiled back and it seems her confidence spiked up a notch after that. Finally, at the door, Beach gave her hand another squeeze before reaching for the doorbell. They stood in wait for another second then they heard keys jingling and then the door was pulled apart to reveal none other than J.P Spikes. Sage was shocked when she saw him, she thought he had died with his mother
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Chapter: 20*****Beach was beyond anxious and didn't know what to do or what to say. He just lay in the center of the bed on his stomach, watching over his shoulder as JP climbed over him with so much love and tenderness behind his gaze. "I want you to relax, B. I don't want you doing anything...Just feel." Beach turned his head away, resting them on his forearms as he felt his half-brother's hands caressing up his thighs. He closed his eyes and let the sense of touch amplify. He moaned as JP squeezed and kneaded his flesh with his thumbs. He sighed as he felt those soft lips working up to meet those magical thumbs, biting his lips as they found themselves at his hips. "H-Have you ever done this with anyone?" Beach asked, trying to distract his busy mind. He could feel the lump in his throat forming, the tears wailing up in his eyes. It was inevitable. He was becoming a waterfall of emotions and he was never good at being one. It sickened him with worry, and a million questions fo
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Chapter: 21*****"You feel so good," he whispered. "More than just good." JP grinned at him and kissed his lips, easing into a slow stroke. He moaned as Beach reacted immediately, pressing his body into him, releasing long soft cries. "Right there, love. Just...right there." He whined as JP brushed over that sweet spot with each thrust. He was stroking the walls of his insides, his ass stretched out to take him. He cupped the back of JP's neck as sweet lust overcame him. "Deeper...please." JP kissed his cheek and groaned out as he rocked into him, his hips and lower back rolling to deliver each blissful wave. He braced himself with one hand on the mattress, the other finding the back of Beach's head. "Yes, just like that." "Fuck, you're gorgeous... Mmm, so good." JP ground his hips into him, focusing his aim on that sensitive spot and pressing Beach's prostate like a button. He growled and sped his pace up only slightly, taking desire in the way that Beach whined about it. Beach gro
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Chapter: 22*****Having gone through all the troubles of the previous day, which consisted of Dark Agents coming to inform Lover that the criminals had escaped without a trace, it was almost as if someone had tipped them off and as well helped them escape. Lover had discharged them a little while later and had returned to the house to inform them about it. They had relaxed a little at the news seeing that he had control over the situation. Well, at least for the time being. Lover had also sent them off to bed so they could get enough rest. They all needed that. He assured them that he would make decent plans and help get them away from the city. Jason and Eric had walked into their bedroom and had fallen asleep the second their naked bodies touched the softness of those white sheets. But Jason had woken up with that sinful dream. That one that seemed too real so much that he had jizzed himself. That morning was the worst he's lived all his life. His eyes followed every step the DA
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L.P.T (Little Play Thing)
Chapter: 23*****A silent wail could be heard from the edge of the bed where a small terrified figure hunched over in fright and sobbed helplessly. The sound of the door opening had the child jolting away from his previous sitting position and running towards the end of the wall, with his back firmly plastered against the wall he wanted to vanish into thin air never to be seen by that evil man. His heartbeat increased in both beating and loudness with the approaching footsteps of the man he feared greatly, more than anyone else in this whole miserable world. How long has he been captured and forced to remain here? Ten, twelve, twenty years.How old was he even?He doesn't even remember.He had lost the sense of time. The last time he saw sunlight was the afternoon he had visited his dead mother's graveside. He missed her so much and wanted to take a flower to her stone. Everything was fine until he was walking out of the cemetery before a black rag was forcefully shoved over his he
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Chapter: 24******The bikers had searched aimlessly for the girl for hours but couldn't find her. She hasn't gone with her phone and so Beach couldn't call her. Her phone was with him. He had made sure to pick it up from where she had dropped it while she ran right there at the door. He was tired of looking. It was late night and the moonlight was the only brightness on the dead roads. He put his bike to a stop and sat motionless on it with both hands digging into his pockets and eyes wandering both ways, filled with worry and self-loath. Why had he let himself get carried away?Why didn't he just ignore those damn feelings?He rubbed at his eyes, a few tears came down with his fingers when he pulled them out.He shouldn't have spoken to JP in such a harsh manner. He doesn't deserve that.The night was silent as can be. He could make out all the sounds. The owl hooting from a tree nearby, the constant flow of the ocean waves, and the constant trampling as dried leaves go
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Chapter: 25.*****She was starting to rethink the whole die today thing when the car ride came to an end and she was looking at her now opened door where the boy was being a gentleman by holding the door open for her. A smile lit her face as she pushed strands of hair behind her ear. "Thanks." She whispered shyly, coming down the car, and walking past him. She stood by his side watching as he shut the door and made a round for the back. She watched him closely and as well took notice of what she had ridden in. It was a minivan. Painted cobalt blue with initials written in bold letters. FROZEN says. "You work there?" She asked, pointing to the van. "Yes, my father owns a store down U-Heights and when he passed three months ago I took over, my sister and I run the store but she took ill today and couldn't come with…" he paused as he pushed two boxes out from the trunk and dumped them carefully on the sandy fields. "I'm sorry, just walk with me and I'll come back for this o
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Chapter: 26.******A relief sigh escaped all five mouths when the rumbling stopped and the stones parted to reveal what looked like an old study room. A few of the bookcases have been overturned, and their contents are strewn across the dirty room. A smoking corpse lies in a black circle filling the room with its horrid stench. Mikey carried his lover and walked over into the strange open room that looked like a dungeon with different torture devices neatly lined out on both sides of the walls. "What is this place?" He asked as Nancy stepped up beside him, she didn't care about the things in the room but the two naked people present in the room.She scanned the lady who had fresh marks on her blood-stained skin, gripping tightly to a boy who looked worse than she did. Nancy studied them while taking cautious steps toward the pair, they looked scared as much as they were. Were they prisoners trapped in this maze as they were? She wondered and stopped two feet away from them, her ey
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Chapter: 27.******They must have gone down about twenty stairs before they reached the bottom. Boiy opened up another wall that greeted them with a despicable view and smell of rot and decay. They clasped their noses shut with two fingers."Follow me," Boiy instructed and they all went into the room. The light on Boiy's hand illuminated their surroundings, giving them a dreadful picture of the room. Skeleton bones littered the entire room along with decaying rotten parts that looked like long-dead animals. They all wanted it to be animals since they can't handle the thoughts of them being human. Bri retched, gripping the walls to steady herself so she doesn't fall over. Nancy kept her eyes everywhere but never on the bones and rot. Who are all these people?The only thoughts in their minds but the confidence in the boy's steps had them following behind without asking any questions...questions they didn't want to hear answers to. "There are no cameras here." He whispered and they n
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