All Chapters of Indebted To The Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
I dug my phone from my purse and called Kelly.“What’s up, frey? Wanna meet for drinks?”I let out a breath. “I—can’t.”“Why not? What’s up?”I blinked hard. “I’m going away.”“Wh-what? What do you mean? Where? Why? For how long?”“I don’t know, kel. I don’t know. The checks? All that money? I’m about to meet the man who sent them.”“Who is it?” she demanded.“I don’t know. I don’t know anything. A man showed up at my door an hour ago and said he was here to collect me. I’ve been collected, kel”“Does he know you’re calling me? Are you, like, in danger?”I forced myself to breathe calmly. “I don’t—I don’t think so. I don’t really have a choice, but I’m not in danger. Like, I don’t think anyone is going to kill me. I am scared, though. What’s going to happen to me?” I whispered the last part.“freya…Jesus. This would only happen to you.” I heard her breathe, sounding as shaky as I did. “Where are you?”“County International Airport. About to board a fucking massive Gulfstream or someth
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Chapter Twelve
The flight was a little over three hours, and then we landed with a gentle bump at a private airfield. I had no idea where we were.I exited the plane and followed marcus to a waiting car, this one a stretch limousine. He held the door for me, closed it, and then slid into the driver’s seat. He said nothing, only waited as someone else loaded my suitcases into the trunk.I’d half expected to see someone sitting in the shadows of the limousine, but there was no one. Only long expanses of black leather, lights, and a radio, and more champagne. I folded my hands on my lap and waited as Marcus drove. It was a long journey, and we got closer to what looked to be New York. We went over the Brooklyn Bridge and into Manhattan. We wove through thick traffic, heading uptown.After almost an hour of driving, high-rises piercing the night sky all around, Marcus pulled the limousine into an underground garage.My heart was hammering as He led me, sans suitcases, to the elevator. The elevator rose
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Chapter Thirteen
I gulped, probably loud enough for him to hear. “If you won’t tell me your name, what do I call you?”He chuckled, and the sound of his laughter caressed me, mocked me. “You and I are completely alone, Freya. If you speak, it can only be to me. You need call me nothing.”“So I don’t have to call you ‘sir,’ or ‘master’?”His voice went sharp and cold. “I am not a dominant Freya, You are not my slave, nor my submissive.” He moved, now standing behind me. He was close to my ear, and I felt him at my spine. “I own you, but you will submit to me willingly.”“I will?”“You will.”“Why?” I wanted to turn, to touch him, to take the blindfold off. Something prevented me, and I didn’t dare examine what it was.“For the period of one year, I mailed you checks for twenty thousand dollars, one every month. You cashed and used them all. You spent my money, freya. You lived on my generosity. My reasons for this will remain a mystery to you…for now. But you are in my debt. You would have been homeles
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Chapter Fourteen
You’re very sure of yourself,” I said, trying to sound stronger than I felt. In truth, the raw sincerity and utter surety in his voice shook me to the core. He believed what he said to be nothing but the unquestionable truth.“Yes, I am.” Now his voice was a mere breath of heat on the shell of my ear. “I will make sure you beg me for it.”Holy shit. What was I supposed to say to that? I could barely stand up. The potent mix of emotions this man engendered in me had me trembling, knees knocking. I was turned on, I had to admit. And that scared me. So badly. I didn’t want to want him. I didn’t want to be owned by him. But somehow, with nothing but a few words and touches, he had me aching in ways I’d never thought possible.“See?” His fingertip traced the apple of my cheek, ran beneath the swell of my lower lip. “Already you begin to understand. You’re turned on, freya. I can smell it on you. Your nostrils are flaring. You’re trembling and blushing. You hate it, though, don’t you?”I di
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Chapter Fifteen
I will send you home. You would sign an ironclad nondisclosure agreement, and you’d be free to go.”“Just like that?” I put all the sarcasm and bitterness I possessed into those three words.“Just like that.”“And I wouldn’t have to repay you?”“No.” He paused for effect. “Except, you wouldn’t receive another dime. And you still have a very long way to go to finish your degree. The jobs you’re trained for right now will never offer the funds necessary for you to take care of your mother and brother. And even if you could stay afloat long enough to finish your degree, and get a job in your field, do you really think a social worker could ever make enough money to pay the kinds of bills you’ve got hanging over your head?”“I’d make it work.”“Yes, freya. I do believe you’d kill yourself trying.” He paused to sip his drink again, and I took another drink as well. “You could take that route. And you might be able to make it work. But…your choices are limited. Very limited. How long do you
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Chapter Sixteen
“It’s…subjective, I think. The difference in definition varies from person to person.”“Yes, I know. That’s why I’m asking you what you think.”I blinked behind the blindfold, an instinctive reaction to thinking. “Could I…sit down? Please?”“Of course. How rude of me to leave us standing here in the foyer.” He took my hand. “Come.”“Wait…the blindfold…aren’t you going to take it off?” I pulled back against his hand, reached for the fabric covering my eyes.Strong fingers imprisoned my wrist, stopping me gently but firmly. “No. Not yet. Not for a while, I think.”“What? What do you mean, not for a while?” I jerked my hand free, turned to where I thought he was standing.“I mean that I’ll remove the blindfold when I’m ready to do so. I am not yet ready for you to see me. You have four other senses, Kyrie. Focus on those.”“Are you, like, ugly or disfigured or something?”He laughed, and the sound was loud with raw amusement. “How very blunt of you. ” He took my hand once more, and I cou
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Chapter Seventeen
“Yes, precisely.”“It’s about emotion, I think,” I said. “Sex is the clinical term, the context-less word for the act. It means nothing else, holds no meaning or importance beyond the mere physical act of engaging in sexual intercourse. Making love is…well, obviously it’s about love. It’s about the expression of the way you feel about someone. Fucking is…I guess I think about it as something crude. Rough and empty of emotion. Hard and fast. Although I guess it doesn’t have to be rough or hard, just…devoid of emotional exchange. You’d fuck someone you just met at the bar. You wouldn’t, and I think couldn’t, make love with someone you just met. You have to know them, understand them, care about them, actually love them to make love, whereas you can fuck anyone, anytime, no emotions or connections required.”“And have you personally experienced both?”I hesitated to answer. “I…I don’t know. I think so? I thought I was in love once. I thought what we had meant something. I’ve had sex, obv
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Chapter Eighteen
Then why…like this?” I gestured to the blindfold, and then away, meaning the way I was picked up. “Why the checks? Why the hired goon saying he was ‘collecting’ me? Why the blindfold and the…the mysteriousness? Why? If you wanted me, why not simply arrange to meet me?”“Would you have come?” I heard leather creak, and his voice sounded nominally closer, as if he’d leaned forward. “If I’d arranged so that we ‘accidentally’” —I heard the quotes around the word— “met, would you have believed me? What would I have said? ‘Oh, hello, freya, I’m the guy who’s been sending you the checks.’ I think not. And if I’d arranged a meeting and gotten to know you under what would be considered normal circumstances, and then eventually revealed that I was the one who’d sent the checks, would you not have been upset that I’d kept the truth from you? That knowledge would’ve tainted whatever relationship we’d established up to that point. Am I wrong?”I sighed. “I guess you’re right. I hadn’t thought abou
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Chapter Nineteen
“I was always there, Miss lomie. Out of sight, but there. You and Kelly were too drunk to even walk straight that night, but there were no cabs, and the bus didn’t go where you needed to go. So you ended up walking—and I use the term ‘walking’ very loosely—all the way home. Seventeen blocks. At two in the morning”I shuddered as I remembered that night. We had been living together then, in a shitty-ass apartment downtown. We rarely ventured outside past dark and never, ever, alone. That night, though, we did. And we’d thought, the next day, that it was a miracle we’d made it home alive. Now I was starting to think it was less a miracle than Harris’s unseen protection.“That was an insanely bad decision on our part,” I said. “We woke up the next day amazed that we’d made it home intact.”“You shouldn’t have,” he said. “You almost didn’t.”“What?” I took a sip of Scotch, for courage. “What do you mean?”Marcus answered. “Kelly was so drunk you basically carried her the whole way. She co
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Chapter Twenty
“Quickly, and easily. Don’t feel any guilt for their lives, Miss Lomie. They intended to take turns raping you two for hours. They were evil, sadistic creatures with not even a speck of humanity in them. I showed them the mercy of quick deaths.”“But you…you killed them. For me.”“Yes. I did. And I would do so again.”“Then there was also the matter of a potential mugger, just this past month,” he said. “marcus made sure the mugger never reached his intended point of ambush. That particular individual was merely…persuaded, shall we say, to give up a life of crime.”“Indeed,” Marcus said. “I can be rather persuasive.”I had a hard time breathing suddenly. “What—what else did you do on my behalf?”He answered. “Only one other matter required intervention. The last gentleman you dated. Steven dexter.”“Steven? What did you do to Steven?”“The Steven you knew, and the real Steven…they were not the same person.” He paused, and I heard the tone of his voice shift to address Marcus “You may
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