All Chapters of Angel: The Enslaved Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
92 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-one
“People like us. A different version of my kind. The only difference was your family can not shapeshift. Your youngest cousin, by some birth defect, managed to be born half-wolf half-human. Your uncle wanted to be like us! That was why he took me and killed my fucking family. That was why he kidnapped all those poor werewolves to learn our source of power and steal from us, but he failed. Because our powers are naturally engineered by the moon-goddess and no experiment by humans, even one with our blood, can alter that.”Nadia slowly rose to her knees, holding his gaze in shock. She wanted to accuse him of telling lies but she knew right in her gut that he was telling her the truth. “Do you want to know the irony of all these? The moon-goddess made you my mate, giving me the power to make you full-blooded Were – something your uncle had maimed and killed for more than a decade!”“What is a mate?” she asked in a voice filled with dread. For some reason, the thought of her tasting her
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Chapter Sixty-two
Nadia held Angel's gaze pondering all the information he just gave her. She found it a bit too much at once and a tad confusing but three things were clear: she can not go back home unless she broke her bond with Angel otherwise he would be bound to follow her because of their mate bond. If she rejected him it would be physically painful but doable and if he rejected her she would instantly die. The main issue now was making decisions she would not hate herself for thereafter."Is there anything else that I need to know?""I can help you heal faster if you let me touch you," Angel said, sounding as if the words were dragged out of him. "I don't want that," she whispered, folding her arms over her chest. "I didn't think you would," Angel said and got up from the bed, walking back to the side wall to leave a considerable space between them. Nadie felt like wailing. She lowered her face, allowing her hair to frame and shield most of her face. She recalled the few times he had been wo
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Chapter Sixty-three
"Now, I have a question for you. If it was your father and his men pointing a gun at him and you are protectively shielded behind your old man and saw he has an extra gun on him and he was going to blow your man’s brains out, just for the fuck of it, or for having the audacity to take his daughter. What would you do?!""Please, don't do this!" Nadia pleaded. "What the fuck will you do?!" Cole yelled. "I will stop him!""How?!" Cole persisted. "Do something so he could get away!""Get away?! He is your fucking mate! He will not want to simply get away! He will not let them tear him away from you. So there's only one way out, death!""No! Please stop!" she pleaded brokenly. The room seemed to be quiet. Angel did not know Cole Miller well enough but his train of questions gave him pause."How the fuck will you make him stop?! Because for him to have gotten this far up here in this room, he would have killed my guards, probably harmed Xavier and Hallec, and my woman! So tell me what t
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Chapter Sixty-four
Angel waited for Amèlie to join them before excusing himself. Nadia watched him leave and tears filled her eyes. When the door shut behind him, she shut her eyes and looked away from Amèlie, trying to hide the tears. Amèlie sat on the mattress and reached for her chin, forcing Nadia to look her way. "What is going on? Come on, you can tell me," Amèlie said. "Nothing…" Nadia whispered. "This nothing must be really weighing on you for it to put you in this state," Amèlie said. Nadia tried to smile but more tears spilt down her face. "Let me give you a piece of advice from one human to another, if you have unsolved problems with your mate, you should always hatch it out. They are straight forward unlike our kind. They don't say what they don't mean and mean what they say. With the little I have seen of your Angel, he seemed pretty possessive of you and attentive. And around here, I know what that means.”Nadia refused to meet the other woman's gaze. She figured since the doctor didn'
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Chapter Sixty-five
'I, Nadia Rufus of the wolfless clan reject you, Alpha Angel, of Wulfblood, a Wulfclan of The Boldclaw Prowlers. I severed the bond between us and from here on have no claim over you,' Nadia read it over and over in her head, knowing exactly what it meant. "Will you accept if I say the words?" she said in a whisper. Her heart felt like it was withering."It wouldn't matter. You say it and I will get you out of here," Angel replied. Nadia raised her eyes to meet him. Although the eyes looking back at her were cold as slits, she could feel his anger, pride and then pain. "Cole Miller will not let you just let me go...""I will face the consequences…”"What happened in that room was a mistake, Angel, I will never deliberately do anything to hurt you like that…""Why are we re-hatching this? None of that would matter once you say the words. You will never have to see me again," he replied. Nadia's heart tightened with pain. "I need you to believe and forgive me," she said in a whisper.
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Chapter Sixty-six
Angel couldn’t believe Nadia was on the jet and going to Canada with them. According to Xavier, they would first visit one of Cole Miller’s properties in Ontario to arrange to get the Weres sent there for protection before Antonio Rufus attacked back to the island before heading there. He also discovered they don’t actually call it the frosty island. It was some made-up name. Xavier said they haven’t made up a name yet. And Angel was impressed he planned to get everyone’s input when he decided to. Nadia stuck with Xavier’s woman and Isabelle. The other Weres: Hallec, Darrow, Wulfrun, Tiana, Ariston, Berion. and Opaline had gone to sleep. He had caught her looking back and down the cabin at him more than once but he didn’t let her know he noticed. What she said to him about not wanting to be with him still makes him mad each time he remembers it. He wondered what Isabelle had told her to make her come with them. He had gone back to the room afterwards just to see if she would still i
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Chapter Sixty-seven
Angel felt the journey to Ontario took far longer than the other time he had travelled with Antonio Rufus to the United States. He wondered if it was intentional and began to think it was when they got to the airport after midnight. About three trucks were already waiting for them. Hefty-looking ones with dark-tinted glasses that Angel was certain were bulletproof. And just like when he travelled with Antonio Rufus no official came inside to check them. Cole Miller left the jet and came back to give Xavier a thumbs-up. Shortly after, Xavier asked them all to disembark, telling them how to file into the trucks and who is going with who. Cole Miller gestured to Isabelle, Amelie, Opaline and Nadia to follow him. "Tiana, Ash asked to pick you up himself," Cole said, raising an eyebrow at her. She smirked. Opaline and Isabelle giggled. Nadia looked amused watching the display. "Yes, Cole," she said simply and walked past him. Cole sighed and gave Angel a glance, "You are coming with us
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Chapter Sixty-eight
The truck came to a stop and Angel moved to push the door open. "Thank God!" Amelie muttered. Shortly after, the door on the other side was pulled open and Xavier reached for her. "Come here, babe," he rasped, lifting her out of the vehicle and into his arms. Amelie wrapped her arms around his neck and made him kiss her. Nadia smiled loving the way the couple seemed to show their affection with no care in the world. "Hey, " Angel called, distracting Nadia from Cole and Isabelle. The other couple was holding each other tightly by the side of the car. Nadia met his gaze and lowered them to settle on the hand he held out to her. She placed hers in it and he assisted her to come out of the truck. The rush of cold air hit her face and the smell of pine trees, food and nature assailed her nostrils. She couldn't help smiling. The air was fresh and devoid of death and misery. "This place is beautiful…." she muttered. "I'm glad you think so. The island too, if I recall correctly, is also
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Chapter Sixty-nine
When Nadia woke up the following morning, her eyes immediately went to Angel's side of the bed and saw it was undisturbed like it had been hours before. The couch to the side wall didn't look like anyone had laid on it either which meant Angel hadn't returned since he left after his bath the previous night. She got up and went to have her bath and brush her teeth. When she opened the wardrobe to see if there was something she could wear, she found a pair of denim trousers with a black shirt. She quickly wore them and found her way down the stairs. The smell of fresh coffee assailed her. And as she got to the stairs landing leading to the foyer, her eyes settled on the back of a tall, dark-hair lady standing very close to Angel. The two were oblivious to her presence and the lady was pouring coffee into a cup Angel was holding, and at the same time using her free hand to stroke his shoulder in an obvious flirty way. The lady whispered something to Angel and he laughed. She then leaned
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Chapter Seventy
"Why? Did you eat something that didn't agree with you?" Xavier asked with concern. "I may have back in Moscow, I'm feeling better now," he replied. "Glad to hear that, brother," Xavier said. "Sorry, man," Angel said. "Thanks," Cole said. "Let's go to the study and wait for the others. I need to talk to you Xavier about this growing need for accommodation ...." "Sure," Xavier said. Once they entered the office, Cole asked if Angel and Xavier wanted a drink and they both declined. "Isabelle was talking to me about accommodations over on the island. And before we start, I want you, Xavier, to know we set a date to get married," Cole said. "I thought you two were just going to sign some papers and be done with it?" Xavier said, frowning. "No. I want her to experience the whole shebang," Cole replied, grinning. Xavier glared at him. Cole chuckled. "What?" "Now, Amelie is going to expect that too, way to go traitor!" Xavier said. Angel busted out laughing. Xavier directed a glare
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