All Chapters of The Marvelous Elijah's Return: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
190 Chapters
The real will
The lights of multiple cameras immediately went off and on as the police cars arrived at the station and Mr. Bamford was confused by all the paparazzi there because he didn't let many people know about the arrest. “What is going on?” Elmer shouted from the back, feeling a wave of nervousness hit him as a look of embarrassment settled on his face. “Who alerts the paparazzi about this?!” That question immediately brought one name to both Elmer and Mr. Bamford's minds, ‘Elijah...’ “That bastard!!” Elmer cried, fear seeping into his voice “Bamford, that boy is not a saint... He's a thug and he's trying to ruin our lives! This is his doing. Our family wealth and reputation had gained us a lot of enemies, and he's just another bitter one who does want to see our family fall-” “But he didn't force your hands to steal company funds from investors and fraud documents... That was your own doing.” Mr. Bamford said with a sigh as he unbuckled his seatbelt. “Investistic Co. is my father's labo
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We are too old for flirty games
A look of pure terror immediately appeared on Madam Jewel's face, and her hands were slightly shaking out of pure panic, she glanced around the area as she tried to look calm and not show any signs of weakness, which only caused a small grin to appear on Elijah’s face.Staring at her shaky gaze, he knew that his guess was right, that the will Peach got wasn't what her grandfather actually gave to her, and that Madam Jewel was hiding his original will, but in that instant, the only thought on his mind was, ‘Why?’ People don't conceal a will and allegedly kill a lawyer over it if what is written on it is not damaging to them and their families. And that is exactly what Madam Jewel did.Being Ninety-eight percent sure that there was something out there that the Hayes feared so much for Peach to see, Elijah's determination became even stronger and made him ask, “Where is the will, Jewel? Hand me it, and your son walks free with all charges dropped.”Trying to snap herself out of the feel
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A Secret
Watching the glass of champagne pop open, Madam Jewel raised her brow, staring at a silver fox, standing in front of her, pouring it into two glasses. “I don't have time to drink, Jacob... My son is locked up, and there is this arrogant, annoying scumbag who now, somehow knows about Harris's will!!” Madam Jewel complained, her face turning red as she continued to rant, her voice getting louder and more agitated with each word that escaped her mouth. Raising a brow, Jacob sighed, taking a seat on the couch next to her, resting his hand on the old woman's shoulder, trying to calm her down as he said, “Elijah knows about Harris’ will? Jewel...”“I don't think he knows the content within it, or else that greedy bastard will use whatever might he has suddenly gained to come for us...” Jewel spat out, angrily. “Remind me why Peach is not dead yet?”“Harris found out the truth while on his sick bed... And in his messed up head, he used all his international power to put a protective barri
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Where the hell is my wife?!
Watching in silence, Elijah smiled at Peach taking off her heels in the car, tossing them aside on the floor, and then sluggishly relaxing on the seat, admiring the slightly dark evening sky before letting out, "Today was exhausting. Who knew running a company could be so much work, even for just a day?""So, you don't want to do it again?" Elijah responded, his voice jovial.Immediately shaking her head, Peach met his eyes and replied, "No, no! That's not what I meant at all. I love work... I do. And this is not me being ungrateful... It was just A laugh escaped from Elijah's lips at her reaction, and then his attention pulled away when the car came to a stop.Then he turned back to Peach, took her shoe, and reached his hand for her feet, pulling them towards him gently and then slipping it onto her foot, mumbling, " It's okay to be tired, darling. You are not a robot."As Elijah slid the other shoe on, she sighed contentedly, smiling softly as she watched him and then let out, "
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You are lying
Fear flashed across Melina's features and she took a quick step back as Elijah's voice rose and he started to move closer, saying, “Where is my my wife?”“I am in shock too about what just happened...” Melina blurted, covering her mouth with a shaking hand, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at him in horror. “I am not trying to be manipulative, Elijah. Please believe me...”“This is not a fucking theater, Melina... Where. The Hell Are They Going With My Wife?!” “Elijah, you need to calm down now... Shouting at a pregnant woman will not change anything-”“A Pregnant...Woman...?!”A wild laugh that had no humor burst out from Elijah's lips as he stared incredulously at her for a couple of seconds.“'re serious...?” Elijah laughed, looking between her and his men. “This is bullshit... Tell me... Melina, look me in my damn eyes and tell me that all the shit you did just now was not just some shitty act?!”The rise in his voice made her flinch. Taking another step closer
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The media will not know about this
When Melina finally stopped crying, Elijah slowly withdrew her off him, his patience below breaking point, and yet he smiled at her softly, saying in a gentle tone almost like a whisper, “I am so sorry, Melina for being insensitive to you and feelings during the entire ordeal... So sorry... Okay?”‘Boss, what the fuck?!’ Larry blurted in his head, looking at the other men's faces to see that they too had this look in their expression that says dude-you-are-tripping-big-time.For a while, Melina said nothing and just stared at Elijah, like she was trying to find any signs or traces of lies in his words.But when his eyes remained steady on her, and still holding her gaze, she felt overwhelmed with relief, she had never been so happy to see the man he once was before her, and she smiled as these words played in her head, ‘You are a Chameleon… You change for women like some fool. Well, since Peach is taken care of, I will not mind being your comforter for the fun of it.’A shaky grin cu
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Let's talk about your so-called husband
The warehouse was quiet as Melina stood there like some dummy, having this look of confusion on her face that gives out the impression she didn't know what Elijah was talking about.“Strap her,” Elijah commended, his face dead of emotions as he stared straight into her eyes like she was a puzzle to solve. Once the boss's order was out in the open, Jerome did not hesitate to grab a rope and then dragged a chair toward Melina, resting it right behind her.Before she could protest or realize what was going on, Jerome locked her down in the chair and bound her wrists along with her ankles with two sets of ropes.“Melina, don't test my patience... I want my wife back, and trust me, I can do anything to make that happen... Is that understood?” Elijah asked, staring straight at her from across the room, his tone deadly serious.Suddenly, his ringtone sounded, and Elijah pulled out his phone, answering the call with his sight still trained on Melina.“Dice,” Elijah mumbled, fear suddenly cre
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Exchange Melina for Peach
Silently, Peach looked down at her fingers which were clasped around her hand and then lifted them so that they were lying flat across the surface of the table, staring into Jacob’s piercing gaze.“I don't follow,” Peach whispered under her breath. “What are you asking?”“We all know that your husband should be a loser, a lower life... A scum... So how is he doing this?” Jacob asked as he leaned his elbows on the table, making himself appear taller and broader.Hearing his insult towards Elijah had Peach glaring at him, her eyes narrowing and her jaw tightening as she darted her gaze away from him, mumbling, “How is he doing what?”“Do you know how expensive lawsuits are, Huh? Where is Elijah taking the money from? Who is backing him? What's his contact?” Jacob questioned, raising a brow.Even though she was still going to say these same words to protect her husband, she realized they were the raw truth as she mumbled, “I don't know.”“You don't know, or you won't tell?!” Jacob shou
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A greater price
A knock on Miss Grace's suite door made her tired eyes snap open and forced her to push the comforter off her, getting out of bed.A moment later, when she got to the door and opened it, she immediately had this awful gut feeling that something was wrong, seeing Ryan, Rookie, and Matt standing there with Dice.“What’s wrong, Matt?” Miss Grace asked, hugging her arms around herself for comfort.“We will be gone for a while, but Dice here will be your guard until we get back,” Matt said, forcing a smile, even though he, Ryan, and Rookie had been nothing but freakout since they found out that Peach got kidnapped.“Okay... But where are you guys going at such an hour?” “Work stuff...”Confused by his reply, Miss Grace was speechless for a moment, and the guys turned to leave hurriedly before she came up with another question, but she suddenly blurted out, making them halt, “Is Elijah alright?”Slowly, Ryan turned around with a smile, masking his sadness behind a grin that looked genuine.
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A died man
For the first time, sleep was not something Elijah knew for an entire night, and when the morning light crept into his room, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, feeling a bit exhausted after spending every second of last night rearranging the chess board to his liking, and it was time for him to make his first move.But as he reached for his phone, an unknown number suddenly popped up on the screen, causing him to pause and then answered, frowning when he heard, “You little crook...”“Who is this?” Elijah asked impatiently.“You are loaded as fuck! It's all diamonds... The ring is worth millions of bucks. You have been shitting around with the act of being a broke ass, but you got the dollars and you are not afraid to spend them on Peach!” “It’s you... from last night’s call...”The frown on Elijah's face deepened, realizing that Jacob was switching in between contacts, and then he heard his voice laugh hysterically through the phone before saying, “Why though... Why hide the fact
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