All Chapters of Her Boss, Her Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
73 Chapters
Chapter 61: Back to normal
The day after the funeral, Knight dragged himself into work. Sue had tried to talk him out of it, but he needed to do something. He couldn’t stand sitting around with everyone at his grandparent’s house. It was like they all thought they had to wallow in the misery to honor Lenard. It was bullshit, of course. The last thing Lenard West would ever want was for people to mope.“Are you sure about this?” Sue asked as they drove into the office. “We could do something else. We don’t have to stay at your grandma’s place, we could go anywhere. It’s Friday anyway, is it really worth going back to work for just one day?”He knew Sue was trying to help but the fact that she had just referred to the house as his grandma’s place, instead of grandparents’, was pissing him off.“Honestly? I just want to go to work,” Knight told her. “I’ve got stuff that needs doing and a lot of paperwork to read through before I meet with Grandpa’s lawyers later.”“Okay,” Sue said as she wrung her hands on her lap
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Chapter 62: Meeting with Knight’s father Alpha
The apartment was filled with the sounds of rapid gunfire and shouting coming from the TV in the living room. Video games weren’t really Sue’s thing. She hadn’t grown up with a sibling nor had friends who liked video games so she had never really given them a chance. They were, however, at the top of Joey’s favorite things. Video games and pizza.“Hey sis, you gotta get to cover,” Joey told her far too calmly.“I’m trying to get to cover,” Sue shouted at him. “The buttons aren’t doing as they’re told.”Joey snorted at her which just made Sue angrier.“Who the hell is this guy?” Suw demanded as she was killed by a member of the opposing team. They were playing online against some complete strangers and some little punk calling himself IDidYourMom seemed to have it out for Sue because the guy kept shooting her and killing her. “What is his problem?”Beside him, Joey snickered. Being a veteran of the game, he was doi
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Chapter 63: Fall Pack Gathering Next Week
It was a relief when the weekend rolled around. It had been just over a week since they had buried his grandpa. Knight kept waiting for things to feel normal again, but he wasn’t sure it ever would.He had known that going off to London for a week would result in a backlog of work, and he was prepared for it. Heaping on top of that all that needed to be done for his grandpa’s businesses, and the pack members who wanted to have a sit down with him, Knight was starting to feel like he was drowning in paperwork.It was mostly the older members who wanted to make sure that Knight’s vision for the pack was the same as their last alpha. Honestly, Knight hadn’t even given it any thought. His grandpa had been a great alpha, Knight just hoped to be like him.In an ideal world, Knight would have spent his Saturday in bed with Sue, only venturing into his study after midday to make a dent in some of his work.However, his biological dad h
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Chapter 64: I'm going to rock your world.
Any place that was usually filled with people became creepy when it was empty. Sue had once dated a guy who was the deputy manager of a large appliance store. They had stopped in one night, long after closing, so that she could pick up some paperwork. The eeriness of the large and empty room had unnerved Sue.Sitting in the communal office by herself when it was nearing nine gave her that same feeling.“All it needs now is a couple of zombies to come walking slowly in,” Sue muttered to herself as she sat back in her chair and looked around the empty space. The main lights had been switched off leaving only the wall lights to illuminate the place.She looked at the clock on her phone and sighed. Enough was enough. If she had to drag Knight home kicking and screaming, then that was what she would have to do. Metaphorically, of course. She was well aware that trying to move a werewolf would be like trying to move a mountain to he
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Chapter 65: Confession
The West pack had four official meetings every year, one for each season. The one they had in autumn was during the week of Halloween. A big party was thrown at the estate with games and various other attractions outside. Sue had been to a couple of their parties so far but not the Halloween one. It was going to be the first pack gathering since Lenard’s funeral and the first gathering under their new alpha.As the alpha’s mate, Sue still didn’t really know what her new role was, if any. Knight’s mother and grandmother had organized everything. If she was honest, she was grateful that they hadn’t asked for her input so far.“So, things not to mention to your mom are the fact that we got married and the fact that you’ve not only met your real dad but have also been hanging out with him and his pack,” Sue mused out loud as Knight parked the car outside his grandma’s house.Knight turned and gave her a look. “No, I’m going to tel
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Chapter 66: Sue and her big mouth
As they made their way back outside, Sue took the lead, walking faster than the others in an attempt to escape the awkward situation. She spotted Jared and Leslie over by one of the apple bobbing stations, and she made a beeline for them.The two of them were with Jared’s daughter, Marie, but it was the adults who were doing the bobbing.“Having fun?” she asked as she got closer to them. She looked behind her, sparing Knight a glance. She felt a bit bad about abandoning him to his mother and grandmother, but she couldn’t take Julia looking at her like she had taken her baby boy away from her again.“Jared made a joke about me having a big mouth,” Leslie told her. The hair around her face was a little wet, but Jared was absolutely soaking. “So I dunked him in it.”Sue laughed as Jared shook his head like a dog.“Do we win anything if we get an apple?” Marie asked.Sue didn’t know the little girl very well. She had only spoken to her a few times. While she was fine with kids, she wasn’t
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Chapter 67: Heart to heart talk with Julia West
Since his grandpa’s death, Knight had missed the old man every single day. Being at a pack party without him was a whole new kind of pain. Lenard had been so full of life. He was always at the center of every group, telling stories while everyone else hung on his every word.There was a light missing there today.Knight walked through the throng of people, trying his best to make small talk and act like he was interested in everything they were saying. After deciding he had mingled enough for the time being, he went looking for his cousins. If he was ever tired of people kissing his ass and telling him exactly what he wanted to hear, his cousins soon put it right. Particularly Leslie, who delighted in tormenting Knight.He found them over by the fortune telling machine that his grandma hired every year from a carnival supplier. As a kid, the thing had always given him the creeps. It was a glass booth with a creepy wizard-looking mannequin inside. You held on to a metal rod, and it pum
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Chapter 68: Argument
It was pretty late by the time Sue and Knight got back to the apartment. The car ride had been unusually quiet and tense. Sue had tried to make some effort at conversation, but she was tired and fed up. It was obvious that Knight was still mad at her for spilling the beans to his mom.When they came through the door, she half expected Knight to say something, to finally bring it up, but obviously that wasn’t his way.“Knight, I’ve said I’m sorry,” she said as Knight went to walk past her to go to the bedroom. “Like a hundred times.”That was obviously an exaggeration, but her point remained.“Sue, just let it go, please,” Knight said with a weary sigh. “I just want to go to bed.”“No,” Sue practically shouted. “You can’t. We’re not supposed to go to bed angry.”Knight turned on her with a look of annoyance marring his handsome face. “Where did you read that? The Big Book of Marriage Clichés?”“It’s okay that you’re mad at me.”“I’m not mad at you,” Knight practically barked.Sue found
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Chapter 69: Are you drunk?
Knight had been feeling so bad about the fact he had been working so much the past week that he made sure to get home early. In the week since the fall gathering, Knight had hardly seen Sue. He knew it was his fault, but it couldn’t be helped. Still, he knew he had to make it up to his wife. He had spent the day working nonstop so that he could get home at a reasonable hour.What was early for him was still a full day’s work for anyone else. It was nearly seven when he let himself into the apartment. He had a bag of take out with him and a bottle of wine.“Sue,” he called out as he shrugged off his jacket. He didn’t need to wait for a response. His hearing and sense of smell would have picked up on something by now.He walked into the kitchen and put the bag of food on the counter. As he had been staying late at the office lately, Sue had been driving herself to and from work. Her car was in the underground garage, so Knight knew that his mate had come home after work.Pulling his pho
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Chapter 70: Away for a night
After showering, Knight got dressed and went into the kitchen to put the waffle batter in a container in the fridge so that he could use it later. On the counter, Sue’s phone gave a little trill indicating that a message had come through. Knight hadn’t meant to look at it, but the message flashed across the screen. It was from Andrew.Hey. Hope you feel ok after last night. Listen, if you want to talk any more give me a call. I’m sorry Knight’s been working so much lately, and I hope things get better between you two soon. Here’s the number of the couple’s therapist we used, if you want it. Talk soon.Knight read it through quickly before the screen went black again. He felt an instant surge of anger go through him.Couple’s therapy? What the hell had Sue been telling him?He angrily swiped the phone from the counter and marched into the bedroom before tossing the phone onto the bed beside Sue.“If I didn’t like you talking to Leslie, my own cousin, about me, then why the hell would y
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