All Chapters of TAKEN BY THE CEO: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
She was temporarily out of her mind and Alicia scolded herself for losing focus on her ultimate goal to take Marcus away from Daniella. From the window of the inn she was staying, she admired the exquisite view of the countryside. Last night, something terrible almost happened between her and Gerald’s father, and she didn’t know if she had to thank Edwin for being able to control his desire when he kicked her out of his house afterward. Her nostrils flared as she recalled that embarrassing moment when she almost gave her body to that man and he had the nerve to humiliate her! Alicia took a deep breath to calm down her nerves and reminded herself that everything happened for a reason and she should consider Edwin’s rejection as a blessing in disguise! Her body, heart, and soul should only be dedicated to Marcus Madrigal and no one else. While having a cup of coffee, she racked her brain to come up with a plan on how she could convince Marcus that she was a better deal com
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“Hello my love,” Daniella greeted the newcomer who was surprised to see her there, calmly sitting in one of the chairs. “Surprise!” She jested, but her eyes shot daggers at the man whom she trusted but only betrayed her! “Dani, it’s not what you think.” Marcus tried to explain that he didn’t visit Alicia for something else but to help her, however, Daniella refused to listen and the way she looked at him – means the end. Alicia observed that Daniella didn’t utter even a single word in front of Marcus. She must be furious that she caught her boyfriend visiting another woman…in a private room! Ah, Daniella must have preferred to just die! “I was worried that you will not come,” Alicia said and closed the distance between her and Marcus, then she kissed on the lips, even if Daniella was there, watching with two rounded eyes. Marcus pushed Alicia away but it was too late. Daniella had already assumed the worst and Alicia fueled it even more. “Tell her the truth, Alicia!’ Ma
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Daniella read his message but didn’t bother to type a response and turned off her phone in the meantime. She was still confused. She wanted to believe him that he didn’t cheat on her, but Daniella had doubts after she witnessed them kissing not just once but twice. She believed that if the other woman was confident to do it in front of anyone else, how much more when they were alone? Daniella took a deep breath as she seeks for comfort from the tiny human being that was lying in her bed. “Aj,” she called for her daughter's name, and then she could no longer control her tears from falling down. For hours, she stayed beside her daughter and waited for AJ to wake up. She wanted to tell her daughter how painful it was to witness the most precious man in her life kissing another woman. Daniella just needed t drain the weight of being betrayed in her heart to be able to move on, and she didn’t want to bother Lilian about her problems. “Mama…,” As soon as Daniella hear
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Daniella had no idea what was going on but Paloma being the head of their family issued an order that they should dress appropriately for dinner and she just shrugged off her shoulders noting that another visit would be coming to join the. She was not in the mood for a family gathering of any kind, but she couldn’t say no to Paloma. When Paloma personally informed her about the dress code, she knew that what was going to happen later was important for her stepmother. In front of her vanity mirror, she took extra caution in applying her make-up, especially when she was doing her eyes. She didn’t want the liquid eyeliner to smudge because if that would happen, she would have to redo her make-up and it would take her a long time. It was not an everyday routine for Daniella to put on some make-up but if she feel like going bold or dramatic, she knew how to achieve it. In high school, she used to be interested in make-up that her vanity table was full of assorted make-up for any e
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Marcus was frustrated that the misunderstanding between him and Daniella had become a family affair and he was furious at his father for believing the worst in him! Before the situation could worsen, he dialed Samuel’s phone number to seek some advice. He waited for Samuel to pick up his phone but it was Jessica’s voice he heard as soon as the call was connected. “Hello, Jess. Is Samuel there?” He asked. “Hi Marcus, it’s been a while. My husband is still in the shower, would you like to leave a message or should I ask him to return your call?” Jessica suggested. “Hmmm, just tell him to call me back once he’s free to do so. Thank you, Jess.” He let Samuel’s wife disconnect their call first because he believed that it was rude if he would just press the end button after he was informed that Samuel was still occupied. While waiting for Samuel’s call, Marcus paced back and forth inside the room. He was worried that Daniella wouldn’t be able to calm down and continued to
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Daniella regretted her decision to wait until morning before she would compromise and talk with Marcus. If only she wasn’t hesitant with her decision right after she and Lilian finished their conversation at the swing. If only she wasn’t puffed with pride, she would still be able to see him. There were several what if’s running through her head and if she wouldn’t let go of her feelings, she felt like she would explode at any minute. However…it was easier said than done! A heart-clenching sob could be heard throughout the hall as Daniella lost her cool and squatted on the floor while she released the pain and sadness after she found out that Marcus was no longer in the guest room. His luggage was missing too and it could only mean one thing – he was gone! “Ella, what’s wrong?” Lilian was cozy with Alexander in the living room when they heard Daniella’s cry from the second floor. She immediately ran towards the stairs, and she found Daniella on the floor in front of the gues
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After breakfast, Daniella packed a few sets of clothes that she could take in her adventure to bring back Marcus. She took several deep breaths to calm down her nerves because to be honest, she felt nervous even if she was still at home. She already instructed Patty to watch out for AJ, and Lilian to supervise everything while she was gone for a few days. It was ten on her wristwatch when she started the engine of her car then she was off to go. Behind the wheel, she drove carefully because she didn’t want to rush her arrival especially when she needed more time to think about things that she should tell Marcus. It took her six hours to reach the entrance of Hacienda Velasquez. For a while, she parked her car on the side because she was scared. What if he would find him with Alicia on the farm? However, there’s no assurance yet that Marcus was really on the farm, and it was just her first stop in searching for him. Daniella was hopeful that Marcus was staying with the Velasq
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Both Samuel and Marcus were worried when the women were no longer in the living room and all they could find were the empty pink cups and what remained on the chocolate cake slices. Samuel called one of their household help to clean the center table. “Where do you think did they go?” Marcus asked in a bit. “I’m not sure. Who knows what is on Jessica’s mind?” Samuel said because he knew that Jessica instantly liked Daniella’s spunk like she saw the younger version of herself. His wife used to be a brat, a terrible one, and she had never changed over the years.She was still the same Jessica who loved him so much, and the same Jessica who was still into Korean dramas. The brat even changed the shape of her eyebrows to copy the brows of several Korean actresses whom she idolized. If only he could say no to her sometimes, however, he wanted to make her happy, and seeing her smile every time she would get what she wanted was enough for Samuel. “After all these years, your lo
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Daniella slobbered on the baked pork ribs with a sweet and tangy piquet sauce but she had to eat the watermelon salad first. The combination of watermelon cubes, crisp lettuce, mango strips, and nuts in sesame dressing was a must-try. She scooped enough of the salad and put it on Marcus’ plate and said, “Try this, it’s healthy.” Marcus looked at Daniella disdainfully after she forced him to eat the green leaves and some sliced fruits when he was starving for rice and meat. He glanced at Samuel and there were greens on his plate too, courtesy of Jessica. Samuel nodded and gestured for him to try the salad. His nostrils flares as he tried a bite. It was refreshing and delicious but he wanted something heavy for dinners such as rice or baked pork ribs. “Hmmm this one is good,” he complimented the salad, and then he regretted doing so afterward because Daniella scooped another substantial amount and put it on his plate. It didn’t escape from Samuel’s observant eyes how Marcus d
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Marcus had no choice but to go to the kitchen to get something for Daniella and he wasn’t surprised to see Samuel there, pouring hot water, into a cup of shin ramyun. “Is that for your wife?” he asked. “Obviously. God, after all these years, I’m still not used to seeing her with eyebags every morning whenever she would binge on Korean drama,” Samuel complained about Jessica’s dark circles around the eyes and that she looked like a Panda in her pajamas. “What’s happening to us, Sam?” Marcus wondered how they got entangled with spoiled women who were into Korean dramas. “Sooner or later, you will get used to it, buddy. Daniella has just started, so at least you already have an idea of what to expect later on. “By the way, I was surprised when you returned the fifty million to my bank account. Why? You won the money, buddy!” Samuel recalled how surprised he was when he checked his bank account and there was a bank transfer from Marcus Madrigal. The amount was equivalent to t
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