All Chapters of The Dragon King's Chosen Bride: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
377 Chapters
Chapter 53 - Irresistible Jazliy (MR 6)
Belladonna woke up to two things. The blinding sunlight and scroll that was hung up on the wall, for the painting on it to dry. Despite her headache, and her initial ignorance of her surroundings, the painting held her curiosity and as her eyelids slid shut, she opened them again to observe the painting even more. It was a woman, in an oversized shirt, sleeping on a mat, and a lantern on the floor - a short distance from her. It was so detailed but strange because she didn't remember painting anything last night. She couldn't even paint!Wait.Waittttt...Was that... her?!She quickly looked down at herself, confirming that was indeed her.This was the room assigned to Eli.She had never been in it before, but she didn't have to. Everything in here, especially that painting, told her all she needed to know. "By Ignas, no, no, no, no, no!"She muttered beneath her breath, as she rushed up to her feet. It was an action she had done way too quickly, her head seemed to sway on her n
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Chapter 54 - Things Are Changing (MR 7)
Belladonna had avoided Eli for as long as she could, until that afternoon in the sheds. He had stepped in some minutes after she had. Disoriented by the shock of seeing him, and trying to find a way to escape any conversation that might develop as a result, she had asked, "You are here for some tools? I will stay out of your way, just--"He blocked her path easily."I am here for you.""Oh," she picked at the short sleeves of her brown ankle-length gown, futilely searching imperfections where there was none."I have been looking for you since we returned from the hunt." He already had his bath but she could still catch that slight whiff of the forest smell on him. His brown shirt was stained with charcoal, with the sleeves rolled up. His pair of black trousers concealed the charcoal stains. The string of the woven straw hat was across the base of his neck, along with... her necklace."I wanted to give you this, just in case you are battling with a headache." The bottle looked like th
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Chapter 55 - Pretend, Maybe? (MR 8)
For everything that begins must end. This was the last night of the Trade Feast and a winner must be declared. Everyone was gathered at the Village Square with their kills from the morning hunt mounted unto one another, right in front of each family. The torches provided light for the arena, ensuring that the cloak of darkness that was decorated by the stars above, wouldn't act as an obstacle to their celebration.The success at different stages were being calculated, as each judge went around with a small slate and chalk in their hands, recording whatever it was they needed to. Belladonna could see Jazliy from where she was standing next to GrandPapi, but she ignored her gaze knowingly while battling a smile. Eli was in front of Sazey's family along with the representative. Belladonna could see his back from here and the little smirk he sent her way when he turned and caught her watching, only reminded her that she couldn't run forever. She might have escaped this afternoon but man
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Chapter 56 - Death Draws Nearer
Alaris has been very busy lately. There was no spell that he knew and hadn't tried yet in order to create his portal, no required hearts he hadn't sacrificed, no blood he hadn't given, even his was in the mix. Everything he had known, he had tried but none of it was working.It was getting really frustrating. Time was very crucial to his plan and the more he was delayed in this Human Realm, the more the possibility of him ever attaining his aim, wandered to absolute futility and impossibility.That wasn't the only thing frustrating him, however. The thought of the kiss wandered to his mind constantly and despite how annoying it was, it lingered for too long in the trains of his thought. It bothered him.Even right now, the thought ambushed him. "Fuck." He groaned, displeased at how everything wasn't working successfully for him at the moment.Angry, he gave up; Only for now though. Feeling a need to fan his ego, he went to Eli's study so he could once again see the painting of h
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Chapter 57 - Family Reunion With Problems
The scythe never made it down to Kestra to cause any damage. A quick succession of blades flew straight for Death and with a swift movement, his scythe cut them in half. But the trouble had only just begun. The ground trembled, the red sky above and the boat floating on the river threatened to overturn.Chaos unleashed.An attack!"Give me back my daughter, Mokros!" The voice of an angry and deadly woman thundered around them. That must be The Mother. With a new and more powerful opponent against him, Kestra stood there, her existence a totally forgotten one to Death. In a flash, he grew mightier than he was before, darkness growing with him as he towered over her, more than any being she had ever seen. "WHO DARES TO CHALLENGE ME?!" A deafening voice from the abyss of his hood shook the ground and sky even greater than the first challenging voice, that none on their feet stood still.The boat on the river rocked to the sudden storm that ceased the calm waters. Kestra searched
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Chapter 58 - Veiled Woman
"How was your journey? I hope the road favoured you. What would you like to eat? Drink? Should I prepare you a fresh bath? Oh, dear sister, tell me of your distress and what you need for ease. Tell me everything!"Aniya was too happy to see her, at least that was what it had looked like --sounded like. She wouldn't take her veil off no matter what, and that confirmed Belladonna's suspicion that the fire had left her little sister scarred. Aniya's beauty was something she had always treasured, losing it must be painful. Belladonna couldn't bring herself to imagine the pain and strain it must have caused her both physically and mentally. There was no way Aniya would be so welcoming towards her with everything that had happened to her, this had to be a front!"You should come home to rest tonight. I have prepared you a place to sleep. Where are your sacks? Let me help you." Aniya said, looking around the room in search of the sacks, while she quickly said words of greeting to Zesika
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Chapter 59 - More Behind That Veil
"Good evening, sir. It is I, Aniya. Do you remember me?"Aniya. That was his Donna's sister. Of course, he remembered her and all the things she had done to his Donna. How would he ever forget?Why did she have a veil on though?Was this a result of the fire that her father had caused?"It is so good to finally see you, sir. You are nothing like I expected." She stated and Eli frowned.Of course, she could now see his face just as many people could. "What do you want?""I need your help." She looked around. Aniya's movement wasn't difficult for Eli to assess, he had once been the person with a concealing object over his face. "May I come in?"He stood rigidly at the door. "Whatever it is, speak your mind here, I will listen and tell you if I can render my help."It was obvious that just like her sister, he didn't trust her but she couldn't blame them. Besides, this would change very soon.Aniya was quick to reveal her need to seek and acquire the forgiveness of her sister, laying
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Chapter 60 - Beneath Chains
The red watery sky above gave no light, but the blue flames on his head, partly covered by his hood, were enough for him. The silence that surrounded them found a way to convey messages of the chaos that had once happened in full force here some hours ago. The war had happened, and there had been no winner. Death had left in anger - surely he would return, and The Mother's thirst for revenge against her son grew hotter. Thanatou was forced into hiding, a whole Thanatou, King of his whole Realm. A pathetic sight. If he had his Bride by his side, this would never have happened. His power would never have been challenged and put to shame in such a way. If only that ritual had been conducted, everything would have been perfect for him and his realm. He needed his Bride. He needed her now. But there was no way he could leave his Realm and go to the Realm of the Mortals, he had no more messengers to send either, he was completely helpless. Except, that he wasn't. He had hope. On
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Chapter 61 - Someone Is Watching
It had been three days since Belladonna had arrived in Inaymi, three days since Aniya had tried to help her sister and fix their failing relationship, three straight days of complete rejection. Belladonna was very busy, she was always visiting the homes of the past brides and fulfilling their quests. It was an ironic thing for Aniya to watch, considering that her sister was a bride herself. She seemed so tired too.There were bags beneath her eyes, and Aniya noticed no matter how hard she tried to hide them with a smile. She wished she could help, do something and for once feel useful towards her, but Belladonna obviously didn't trust her with anything. Could she blame her though?No. If she were in her shoes, she would do the same. She wouldn't trust her, not after every scheme she and her mother had pulled to take her to where she was today. She would trust no one. But her sister cared, her coldness couldn't hide it.Aniya was sure that in a way, she was the reason she was st
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Chapter 62 - What Are You?!
Trigger Warning - Violence, blood. It might get a little murderous, please read with caution. ______Her heart raced with fear, but she refused to run this time, instead, she tried to search for this person who was terrorizing her.The low chiming of a bell could be heard and just like that, the dog ran towards her. Stupid Aniya!This dog would rip her into pieces because of her stupidity. But the dog didn't do that, instead, it ran past her, and like the most stupid person in Ignas, she chased it. Chased it!Why?Well, because she knew where it would be headed or rather, who it would go to. Today, she would discover the owner of this beast. Today, she would silence the one terrorizing her with the knowledge of her secret. The cloud darkened with heavy rain and within the shadows of the trees, she disappeared.The weight of her sacks became a burden, an obstacle in her chase, yet she pushed through the struggle (they were worth too much for her to just throw away), chasing the
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