All Chapters of The Queens: Scarred Queen: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
73 Chapters
Chapter 41
He slapped her ass again then slapped her pussy before moving his fingers to her ass and sliding them deep into the forbidden hole. Her moan turned into a scream as the pressure increased. She continued to squirm, moan and cry out hoarsely, her voice cracking as her raw throat gave out while he pumped his fingers in and out of her, preparing her ass to take his cock. He massaged and stretched her, forcing her body to take the width of first two fingers and then three until the painful burn of invasion began to give way to a gradual tingle of pleasure. Unwillingly she started to move her hips in a way that increased that pleasure until she was asking for more.Finally, after several minutes of preparation and more lubrication he removed his fingers. Casey cried out hoarsely in disappointment and tried seeking his leg out with hers. Then she heard the jingle of his belt and the tell-tale thunk of his pants hitting the floor. She froze, knowing what was coming and huddled her hips as muc
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Chapter 42
The man looked as though he'd seen a ghost, yet Casey was positive she'd never seen him before. He stared and stared at her as though unable to drag his eyes away from her. She knew she was a good-looking woman. She knew her beauty lured men to her, powerful men like Ignacio and Reyes. But, somehow, she didn't think it was her uncanny resemblance to Marilyn Monroe that was making Sotza, the Venezuelan boss, look at her like she had two heads.She was about to ask if they had met before when he abruptly turned to Reyes and snapped in a clipped British accent, "Who is this? I refuse to negotiate business in front of a newcomer. Send your little girlfriend away if you expect to talk."Casey felt the thick, palpable tension in the air, winding like a serpent, getting ready to strike for daring to insult the Bolivian's woman. Casey side-eyed Reyes. Yup. Though he looked at ease, standing in his superbly cut dark suit, his arms crossed over his broad chest, waves of fury were rolling off of
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Chapter 43
Casey was starting to panic. This was not good."Get the men off my fucking plane," Reyes snapped at Alejandro, his hand tight on hers as he dragged Casey across the tarmac toward the private jet. She nearly had to run to keep up with his rapid strides despite her long legs. She was cursing her choice of spiked high heels. Had she known she would be marathon walking she'd have chosen flats."What about the pilot?" Alejandro asked, confused.Reyes didn't bother to respond, just walked faster until Casey was actually running to keep up."Right," Alejandro said. He shot Casey a pitying look and jogged toward the plane to empty it before Reyes and Casey arrived.Reyes hadn't said a single word almost the entire time they were at Sotza's. He'd watched her interactions intently and listened as she'd negotiated each minute detail with the tough Venezuelan businessman, but he'd never once stepped in. Had she overstepped? Promised too much in her quest for vengeance? Had she given away too
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Chapter 44
Reyes picked up her hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed the fingertips, all while looking at his host, Benito Alvarez, Mexican cartel boss. Benito sat at the head of a massive table, surrounded by his men, while Reyes sat a few seats down the left side. He listened with barely concealed patience to Benito's words of long-winded congratulations toward his Bolivian counterpart, mixed with liberal amounts of self-praise. Reyes forced himself to maintain his hold on the cool, pale blonde's hand, though he didn't so much as glance at her as she played her part to perfection. He felt her shift slightly in her seat as she reached for her wine goblet and took a small swallow of the rich, red wine, the sleeve of her burgundy dress falling away from her arm. He should have warned her not to wear that colour."I must admit, Se?or Reyes, I had expected your… companion to be somewhat different," Benito said with a disappointed sigh.Reyes felt her stiffen next to him, but, as discussed, she
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Chapter 45
"Interesting," Reyes said. "Well I can assure you that this woman is not now, nor was she ever, Casey Hernandez. But out of curiosity, why did you have this family killed… the ah, Hernandez woman's family?""Business," Benito replied with a shrug. "Her father ran the mafia up in Florida for many years. Ignacio had his small piece but wasn't satisfied. He came to me with a plan to take the boss out and take his business, provide me with cheaper trade routes, easier, less dangerous ways into the US. All I needed to do in return was provide some firepower for the hit. He was a little squeamish about taking out the whole family, apparently had a thing for the girl. Was even set to marry her, but that isn't our way." Reyes breathed hard through his nose and forced himself to release the muscles in his shoulders before Benito noticed anything unusual. He curled his lips back in a semi-smile, hoping it didn't look too much like a snarl. "And why exactly take out a bunch of harmless kids?"
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Chapter 46
Casey gaped at the dead man, stunned."Holy crap, I didn't mean to do that!" she squeaked and turned horrified eyes on Reyes. "Was he one of ours?"Reyes chuckled darkly and gave her hip a reassuring pat. "No, nena, my guys are all standing in position." His eyes cut to Benito and lingered in disgust. "Real professionals expect an ambush at any moment, especially when hosting an unknown. All these motherfuckers belong to the head of the table. This party belongs to you; shoot at will."A slow grin spread across her face and she flung her arms around Reyes. He swung her into his lap and kissed her hard on the mouth, slipping his tongue across her lips, demanding access to the treasure within. She opened eagerly and pressed herself against him, heedless of their audience. Reyes pulled back slightly, his hand tangled in her hair, gripping her hard. "I missed you, Casey. Was the longest three days of my fucking life. Don't you ever fucking leave me again, understand?"She smiled agai
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Chapter 47
Reyes turned to Alejandro, his voice full of death. "You know what to do." Then he escorted Casey from the dining room. They walked side by side through Benito's hacienda. Despite the bloody evening Casey had both instigated and endured she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She walked tall next to a man that wanted her height and her power to equal his. She knew she would never match his level of brutality and blood lust, but she was a match for him in every other way. She was his queen and now she'd proved it. She'd avenged her family in spectacular fashion.The clip of her heels against the stone pavement was the only sound that followed them as they made their way through hall after hall toward the garden where their vehicles waited to take them back to the airplane. The bottom floor of the hacienda was glowing beautifully in the rising moonlight. Casey glanced down at her dress, now covered in blood, completely ruined. It looked beautiful to her."I'm all… red," she whispere
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Chapter 48
Casey chewed her lip nervously and touched a finger to her still flat belly, soothingly caressing her unborn child as she leaned against Ignacio's old desk and stared unseeing into what used to be her back yard. It still looked the same, perhaps a little less manicured. Ignacio had always been about appearances while Diego was more about security and the bottom line. He would prefer fewer maintenance workers and gardeners on his estate.She barely listened to the men as they conducted business, which probably surprised Reyes since she'd taken part in almost every facet of his business since Venezuela. And though she'd convinced him to bring her to Miami to reconnect with her former associates and establish herself as his partner, she hadn't been telling him the entire truth.There had been some blow back to her taking their unborn child into Mexico and putting both of their lives at risk. He'd raged for days, locking her in their bedroom and alternating between terrible fury and atte
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Chapter 49
"You take the pain away or I take everything you love!" Reyes snarled from the end of the bed, pointing his finger in the obstetrician's face."Reyes!" Casey shrieked, gripping a fistful of blankets in her long, slim fingers and giving him a glare that rivalled even his best death glare. "Either shut the fuck up or leave! Let the man do his job," she snarled from between clenched teeth as another labour pain hit her."Not fucking likely, Casey," he growled back and turned to the baby doctor, two nurses and Miguel who were hovering next to his wife. He'd had the birthing team specially flown in two weeks earlier and paid them all exorbitantly to follow Casey's every move, much to her annoyance. "What the fuck are you waiting for?" he shouted at them. "Fix her!"All three medical professionals stood gaping at him, too terrified of the volatile cartel boss to dare touch his woman while he was in the room. Miguel just rolled his eyes, used to Reyes' temper when it came to Casey. Casey l
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Chapter 50
"This was your idea, nena," Reyes reminded her while attempting to disguise the impatience in his voice. She eyed him as though he were about to pounce on her and slowly backed away from him, glancing sideways for escape routes. Sure, it had been her idea, and it had seemed super badass and smart at the time, but now seeing and smelling his burnt flesh was making her seriously rethink the brilliancy of this plan. As soon as she'd pressed the burning hot iron to the skin of his neck, pushing hard to imprint the mark of a male crown into his skin she'd started to have her doubts. He'd stood strong and stoic, never once flinching. Only the tiny ripple of his pectoral muscles, bared for the ceremony, gave away his pain. As soon as enough time had passed she'd dropped the small, intricate iron and stepped away, staring in awe at the mark she'd created."Wh-what about a tattoo for me instead?" she asked, hoping he might go for a compromise, though she really didn't want a tattoo either an
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