All Chapters of The Darkest Hour: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11
Though they had never intended to rely upon the hospitality of the good people of Keln, Callum, Aaron and Lena had a most refreshing evening after their long day on the road. Aaron especially was delighted when the barmaid offered up desert as well "on the house", though Callum remained reserved and solemn throughout. While he and his two friends ate heartily and rested in the best rooms the tavern had to offer, his thoughts were constantly drawn back to Phae and the misery she was likely suffering in some field or wood somewhere, cold and alone.While Aaron and Lena retired for the night, Callum lay for hours on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, mulling over all that had happened and the path that now lay before him. Was Elidor right was there really a major shift in the world of magic? If there was, it certainly explained a lot of things, but where did this leave him? And what of Phae? It couldn't be coincidence surely, that she had run away at such a crucial moment as this?Cal
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Chapter 12
Phae opened her eyes and found that she floated in a world of grey. The mysterious robed figure who had saved her from the awful nightmare still held her by the hand, and led her firmly on towards the sanctuary of Lake Forever.He had promised a great many things when he had first taken her by the hand, and foremost amongst his promises was to take her to the Lake. He said he knew a way to make the pain go away completely. If there was even the slightest truth in what the strange man said, he was worth following, Phae thought to herself, realising as she did that even if she did want to leave him, he wouldn't be letting go of her any time soon. His voice was just so alluring, so captivating, and if his promises weren't enough, the vice-like grip he exerted upon her small hand was far, far stronger than she had strength to escape from. She was, for the time being at least, trapped in his control.He turned and scowled at her as she threatened to lag behind."Come on girl there's not
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Chapter 13
Phae awoke to find herself suspended above the centre of the Lake, hovering precariously above the cold and murky waters. In the distance her captor, the yet unnamed mage, watched her closely from the bank. He grinned wickedly as he saw she had come to her senses.His voice thundered within her head. "Come now child, our first task is now at hand. Do this for me now and your troubles will soon be over."Phae started to tremble. She couldn't feel any of her limbs. "What have you done to me?! Why am I floating here? Put me back on the shore you evil"All of a sudden, she could feel the mage's presence inside her head.Phae screamed. "Hush, hush. That's no way to talk to your saviour and friend, now is it? I'm afraid I had to take control of your body briefly to bring you to your current position, as only you have the power necessary for what I need you to do. Be thankful that I could only use you for a few brief moments, otherwise I might have been tempted to control you completely
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Chapter 14
Callum's eyes snapped open. Something was wrong: very wrong.He had been dozing fitfully by the embers of their small campfire. Just as he thought he might be getting off to sleep a strange feeling of emptiness roused him from his slumber.Across the camp, Lena sat bolt upright. She glanced round the camp until her eyes finally settled on Callum."What on earth was that?""I don't know." Callum's face was etched with concern. "How do you feel?""Strange" Lena replied, "It almost feels as if I'm floating outside of my body, but I'm not I know I'm not. Does that seem strange to you?""It would if I didn't feel the same way myself," Callum said with a frown. "It's almost like a part of me is missing. I can think of no better way to explain it."At the sound of his friends' voices, Aaron strode over from where he had been sitting on watch. "What's all this commotion then you two? What's up?""Well we're not sure," Lena said as he sat down next to her. She reached for his hand. "Yo
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Chapter 15
It didn't take long for them to eat their makeshift breakfast. As soon as they'd gathered their few possessions they set off at pace on towards the Lake, pushing hard despite the protests of their aching legs. While Aaron's sight had been rather worryingly hampered by the recent turn of events, knowing where Phae was headed made things somewhat easier.They continued on for much of the morning until their path brought them to the edge of the forest that marked the Lake's surrounds. As they drew nearer, they saw the first of the withered trees. Lena gasped. "Oh my goodness!""What is it?" Aaron asked."That tree: it's dead!""It's worse than dead," Callum added. "It's like it's had every last ounce of life sucked out of it.""And there's another one behind it look," Lena pointed, "And another. It's a trail!" She gasped and turned to face Callum. "You don't think Phae's responsible for this do you?"Callum struggled to keep a neutral expression. "I don't know," he said. The cold
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Chapter 16
In the long dark of her endless half-sleep, Phae drifted helplessly on her way.The countryside rushed past beneath her feet. Up ahead the dark mage rode swiftly onwards, a long thick piece of rope trailing from his horse back to where she floated behind him, the rope tied with a thick knot round her waist. Wherever it was the dark mage planned to take her next, he sure was in a hurry."Don't look so miserable girl you should count yourself lucky I'm not making you walk!"Phae remained silent. She didn't know what to say. She never knew what to say anymore. She had already learnt that the mage knew her father. Of course, she knew the stories of how her parents had met and had defeated the evil schemes of the dark mage Varrus, but this couldn't beHer thoughts trailed off as up ahead the dark mage allowed his horse to slow and she found herself drifting closer towards him.The dark mage drew to a halt. As he did so, Phae floated past him only to be jerked back by the strong rope.
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Chapter 17
The weeks passed slowly. With each day Phae slipped further from their grasp. They travelled further than they'd ever travelled together as a group before from the first rays of dawn through each day and then well into the night. Fortune favoured them slightly at least on their journey south they made a brief detour back to Keln where Callum borrowed a cart and a pair of horses from the generous village folk. But however hard they pushed, and however far they travelled, Phae still seemed to be slipping away. Her trail was now almost impossible to follow, and with each passing day Aaron found his task that much harder than the day before. They barely spoke as they travelled each member of the party lost in his or her own thoughts as high above them a black spot stained the sky, masking a small part of the sun. They made camp that night just as they always did; Callum wandered off in search of firewood while Aaron arranged their meal and Lena tended to their horses. All of a sudden,
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Chapter 18
Through the long dark of the abyss, the voice of the star-god rushed into the dark emissary's mind."It is time Varrus.""Time for what my Lord?""It is time for you to pave the way for my release; time for you to begin to reap the rewards of your loyal service to me."Varrus felt a surge of power rush through him. Sparks flickered between his fingertips. He could feel the magic inside him begin to grow. But it wasn't a magic of the mortal realm it was a magic far more captivating than that: it was the magic of the void.Varrus sucked in a deep breath."Savour this moment my servant. Become one with the magic I have given you. The final tasks will require every ounce of your being as I ready my escape."Varrus quivered with excitement. "What would you have me do my Lord?"The star-god paused a moment. Varrus waited in eager anticipation for the star-god's final commands."Prepare for battle my servant," the booming voice said at last. "Sow fear among the people of this land.
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Chapter 19
She woke she knew not how many hours or even days later, to find the dark mage not leering over her as he was so often want to do, but instead peering ahead into the distance. The length of rope that bound her waist was clutched tightly in his grip. She followed the direction of his gaze. There, no more than a mile or so from where they stopped, a small village sat atop the crest of a large hill. "This I suppose will be as good a place to start as any," he said finally, turning to examine his prisoner. "Come along my girl there's killing to be done."Phae resisted as best she could but the dark mage was too strong. In a matter of moments, the mage was looking her directly in the eye. "Now my child," he said slowly, "now you must search deep within yourself for that fountain of power your parents knew nothing about. Open yourself to the spring of magic coursing within you. Take it my child take it and mould it. Seize it my child, for today we will reap our revenge upon the old wor
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Chapter 20
Callum stared into the distance through tired, half-closed eyes. He hadn't slept properly for weeks and as their cart trundled tediously on its way he would find his head sagging forward and his eyes threatening to close. But each time they did so, a bump or a jolt would snap him awake and so the cycle would continue. The cold certainly didn't help matters either. Why was it so cold in the middle of summer?He raised his head and stared long and hard at the dark blotch that continued to grow in the sky. It was almost like it was sucking up the energy of the world itself the weather was so strange. He couldn't help but think this all had something to do with PhaeIn the back of the cart, Aaron dozed fitfully. Seated beside him, Lena too stared at the sky. Callum shivered as a particularly biting wind swept across the valley they were driving through. Lena reached behind her and produced a blanket. She put it round him."You really should try and get some rest you know," she sai
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