All Chapters of The League of Rogues: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
311 Chapters
Chapter 11
Emily leaned against the stone wall, shivering as the light breeze chilled her wet skin.She shivered for other reasons too. When Godric had put his hands on her, his mouth on hers, his body on hers, she had lost herself. For a brief few moments she'd forgotten how angry she was and how worried she was about rescuing her crumbling life.There was more to his embrace and kiss than the tender affection she'd witnessed between her parents. No, this was a bonfire, a blaze that drew her in to burn her to ashes. When he kissed her, they were man and woman, not lord and lady.This dangerous game of escape and chase had awakened her most primal instincts of survival. If Cedric hadn't shown up, Godric might have taken her, there on the grassy embankment. The thought made her blush.The men returned with the horses, and she masked her emotions with the expression of innocence she'd mastered during life with her uncle.The thought stopped her cold.What had her uncle done upon discovering h
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Chapter 12
A momentary twinge of guilt had sparked in Godric when he poured laudanum in Emily's brandy. He wanted to trust her, give back her freedom, but she'd run. He couldn't let her go, not until his revenge was complete. Even then, Godric wasn't ready to set his fascinating little captive free. It amused him to see her discovering her own sensuality, though he knew that this did not cast him in an angelic light. He had to persuade Emily to take him, not force himself upon her, and none of it had to do with his revenge on Albert Parr.Once she succumbed to sleep, he called to the other side of the room where his friends were gathered. "Ash, could you help me?""What do you need?" Ashton rose from the table and came over.Godric touched the woman's cheek, her skin was baby soft. "Emily?"She didn't stir.Ashton raised a brow. "Did you give her something?""A little laudanum in her brandy. Please find Mrs. Downing and have her bring a clean change of clothes for Emily and my robe and slip
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Chapter 13
She belongs to me. I will have her.Thomas Blankenship ascended the steps to his townhouse, seething. He knew what that fool Parr was up to. He means to play me against Essex in a secret bidding war. Well, I won't play that game. She's mine.He pounded his fist on the door rather than use the knocker.His wizened butler, Baltus, appeared at the door. "Welcome back, sir."Blankenship only growled and stamped past him into the hall. He shrugged out of his coat and threw it at the footman who waited by the stairs."Bring me brandy in my study, Baltus."The dimly-lit study reflected the remainder of the house. Years of grime coated the windows and fireplace. Dust layered the books on the shelves and ink stains splotched the worn carpet beneath his desk. He had more than enough money to keep his house clean and in good repair, but he rather liked the symbolic decay of his living quarters. It reminded him of his own life, and urged him to fight harder to claim what he desired. Emily Pa
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Chapter 14
Only a tiny beam of light cut through the keyhole of the heavy wood armoire.Emily tried to remain absolutely still, focusing on the noises of the manor. Several minutes later, the door opened and Godric entered, followed by Blankenship and the magistrate. Emily bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. Her uncle's business partner moved through the room, studying it. She held her breath, terrified he would hear her panicked gasps for air. Finally the inspection of the room was over and the men departed. She sagged against Lucien in relief."Christ, that was close," Lucien muttered. "But they might be back. Keep still."After a quarter of an hour, Godric and Ashton's voices grew louder out in the hall. Lucien loosened his grip on Emily as the armoire door swung open. Ashton and Godric stared at the pair for a second before Godric snatched her out of Lucien's lap and tossed her over his shoulder. Sadly, she was getting used to the treatment. It was easier for him to carry her about whene
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Chapter 15
"But I don't know the first thing about kissing." Until now, she'd just enjoyed the rush of sensations he thrust upon her, contributing nothing, only taking. But it was improper to talk so openly of physical intimacy.Godric just smiled, a gentle twist at the corners of his mouth. "With enough practice you'll learn. A few minutes with me as a tutor and you will be a master." His grip tightened, as though their talk had excited him."One kiss? You won't demand anything more of me?""One kiss, but you won't get away with a saintly peck on the cheek, Emily. I demand a real kiss.""Demand?""Request," he amended."Request or you'll deny me my book? Still sounds like a demand.""God's blood, woman, you are trying my patience." He seemed to be suppressing a smile.Could she accept a devil's bargain? Godric's kisses robbed her of rationality. But if she didn't prove she could best him, even at a kiss, then he would win. But this question transcended a game. Kissing him was a dare she
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Chapter 16
Godric stormed into the boxing room where Charles and Cedric had gathered to engage in a bit of pugilism. Charles, an expert boxer, loved to go a few rounds in the ring when in London. Of course, the rings Charles often found himself in were often less than reputable. Though he spent hours training at Jackson's Salon, he preferred the rougher rings, in which he proved himself.Cedric danced back as Charles attacked. "Godric? You look murderous.""The little brat twisting your trousers?" Charles joked as he swung a loose punch in Cedric's direction, missing by several inches.Godric tore off his waistcoat and started to roll up his sleeves. He nodded to Cedric who left the lined ring in the corner of the large leisure room."Shut up and fight me, Charles."Charles smirked, always ready to throw punches in Godric's direction when the occasion arose.They had only been at it for a few minutes when Ashton and Lucien walked in, both visibly upset. Lucien looked nervous while coldness
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Chapter 17
Ready to return to her room after dinner, Emily rose from her chair. "Do I have your permission to retire, Your Grace?"Godric caught her by her right arm, tugging her right onto his lap. She ought to have struggled, she knew that, but she found it nearly impossible to summon any will to get away. It seemed her heart had finally decided to fight against her head."Will you stay in your room as you promised?""I promise I won't escape tonight." She tried to remove herself from his lap. "I gave my word."He grunted softly and grabbed her by the back of the neck, bringing her mouth towards his. He kissed her deeply, almost primitively, with a harsh penetration of his tongue. Her body melted against his fire.Ashton cleared his throat.Emily wrenched her face away, embarrassed he would treat her like this in front of the others. She tried to slap Godric, but he caught her hand."I've had enough bruises for one day. I won't let you slap me. Remember that, Emily.""I am not a fast la
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Chapter 18
Godric was having the most wonderful dream. Emily lay curled up in his arms, finding warmth and protection from her nightmares. He had rarely slept with his former mistress, Evangeline. While she was a wicked temptress in bed, she was an awful partner to lie next to at night. She kicked, snored and stole the covers too frequently for him to enjoy the experience.His dream was too real and perfect. There was nothing carnal about the act, only the comfort of Emily's body entwined with his. Her face was pressed into the groove between his throat and chest, her body halfway on top of him, lounging asleep with that feline grace only women possessed.The coils of her hair were a russet waterfall against the pillow, and sunlight slid down the waves in enticing patterns. One of his arms curled around her waist, keeping her close. In this world Emily was his. She belonged to no one else, and he didn't have to share her with the world.Unfortunately, Emily didn't want to belong to him. Why di
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Chapter 19
Godric allowed Emily to slip into her own room. He shut his door to offer some privacy.Even though he had not found his own release, there existed pleasure in knowing he had been the first man to touch Emily in that fashion. It put a spring in his step as he dressed for the day and made his way down to the breakfast room. He caught Simkins in the hallway and gave him instructions to send a maid to Emily."I trust Miss Parr is well?"Godric didn't miss the concern in the elderly butler's face. "Yes, she is well. I take it you heard her cry out last night. Well, be at ease Simkins. The lady is fine.""That is good, Your Grace. I trust nothing shall make Miss Parr angry or scared enough to call out in such a fashion again." A soft admonishment hid behind the butler's tone. Only Simkins could take that tone with him."I can't promise she won't call out again. Her temper and independence make her a feisty creature. Tell the servants they mustn't go to her, except for Libba who will se
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Chapter 20
The day was exceedingly fine with sunny skies and a light breeze. Emily leaned down to let the knee-high silky grass brush under her palms. Cedric and Charles walked on either side of her, carrying on a conversation while Emily listened. Penelope, not tethered by a leash, moved about several yards ahead. The small puppy worked to jump through grass, a good five inches above her head. Emily smiled at the pup's black nose trained to the ground. She sniffed and then bounded over the grass only to resume sniffing again."So then," said Cedric, "I said to the sheikh, 'Bet you eight hundred pounds I can win this hand,' and the sheikh, the haughty bastard, replied, 'Let us make the wager on something more valuable. How would a pair of Arabian mares suit you?' And I told him I would accept that wager.""Are these the mares you mean to breed with Anne Chessley's stallion?""The very pair!" Cedric laughed."You won the horses from the sheikh then?" Emily asked in amazement. "Wasn't he angry?
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